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1 Attack by shoot borers (Hypsipyla grandella Zeller) is the main factor limiting the cultivation of Cedrela odorata and Swietenia macrophylla, two economically important members of the mahogany family. No viable methods of pest control are currently available. To assess for genetic variation in susceptibility to pest attack, a combined progeny/provenance test of C. odorata and a provenance test of S. macrophylla were established separately at CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, and assessed intensively over an 84-week period. 2 Variation in height growth between provenances was highly significant in both species, provenance means varying by a factor of 2.7 and 1.2 in C. odorata and S. macrophylla, respectively. Cedrela odorata also displayed provenance variation in foliar phenology, as 94.7% of the trees from a ‘wet zone’ provenance remained foliated, whereas > 35% of trees from three ‘dry zone’ provenances abscised their leaves during the dry season. 3 Both species displayed significant genetic variation in susceptibility to shoot borer attack. At the peak of attack during the second year of growth, the effect of provenance was highly significant in both species, the mean number of attacks per tree varying between 0.8–2.4 and 0.6–1.3 in different provenances of C. odorata and S. macrophylla, respectively. A provenance of C. odorata from San Carlos, Costa Rica, displayed consistently lower susceptibility to pest attack, being subjected to fewer attacks during the first year and demonstrating a higher mean height to first point of damage. 4 The nitrogen, total tannin and proanthocyanidin concentration of foliage varied significantly between C. odorata provenances: nitrogen concentration was significantly lower and tannin and proanthocyanidin contents were significantly higher in trees from the San Carlos provenance, Costa Rica. This study therefore suggests that proanthocyanidins may reduce susceptibility of C. odorata to H. grandella, at least during the early period of growth. 5 These results provide support for the development of plant resistance as a strategy for managing shoot borers. In particular, there may be scope for selecting for high foliar proanthocyanidin content and the ability to tolerate attack by vigorous apical growth.  相似文献   
Acute hormone responses of growth hormone (GH), total and free testosterone (TT and FT) and cortisol (C) to heavy resistance isometric exercise were examined in ten young men [YM 26.5 (SD 4.8) years] and ten old men [OM 70.0 (SD 3.7) years]. Loading conditions of the same relative intensity were created for the lower and upper extremity actions separately as well as for both of them together – lower extremity exercise (LE; knee extension), upper extremity exercise (UE; bench press extension), and lower and upper extremity exercise (LUE) performed simultaneously in a seated position. Single voluntary maximal isometric actions lasting for 5 s were performed repeatedly for ten repetitions (with a recovery of 5 s) for a total of four sets. The recovery time between the sets was 1 min. Each exercise led to large acute decreases in maximal isometric force in both YM (P < 0.001) and OM (P < 0.001) ranging from 41% to 26% with no significant differences between the groups. Serum GH concentrations increased in both YM (P < 0.05–0.01) and OM (P < 0.05) but the postexercise value in YM during LE was greater (P < 0.05) than for OM. The TT increased (P < 0.01–0.001) in YM in all three exercises, while in OM the increase occurred only during LE (P < 0.01). The exercises led to increases in FT in YM (P < 0.05 for LE and LUE), while in OM the increase occurred only during LUE (P < 0.05). The pre and postexercise FT were greater in YM (P < 0.001) than in OM. No significant changes occurred in C either in YM or in OM. The blood lactate concentrations increased during the exercises in both YM (P < 0.001) and OM (P < 0.05–0.001) but the postexercise values during LE and LUE in YM were greater (P < 0.05) than in OM. The present data would indicate that the responses of GH, TT and FT to heavy resistance isometric exercise are lowered with increasing age. The reduced acute hormone response together with the lowered basal values in FT in the older men compared to the young men may indicate decreased anabolic effects on muscles and may explain in part the loss of muscle mass and strength associated with aging. Accepted: 18 August 1997  相似文献   
In order to increase the efficiency of use of automated DNA synthesizers (i.e. the number of oligomers prepared per day), we have devised and prepared novel phosphoramidite reagents that contain a linking group which, while stable under the normal synthesis conditions, is cleaved under basic conditions. When one of these linkers is introduced at the desired position in the synthesis of an oligonucleotide, subsequent detritylation enables the synthesis of a second oligonucleotides sequence upon the first. During deprotection of the oligonucleotide with ammonium hydroxide, the chain is cleaved at either side of the points of introduction of the novel reagent, generating two oligonucleotides free in solution. These reagents are of particular use in applications where oligomers are used in pairs (such as PCR, chemical synthesis of genes etc.) and means that an automated synthesis facility can be used more efficiently, without the need for operator intervention, after the working day is over.  相似文献   
