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The simultaneous study of the temporal dynamics of foraging behaviour, diet and seed abundance is essential to assess the way in which resources affect the behaviour and ecology of harvester ants. Here, we evaluate how fluctuations in grass seed abundance during three consecutive growing seasons influenced the foraging behaviour and diet of the harvester ants Pogonomyrmex rastratus, P. mendozanus and P. inermis in the central Monte desert, Argentina. Seed abundance of the most consumed grasses varied greatly through ant activity season, and ants altered their foraging behaviour in response to those changes. Foragers spent more time travelling and searching for food, and their foraging trips took longer during the low seed availability season. Foraging distance was very similar among species and, contrary to our expectations, did not vary between seasons. Foraging success of P. rastratus and P. inermis increased during the high availability season. This matched the seasonal pattern of foraging activity, suggesting that colonies may detect seed abundance and regulate their foraging effort with the rate of forager success. Although grass seeds were the main item in the diet of the three species, P. mendozanus, and to a lesser extent P. rastratus, turned more generalist when grass seeds were scarce. In contrast, P. inermis showed a very narrow diet breadth, only harvesting grass seeds in both seasons. Our results indicate the relevance of seed availability on foraging behaviour of harvester ants, which should be taken into account when predicting and evaluating the effect of ants on seed resources as well as numerical responses of harvester ant populations to the temporal and spatial variations in grass seed abundance.  相似文献   
In Western Europe, many pond owners introduce amphibians for ornamental purposes. Although indigenous amphibians are legally protected in most European countries, retailers are circumventing national and international legislation by selling exotic nonprotected sibling species. We investigated to what extent non‐native species of the European water frog complex (genus Pelophylax) have become established in Belgium, using morphological, mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers. A survey of 87 sampling sites showed the presence of non‐native water frogs at 47 locations, mostly Marsh frogs (Pelophylax ridibundus). Surprisingly, at least 19% of all these locations also harboured individuals with mitochondrial haplotypes characteristic of Anatolian water frogs (Pelophylax cf. bedriagae). Nuclear genotyping indicated widespread hybridization and introgression between P. ridibundus and P. cf. bedriagae. In addition, water frogs of Turkish origin obtained through a licensed retailer, also contained P. ridibundus and P. cf. bedriagae, with identical haplotypes to the wild Belgian populations. Although P. ridibundus might have invaded Belgium by natural range expansion from neighbouring countries, our results suggest that its invasion was at least partly enhanced by commercial trade, with origins as far as the Middle East. Also the invasion and rapid spread of Anatolian lineages, masked by their high morphological similarity to P. ridibundus, is likely the result of unregulated commercial trade. We expect that Anatolian frogs will further invade the exotic as well as the native range of P. ridibundus and other Pelophylax species elsewhere in Western and Central Europe, with risks of large‐scale hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   
1. Interactions between species can vary from mutually beneficial to evolutionarily neutral to antagonistic, even when the same two species are involved. Similarly, social interactions between members of the same species can lie on a spectrum from conflict to cooperation. 2. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether variation in the two types of social behaviour are interconnected. Is the fitness of the various classes of social partner within species (such as parent and offspring, or male and female) differently affected by interactions with a second species? Moreover, can inter‐specific interactions influence the outcome of social interactions within species? 3. The present experiments focus on the interactions between the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides Herbst and the phoretic mite Poecilochirus carabi G. Canestrini & R. Canestrini. The approach was to measure the fitness of burying beetle mothers, fathers, and offspring after reproduction, which took place either in the presence or absence of mites. 4. We found that male, female, and larval burying beetles derive contrasting fitness costs and benefits from their interactions with the mite, despite sharing a common family environment. From the mite's perspective, its relationship with the burying beetle can, therefore, be simultaneously antagonistic, neutral, and possibly even mutualistic, depending on the particular family member involved. We also found that mites can potentially change the outcome of evolutionary conflicts within the family. 5. We conclude that inter‐specific interactions can explain some of the variation in social interactions seen within species. It is further suggested that intra‐specific interactions might contribute to variation in the outcome of interactions between species.  相似文献   
