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目的:对比探讨经伤椎椎弓根置钉椎体内植骨与常规跨伤椎后路复位内固定对胸腰椎骨折的治疗方法及效果.方法:选取我院近期确诊收治的66名胸腰椎骨折患者分为两组,其中实验组36名经伤椎椎弓根置钉椎体内植骨,对照组30名行常规跨伤椎后路复位内固定,随访期间对比两组患者的临床疗效(优良率),手术时间、术中血量、伤椎前高压缩比、Cobb角、椎管侵占率等 临床指标,及Frankel分级变化.结果:治疗后,所有患者的Frankel分级及生活质量均优于治疗前(P<0.05),而两组间相比,实验组的临床疗效及指标均优于对照组(P<0.05).结论:经伤椎椎弓根置钉椎体内植骨治疗胸腰椎骨折,符合生物力学特征,可有效改善患者的临床症状及体征,且安全性高,值得推广.  相似文献   
以甘薯(1pomoeabatatas(L.)Lam.)品种栗子香的胚性悬浮细胞为受体材料,用根癌农杆菌介导法,获得了表达除草剂抗性基因bar基因的转HSl基因甘薯植株。共计380个遗传转化的胚性细胞团,在添加2mg/L2.4-D、100mg/L Carb和10mg/L Glu(glufosinate)的固体Ms培养基上选择培养9周后,得到了12个Glu抗性愈伤组织。将这些抗性愈伤组织转移到添加1mg/L ABA、100mg/L羧苄青霉素和10mg/L Glu的固体MS培养基上,其中的3个抗性愈伤组织再生出拟转基因植株。PCR鉴定它们为转基因植株。Southern blot分析表明,HS1基因已整合到基因组中。转基因植株具有稳定的除草剂抗性。结薯观察实验结果表明,转基因植株结薯正常。  相似文献   
丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV)是引起非甲非乙型肝炎的主要病原因子。被HCV感染的病例中 ,超过 5 0 %以上会引起持续性感染、慢性肝炎 ,最终可能引起肝硬化和肝细胞癌[1] 。HCV严重威胁人类健康 ,但目前对丙肝患者尚缺乏有效的治疗手段 ,因此 ,严格把好血源关 ,提高对丙肝患者检出的灵敏度 ,是阻止丙肝血源传播的有效手段。丙型肝炎病毒基因组为单股正链RNA ,核苷酸长约 9.5kb ,仅含一个开放阅读框 ,翻译成一个大的聚蛋白前体 ,由宿主细胞信号肽酶和病毒蛋白酶加工成多个成熟蛋白。其中非结构蛋白NS3分子量为 70kD ,有丝氨酸蛋白酶…  相似文献   
Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified many genetic variants underlying complex traits. Many detected genetic loci harbor variants that associate with multiple—even distinct—traits. Most current analysis approaches focus on single traits, even though the final results from multiple traits are evaluated together. Such approaches miss the opportunity to systemically integrate the phenome-wide data available for genetic association analysis. In this study, we propose a general approach that can integrate association evidence from summary statistics of multiple traits, either correlated, independent, continuous, or binary traits, which might come from the same or different studies. We allow for trait heterogeneity effects. Population structure and cryptic relatedness can also be controlled. Our simulations suggest that the proposed method has improved statistical power over single-trait analysis in most of the cases we studied. We applied our method to the Continental Origins and Genetic Epidemiology Network (COGENT) African ancestry samples for three blood pressure traits and identified four loci (CHIC2, HOXA-EVX1, IGFBP1/IGFBP3, and CDH17; p < 5.0 × 10−8) associated with hypertension-related traits that were missed by a single-trait analysis in the original report. Six additional loci with suggestive association evidence (p < 5.0 × 10−7) were also observed, including CACNA1D and WNT3. Our study strongly suggests that analyzing multiple phenotypes can improve statistical power and that such analysis can be executed with the summary statistics from GWASs. Our method also provides a way to study a cross phenotype (CP) association by using summary statistics from GWASs of multiple phenotypes.  相似文献   
