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Abstract The longevity of a leaf is related to the benefit that the plant is able to derive from it. This benefit varies among seasons and as more leaves emerge, such that leaf lifespan can be limited by canopy position rather than physiological age. Using interval‐censored failure time analysis, we investigate leaf lifespan for 34 Mediterranean species in a previously published dataset involving species with different life forms and functional strategies. Failure time regression models were used to determine leaf lifespan, and to investigate how these effects varied among species. Median lifespan estimated for each species with two methods differed by less than 10% on average, but varied from 0.02–19.5% depending on the shape of the underlying failure time distribution. Within shoots, later‐emerging leaves had shorter lifespans for species with longer periods of leaf emergence, and the reverse was true for species with short emergence. Having accounted for the within‐shoot effect, leaves emerging in spring had shorter lifespans, particularly herbaceous species, whereas the reverse was true woody species. These effects were consistent among life forms and successional stages, and consistent with theories of within‐shoot translocation of resources following self‐shading.  相似文献   
Fault bars are translucent bands produced by stressful events during feather formation. They weaken feathers and increase their probability of breakage, and thus could compromise bird fitness by lowering flight performance. It has been recently suggested ('fault bar allocation hypothesis') that birds could have evolved adaptive mechanisms for reducing fault bar load on the feathers with the highest function during flight. We tested this hypothesis by studying first-year individuals of the long-distance migratory, aerial forager barn swallow Hirundo rustica . We predicted that fault bars should be less abundant on the outermost wing and tail feathers, but more frequent on the tail than on the outermost wing feathers. Accordingly, we found that fault bars occurred more often in tertials than in primaries or secondaries. Tail feathers had fewer fault bars than tertials, but more than primaries. Within the tail, the distribution pattern of fault bars was W-shaped, with the highest fault bar load occurring on the streamers and on the two central feathers. Because streamers are the most important tail feathers for flight performance, this finding seems to contradict the 'fault bar allocation hypothesis'. However, flight performance is much less sensitive to changes in the shape of the tail than of the wings, which could explain why evolutionary forces have not counteracted the increase of fault bars associated with feather elongation during the recent evolution of streamers in the tail of hirundines.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 455–461.  相似文献   
The so-called 'mimic octopuses' of tropical Indonesia are reputed to mimic up to 13 species of other local marine organisms. We tested for mimicry by allowing individuals of two species of octopus to habituate to divers, then observing and filming two species continuously as they foraged daily in the same open, featureless volcanic sand habitat. Mimicry of a local, abundant flounder occurred commonly during 5 days of natural foraging: nearly 500 episodes were analysed. Both octopus species mimicked the shape, swimming actions, speed, duration, and sometimes the coloration of swimming flounders. During flounder mimicry, octopuses were actively moving and conspicuous, whereas immediately before and after flounder mimicry, they were camouflaged and motionless (sitting or very slowly crawling). Furthermore, when motionless, octopuses assumed body patterns and postures that resembled small sponges, tube-worm tubes, or colonial tunicates, which were among the few objects in the open sand habitat. The key finding was that octopuses used flounder mimicry only when their movement would give away camouflage in this open habitat. In all cases, octopuses used mimicry as a primary defense. Several interactions with fishes and stomatopods were filmed and typical secondary defense behaviours, not mimicry, were used by the octopuses. Foraging occurred twice per day and two tactile feeding tactics were used. Dens and food were not limiting; thus, we observed a highly unusual circumstance of a guild of small, long-armed octopus species that shared the same habitat, den sources, food, activity period, and some behaviours.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 23–38.  相似文献   
The pollination biology of Syzygium sayeri was documented using the special capabilities of the Australian Canopy Crane. Syzygium sayeri is a xenogamous species with poor self-compatibility, moderate levels of natural out-crossing, and the producer of copious amounts nectar throughout the day and night. Of a diverse fauna associated with, and visiting the flowers of S. sayeri , larger vertebrates (blossom bats and honeyeaters) account for approximately half its natural pollination rate, while the balance of pollination is attributable to a host of invertebrate visitors (wasps, flies, thrips, butterflies). Day and night pollinators contributed approximately equally to the successful pollination of S. sayeri ; although the number of individuals visiting flowers was greater during the day, further experimentation might reveal night visitors to be more effective pollinators. The co-occurrence of vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as day and night visitors, suggests that S. sayeri has a generalist pollination system, whereby the absence of a discrete set of faunae could be compensated for by the presence of other pollinators. What is not clear is the contribution of different pollinators to the population success (i.e. gene flow) of this species. Further study is needed to determine the contribution of each pollinator group to the flow of genetic material in populations of S. sayeri . © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 69–84.