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Strains of Colpoda maupasi previously reported were found to produce only octogenic reproductive cysts and monogenic wrinkled resting cysts. The present form of C. maupasi (Bensonhurst strain), isolated by the senior author in 1949, was found to produce, in addition to the above, quadrigenic reproductive cysts, digenic corrugated (wrinkled) resting cysts, and smooth thick-walled monogenic, digenic and quadrigenic resting cysts. Some of the factors leading to the development of these cysts in the Bensonhurst strain are believed to be related to nutrition, age and size of the trophic forms. The cytological changes in encystment and excystment were followed with particular attention to aging monogenic resting cysts. The latter were observed for over 4 years.  相似文献   
The effect of different levels of cattle grazing on an arid Australian small terrestrial mammal and lizard assemblage was assessed in a long‐tem series of cross‐fence comparisons. Cross‐fenced sites were closely matched for edaphic and vegetation characteristics and experienced near identical weather patterns, to ensure that cattle grazing pressure was the principal determinant of any differences in fauna assemblages. In addition, the effects of removal of cattle, cats, foxes and rabbits from three of these long‐term monitoring sites were assessed to determine the relative impacts of cattle grazing and feral animals. Small mammal captures, with the exception of Mus musculus, revealed a significant negative response to cattle grazing pressure but this response was of a considerably lower magnitude than the dramatic increase in rodent captures and species richness within the feral animal‐proof Arid Recovery Reserve. Higher kangaroo numbers in ungrazed controls, compared with treatments grazed by cattle, possibly negated the benefits to small mammals of removing cattle grazing. No reptile species responded significantly to the grazing treatments although reptile richness and captures of geckos and skinks were the lowest and agamid captures were the highest at heavily grazed sites. Nephrurus levis was the only reptile species to increase significantly, while captures of some smaller geckoes declined, within the feral‐proof treatment. Feral predation exerted a more significant effect on most small mammal species than the levels of cattle grazing assessed in this study, yet reptile responses to grazing or feral animals were less apparent and were likely primarily driven by changes in vegetation cover or secondary trophic impacts.  相似文献   
Gibberellins (GAs) were effective in promoting flowering in sexually mature (45-year-old scions) grafts of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Seed-cone production was increased 12-fold in field-grown, grafted ramets by bi-weekly, May-September applications of 500 μg per branch of GA4/7. Gibberellin A3 was equally effective at 500 μg but not at 100 μg per branch, while GA5 was ineffective at either concentration. A second study using potted, less-sexually mature (8-to 10-year-old scions) grafts gave a reduced level of seed cones in response to GAs. However, even on these younger grafts GA4/7 was a significant promotive treatment, GA3 being considerably less effective. Branch girdling, tested as an adjunct treatment, was ineffective. It is now apparent that exogenous applications of GA4/7 are effective on a number of Pinaceae species, and their use to promote earlier and more abundant flowering in breeding orchards of grafted ramets for at least two species, loblolly pine and Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] is practical.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the root system of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (L.) plays a role in triggering the induction of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) during water stress. Depriving well-irrigated plants of water, by allowing the soil surrounding the roots to dry, caused increased daily losses in leaf relative water content (RVVC) and mesophyll cell turgor pressure. The RWC of the roots also declined. Subsequently plants exhibited physiological characteristics of CAM photosynthesis (i.e. diurnal fluctuations in leaf titratable acidity and nocturnal net CO2 fixation). When the root system of plants was divided equally between two soil compartments and one half deprived of water, plants exhibited physiological characteristics of CAM without prior changes in leaf RWC content or mesophyll cell turgor pressure. Only the RWC of the water-stressed portion of the roots was reduced. These data suggest that in water-stressed plants daily changes in leaf water relations greater than those observed in well-irrigated plants, are not essential to trigger CAM expression. It is probable that a reduction in soil water availability can be perceived by the roots of M. crystallinum and that this information is conveyed to the leaves triggering the transition from C3 to CAM photosynthesis.  相似文献   
