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ABSTRACT Mammalian herbivores adopt foraging strategies to optimize nutritional trade-offs against restrictions imposed by body size, nutritional requirements, digestive anatomy, physiology, and the forage resource they exploit. Selective or generalist feeding strategies scale with body size across species. However, within species, where constraints should be most similar, responses to limitation have rarely been examined. We used African elephants (Loxodonta Africana) to test for changes in seasonal diet quality of individuals of differing body size and sex through measurement of fecal nitrogen and phosphorus. We measured physiological stress response of these age and sex classes to seasonal change by fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels (i.e., stress hormones). Large body size increased tolerance to lower-quality forage. Adult males and females exhibited divergent trends; females had higher diet quality than males, irrespective of body size. When limited by forage availability or quality during the dry season, diet quality declined across all body sizes, but weaned calves ingested a higher-quality diet than larger-bodied adults. On release from restriction during the wet season, weaned calf nitrogen concentrations were consistently high and stress hormone levels decreased, whereas adult female phosphorus levels were highest and less variable and stress hormone levels were unchanged. The ability to adjust forage quality is an important strategy used to ensure adequate nutritional intake according to body size limitations. Although body size is a key determining factor of dietary differences between adult elephants, foraging strategies are also driven by specific nutritional requirements, which may override the body size effects driving foraging decisions in some cases. The diversity of intraspecific response highlights ecologically segregated entities within a species and should be a concern for population management planning, particularly for threatened species. Fecal diet quality and stress hormone analysis could provide an early and sensitive indicator for monitoring age and sex class responses to resource restriction in high-density elephant populations.  相似文献   
Environmental bacteria belonging to various families were isolated from polluted water collected from ten different sites in Tunisia. Sites were chosen near industrial and urban areas known for their high degree of pollution. The aim of this study was to investigate cross-resistance between heavy metals (HM), i.e., silver, mercury and copper (Ag, Hg, and Cu), and antibiotics. In an initial screening, 80 isolates were selected on ampicillin, and 39 isolates, retained for further analysis, could grow on a Tris-buffered mineral medium with gluconate as carbon source. Isolates were identified based on their 16S rRNA gene sequence. Results showed the prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes, especially all isolates harbored the blaTEM gene. Some of them (15.38%) harbored blaSHV. Moreover, several were even ESBLs and MBLs-producers, which can threaten the human health. On the other hand, 92.30%, 56.41%, and 51.28% of the isolates harbored the heavy metals resistance genes silE, cusA, and merA, respectively. These genes confer resistance to silver, copper, and mercury. A cross-resistance between antibiotics and heavy metals was detected in 97.43% of our isolates.  相似文献   
ROB LAWLOR 《Bioethics》2011,25(5):250-259
This paper considers two arguments that are common in the literature on organ sales. First, organ sales are exploitative and therefore should not be permitted. Second, it doesn't matter whether organ sales are exploitative or not; the only thing that matters is that we do what is in the interests of those who need to be protected. In this paper, I argue that both of these arguments are too simplistic. My intention, however, is not to argue for or against organ sales. My conclusion, rather, is simply that we cannot hope to address the issue of organ sales if we lack a good understanding of exploitation. We should not attempt to answer the question of whether or not organ sales should be banned on the grounds that they are exploitative without acknowledging and addressing the nuances involved in understanding exploitation.  相似文献   
Annual growth of the polar evergreen shrub Cassiope tetragona on Svalbard was evaluated as a proxy for Arctic summer temperatures. Transfer functions were derived from temperature‐growth correlations of shoots and from a temperature‐growth response, obtained from experimental warming using open top chambers (OTC) in high Arctic tundra vegetation at Isdammen approximately 1.5 km southeast of Longyearbyen, Svalbard (78°N, 15 E) and in Longyeardalen, 3 km west of Isdammen from 2004 to 2006. Air temperatures, monitored throughout the summer months, were 1.3 °C higher inside the OTCs than in the control plots. Annual stem growth was measured by tagging stems and leaves, and in the lab with shoots harvested from OTCs and control plots. Annual growth parameters assessed were leaf production, sum of length and weight of individual leaves, and stem length increment derived from leaf scar distances and the distances between wintermarksepta in the stem. Wintermarksepta are formed at the end of the summer growth period when the pith is narrowing and consist of dense and dark tissue ( Fig. 1b ). The variation of annual growth in a 34‐year site chronology (based on Cassiope shoots from the surroundings of the OTCs and control plots) correlated strongly with the mean summer temperature on Svalbard. The number of leaf pairs, leaf length and stem length also increased in the OTC warmed plots in the second and third year of warming. Transfer functions were derived from the temperature‐annual growth correlations from a single shoot from Longyeardalen, from the cross‐dated Isdammen site chronology and from the growth response to experimental warming. Based on leaf scar distances and distances between wintermarksepta of well‐preserved subfossil shoots in arctic tundra soil, annual stem length increase was assessed for the layers of a soil core collected at the Isdammen site. Based on the derived transfer functions summer temperature of the period relating to the 15 cm deep tundra soil core layer, radiocarbon dated at 4230±40 bp , may have been 3.0 °C lower than the present‐day 6.2 °C value. These results indicate that the transfer functions can be used to reconstruct past temperatures, beyond the time range of instrumental temperature and ice core records of Svalbard.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint (a) Morphology of shoot of Cassiope tetragona collected May 26, 2007, Longyeardalen. Removal of the front row of leaves shows four leaf pairs of the 2006 summer, the leaf primordium for the 2007 growing season and the stem length increase summer 2006. (b) Wintermarksepta, darker colored than the pith tissue, indicating the winterperiod in a longitudinal section of an air‐dried shoot collected August 26, 2006, Longyeardalen.  相似文献   