Three-day-old cowpea seedlings were inoculated with the severestrain of Cowpea Mosaic Virus (CpMV) and 24 h later with Bradyrhizobiumsp. cowpea, strain I-125, when virus translocation to rootsstill had not taken place. Plants were harvested at 22, 30,45 and 59 d after germination. Active virus replication wasassociated with increased protein content, detected in the leavesof 22-d-old plants. CpMV infection reduced the total leaf area,dry weight of shoots and the chlorophyll content of the firsttrifoliolate leaf at all experimental times. Low sugar contentwas recorded in leaves of 22- and 30-d-old CpMV-infected plantsand in nodules and roots of 30- and 45-d-old CpMV-infected plants.Up to 45 d, the nodule mass of CpMV-infected plants was lowerthan in controls, but reached control values at the 4th harvest.In CpMV-infected nodules, massive agglomeration of virus particles,crystalline virus inclusions and the proliferation of the endoplasmicreticulum were observed only in those cells containing bacteroids.In 30- and 45-d-old plants, CpMV infection decreased the contentof ureides in nodules, roots, and petioles. Virus infectiondid not alter the -amino-N content of roots and nodules butinduced a transient 74% reduction in the level of -amino-N inpetioles of 45-d-old plants. At the 1st and 2nd harvests theactivity of uricase (EC [EC] ) in the nodules and of pyruvatekinase (EC [EC] ) in the nodules and leaves were decreasedseverely by virus infection. CpMV did not hinder the allantoinase(EC [EC] ) activity in the leaves but caused a 9% transitorydecrease in the activity of this enzyme in nodules of 45-d-oldplants. Measurements of NAD-malic enzyme (EC [EC] ) in nodulesalso showed the non-effect of CpMV on this enzyme, except fora temporary 16% reduction at the 2nd harvest. As compared tocontrols, the relative abundance of ureides in 30-d-old CpMV-infectedplants indicated a 15%, 10%, and 51% reduction in the nodules,roots, and petioles, respectively. Results indicate that atthe time of the 4th harvest the symbiotic process, measuredin terms of ureide content and enzymatic activities, was functioningat a near normal level despite nodule infection by CpMV. Key words: Cowpea Mosaic Virus, nitrogen fixation, cowpea, enzymes, ultrastructure  相似文献   
One short red (R) irradiation increases the ATP content of Kalanchoë blossfeldiana Poelln. cv Feuerblüte seeds before onset of germination. Phytochrome control is demonstrated by the full R/far-red light (FR) reversibility of the effect in water imbibed seeds. In seeds imbibed in the presence of gibberellin A3 (GA3, one short R exposure already increases the ATP content when given 2h after start of imbibition, showing phytochrome control at the energy-metabolic level when one R pulse cannot yet induce germination. After longer imbibition periods in the presence of GA3, one short FR irradiation also increases the ATP content of ungerminated Kalanchoë seeds. The time course of the ATP levels after a R or FR germination inducing irradiation shows an initial increase that clearly preceeds germination. A second increase starts about 15 h after irradiation and is most probably the consequence of the germination itself. The results suggest that, in Kalanchoë seeds, the increase in ATP levels, induced by irradiation(s) and preceding germination, is a phytochrome-mediated process, supplying energy, required for germination.  相似文献   
This study provides a checklist of the Caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae) present in Equatorial Guinea, comprising 52 genera and 124 taxa. Seven species are known from Annobón, 33 from Bioko and 109 from Río Muni. The best represented genus is Senna with eight species. In addition, bibliographic references for Caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae) from Equatorial Guinea have been gathered and checked. Fourteen species are included based on literature records, because their distribution ranges suggest they may occur in Equatorial Guinea, 11 introduced species could be naturalized, and 45 taxa are recorded for the first time from the country. This represents an increase of over 35% in the floristic knowledge of Caesalpinioideae from Equatorial Guinea. A statistical summary is presented at the end of the checklist.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 541–562.  相似文献   
1. Water fleas of the genus Daphnia are considered rare in tropical regions, and information on species distribution and community ecology is scarce and anecdotal. This study presents the results of a survey of Daphnia species distribution and community composition in 40 standing waterbodies in southern Kenya. The study sites cover a wide range of tropical standing aquatic habitats, from small ephemeral pools to large permanent lakes between approximately 700 and 2800 m a.s.l. Our analysis combines data on Daphnia distribution and abundance from zooplankton samples and dormant eggs in surface sediments. 2. Nearly 70% (27 of 40) of the sampled waterbodies were inhabited by Daphnia. Although their abundance in the active community was often very low, this high incidence shows that Daphnia can be equally widespread in tropical regions as in temperate regions. 3. Analysis of local species assemblages from dormant eggs in surface sediments was more productive than snapshot sampling of zooplankton communities. Surface‐sediment samples yielded eight Daphnia species in total, and allowed the detection of Daphnia in 25 waterbodies; zooplankton samples revealed the presence of only four Daphnia species in 16 waterbodies. 4. Daphnia barbata, D. laevis, and D. pulex were the most frequently recorded and most abundant Daphnia species. Canonical correspondence analysis of species–environment relationships indicates that variation in the Daphnia community composition of Kenyan waters was best explained by fish presence, temperature, macrophyte cover and altitude. Daphnia barbata and D. pulex tended to co‐occur with each other and with fish. Both species tended to occur in relatively large (>10 ha) and deeper (>2 m) alkaline waters (pH 8.5). Daphnia laevis mainly occurred in cool and clear, macrophyte‐dominated lakes at high altitudes.  相似文献   
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