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Amaranthus hypochondriacus embryo sac development was investigatedbefore and after fertilization. During the early stages of development,the young embryo sac displays three antipodal cells at the chalazalpole that degenerate very early in the maturation process, beforethe synergids and egg cell are completely differentiated. Themature embryo sac is composed only of the female germ unit.The synergid cells organize a filiform apparatus accompaniedby the presence of mitochondria and dictyosomes with numerousvesicles. The involvement of the synergids in transport andsecretory functions related to pollen tube attraction and guidance,are discussed. The egg cell is located at the micropylar polenear the synergids and displays exposed plasma membranes atthe chalazal pole. The fertilized egg cell does not exhibitmarked changes after fertilization except for the closure ofthe cell wall. The central cell is the largest cell of thisvery long embryo sac. The fused nucleus is close to the eggapparatus before fertilization and displays a remarkable chalazalmigration after gamete delivery. The ultrastructure of the centralcell cytoplasm and the numerous wall ingrowths around this cellsuggest an important role in nutrient transportation. Aftergamete delivery, the embryo sac displays electron dense bodiesthat aggregate within the intercellular space between the synergids,egg cell and central cell. These bodies, that appear in theembryo sac of several plants, are probably involved in gametedelivery for double fertilization. The possibility of biparentalinheritance of mitochondria in this plant is also discussed.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Amaranthus hypochondriacus, grain amaranth, embryo sac, fertilization.  相似文献   
This work aims to study the effect of the nutrient contents in the leaves of corn on the incidence of Spodopterafrugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Dalbulus maidis (Delong & Wolcott) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). The treatments were represented by unfertilized corn plants and corn plants fertilized with 250 kg of the formulation 4-14-8 (N- P-K) + 100 kg of ammonium sulfate (AS)/ha and 500 kg of the formulation 4-14-8 (N-P-K) +200 kg of AS/ha, arranged in randomized blocks with four replicates. Attacks by S. frugiperda and D. maidis were higher as the nitrogen, sulfur, calcium and copper content in the leaves of corn increased. The effects of calcium and copper found in this study were not consistent with that of lower susceptibility associated with higher levels of these nutrients mentioned in the literature. We believe that there was a cumulative effect of the nutrients altogether, building up a nutritiously better vegetable which in turn had less reserve for defense, or that the content of both nutrients in the leaves were not high enough to induce such effects.  相似文献   
Abstract Effects of the presence of chickens on population density of the bug Triatoma infestans , principal vector of Chagas disease, were investigated by standardized sampling (indoors and peridomestically) from sixty-eight houses of three rural communities in north-west Argentina, during March 1992.
The domiciliary density of T. infestans increased linearly with the percentage of bugs that fed on chickens, as identified by agar double-diffusion tests. Bug density was significantly higher in houses where hens usually nested indoors than in those where they did not, as determined by concurrent direct observations and interviews of householders. Multiple linear regression analysis of domiciliary bug density on (a) the total number of people, dogs and cats per house; (b) the percentage of domiciliary bugs that fed on chickens, or (c) the indoor-brooding habit of hens, showed the two variables (b, c) related to chickens as significant predictors in each regression model. Inclusion both variables representing chickens increased the fit significantly. Addition of other potentially confounding factors (domestic insecticide use, type of roof and walls of house) did not affect the significant variables retained in the best-fitting regression model.
Peridomestic infestation was positively associated with the household number of fowls. Chickens were the main bloodmeal source of peridomestic T.infestans populations. Human-fed bugs were detected in peridomestic sites of sixteen houses, indicating active dispersal of adults and large nymphal instars from bedroom areas.
Exclusion of hens from domiciliary areas and promotion of chicken sheds, of an appropriate design that would not harbour bug populations, should limit the triatomine population growth rate and reduce the risk of infestation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We have demonstrated previously that crystal violet induces a rapid, dose-related collapse of the inner mitochondrial membrane potential of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. In this work, we show that crystal violet-induced dissipation of the membrane potential was accompanied by an efflux of Ca2+ from the mitochondria. In addition, crystal violet inhibited the ATP-dependent, oligomycin-, and antimycin A-insensitive Ca2+ uptake by digitonin-permeabilired epimastigotes. Crystal violet also induced Ca2+ release from the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum of digitonin-permeabilized trypomastigotes. Furthermore, crystal violet inhibited Ca2+ uptake and the (Ca2+-Mg2+)ATPase of a highly enriched plasma membrane fraction of epimastigotes, thus indicating an inhibition of other calcium transport mechanisms of the cells. Disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis by crystal violet may be a key process leading to trypanosome cell injury by this drug.  相似文献   
The soils of the Pampas are thought to be generally non-contaminated but there is growing evidence of trace element accumulation at some specific sites. The goal of this study was to measure the current levels of the main Potentially Toxic Elements (PTE) in the top horizon and in specific soil profiles so that we would establish the baseline concentrations of these elements. Eighty-eight top soils and three soil profiles were sampled. The samples were acid digested. Arsenic, boron, barium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, silver, selenium and zinc were determined with inductively coupled argon plasma emission spectrometry (ICPES).

