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1. A predator's ability to suppress its prey depends on the level of interference among predators. While interference typically decreases with increasing habitat complexity, it often increases with increasing size differences among individuals. However, little is known about how variation in intrinsic factors such as population size structure alters predator–prey interactions and how this intrinsic variation interacts with extrinsic variation. 2. By experimentally varying the level of vegetation cover and the size structure of the predatory damselfly Ischnura posita Hagen, we examined the individual and interactive effects of variation in habitat complexity and predator size structure on prey mortality. 3. Copepod prey survival linearly increased as the I. posita size ratio decreased and differed by up to 31% among different predator size structures. Size classes had an additive effect on prey survival, most likely because intraspecific aggression appeared size‐independent and size classes differed in microhabitat preference: large I. posita spent 14% more time foraging on the floor than small larvae and spent more time in the vegetation with increasing habitat complexity. Despite this difference in microhabitat use among size classes, habitat structure did not influence predation rates or interference among size classes. 4. In general, results suggest that seasonal and spatial variation in the size structure of populations could drive some of the discrepancies in predator‐mediated prey suppression observed in nature, and this variation could exceed the effects of variation in habitat structure.  相似文献   
The Hauterivian community of Nathorstiana and Hausmannia and the Barremian community of Weichselia, Stiehleria, Matonidium and Phlebopteris are interpreted as river-shore communities under maritime influence. A reconstruction of Weichselia reticulata is presented, in which the pronounced dimorphism of the fronds raises problems which cannot be interpreted in terms of normal Recent xeromorphic ferns.  相似文献   
Potassium Fluxes in Excised Barley Roots   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
The method of the modified compartmental analysis for excisedroots has been adopted for measuring K+-fluxes and compartmentationin barley (Hordeum distichon) roots. Efflux of 42K and 86Rbindicated that more than two intracellular compartments wereinvolved in the tracer exchange; the 42K data clearly showedthe components. On the basis of the efflux behaviour of theapical and more basal tissues of the roots, the three componentsof efflux were attributed to the cytoplasm of differentiated(fast) and meristematic tissues (intermediate) and to the vacuoles(slow exchange) of the roots. A model is proposed on the basisof which, the fluxes corresponding to the meristematic and differentiatedtissues of the root can be estimated. Additionally, fluxes ofthe differentiated root tissues were determined by using effluxdata obtained with root segments without apical tissues. Thedata obtained in both ways compare reasonably well and agreeto independent chemical measurements. Comparison of the 42K and 86Rb efflux data show strong discriminationof K in favour of Rb+ and indicate that 86Rb is not suitableas a tracer for K+ in efflux measurements, at least with barleyroots.  相似文献   
The chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of the fertilized egg allows grafting of human melanomas for short‐term investigations and offers the opportunity to investigate the behavior of metastasizing cells and the release of S100β into peripheral blood. Tissue from one primary melanoma as well as cutaneous and subcutaneous metastases of 10 melanoma patients with elevated levels of S100 in the peripheral blood before surgery were transplanted onto the CAM of chick embryos at day 5/6 of development. Grafts were nourished by the host blood supply 2 days after transplantation. Histologically, 3 days after grafting, metastasizing melanoma cells could be found near the vessels of the host membrane, penetrating the endothelial layer and entering the blood system. Growth conditions remained stable for 6 days after transplantation. Blood samples were taken from a larger CAM vessel before collecting the xenografts 5 days after grafting. Measurement of human S100 in peripheral blood was performed in a blinded manner. No negative control showed elevated levels of human S100 protein. Samples deriving from melanoma xenografts contained highly elevated levels of S100 protein in 80% of cases. The data strongly support the concept of graft–host interaction concerning adherence of tumors and extravasation of human melanoma cells.