There is growing awareness of the importance of cooperative behaviours in microbial communities. Empirical support for this insight comes from experiments using mutant strains, termed ‘cheats’, which exploit the cooperative behaviour of wild‐type strains. However, little detailed work has gone into characterising the competitive dynamics of cooperative and cheating strains. We test three specific predictions about the fitness consequences of cheating to different extents by examining the production of the iron‐scavenging siderophore molecule, pyoverdin, in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We create a collection of mutants that differ in the amount of pyoverdin that they produce (from 1% to 96% of the production of paired wild types) and demonstrate that these production levels correlate with both gene activity and the ability to bind iron. Across these mutants, we found that (1) when grown in a mixed culture with a cooperative wild‐type strain, the relative fitness of a mutant is negatively correlated with the amount of pyoverdin that it produces; (2) the absolute and relative fitness of the wild‐type strain in the mixed culture is positively correlated with the amount of pyoverdin that the mutant produces; and (3) when grown in a monoculture, the absolute fitness of the mutant is positively correlated with the amount of pyoverdin that it produces. Overall, we demonstrate that cooperative pyoverdin production is exploitable and illustrate how variation in a social behaviour determines fitness differently, depending on the social environment.  相似文献   
The cranial anatomy of the plagiosaurid temnospondyl Plagiosuchus pustuliferus, from the Middle Triassic of Germany, is described in detail on the basis of a newly discovered skull and mandibular material. The highly derived skull is characterized by huge orbitotemporal fenestrae, a reduction of the circumorbital bones – the prefrontal, postfrontal and (probably) postorbital are lost – and the expansion of the jugal to occupy most of the lateral skull margin. Ventrally the extremely long subtemporal vacuities correlate with the elongate adductor fossa of the mandible. The dentition is feebly developed on both skull and mandible. Ossified ?ceratobranchials and ‘branchial denticles’ indicate the presence of open gills clefts in life. The remarkably divergent cranial morphology of P. pustuliferus highlights the extraordinary cranial diversity within the Plagiosauridae, probably unsurpassed within the Temnospondyli. Specific structural aspects of the skull – including an extremely short marginal tooth row, feeble dentition and an elongated chamber for adductor musculature – together with evidence for a hyobranchial skeleton, suggests that P. pustuliferus utilized directed suction feeding for prey capture. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 348–373.  相似文献   
1. Parts of the Namibian landscape show extensive surface perturbation in the form of long‐lived, yet dynamic ‘fairy circles'. While exerting profound ecological effects on 7.3% of the land surface, the origin and nature of these large bare discs embedded in an arid grassland matrix remains unresolved. 2. We found no evidence to support the current hypothesis of a termite origin for fairy circles but instead observed a strong spatial association between fairy circles and large nests of the ant Black pugnacious ant Anoplolepis steingroeveri Forel, with much higher ant abundances on the circles compared with the matrix. 3. Aggression trials showed that different colonies of A. steingroeveri were located on different circles, and that the species was polydomous. 4. Fairy circles and Pogonomyrmex ant nests both have a bare disc surrounding the nest, are overdispersed (evenly spaced), and are associated with elevated soil moisture. Fairy circle soils exhibited a five‐fold increase in soil moisture when compared with the matrix. 5. Senescent Stipagrostis obtusa (Delile) Nees seedlings were only observed on the circles and not in the matrix, and were found to have a reduction in both root length and number of roots. 6. Anoplolepis steingroeveri excavated the root system of both S. obtusa seedlings on the disc and Stipagrostis ciliata (Desf.) de Winter grasses on the perimeter of the circles, where they tended honeydew‐secreting Meenoplidae bugs that fed on grass roots and culms. The bugs occurred almost exclusively on grasses associated with the circles. This ant–bug interaction is a possible mechanism for the observed reduction in root length and number of senescent grass seedlings on the circles.  相似文献   
Invertase Activity and its Relation to Hexose Accumulation in Potato Tubers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hexose accumulation was shown to occur in freshly harvestedmature potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) both after storageat 10 ?C and when subsequently transferred to low temperature(3 ?C) storage. In general, changes in hexoses and sucrose werefound to be related to changes in acid invertase activity. Totalacid invertase activity (i.e. assayed after destroying the endogenousinvertase inhibitor present in the extracts) generally reflectedsugar changes more closely than did basal activity (i.e. assayedwith the inhibitor present). There was no evidence of a specificalkaline invertase. A comparison of the temperature responsesof cultivar Record with that of two SCRI2 clones demonstrateddistinct genotypic variation in the extent of hexose accumulation.However, these differences were not always reflected by genotypicdifferences in total invertase activity. Key words: Invertase inhibitor, glucose, fructose, sucrose  相似文献   
Following stratification seeds of Corylus avellana exhibitedtheir characteristic ability to germinate at 20 °C undermoist conditions. Stratification of the intact fruit also stimulatedelongation of the cotyledonary petiole when isolated cotyledonswere transferred to moist conditions at 20 °C. GA3 inducedboth of these effects in non-stratified material. ABA substantiallydecreased seed germination and the response of cotyledonarypetioles to stratification and GA3. CCC2 applied to stratifiedor GA3-pretreated cotyledons did not depress the final percentageof growing petioles. Cotyledons can clearly regulate the development of their petiolesin the absence of the embryonic axis. It is concluded that thereis at least one gibberellin-sensitive site in the cotyledonscapable of initiating petiole development independent of axiscontrol.  相似文献   
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