Tobacco viruses transmitted by green peach aphids, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), cause severe disease in flue‐cured tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum L. (Solanaceae), in China and throughout the world. Field experiments were conducted in 2016 and 2017 in Longyan City, Fujian Province, China, to determine whether M. persicae and aphid‐transmitted virus diseases are affected by intercropping of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae), in tobacco fields. The results showed that, compared with those in monocultured fields, the densities of M. persicae and winged aphids in intercropped fields significantly decreased in both 2016 and 2017. In particular, the appearance of winged aphids was delayed by ca. 7 days. Moreover, the densities of Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), a parasitoid of the aphid, significantly increased in 2016 and 2017. Accordingly, the incidence rates of aphid‐transmitted virus diseases (those caused by the cucumber mosaic virus, potato virus Y, and tobacco etch virus) significantly decreased in the intercropped fields in 2016 and 2017. Tobacco yields and monetary value significantly increased in 2016 (by 10–25 and 14–29%, respectively) and 2017 (by 17–22 and 22–34%, respectively). Consequently, our results suggest that intercropping oilseed rape in tobacco fields is a good approach to regulating and controlling aphids and tobacco mosaic viruses, for example potyvirus, and this intercropping can help control aphid‐transmitted virus diseases in tobacco.  相似文献   
响应面分析法优化(R)-扁桃酸发酵培养基   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用响应面分析法对Bacillussp.HB20菌株合成(R)-扁桃酸的培养基成分进行优化。首先利用Plackett-Burman试验设计筛选出影响(R)-扁桃酸产率的三个主要因素:麦芽糖、蛋白胨和牛肉膏。在此基础上用最陡爬坡路径逼近最大响应区域,再利用Box-Behnken试验设计及响应面分析法进行回归分析。结果表明,麦芽糖、蛋白胨和牛肉膏浓度与(R)-扁桃酸产率存在显著的相关性,通过求解回归方程得到最佳质量浓度:蛋白胨11.507g/L,牛肉膏6.708g/L,麦芽糖10.907g/L,(R)-扁桃酸产率理论最大值达到66.87%。经模型验证,预测值与验证试验平均值接近,在优化条件下(R)-扁桃酸产率提高了25.87%。  相似文献   
木槿与野西瓜苗花特征和繁育系统的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为比较分析柱头裂片运动的野西瓜苗和不运动的木槿在花特征和繁育系统上的差异,对其花性状、花粉/胚珠比和不同授粉处理的座果率进行了测定。结果表明:(1)木槿与野西瓜苗在花冠大小、花瓣长及底宽、花萼长与宽、雄蕊长、最上轮雄蕊高度、雄蕊柱长及其底径、花柱长度和雌雄异位间均存在十分显著的差异(P<0.01),但二者的最下轮雄蕊高度间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(2)木槿的花粉/胚珠比为874.90±20.79,繁育系统属兼性异交类型;野西瓜苗的花粉/胚珠比为24.72±0.68,繁育系统属专性自交类型。(3)木槿自然套袋的座果率为0%,人工自交为2.04%,人工杂交为35.85%;野西瓜苗自动自交和人工自交的座果率均为100%,人工杂交为95.30%。木槿与野西瓜苗在花性状、花粉/胚珠比及花部行为等方面形成了与其繁育系统(兼性异交vs.专性自交)相适应的花特征。  相似文献   
目的:观察具有免疫调节作用的市售左旋咪唑、西米替丁、伐地那非作为甲型流感病毒核蛋白(NP)与基质蛋白2胞外区多肽(M2e)融合蛋白NM2e亚单位疫苗佐剂的可能性。方法:将左旋咪唑、西米替丁、伐地那非单独或者分别与Al(OH)3配伍作为NM2e蛋白佐剂,经肌肉注射免疫BALB/c小鼠,通过体液和细胞免疫检测及病毒攻击实验研究这些免疫调节剂作为疫苗佐剂的可能性。结果:左旋咪唑对NM2e蛋白亚单位疫苗无明显的佐剂效应,但与铝佐剂合用可使攻毒后存活小鼠体重恢复加快;西米替丁可以明显提高NM2e蛋白诱发的特异性IgG2a滴度,提高攻毒后小鼠的存活率(30%),但保护效果明显低于铝佐剂(70%),与铝佐剂无明显的协同作用;伐地那非能明显增加NM2e蛋白诱发的特异性IgG1、IgG2a滴度,提高攻毒后小鼠的存活率(36%),但与铝佐剂合用有相互抑制作用。结论:左旋咪唑、西米替丁、伐地那非对NM2e蛋白均有一定的免疫调节作用,其中西米替丁和伐地那非能提高攻毒保护效果,但保护效果明显低于Al(OH)3,与Al(OH)3联合使用均无协同作用。  相似文献   
佛洞地遗址位于云南省临沧市耿马傣族佤族自治县勐简乡勐简村大军赛村民小组燕子洞,坐落于一处东南开口的二叠纪灰岩穿洞,南临南汀河。2016~2017年,临沧市文物管理所在公路考古调勘期间发现该遗址;为进一步认识滇西地区旧石器时代晚期文化,2017~2018年对该遗址开展考古发掘工作。发掘区域位于洞内第四台面到第五台面间,共发掘20 m2,出土了包括石制品、动植物化石等在内的大量遗物。初步地层年代学分析显示,遗址时代为距今18400~14000年,共包含3期连续文化,文化遗物以石制品为主,总数达到9735件。佛洞地遗址作为一处热带-亚热带生境下的史前遗址,为我们构建旧石器时代晚期滇西地区文化序列、探讨特定自然生态背景下史前人类的文化适应提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
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