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Morphometric and stratigraphic analyses that encompass the known fossil record of enantiornithine birds (Enantiornithes) are presented. These predominantly flighted taxa were the dominant birds of the second half of the Mesozoic; the enantiornithine lineage is known to have lasted for at least 60 million years (Ma), up until the end of the Cretaceous. Analyses of fossil record dynamics show that enantiornithine 'collectorship' since the 1980s approaches an exponential distribution, indicating that an asymptote in proportion of specimens has yet to be achieved. Data demonstrate that the fossil record of enantiornithines is complete enough for the extraction of biological patterns. Comparison of the available fossil specimens with a large data set of modern bird (Neornithes) limb proportions also illustrates that the known forelimb proportions of enantiornithines fall within the range of extant taxa; thus these birds likely encompassed the range of flight styles of extant birds. In contrast, most enantiornithines had hindlimb proportions that differ from any extant taxa. To explore this, ternary diagrams are used to graph enantiornithine limb variation and to identify some morphological oddities ( Otogornis , Gobipteryx ); taxa not directly comparable to modern birds. These exceptions are interesting – although anatomically uniform, and similar to extant avians in their wing proportions, some fossil enantiornithines likely had flight styles not seen among their living counterparts.  相似文献   
Abstract Widespread mule deer (Odocoilus hemionous) declines coupled with white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) increases prompted us to investigate the role of cougar (Puma concolor) predation in a white-tailed deer, mule deer, and cougar community in northeast Washington, USA. We hypothesized that cougars select for and disproportionately prey on mule deer in such multiple-prey communities. We estimated relative annual and seasonal prey abundance (prey availability) and documented 60 cougar kills (prey usage) from 2002 to 2004. White-tailed deer and mule deer comprised 72% and 28% of the total large prey population and 60% and 40% of the total large prey killed, respectively. Cougars selected for mule deer on an annual basis (αmd = 0.63 vs. αwt = 0.37; P = 0.066). We also detected strong seasonal selection for mule deer with cougars killing more mule deer in summer (αmd = 0.64) but not in winter (αmd = 0.53). Cougars showed no seasonal selection for white-tailed deer despite their higher relative abundance. The mean annual kill interval of 6.68 days between kills varied little by season (winter = 7.0 days/kill, summer = 6.6 days/kill; P = 0.78) or prey species (white-tailed deer = 7.0 days/kill, mule deer = 6.1 days/kill; P = 0.58). Kill locations for both prey species occurred at higher elevations during summer months (summer = 1,090 m, winter = 908 m; P = 0.066). We suspect that cougars are primarily subsisting on abundant white-tailed deer during winter but following these deer to higher elevations as they migrate to their summer ranges, resulting in a greater spatial overlap between cougars and mule deer and disproportionate predation on mule deer.  相似文献   
Duringthepastfiveyears,aresearchgroupfromtheHawai'iDivisionofAquaticRe-sourcesandtheLouisianaStaeUniversityMuseumofNaturalSciencehascollaboratedonaseriesofstudiesconcerningthebiologyandconservaionofstreamanimalsintheHawaiianIs-lands.Fromtheviewpointsofbothgeologyandbiology,theseislandsrepresentthenorth-ernmostextensonofPolynesia.StreamanimalsinHawai'ihaverelativesattheleveloffami-ly,genus,andoccasionallyevenspeciesnotonlyinPolynesiabutthroughoutMelanesiaandMicronesiaaswell.Forthisreason…  相似文献   
1. Fish community characteristics, resource availability and resource use were assessed in three headwater urban streams in Piedmont North Carolina, U.S.A. Three site types were examined on each stream; two urban (restored and unrestored) and a forested site downstream of urbanisation, which was impacted by effluent from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Stream basal resources, aquatic macroinvertebrates, terrestrial macroinvertebrates and fish were collected at each site. 2. The WWTPs affected isotope signatures in the biota. Basal resource, aquatic macroinvertebrate and fish δ15N showed significant enrichments in the downstream sites, although δ13C signatures were not greatly influenced by the WWTP. Fish were clearly deriving a significant part of their nutrition from sewage effluent‐derived sources. There was a trend towards lower richness and abundance of fish at sewage‐influenced sites compared with urban restored sites, although the difference was not significant. 3. Restored stream sites had significantly higher fish richness and a trend towards greater abundance compared with unrestored sites. Although significant differences did not exist between urban restored and unrestored areas for aquatic and terrestrial macroinvertebrate abundances and biotic indices of stream health, there appeared to be a trend towards improvements in restored sites for these parameters. Additional surveys of these sites on a regular basis, along with maintenance of restored features are vital to understanding and maximising restoration effectiveness. 4. A pattern of enriched δ13C in fish in restored and unrestored streams in conjunction with enriched δ13C of terrestrial invertebrates at these sites suggests that these terrestrial subsidies are important to the fish, a conclusion also supported by isotope cross plots. Furthermore, enriched δ13C observed for terrestrial invertebrates is consistent with some utilisation of the invasive C4 plants that occur in the urban riparian areas.  相似文献   
