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The result of a phylogenetic analysis of the Sepsidae based on larval characters is presented. It is shown that cyclorrhaphan larvae can be as rich a source of characters as Nematocera immatures when investigated using an SEM. The cladistic analysis comprised fifty-two species in sixteen genera of the Sepsidae and five outgroup species and used fifty-seven morphological characters. It found seven parsimonious trees which only differed with respect to the arrangement of some species within the genus Themira. The basal dichotomies of the phylogenetic trees are particularly well supported, indicating the conservative nature of larval characters. Orygma is confirmed as the sister group of all the remaining sepsids, the Sepsinae. There is good larval evidence that Ortalischema is the sister group of all remaining Sepsinae and that the Toxopodinae constitute an early radiation within the Sepsidae. According to larval data, some genera are paraphyletic ( Themira, Palaeosepsis ), but adult characters appear to contradict these findings. Among the traditionally recognized higher taxa within the Sepsidae, Hennig's Themira species-group and Steysbal's Sepsini have to be rejected as polyphyletic. However, Hennig's Sepsis species-group is confirmed as monophyletic and will probably constitute one major element of a future phylogenetic system of the Sepsidae. States of the strongly modified fore-legs of some adult sepsid males are mapped onto the phylogenetic tree, largely confirming Šulc's ideas about the evolution of these features. The origin and evolution of male sternites with brushes and a gland on the tibiae of the males ('osmeterium') are discussed. Whereas adult characters point to a sister-group relationship between the Sepsidae and the Ropalomeridae, larval characters appear to indicate a sister-group relationship between the Coelopidae and the Sepsidae. The evidence for both hypotheses is critically evaluated.  相似文献   
The bright yellow wall lichen, Xanthoria parietina , is usually inhabited by oribatid mites (Acari) which do not only find shelter, but also graze on selected areas of the thallus. As X. parietina does not produce symbiotic vegetative propagules and its compatible photobiont, unicellular green algae of the genus Trebouxia , are rare outside lichen thalli, we tested the hypothesis of dispersal of viable Trebouxia cells via acarine faeces. The lichenivorous mites, Trhypochtonius tectorum and Trichoribates trimaculatus , were isolated from thalli of X. parietina and cultured in the laboratory on a lichen diet. Light microscopic investigations of faecal pellets from mites that had been feeding on X. parietina indicated gut passage of intact ascospores and photobiont cells. In a series of experiments, viable algal and fungal cells contained in such faecal pellets were cultured. The taxonomic affiliation of these isolates was identified using molecular techniques, i.e. comparative investigations of nuclear ribosomal gene data (ITS 1 and 2, 5.8S rDNA) in the algal and fungal partners, and of the species-specific hydrophobin gene sequence in the fungal partner. Our culturing experiments demonstrated that the faecal pellets of both lichenivorous mites, upon feeding on X. parietina , contain viable ascospores and photobiont cells ( Trebouxia arboricola ) and thus might be a common and successful mode of vegetative short- and long-distance dispersal of this and numerous other lichen-forming ascomycetes and their photobionts. Future studies will have to elucidate the evolutionary significance of invertebrate interactions with lichens. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 259–268.  相似文献   
Owing to large‐scale ice‐shelf disintegration events, the Antarctic Larsen A and B areas recently became ice‐free. During the ANT‐XXIII/8 Polarstern campaign, this region was sampled for the first time. Our study is the first to investigate benthic communities in this area and their response to the collapse of ice shelves in the Antarctic. The nematofauna appears to be strongly influenced by the sudden ice‐cover removal, although its response differs from that of the macro‐ and megabenthos. Our results indicate that precollapse, sub‐ice communities were impoverished and characterized by low densities, low diversity and high dominance of a few taxa. This might still be visible at a station located deep inside the Larsen B embayment, where Halomonhystera was dominant. Post‐collapse recolonization of the ‘inner’ stations, i.e. those located furthermost from the former ice‐shelf edge, is believed to be a long‐time process. At the time of sampling, community structure at the inner stations was not or only slightly influenced by colonization, and might be structured by local environmental conditions. Our results indicate that a locally increased food supply after ice‐cover removal could provoke a faster, local response of the nematode assemblages compared with the response due to recolonization. Thalassomonhystera is recognized as an opportunist, taking advantage of increased food supply at inner stations A_South and B_North. Communities living close to the former ice‐shelf edge are believed to be at an intermediate or late stage of succession, with a dominance of Microlaimus, a common Antarctic genus and quick colonizer. Densities here were comparable with those at other Antarctic stations, whereas they were considerably decreased at the inner stations. In general, the collapse of the Larsen ice shelves initially has a positive effect on the shelf nematode fauna in the area, both in terms of abundance and diversity.  相似文献   
Microbial Fe(III) and sulfate reduction are important electron transport processes in acidic pit lakes and stimulation by the addition of organic substrates is a strategy to remove acidity, iron and sulfate. This principle was applied in a pilot‐scale enclosure in pit lake 111 (Brandenburg, Germany). Because seasonal and spatial variation of temperature may affect the performance of in situ experiments considerably, the influence of temperature on Fe(III) and sulfate reduction was investigated in surface sediments from the enclosure in the range of 4–28 °C. Potential Fe(III) reduction and sulfate reduction rates increased exponentially with temperature, and the effect was quantified in terms of the apparent activation energy Ea measuring 42–46 kJ mol?1 and 52 kJ mol?1, respectively. Relatively high respiration rates at 4 °C and relatively low Q10 values (~2) indicated that microbial communities were well adapted to low temperatures. In order to evaluate the effect of temperature on growth and enrichment of iron and sulfate‐reducing bacterial populations, MPN (Most Probable Number) dilution series were performed in media selecting for the different bacterial groups. While the temperature response of specific growth rates of acidophilic iron reducers showed mesophilic characteristics, the relatively high specific growth rates of sulfate reducers at the lowest incubation temperature indicated the presence of moderate psychrophilic bacteria. In contrast, the low cell numbers and low specific growth rates of neutrophilic iron reducers obtained in dilution cultures suggest that these populations play a less significant role in Fe and S cycling in these sediments. SSCP (Single‐Strand Conformation Polymorphism) or DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) fingerprinting based on 16S rRNA genes of Bacteria indicated different bacterial populations in the MPN dilution series exhibiting different temperature ranges for growth.  相似文献   
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