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Presporogonic (blood) stages of Sphaerospora epinepheli Supamattaya, Fischer-Scherl. Hoffmann, Boonyaratpalin, 1990 were observed in the circulating blood, sinus of kidney, glomerurar capillaries and liver arteries of grouper Epinephelus malabaricus. the earliest detectable stage was a primary cell with one secondary cell. After cell divisions, nine to 16 secondary cells were found in one primary cell. Ultrastructural examination revealed electron-dense bodies (118-145 nm) in the cytoplasm of primary cells. Sporogonic stages and spores were located in Bowman's space and in kidney tubule lumens. Electron micrographs revealed a similar pattern of spore development as described from other Sphaerospora spp. Kidneys infected with S. epinepheli showed highly vacuolated tubular epithelial cells and severely affected renal corpuscles.  相似文献   
Prepivoting to reduce level error of confidence sets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BERAN  RUDOLF 《Biometrika》1987,74(3):457-468
The particular aim of the review on some basic facets of the mechanism of Na+/K(+)-transporting ATPase (Na/K-ATPase) has been to integrate the experimental findings concerning the Na(+)- and K(+)-elicited protein conformation changes and transphosphorylations into the perspective of an allosterically regulated, phosphoryl energy transferring enzyme. This has led the authors to the following summarizing evaluations. 1. The currently dominating hypothesis on a link between protein conformation changes ('E1 in equilibrium with E2') and Na+/K+ transport (the 'Albers-Post scheme') has been constructed from a variety of partial reactions and elementary steps, which, however, do not all unequivocally support the hypothesis. 2. The Na(+)- and K(+)-elicited protein conformation changes are inducible by a variety of other ligands and modulatory factors and therefore cannot be accepted as evidence for their direct participation in effecting cation translocation. 3. There is no evidence that the 'E1 in equilibrium with E2' protein conformation changes are moving Na+ and K+ across the plasma membrane. 4. The allosterically caused ER in equilibrium with ET ('E1 in equilibrium with E2') conformer transitions and the associated cation 'occlusion' in equilibrium with 'de-occlusion' processes regulate the actual catalytic power of an enzyme ensemble. 5. A host of experimental variables determines the proportion of functionally competent ER enzyme conformers and incompetent ET conformers so that any enzyme population, even at the start of a reaction, consists of an unknown mixture of these conformers. These circumstances account for the occurrence of contradictory observations and apparent failures in their comparability. 6. The modelling of the mechanism of the Na/K-ATPase and Na+/K+ pump from the results of reductionistically designed experiments requires the careful consideration of the physiological boundary conditions. 7. Na+ and K+ ligandation of Na/K-ATPase controls the geometry and chemical reactivity of the catalytic centre in the cycle of E1 in equilibrium with E2 state conversions. This is possibly effected by hinge-bending, concerted motions of three adjacent, intracellularly exposed peptide sequences, which shape open and closed forms of the catalytic centre in lock-and-key responses. 8. The Na(+)-dependent enzyme phosphorylation with ATP and the K(+)-dependent hydrolysis of the phosphoenzyme formed are integral steps in the transport mechanism of Na/K-ATPase, but the translocations of Na+ and K+ do not occur via a phosphate-cation symport mechanism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Efflux of different solutes from leaf slices of Kalanchoëdaigremontiana and from slices of the onion bulb scale was reinvestigatedwith respect to (1) dependence on turgor, (2) selectivity, (3)integrity of protoplasts and cellular changes. In both materials efflux of solutes (electrolytes or sugars)is non-selective and strongly dependent on turgor. Treatmentof tissue slices with hypotonic solutions (below a criticalosmotic pressure) resulted in high leakage rates, an increasein free space and an increased number of damaged cells. Lowconcentrations of calcium did not prevent this loss of retentionand cell stability. Part of the surviving cells were found to have a strongly decreasedosmotic pressure of cell sap. Leakage did not occur simultaneouslyat all cells of the tissue slice. It can be concluded that effluxfrom parenchyma cells in hypotonic solutions results from irreversibleosmotic breakdown and reversible membrane defects both favouredby high turgor. Key words: Parenchyma cells, Allium cepa, Kalanchoé daigremontiana, Solute efflux, Viability, Permeability, Plasmoptysis  相似文献   
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