A functional analysis of the V2 protein of two monopartite begomoviruses, Papaya leaf curl virus (PaLCuV) and Cotton leaf curl Kokhran virus (CLCuKoV), has been performed. Expression of the V2 gene from a Potato virus X (PVX) vector resulted in severe leaf curling followed by a hypersensitive response (HR) in Nicotiana benthamiana and N. tabacum , demonstrating that the V2 protein is a pathogenicity determinant and a target of host defence responses. Agroinfiltration of a PVX vector expressing the V2 protein resulted in cell death in the infiltrated area. Subsequently, a systemic HR developed that was associated with the long-distance spread of the virus and led to the death of the plant. V2 amino acid sequences encompassing a conserved putative protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation motif were shown to be essential for the elicitation of cell death. In co-inoculation experiments, the transient expression of the C2 protein of PaLCuV or Cotton leaf curl Multan virus under the control of the Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter inhibited the HR induced by V2 in the agroinfiltrated area. These findings demonstrate that the V2 protein of monopartite begomoviruses is a pathogenicity determinant and induces an HR that can be suppressed by the C2 protein. The induction and suppression of HR have been demonstrated previously in bipartite begomoviruses and our results extend this to monopartite begomoviruses.  相似文献   
An animal's pattern of habitat use can reveal how different parts of its environment vary in quality based on the costs (such as predation risk) and benefits (such as food intake) of using each habitat. We studied klipspringer habitat use in Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa using giving‐up densities (GUDs; the amount of food remaining in a resource patch following exploitation) in experimental food patches. We tested hypotheses related to how salient habitat variables might influence klipspringers' perceptions of foraging costs. At small spatial scales (3–4 m), klipspringer GUDs did not vary with cover and open microhabitats, or with the four cardinal aspects (shading) around shrubs. Adding water adjacent to food patches did not influence GUDs, showing that water is not a limiting complementary resource to food. Generally, klipspringers do not appear to be physiologically constrained. There was no difference in GUDs between four daily time periods, or between summer and winter; however, a significant interaction effect of time‐of‐day with season resulted from GUDs during the midday time period in winter being significantly higher (perceived value lower) than during the same time period in summer. At moderate spatial scales (10–60 m), klipspringer GUDs increased with distance from rocks because of increased predation risk. Based on GUDs collected at the largest scale (two 4.41‐ha grids), klipspringers preferred foraging at greater distances from drainage lines and on pebble and cobble substrates. Overall, this study has shown the efficacy of measuring GUDs to determine klipspringers' habitat utilization while foraging.  相似文献   
1. This synthesis examines 35 long‐term (5–35 years, mean: 16 years) lake re‐oligotrophication studies. It covers lakes ranging from shallow (mean depth <5 m and/or polymictic) to deep (mean depth up to 177 m), oligotrophic to hypertrophic (summer mean total phosphorus concentration from 7.5 to 3500 μg L?1 before loading reduction), subtropical to temperate (latitude: 28–65°), and lowland to upland (altitude: 0–481 m). Shallow north‐temperate lakes were most abundant. 2. Reduction of external total phosphorus (TP) loading resulted in lower in‐lake TP concentration, lower chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration and higher Secchi depth in most lakes. Internal loading delayed the recovery, but in most lakes a new equilibrium for TP was reached after 10–15 years, which was only marginally influenced by the hydraulic retention time of the lakes. With decreasing TP concentration, the concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) also declined substantially. 3. Decreases (if any) in total nitrogen (TN) loading were lower than for TP in most lakes. As a result, the TN : TP ratio in lake water increased in 80% of the lakes. In lakes where the TN loading was reduced, the annual mean in‐lake TN concentration responded rapidly. Concentrations largely followed predictions derived from an empirical model developed earlier for Danish lakes, which includes external TN loading, hydraulic retention time and mean depth as explanatory variables. 4. Phytoplankton clearly responded to reduced nutrient loading, mainly reflecting declining TP concentrations. Declines in phytoplankton biomass were accompanied by shifts in community structure. In deep lakes, chrysophytes and dinophytes assumed greater importance at the expense of cyanobacteria. Diatoms, cryptophytes and chrysophytes became more dominant in shallow lakes, while no significant change was seen for cyanobacteria. 5. The observed declines in phytoplankton biomass and chl a may have been further augmented by enhanced zooplankton grazing, as indicated by increases in the zooplankton : phytoplankton biomass ratio and declines in the chl a : TP ratio at a summer mean TP concentration of <100–150 μg L?1. This effect was strongest in shallow lakes. This implies potentially higher rates of zooplankton grazing and may be ascribed to the observed large changes in fish community structure and biomass with decreasing TP contribution. In 82% of the lakes for which data on fish are available, fish biomass declined with TP. The percentage of piscivores increased in 80% of those lakes and often a shift occurred towards dominance by fish species characteristic of less eutrophic waters. 6. Data on macrophytes were available only for a small subsample of lakes. In several of those lakes, abundance, coverage, plant volume inhabited or depth distribution of submerged macrophytes increased during oligotrophication, but in others no changes were observed despite greater water clarity. 7. Recovery of lakes after nutrient loading reduction may be confounded by concomitant environmental changes such as global warming. However, effects of global change are likely to run counter to reductions in nutrient loading rather than reinforcing re‐oligotrophication.  相似文献   
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