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Propanil is one of the major herbicides used on rice-paddies and is thought to produce adverse health effects through the action of its metabolite 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA). T he feasibility of monitoring human exposure to propanil on the basis of 3,4-DCA adducts to haemoglobin (Hb) was investigated. We developed a method based on gas chromatography negative ion chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (NICI-GC-MS) to quantify 3,4-DCA released from human Hb after alkaline hydrolysis of the protein. 3,4-DCA-Hb adducts were identified in agricultural workers exposed to propanil and were detectable even 4 months after the last herbicide application. Urine samples collected at the same time had no measurable level of 3,4-DCA. 3,4-DCA-Hb adducts might be useful for monitoring human exposure to 3,4-DCA from agricultural sources.  相似文献   
It has previously been reported that when LiCl and tyrosine is added to ectodermal cells isolated from the blastula of Ambystoma mexicanum , then the synthesis of melanin is initiated in cells not normally engaged in this activity (mesenchyme cells, nerve cells and undifferentiated animal cells). In the present paper it has been shown that to obtain this effect tyrosine (0.02 mM) has to be present in the culture medium during at least one of the first seven days of culture, thus several days before melanin is produced. It is concluded that the added tyrosine is acting as an inductor of, and not as a substrate for the synthesis of melanin.
In the normal cultures it is possible to observe the spontaneous formation of yellow cells, indicating that they have produced pteridine. These cells are spherical, suggesting that they are undifferentiated embryonic cells. GTP is a precursor in the synthesis of pteridine, and in analogy with the observations made with tyrosine it was found that in the presence of LiCl a number of different cell types elaborate pteridine when GTP (0.1 mM) is added to the medium. Also in this case was it possible to show that GTP acts as an inductor, not as a substrate.  相似文献   
Propanil is one of the major herbicides used on rice-paddies and is thought to produce adverse health effects through the action of its metabolite 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA). T he feasibility of monitoring human exposure to propanil on the basis of 3,4-DCA adducts to haemoglobin (Hb) was investigated. We developed a method based on gas chromatography negative ion chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (NICI-GC-MS) to quantify 3,4-DCA released from human Hb after alkaline hydrolysis of the protein. 3,4-DCA-Hb adducts were identified in agricultural workers exposed to propanil and were detectable even 4 months after the last herbicide application. Urine samples collected at the same time had no measurable level of 3,4-DCA. 3,4-DCA-Hb adducts might be useful for monitoring human exposure to 3,4-DCA from agricultural sources.  相似文献   
Abstract The objective was to determine the effects of root and shoot competition on seedling establishment of the unpalatable grasses Stipa gynerioides and S. tenuissima in a native grassland of central Argentina dominated by the palatable grass S. clarazii. Seeds of the two unpalatable species were sown in natural occurring microsites with shoot and root competition from the palatable species, and in artificially created microsites without either shoot competition or shoot and root competition. In addition, fresh seeds of the unpalatable species were subjected to daily alternating temperatures under laboratory and field conditions to determine the effect on seed dormancy and germination. Seedling establishment of S. gynerioides and S. tenuissima occurred only in microsites without shoot and root competition. Also, the fluctuation of temperature near the soil surface in these microsites reduced dormancy and promoted rapid germination in both species. Our results support the hypothesis that, in swards dominated by palatable grasses, vegetation gaps of low competitive pressure favour seedling establishment of unpalatable grasses. It is suggested that the creation of these gaps by overgrazing can be an important mechanism in the process of species replacement in native grasslands.  相似文献   
Based mainly on morphological characters, the phylogenetic relationships among genera and some species groups of the neotropical family Callichthyidae were examined. A study of the osteology of a generalized callichthyid, Callichthys callichthys (Linnaeus), with detailed comparisons among representatives of the remaining genera in the family, is presented and used as a basis for the phylogenetic analysis. A single most parsimonious tree supported the monophyly of the family Callichthyidae based on 28 derived features and the division of the family in the subfamilies Corydoradinae and Callichthyinae. In the subfamily Corydoradinae, the genus Aspidoras is the sister-group of the clade formed by Corydoras plus Brochis. Five derived features support the monophyly of this clade and four support the monophyly of Brochis. No characters, however, were found to support the genus Corydoras. In the subfamily Callichthyinae, Dianema and Hopbstemum are sister-taxa. Megalechis represents the sister-group of Dianema plus Hoplosternum and Lepthoplosternum represents the sister-group to Megalechis plus Dianema plus Hopbstemum. Finally, Callichthys is considered the least derived member of the subfamily, and is hypothesized as the sister-group of the remaining species. A key to all callichthyid genera is provided.  相似文献   