Large turves from a ryegrass/white clover based pasture wereexposed to 350 or 700 µl l-1 CO2 for a period of 217 din controlled environment rooms. The temperature was increasedduring the experiment from 10/4 °C day/night to 16/10 °Cand finally to 22/16 °C. The turves were cut to a heightof 2 cm at intervals and growth rates calculated from the regrowth. Growth rates over the duration of the experiment were 8% higherat elevated CO2; the difference between CO2 treatments beingstatistically significant only at the highest temperature. Speciescomposition of the turves at 350 µl l-1 CO2 showed seasonalchanges similar to those measured in the field. The effect ofCO2 was to exaggerate the normal decline of ryegrass at warmertemperatures and increase the proportion of white clover. About30% of the total growth rate was from other species (notablyBromus hordeaceus L. and Poa trivialis L.) and this fractionwas similar between CO2 levels. Root mass was measured at theend of the experiment and was 50% higher at elevated CO2. The modest above-ground response to CO2 was a result of CO2stimulation occurring only at the higher temperature. Becauseof the CO2 x temperature interaction, the effect of CO2 in temperateregions will be seasonal. When this is matched with seasonalgrowth patterns of herbage species, a complex response of pasturecommunities to CO2 is possible. In our case, white clover wasgrowing most strongly during the period of greatest CO2 stimulationand consequently its growth was enhanced more than that of ryegrass;however, the cooler season growth of ryegrass gives it a temporalniche which is little affected by CO2 and this may be importantfor ryegrass stability if it is an inherently poor responderto CO2. The results indicate that for temperate species theeffects of competition at elevated CO2 cannot be easily determinedfrom experiments conducted at a single temperature.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press CO2 enrichment, seasonal growth, species composition, turves, Trifolium repens L., Lolium perenne L., climate change  相似文献   
Three microsatellites and five restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) have been detected at loci DXS275, DXS97, DXS11 and DXS100. All of the reported polymorphisms are in linkage equilibrium with existing polymorphisms at these loci. However, two RFLPs at DXS275 and two at DXS97 appear to be in linkage disequilibrium with each other. Increased informativity at these loci have enabled exclusion of Xq22-q25 as a candidate region for X-linked spina bifida and anencephaly, and should aid in the mapping of other genes in the region.  相似文献   
Despite the economic importance of mahoganies (Meliaceae) little is known of the pattern of genetic variation within this family of tropical trees. We describe the application of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based polymorphic DNA assay procedure random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) to assess the extent of genetic variation between eight mahogany species from four genera. Pronounced genetic differentiation was found between the species and genera. There was a clear separation of Cedrela odorata from the other species, with 95% of the variable amplification products differing, whereas Lovoa trichilioides, Khaya spp. and Swietenia spp. were more closely grouped. These results are consistent with the current taxonomic viewpoint. A number of markers were found to be diagnostic for particular species, which could be of value in determining the status of putative hybrids. The application of RAPDs to the study of genetic variation in mahoganies is discussed in the context of developing genetic conservation and improvement strategies for these species.  相似文献   
The social organization of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus, Colobinae) was studied in Kanha Tiger Reserve, Central Indian Highlands between 1980 and 1983, followed by six brief return visits over ten years. Censuses of the 7 km2 Kanha meadows demonstrated little change in population density and structure between 1982 and 1990; the population was consistently composed of one-male troops and all-male bands. During the return visits the focal C troop extended its known 74.5 ha range by only 5.6%. By 1993 two identified, habituated, adult females remained within the troop. The adult male was resident in C troop for ≥nine years and eight months.  相似文献   
This study was designed to determine the impact of protein malnutrition during early pregnancy on fetal and placental growth and on the protein synthesis capacity of placental and endometrial tissues. Twelve crossbred sows received 1.8 kg/d of a control (13% protein) or protein-restricted (0.5% protein) diet from the day of breeding to Day 63 of pregnancy, when dissections were performed on each conceptus unit. The de novo protein synthetic rate of placental and endometrial explants was measured using (35)S-methionine. These proteins and the proteins from amniotic and allantoic fluids were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Placental weight was significantly reduced in the sows fed the restricted diet, with a tendency for decreased fetal weight as well. No differences were found due to dietary treatment in de novo protein synthesis or in the electrophoretic patterns of secreted proteins of the placenta or endometrium. The apparent quantity of 3 proteins in the allantoic fluid of the restricted diet fetuses decreased, while 1 protein increased in comparison with that of the control fetuses. These data suggest that protein malnutrition in early pregnancy decreases placental growth, thereby decreasing both fetal growth and the opportunity for compensatory growth upon nutritional rehabilitation.  相似文献   
Operon Coordination in Different Bacterial Hosts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Coordination of gene expression in the lac operon was compared in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium as an approach to detecting possible differences in protein synthesis or membrane structure between organisms. Either a wild-type F' lac pro(AB) episome or the same episome with a polar mutation in one of the lac genes was introduced into pro(-) derivatives of the two strains of bacteria. Activity assays showed that the beta-galactosidase levels were only slightly lower in the S. typhimurium cells than in E. coli cells, whereas the transacetylase levels were significantly higher in S. typhimurium for all of the lac markers tested. Galactoside transport activities were always comparable in the two strains of bacteria; this latter result indicates that the cell envelopes of E. coli and S. typhimurium do not differ sufficiently to affect the membrane-associated lac transport system. It was found, however, that the specific transport activity is very sensitive to culture age in both bacteria, and decreases rapidly in cultures past the mid-exponential phase of growth.  相似文献   
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