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The ultrastructure of chloroplasts in mesophyll cells of Pinus silvesris was examined under the electron microscope. Secondary needles were regularly sampled from a tree in a natural stand for one year. Primary needles from one-year-old seedlings exposed to frost hardening and dehardening conditions in a controlled environment chamber were also studied. These seedlings were exposed to 8 or 55 W m-2. All needles were put in fixative at the different sampling dates and stored in a refrigerator until they were prepared for electron microscopy at the end of the experimental period. During the summer the choroplasts were symmetrically shaped and heavily loaded with starch. The membrane systems were well developed and consisted of both grana and stroma thylakoids. In autumn and during early artificial frost hardening the starch content was reduced, the chloroplasts appeared amoeboid and membrane-free stroma regions were seen. Later the chloroplasts became swollen and aggregated in one part of the cell. Starch was lost and the chloroplasts aggregated earlier at 8 W m-2 than at 55 W m-2. During winter the stroma thylakoids were first reduced in number and later even the grana thylakoids were damaged, resulting in mostly disorganized single membranes. Also the chloroplast envelope disappeared. In spring and early summer the chloroplasts migrated to the proximity of the cell walls. The membrane systems were reorganized and starch accumulated. During the first days of artificial dehardening the photosynthetic membranes were severely damaged, especially at 55 W m-2, but soon new membranes were formed. Starch accumulated earlier at 55 than at 8 W m-2. The reported ultrastructural variations are discussed in relation to functional and biochemical fluctuations caused by the season or by artificial variations in the climate as demonstrated earlier.  相似文献   
SUMMARY 1. A laboratory study of egg development of the stonefly Isoperla obscura (Zetterstedt) collected from the stream Flybekken (southern Norway, 61°25'N, 8°48'E, 1373 m a.s.l.) showed a short diapause followed by a prolonged period of postdiapause quiescence.
2. Diapause occurred over a wide range of temperatures (−20°C to +8°C), but 0–1°C was the most favourable for fast diapause development and successful hatching. Diapause development required temperatures below 12°C, but sub-zero diapause temperatures increased mortality during the postdiapause phase, as well as reducing hatching success.
3. The threshold for initiation of postdiapausal development was about 1–2°C. Development rate increased and variation in development time decreased at higher water temperatures. These may be important characteristics to ensure seasonal and geographical synchrony of development in individual populations. Low postdiapausal temperatures were unfavourable, despite a subsequent increase in water temperature. No response to postdiapausal photoperiod was detected.
4. The results agreed well with conditions noted in the natural environment, and with the abundance of this species at high altitudes and latitudes in Fennoscandia. Nevertheless, Isoperla obscura also occurs in streams in the maritime parts of western Norway. The results of the present study suggest that egg development in these populations will prove to be different.  相似文献   
Some aspects of life strategies of Early Palaeozoic rugose corals   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Examination of some well-preserved specimens of Silurian rugose corals from Gotland reveals that the following categories of life strategies can be distinguished: ambitopic, liberosessile, fixosessile, rhizosessile and possibly limited vagile. Most solitary rugose corals appear to have been liberosessile and are characterized by initial attachment to a small sediment grain but subsequently becoming recumbent on a soft substrate. Detailed studies of Phaulactis angelini, Holophragma calceoloides, Laccophyllum lindstroemi, Rhegmaphyllum conulus and Rhabdocyclus ocksaroensis n. sp., and comparison with earlier described species, provide some new aspects on different life strategies for solitary corals.  相似文献   
The Natterjack toad, Bufo calamita, is a locally endangered anuran endemic to Europe. It has been used as a model organism in several ecological studies. When studying the genetic structure of marginalized populations of the species, there was a need to involve more loci in the study than those previously published. Here we present the development of six polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Natterjack. The loci will be used for studying population genetic structure and gene flow between populations.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to assess whether or not oxidative stress had developed in a dwarf shrub bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.) under long-term exposure to enhanced levels of ultraviolet-B (u.v.-B) radiation. The bilberry plants were exposed to increased u.v.