This light- and electron-microscope study of four species of Sphagnum reveals that stem elongation involves meristematic activities unique to the group and hitherto unrecognized. The internal tissue of the mature stem arises by the concerted activity of an apical (primary) and a subapical (secondary) meristem. The primary meristem comprises the immediate derivatives of the single apical cell. Following a small number of divisions, the primary derivatives differentiate into highly vacuolate parenchymatous cells with a storied arrangement. Subsequently, the large vacuoles are replaced by numerous small vacuoles and the cells then divide repeatedly, by transverse septa, producing files of about nine short cells. Finally, ninefold elongation of these secondary cells is responsible for extension growth of the main stem below the mature capitulum. An early step in primary differentiation is the confinement of pre-existing plasmodesmata to distinct pitted areas. Further enlargement of the cells during primary and secondary differentiation involves the thickening of non-pitted wall areas, followed by expansion and thinning out, while the pitted areas remain virtually unchanged. A cortical array of microtubules is regularly found in association with non-pitted wall areas, while the unexpanded pitted areas are associated with smooth endoplasmic reticulum showing continuity with desmotubules. Though sharing much the same cytology as the conducting cells in bryoid mosses, in terms of their development the central stem cells in Sphagnum are not homologous with those of other mosses. The unique mode of stem development may be an important factor in the ecological success of Sphagnum .  相似文献   
We investigated a small valley of glacial origin in the northern Apennines (Italy). A multihabitat study was performed on the mosses and lichens on rocks, temporarily submersed mosses, beech litter, grass turf and sediments from pools, ponds and streams. A few species colonized more than one habitat. Several species were typical of high altitudes or latitudes, some were rare, and two, Hypsibius pradellii sp. nov. and Diphascon (Diphascon) secchii sp. nov. , were new to science.  相似文献   
This paper presents results on consumer attitudes towards healthy soup, using conjoint analysis, executed on the Internet. The results show moderate interest in new ideas for the total panel, but reveal three concept-response segments. The first segment responds to nutrition and functional ingredients. The second segment responds to packaging and convenience. The third segment responds to taste and ingredients. Statistical analysis confirms the idea that they represent different 'mind-sets'. The segmentation based on psychographic variables is a useful tool to identify the features of the next generation "healthy soups" and to design custom products on the basis of consumer requirements.  相似文献   
1. In sexually reproducing organisms, the energetic costs of spermatogenesis can be considerable, and can limit the reproductive potential of the males. In species where males mate more than once during the reproductive season, the costs of sperm production are generally predicted to result in a decrease of ejaculate size and quality with successive fertilizations. 2. In this study we examined the variation in ejaculate size among successive fertilizations in a long‐lived freshwater crayfish species, Austropotamobius italicus. 3. Sexually active adult males of various sizes were allowed to mate repeatedly with different females on consecutive days. Trials for a given male ended when he copulated but did not release any sperm or refused to mate. 4. Males fertilized between 0 and 4 females, and most (42.5%) fertilized a single female. The overall number of females fertilized by a given male decreased with increasing male body size. Ejaculate size decreased markedly with consecutive fertilizations in a similar fashion among both large and small males, while simultaneously increasing with female body size. The total ejaculate size over successive fertilizations decreased with increasing male size. 5. Our study indicates that either sperm production or release involves non‐trivial costs in freshwater crayfish, and suggests that large/old males may face greater difficulties in gamete release than small/young ones, as shown by the lower number of females fertilized by large compared with small males, which may reflect the ongoing senescence of their reproductive performance.  相似文献   
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