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Summary. Two hundred and eighty-two alloantisera were submitted by 20 participating laboratories from 13 countries and tested against lymphocytes of 1298 cattle. The cell panel consisted of samples from 38 Bos taurus breeds, 11 Bos taurus crossbreeds, 4 Bos indicus breeds, 6 Bos taurus X Bos indicus , and a variety of other crossbred populations. Using a standardized lymphocytotoxicity test, all 17 previously identified BoLA specificities were confirmed. The workshop produced agreement on 16 new lymphocyte alloantigenic specificities. Three of the new specificities behaved as splits of previously identified BoLA specificities. Four of the new specificities behaved as alleles at the agreed BoLA-A locus. Seven new specificities are tentatively assigned to the BoLA-A locus but require further definition. Two new specificities may represent products of a second closely-linked BoLA locus.  相似文献   
Influence of myxomatosis in regulating Rabbit numbers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Polyembryonic parasitoid wasps in the family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera) have evolved a caste system consisting of morphologically and functionally distinct larvae called soldiers and reproductives. 2. Two selective pressures are thought to underlie the evolution of the soldier caste: defence against competitors and resolution of the sex ratio conflict. Previous studies also indicate that soldier development time strongly affects the outcome of intra‐specific competition in the polyembryonic encyrtid Copidosoma floridanum Ashmead. This study builds on prior findings by showing that alleles of the metabolic enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi) differentially affect soldier development time and the outcome of competition. 3. Soldier larvae with the Pgi alleles 100 or 120 emerged on average 65 h post‐parasitism, whereas soldier larvae with a third allele, 54, emerged at 67 h. In turn, C. floridanum broods homozygous for the 100 and 120 alleles outcompete broods homozygous for the 54 allele. 4. Pgi allelic diversity may be maintained through a life‐history trade‐off affecting female brood sizes with homozygous broods bearing the developmentally disadvantageous 54 allele producing more adult females than broods bearing alternate common alleles.  相似文献   
Gonads were most commonly reduced in October and fullest inMar-Jun with more pronounced seasonal differences in the estuarythan in the firth. Brood-pouches accordingly were fullest inspring-early summer and emptiest in autumn-early winter. Eggsand early embryos predominated in brood-pouches of early springbut were few in Aug-Oct whereas well-developed juveniles werefew in early spring, increased in spring-summer and came topredominate in Jun-Nov. Brood-pouch loads varied with size offemale but, for a standard 10 mm female, were significantlylower in the 2 estuarine sites than in the firth. Changes inmean brood-pouch count varied only 2.5-fold during the yearin the firth but 4.10-fold in the estuary. In vitro development of eggs to shelled juveniles with the velumresorbed took some 68 d at 10°C and 32%. Eggs and late brood-pouchjuveniles were significantly heavier in the estuary than inthe firth (dry weight, ash-free dry weight (AFDW), ash weight).AFDW changed little during development while ash weight (mostlyshell) increased 3.5-4.4-fold. In a laboratory tide tank, femalesreleased 60 d means of <1.3 juveniles d–1; more inmid- and late year than in Jan-Mar, more from upshore firthfemales than from low shore or estuary females, more when heldat high tide-tank levels than at lower levels, and generallyat rates comparable to release in containers held at the siteof origin. Egg production in laboratory females did not keeppace with release of young and, at the end of trials, brood-pouchcounts were mostly lower than in contemporary free winkles.Females that had released most (e.g. at high tank levels) containedleast brood-pouch embryos and young subsequently. Release of young in the tide tank was markedly faster at timesnear new moon (often reaching or exceeding 2 female–1d–1) than near full moon (often <1 female–1 d–1).This lunar fluctuation was clearest in fast-releasing sets heldat high- or mid-tide tank levels. It was not observed in Jan-Mar(when release from most females was slow) nor in females atlow tank levels. (Received 3 September 1990; accepted 8 November 1990)  相似文献   
Climate change may dramatically affect the distribution and abundance of organisms. With the world's population size expected to increase significantly during the next 100 years, we need to know how climate change might impact our food production systems. In particular, we need estimates of how future climate might alter the distribution of agricultural pests. We used the climate projections from two general circulation models (GCMs) of global climate, the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis GCM (CGCM2) and the Hadley Centre model (HadCM3), for the A2 and B2 scenarios from the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios in conjunction with a previously published bioclimatic envelope model (BEM) to predict the potential changes in distribution and abundance of the swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii, in North America. The BEM in conjunction with either GCM predicted that C. nasturtii would spread from its current initial invasion in southern Ontario and northwestern New York State into the Canadian prairies, northern Canada, and midwestern United States, but the magnitude of risk depended strongly on the GCM and the scenario used. When the CGCM2 projections were used, the BEM predicted an extensive shift in the location of the midges' climatic envelope through most of Ontario, Quebec, and the maritime and prairie provinces by the 2080s. In the United States, C. nasturtii was predicted to spread to all the Great Lake states, into midwestern states as far south as Colorado, and west into Washington State. When the HadCM3 was applied, southern Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Washington State were not as favourable for C. nasturtii by the 2080s. Indeed, when used with the HadCM3 climate projections, the BEM predicted the virtual disappearance of ‘very favourable’ regions for C. nasturtii. The CGCM2 projections generally caused the BEM to predict a small increase in the mean number of midge generations throughout the course of the century, whereas, the HadCM3 projections resulted in roughly the same mean number of generations but decreased variance. Predictions of the likely potential of C. nasturtii spatial spread are thus strongly dependent on the source of climate projections. This study illustrates the importance of using multiple GCMs in combination with multiple scenarios when studying the potential for spatial spread of an organism in response to climate change.  相似文献   