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that soft-bodied octopuses, which spend most of their lives in dens, remain highly cryptic as their primary defence against predation while they forage. We videotaped foraging octopuses on two widely dispersed Pacific coral reefs and developed a rigorous method to analyse the degree of crypsis from videotapes. Five ranks were assigned (two of‘ highly cryptic’, one of ‘moderately cryptic’, and two of ‘conspicuous’) to assess each octopus's body pattern match to its background, using the criteria of brightness, colour, shape and skin patterning. The data do not support the hypothesis. In Tahiti, octopuses were highly cryptic only 54%, moderately cryptic 24% and conspicuous 22% of the time. In Palau, the respective calculations were 31 %, 19% and 50%. A major feature of their behaviour was their remarkable ability to instantly change their body pattern, or phenotype, by direct neural control of the skin. Six chronic and nine acute categories of body patterns were observed. On average, octopuses changed their phenotype 2.95 times/minute, or 177 times per hour, based upon 7.5 hours of videotaped foraging. This rapid neurally controlled polyphenism was used most often to adjust their appearance as they foraged slowly across highly diverse substrates, thus implementing appropriate mechanisms of crypsis over each (e.g. general background resemblance, deceptive resemblance, disruptive coloration). However, when crawling rapidly, or swimming for short distances, octopuses often engaged a second antipredator lactic that was conspicuous: mimicking fishes or showing bold disruptive patterns that rendered them visibly different from an octopus. Nevertheless, sometimes they were simply conspicuous even when moving slowly, particularly in Palau, where the octopuses were larger, there was a high degree of mating“, and fewer signs of predation were evident. The results suggest that, while foraging, the overall strategy is to use polyphenism to produce ‘apparent rarity’ of any single phenotype (or search image) through mechanisms of crypsis, conspicuousness and mimicry, all of which are guided by keen vision in this marine invertebrate.  相似文献   
Abstract: Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) broods spend the first several days of life on the ground until poult flight capabilities are attained. This is a critical period of wild turkey life history, with poult survival ranging from 12% to 52%. We measured vegetation in plots used by Rio Grande wild turkey (M. g. intermedia) preflight broods at 4 sites in southwest Kansas and the Texas Panhandle, USA, to determine microhabitat selection for ground roosting and to determine if microhabitat was related to poult survival. Hens selected ground-roost locations with more visual obstruction from multiple observation heights than random sites. Plots surrounding ground roosts had 1) greater visual obstruction; 2) increased tree decay; 3) higher percent grass, shrub, litter, and forb cover; and 4) lower percent bare ground cover than random sites. Grass, shrubs, and downed trees appeared to provide desired cover for ground-roosting broods. Poult survival increased with age of poult, size of brood, and density of shrubs 1–2 m tall. Plots used by broods <10 days old with above average survival contained more visual obstruction and shrubs than plots used by broods 10–16 days old with above average survival, signifying a shift in habitat use by successful broods as poults attain flight abilities. Density of shrubs 1–2 m tall in brood-use areas appears to be important for poult survival to 16 days of age on southern Great Plains rangeland habitats. Ground-level vegetative cover appears to be a significant factor in preflight poult survival. Provisions of ground-level vegetative cover should be considered during wild turkey brooding periods where increased poult survival is desired.  相似文献   
The sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.) possesses a complex system of gas canals that channel pressurized air from its leaves, down through its petioles and rhizomes, before venting this air back to the atmosphere through large stomata found in the centre of every lotus leaf. These central plate stomata (CPS) lie over a gas canal junction that connects with two‐thirds of the gas canals within the leaf blade and with the larger of two discrete pairs of gas canals within the petiole that join with those in the rhizome. It is hypothesized that the lotus actively regulates the pressure, direction and rate of airflow within its gas canals by opening and closing these stomata. Impression casting the CPS reveal that they are open in the morning, close at midday and reopen in the afternoon. The periodic closure of the CPS during the day coincides with a temporary reversal in airflow direction within the petiolar gas canals. Experiments show that the conductance of the CPS decreases in response to increasing light level. This behaviour ventilates the rhizome and possibly directs benthic CO2 towards photosynthesis in the leaves. These results demonstrate a novel function for stomata: the active regulation of convective airflow.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) normally produces the sexes in equal ratio but strains carrying the Y chromosome meiotic drive MP (male‐producing) factor show an excess of males. This is associated with a loss of sperm, and abnormal sperm structure in terms of multiple axonemes, atypical numbers of mitochondrial derivatives, and sometimes an incorrect initial orientation of paracrystalline bodies to the axoneme. Sperms are bundled together within spermatocysts, and those with depleted content and abnormalities occur in the same MP testes as normal spermatocysts. The maximum number of sperms per cyst in control strains was 256, each with a single axoneme originating from a single centriole (kinetosome). The maximum per cyst in MP strains was also 256 but MP cysts contained up to 300 axonemes, providing evidence of multiplication of centrioles. The structural changes in MP sperm are discussed in relation to similar abnormalities reported in the mosquito Aedes aegypti inheriting the Y chromosome meiotic drive haplotype MD. The evolutionary significance of this phenomenon is considered. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 351–359.  相似文献   
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