All of the values found are within the normal range for uncontaminated soils as reported from several continents. Elements with high environmental risk potential are lower than the admissible range of the European Union and some of them are orders of magnitude lower than those of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) 501 levels. Potentially Toxic Elements contents increased with depth or showed a maximum concentration at the B2 horizon. This is related to the parent material and the pedogenetic processes but not to recent contamination. Soil profiles showed higher concentrations of PTE in clayey horizons. However, these relationships did not appear in top soil samples in any soil Great Group studied. The shown data establishes a baseline for PTE concentrations for Pampas soils.  相似文献   

We cloned and sequenced the HaeIII 350‐bp 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) band of Anguilla rostrata and designed specific primers from this sequence. Polymerase chain reaction performed with these primers is able to distinguish DNA samples obtained from European (Anguilla anguilla) and American (Anguilla rostrata) eels. Two amplicons of 1200 bp and 600 bp were obtained, respectively, from A. rostrata and A. anguilla, and the whole 5S rDNA repeated unit from these eels was cloned and sequenced. Southern blot experiments, using four different restriction enzymes and the 5S nontranscribed spacers regions as probe, are able to point out specific diversity in these eels.  相似文献   
We studied fluctuating asymmetry and feather growth rates as indicators of fitness of blackcaps ( Sylvia atricapilla ) breeding at the border of their distribution range in the Iberian Peninsula. Iberian blackcaps increase their abundance with increasing rainfall and ground cover of brambles. In border habitats, they are sedentary and morphologically different from migrants, suggesting that they could be adapted to peripheral conditions. We tested whether juvenile body condition depends on (1) distance from the centre of the range, (2) mean precipitation or (3) bramble cover. Controlling for environmental variation, we tested for differences between migratory and sedentary populations. Body condition varied across the Iberian gradient in parallel with changes in precipitation. Controlling for this effect, sedentary populations were in better body condition than migratory populations. Our results support the idea that environmental heterogeneity causes fitness to fluctuate across species' ranges, and also that local adaptation may mean that peripheral populations are more than a 'tail end' of the species.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 479–488.  相似文献   
A combined taxonomic, morphological, molecular and biological study revealed that stem‐galling weevils from the genus Rhinusa associated with toadflaxes from the genus Linaria (Plantaginaceae) are composed of three different species: Rhinusa pilosa, Rhinusa brondelii and Rhinusa rara sp.n. The authentic field host plants are respectively, Linaria vulgaris, Linaria purpurea and Linaria genistifolia/ Linaria dalmatica. These weevil species can be distinguished from each other by a few subtle morphological characteristics, mainly in the shape of the rostrum and of the integument. An analysis of the mitochondrial [cytochrome oxidase subunit II gene (COII) and 16S ribosomal RNA gene (16S)] and nuclear (elongation factor‐1α, EF‐1α) sequence data revealed high genetic divergence among these species. Uncorrected pairwise distances on mtCOII gene were 14.3% between R. pilosa and R. brondelii, 15.7% between R. pilosa and R. rara, while R. brondelii and R. rara were approximately 11% divergent from each other. Divergences obtained on 16S and nuclear EF‐1α genes were congruent. However, substantial intraspecific mitochondrial divergence was recorded for all studied populations of R. pilosa s.s. showing two mtDNA lineages, with estimated COII and 16S divergences of 4% and 1.6%, respectively. Nuclear pseudogenes (Numts) and Wolbachia influence, although recorded within both lineages, were excluded as possible causatives of the mtDNA divergence, while EF‐1α indicated absence of lineage sorting. Species from the R. pilosa complex are estimated to have diverged from each other approximately 7.2 million years ago (mya; late Miocene), while R. brondelii and R. rara diverged from each other about 4.7 mya (early Pliocene). This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EEDD6248‐01DB‐4B4A‐B79D‐C5606393E3AA .  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Acidocalcisomes are acidic organelles with a high concentration of phosphorus present as pyrophosphate (PPi) and polyphosphate (poly P) complexed with calcium and other cations. The acidocalcisome membrane contains a number of pumps (Ca2+‐ATPase, V‐H+‐ATPase, H+‐PPase), exchangers (Na+/H+, Ca2+/H+), and channels (aquaporins), while its matrix contains enzymes related to PPi and poly P metabolism. Acidocalcisomes have been observed in pathogenic, as well as non‐pathogenic prokaryotes and eukaryotes, e.g. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Dictyostelium discoideum. Some of the potential functions of the acidocalcisome are the storage of cations and phosphorus, the participation of phosphorus in PPi and poly P metabolism, calcium homeostasis, maintenance of intracellular pH homeostasis, and osmoregulation. In addition, acidocalcisomes resemble lysosome‐related organelles (LRO) from mammalian cells in many of their properties. For example, we found that platelet dense granules, which are LROs, are very similar to acidocalcisomes. They share a similar size, acidic properties, and both contain PPi, poly P, and calcium. Recent work that indicates that they also share the system for targeting of their membrane proteins through adaptor protein 3 reinforces this concept. The fact that acidocalcisomes interact with other organelles in parasitic protists, e.g. the contractile vacuole in Trypanosoma cruzi, and other vacuoles observed in Toxoplasma gondii, suggests that these cellular compartments may be associated with the endosomal/lysosomal pathway.  相似文献   
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