In hummingbirds, a showy gorget of iridescent throat feathers is a characteristic male ornament in many sexually dichromatic species. Given that polygynous breeding systems are the only ones observed in hummingbirds, and that polygyny is often associated with dramatic male ornamentation and sexual dimorphism, it is not surprising that gorgets are usually interpreted as sexual display characters. This proposition is challenged by exceptional 'polychromatic' species in which adult females diner in their development of a male-like gorget. This analysis focuses on determining the prevalence of polychromatic variation in the Andean genus Heliangelus. In eight of nine species, females' gorgets range from a dull plumage characteristic of most female hummingbirds (female-like), to a bright iridescent plumage that matches that of the males (male-like). Analysis of museum study-skins reveals that individual variation in gorget colour is limited to females, and that it is independent of month and year of collection. Only H. exortis and H. amethysticollis exhibit significant geographic variation in the frequencies of different colour forms, though most male-like female H. amethysticollis occur in southern Ecuador-northern Peru. Some species-specific features of the male-like females' gorget appear to be linked to qualities of the male gorget (presence/absence, colour and maximum size). However, non-adaptive hypotheses, including genetic correlation between the sexes, hybridization and neutral variation, cannot account for the plumage variation among females. The absence of any association between female gorget colour and breeding condition suggests that gorget colour has a non-sexual function. I propose that gorgets can evolve solely as a non-sexual signal associated with different foraging behaviours.  相似文献   
Triggering of defences by microbes has mainly been investigated using single elicitors or microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), but MAMPs are released in planta as complex mixtures together with endogenous oligogalacturonan (OGA) elicitor. We investigated the early responses in Arabidopsis of calcium influx and oxidative burst induced by non-saturating concentrations of bacterial MAMPs, used singly and in combination: flagellin peptide (flg22), elongation factor peptide (elf18), peptidoglycan (PGN) and component muropeptides, lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) and core oligosaccharides. This revealed that some MAMPs have additive (e.g. flg22 with elf18) and even synergistic (flg22 and LOS) effects, whereas others mutually interfere (flg22 with OGA). OGA suppression of flg22-induced defences was not a result of the interference with the binding of flg22 to its receptor flagellin-sensitive 2 (FLS2). MAMPs induce different calcium influx signatures, but these are concentration dependent and unlikely to explain the differential induction of defence genes [pathogenesis-related gene 1 ( PR1 ), plant defensin gene 1.2 ( PDF1.2 ) and phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene 1 ( PAL1 )] by flg22, elf18 and OGA. The peptide MAMPs are potent elicitors at subnanomolar levels, whereas PGN and LOS at high concentrations induce low and late host responses. This difference might be a result of the restricted access by plant cell walls of MAMPs to their putative cellular receptors. flg22 is restricted by ionic effects, yet rapidly permeates a cell wall matrix, whereas LOS, which forms supramolecular aggregates, is severely constrained, presumably by molecular sieving. Thus, MAMPs can interact with each other, whether directly or indirectly, and with the host wall matrix. These phenomena, which have not been considered in detail previously, are likely to influence the speed, magnitude, versatility and composition of plant defences.  相似文献   
Selenium, aluminum, cadmium, and magnesium concentrations and gluthathione-peroxidase activities in sera of 35 healthy individuals, 30 renal transplants, and 30 hemodialysis patients were measured. Serum selenium, aluminum, and cadmium concentrations in both groups of patients were higher than the controls (p<0.001), whereas the serum gluthathione-peroxidase levels were lower (p<0.001). According to our results, it can be concluded that the patients receiving hemodialysis are subjected to more toxic elements than the transplantation patients. These findings imply that dietary selenium supplement may be suggested in renal failure for the detoxification of elements, such as cadmium and mercury. The essential trace element selenium takes part not only in the direct protection of endothelial cells against the accumulation of aggressive oxygen species, but also in the preventions of the toxic effects of cadmium or in the modulation of the active calcium transport.  相似文献   