-B representing a 15% stratospheric ozone depletion for seven full growing seasons (1991–1997) at Abisko, Swedish Lapland (68°N). The oxidative stress was assessed on leaves and stems by analysing ascorbate and glutathione concentrations, and activities of the closely related enzymes ascorbate peroxidase (EC and glutathione reductase (EC The affects of autumnal leaf senescence and stem cold hardening on these variables were also considered. The results showed that the treatment caused scarcely any response in the studied variables, indicating that u.v.-B flux representing a 15% ozone depletion under clear sky conditions is not sufficient to cause oxidative stress in the bilberry. It is suggested that no strain was evoked since adaptation was possible under such u.v.-B increases. The studied variables did, however, respond significantly to leaf senescence and especially to stem cold hardening.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT There are many challenges facing natural resources programs in North American higher education today. Pressures exerted by a new generation of students, changing workplace requirements (including undergraduate core-knowledge requirements), and an increasingly specialized professoriate are great but not insurmountable. We discuss each of these issues and pose potential solutions to address each including adopting new pedagogical techniques for content delivery (e.g., adapting courses to be inclusive of new technologies), revising curriculum to meet the needs of a new suite of learners (e.g., developing curricula that allow structured flexibility of choices, designing a core curriculum that is a mix of single-discipline courses and courses that integrate across disciplines), and new strategies for faculty engagement in discipline-specific survey courses. By remaining deliberate and effective in our pursuit of quality higher education we have the opportunity to ensure we are delivering the best possible education to the future professionals of our disciplines.  相似文献   
Four species of Ordovician Chitinozoa from Öland, Sweden, Cyathochitina stentor, Desmochitina minor, Lagenochitina esthonica , and Lagenochitina tumida , have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. There is very great variation in the vesicle wall ultrastructure of the specimens studied. The texture of the vesicle wall can be homogeneous or granular and can also contain denser zones. Ultrastructures such as pore canals and 'empty spaces' have been revealed. The systematic affinity of the Chitinozoa is discussed, and it is concluded that chitinozoans display typical metazoan structures represented in eggs and egg capsules of marine invertebrates and possibly also in fish.  相似文献   
We report the development of 14 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers cloned from the White‐tailed Sea Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla, a formerly threatened raptor that has received much conservation attention throughout Eurasia. We also present a protocol for multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the loci. Among 40 unrelated H. albicilla individuals from southern Sweden, the markers produced two to eight alleles per locus, and average observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.463 and 0.468, respectively. We further present five microsatellite markers that appeared monomorphic in H. albicilla, but which may be of interest for use in other raptor species.  相似文献   
Zootherapy is the treatment of human ailments with remedies made from animals and their products. Despite its prevalence in traditional medical practices worldwide, research on this phenomenon has often been neglected in comparison to medicinal plant research. This review discusses some related aspects of the use of animal-based remedies in Latin America, identifies those species used as folk remedies, and discusses the implications of zootherapy for public health and biological conservation. The review of literature revealed that at least 584 animal species, distributed in 13 taxonomic categories, have been used in traditional medicine in region. The number of medicinal species catalogued was quite expansive and demonstrates the importance of zootherapy as an alternative mode of therapy in Latin America. Nevertheless, this number is certainly underestimated since the number of studies on the theme are very limited. Animals provide the raw materials for remedies prescribed clinically and are also used in the form of amulets and charms in magic-religious rituals and ceremonies. Zootherapeutic resources were used to treat different diseases. The medicinal fauna is largely based on wild animals, including some endangered species. Besides being influenced by cultural aspects, the relations between humans and biodiversity in the form of zootherapeutic practices are conditioned by the social and economic relations between humans themselves. Further ethnopharmacological studies are necessary to increase our understanding of the links between traditional uses of faunistic resources and conservation biology, public health policies, sustainable management of natural resources and bio-prospecting.  相似文献   
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