Abstract Plant responses to fire are variable between and within species and are influenced by numerous factors including fire severity. This study investigated the effects of fire severity on the regeneration and recruitment of forest eucalypts in the Cotter River Catchment, Australian Capital Territory (ACT). This study also examined the potential for the obligate seeder Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Baker (Myrtaceae) to expand into adjacent stands dominated by the facultative resprouter Eucalyptus fastigata H. Deane & Maiden (Myrtaceae) by seed shed and seedling establishment beyond the pre‐fire boundary. Sites were located in areas of either higher or lower fire severity, and transects were placed across the boundary of stands of E. delegatensis and E. fastigata. Species distributions, tree survival and seedling densities and heights were recorded, and the location of each boundary was determined as the region of maximum change in species composition along the transects. Eucalyptus delegatensis was the only eucalypt killed by higher severity fire. However, E. delegatensis seedling density was greater at higher severity sites than lower severity sites. Eucalyptus fastigata seedling density was low across all sites, with other eucalypts producing few, if any, seedlings. There was no evidence that E. delegatensis had increased its range into downslope stands dominated by E. fastigata. Patterns of vegetative recovery and seedling recruitment may be related to a number of factors, including differences in allocation patterns between seeders and sprouters, and the effects of overstory and understory competition. It is unclear what processes impede E. delegatensis seedling establishment beyond the stand boundary, but may involve an inability of E. delegatensis to shed seed sufficiently far downslope; unsuitable conditions for germination beyond the boundary; or, competition from a retained or resprouting overstory, despite the potential for increased dispersal distance soon after fire.  相似文献   
It is theoretically and empirically well established that body mass variation in small birds reflects a trade-off between starvation risk and predation risk. This occurs because carrying increased fat reserves reduces starvation risk but also results in a higher predation risk due to reduced escape flight performance and/or the increased foraging exposure needed to maintain a higher body mass. In principle, therefore, the theory of mass-dependent predation risk could be used to understand how a bird perceives and responds to the risks in its environment, because its mass will reflect the predictability of foraging opportunities and predation risk. Mass in birds may then provide a relatively straightforward way of assessing the foraging environment of birds and so the potential conservation problems a species faces. This study tests, for the first time for any species, how body mass changes in response to changing starvation risk, changing predation risk and changing population status. Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris mass varies as predicted by starvation–predation risk trade-off theory: mass is lower when foraging conditions are more favourable and when predation risk is increased. The populations that are declining the most strongly have higher mass, which is most likely indicative of a poor foraging environment, leading to lower relative survival. The results suggest that increased mass in Starlings, and possibly in other species, may provide an indication of the poor quality of the foraging environment and/or rapidly declining populations.  相似文献   
This study investigated the synergistic effects of ocean acidification (caused by elevations in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide pCO2) and temperature on the fertilization and embryonic development of the economically and ecologically important Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata (Gould 1850). As pCO2 increased, fertilization significantly decreased. The temperature of 26 °C was the optimum temperature for fertilization, as temperature increased and decreased from this optimum, fertilization decreased. There was also an effect of pCO2 and temperature on embryonic development. Generally as pCO2 increased, the percentage and size of D‐veligers decreased and the percentage of D‐veligers that were abnormal increased. The optimum temperature was 26 °C and embryonic development decreased at temperatures that were above and below this temperature. Abnormality of D‐veligers was greatest at 1000 ppm and 18 and 30 °C (≥90%) and least at 375 ppm and 26 °C (≤4%). Finally prolonged exposure of elevated pCO2 and temperature across early developmental stages led to fewer D‐veligers, more abnormality and smaller sizes in elevated CO2 environments and may lead to lethal effects at suboptimal temperatures. Embryos that were exposed to the pCO2 and temperature treatments for fertilization and embryonic development had fewer D‐veligers, greater percentage of abnormality and reduced size than embryos that were exposed to the treatments for embryonic development only. Further at the elevated temperature of 30 °C and 750–1000 ppm, there was no embryonic development. The results of this study suggest that predicted changes in ocean acidification and temperature over the next century may have severe implications for the distribution and abundance of S. glomerata as well as possible implications for the reproduction and development of other marine invertebrates.  相似文献   
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