We present the most comprehensive pan‐European assessment of future changes in cropland and grassland soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks to date, using a dedicated process‐based SOC model and state‐of‐the‐art databases of soil, climate change, land‐use change and technology change. Soil carbon change was calculated using the Rothamsted carbon model on a European 10 × 10′ grid using climate data from four global climate models implementing four Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emissions scenarios (SRES). Changes in net primary production (NPP) were calculated by the Lund–Potsdam–Jena model. Land‐use change scenarios, interpreted from the narratives of the IPCC SRES story lines, were used to project changes in cropland and grassland areas. Projections for 1990–2080 are presented for mineral soil only. Climate effects (soil temperature and moisture) will tend to speed decomposition and cause soil carbon stocks to decrease, whereas increases in carbon input because of increasing NPP will slow the loss. Technological improvement may further increase carbon inputs to the soil. Changes in cropland and grassland areas will further affect the total soil carbon stock of European croplands and grasslands. While climate change will be a key driver of change in soil carbon over the 21st Century, changes in technology and land‐use change are estimated to have very significant effects. When incorporating all factors, cropland and grassland soils show a small increase in soil carbon on a per area basis under future climate (1–7 t C ha?1 for cropland and 3–6 t C ha?1 for grassland), but when the greatly decreasing area of cropland and grassland are accounted for, total European cropland stocks decline in all scenarios, and grassland stocks decline in all but one scenario. Different trends are seen in different regions. For Europe (the EU25 plus Norway and Switzerland), the cropland SOC stock decreases from 11 Pg in 1990 by 4–6 Pg (39–54%) by 2080, and the grassland SOC stock increases from 6 Pg in 1990 to 1.5 Pg (25%) under the B1 scenario, but decreases to 1–3 Pg (20–44%) under the other scenarios. Uncertainty associated with the land‐use and technology scenarios remains unquantified, but worst‐case quantified uncertainties are 22.5% for croplands and 16% for grasslands, equivalent to potential errors of 2.5 and 1 Pg SOC, respectively. This is equivalent to 42–63% of the predicted SOC stock change for croplands and 33–100% of the predicted SOC stock change for grasslands. Implications for accounting for SOC changes under the Kyoto Protocol are discussed.  相似文献   
Late- and Post-Glacial history of the Mustelidae in Europe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Analyses of the subfossil records of mustelid species in Europe indicate specific differences in the pattern of temporal and spatial recolonization of central Europe after the maximum glaciation of the last glacial period. 2. For Meles meles, Martes martes and (with some reservations) Mustela putorius it can be seen that the populations were separated in several glacial refugia during the maximum glaciation of the Weichselian. In contrast, the European population of Lutra lutra was restricted to a single glacial refuge, which had not been clearly localized until now. 3. Besides the known glacial refugia of the Iberian Peninsula, Italian Peninsula and the Balkans, there is evidence of possible additional glacial refugia for mustelids near the Carpathians, in western Moldova and in the northern Pontic region. 4. Gulo gulo, Mustela nivalis, and Mustela erminea show adaptations for survival in Pleistocene conditions, but they were historically also distributed in the warmer areas of southern Europe. 5. Among the more thermophilic mustelid species, Mustela putorius is likely to have been the earliest immigrant following the maximum glaciation. Meles meles has been recorded in comparably early times and also seems to be relatively tolerant of climatic extremes. It is clear that Martes martes had already arrived in central Europe during the Allerød, in connection with the recolonization by birch and pine woods. Lutra lutra, by contrast, seems to have been an absolute Holocene immigrant.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Water temperatures in a shallow, weedy bay of a reservoir in southern Ontario were related to depth; mid-day temperatures in summer were approximately 30°C at the water surface and 20°C below 25 cm.
2. In the laboratory, larval Ischnura verticalis released in a thermal gradient (warmest water near the surface) did not remain near the surface any more than larvae in isothermal conditions. However, larvae in both isothermal and gradient conditions tended to spend more time close to the surface than expected by chance.
3. Larvae provided with food at all depths spent more time near the surface than did larvae with no food. Larvae provided with one feeding site in the coldest water remained near the food as much as did larvae provided with a single feeding site in the warmest water.
4. Results suggest that selection of microhabitats is based primarily on food availability and secondarily on proximity to the surface.  相似文献   
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