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treegraph assists in producing complex ready‐to‐publish figures of phylogenetic trees. The TGF format used by the program automates formatting of several different statistical support value types (confidence estimates) per tree node. Moreover, internal text and graphical labels are automatically arranged at the nodes as are annotations for clades or groups of terminals. treegraph imports nexus trees and related file formats. Beyond common tree edit operations, simultaneous pruning of subtrees (simplification of the tree to higher order clades) and saving of subtrees is possible. treegraph exports to the standard vector graphics formats Scalable Vector Graphics and PostScript.  相似文献   
The scope of morphological plasticity of vegetative structures among Podostemoideae (Podostemaceae) is documented for Crenias weddelliana, a neotropical species, Maferria indica, a palaeotropical species, and Sphaerothylax abyssinica, from Kenya, and compared with related taxa. The study highlights intrinsic characters of the widely enigmatic plant body of many species of the subfamily Podostemoideae. These include dorsiventrality of shoots occurring irrespective of gravity, incurvate distichy and one‐sided spirodistichy correlated with shoot dorsiventrality, asymmetric leaves, and several types of positioning of the two prophylls and inflorescence structures. The homogeneity of hairs of the ‘Zeylanidium olivaceum type’ established on the subulate leaves of some Indian species is of taxonomic value. The latter also applies to the stipella (not stipule) on the asymmetric compound leaf in New World species. The morphological data represent a framework of features consistent for the subfamily. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 138 , 63–84.  相似文献   
Aquatic invertebrates in riverine landscapes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. Riverine systems consist of a mosaic of patches and habitats linked by diverse processes and supporting highly complex communities. Invertebrates show a high taxonomic and functional diversity in riverine systems and are in several ways important components of these systems. Their distribution patterns, movements and effects on ecological flows, testify to their importance in various landscape ecological processes. This paper reviews the invertebrate literature with respect to patterns and processes in the riverine landscape. 2. The distribution of invertebrates in riverine habitats is governed by a number of factors that typically act at different scales. Hence, the local community structure can be seen as the result of a continuous sorting process through environmental filters ranging from regional or catchment‐wide processes, involving speciation, geological history and climate, to the small‐scale characteristics of individual patches, such as local predation risk, substratum porosity and current velocity. 3. Dispersal is an important process driving invertebrate distribution, linking different ecological systems across boundaries. Dispersal occurs within the aquatic habitat as well as into the terrestrial surrounding, and also over land to other waterbodies. New genetic techniques have contributed significantly to the understanding of aquatic invertebrate dispersal and revealed the importance of factors such as physical barriers, synchrony of emergence and taxonomic affiliation. 4. Invertebrates affect the cycling of nutrients and carbon by being a crucial intermediate link between primary producers, detritus pools or primary consumers, and predators higher up in the trophic hierarchy. Suspension feeders increase the retention of carbon. The subsidies of aquatic invertebrates to the terrestrial ecosystem have been shown to be important, as are reciprocal processes such as the supply of terrestrial invertebrates that fall into the water. 5. Future studies are needed both to advance theoretical aspects of landscape ecology pertaining to the invertebrates in riverine systems and to intensify the experimental testing of hypotheses, for example with respect to the scaling of processes and to linkages between the terrestrial and aquatic systems. Another promising avenue is to take advantage of naturally steep environmental gradients, and of systems disturbed by humans, such as regulated rivers. By comparison with unimpaired reference sites, the mechanisms involved might be identified. The use of `natural' experiments, especially where environmental gradients are steep, is another technique with great potential.  相似文献   
1. Effects of flow regulation on abundance and richness of net-spinning caddis larvae (Hydropsychoidea; Trichoptera) were examined in fifty-two North Swedish rivers. Models based on conditions at unregulated sites were used to predict densities at impacted sites and the residuals, i.e. the differences between observed and predicted numbers, were used as measures of the effects.
2. Two broad categories of impacted sites were identified. Sites with regulated but unreduced flow often have reduced seasonal flow variation and slightly enhanced short-term variation, while those with reduced flow usually have long periods of low and stable flow occasionally interrupted by short periods of violently fluctuating flow.
3. The abundance of net-spinning caddis larvae was significantly lower than predicted at both types of sites (reduction 30%), while richness was significantly reduced only at sites with reduced flow (reduction 20%).
4. A subsequent analysis of the relationship between the effects and variables altered by flow regulations, e.g. flow magnitude and flow variation, indicated that species richness was primarily affected by the occurrence of periods with zero flow, while negative effects of abundance were associated with high flow variability.
5. Significant negative effects on the abundance of individual taxa were observed for Cheumatopsyche lepida and Hydropsyche pellucidula at sites with regulated but unreduced flow.
6. Analyses of the relationships between the effects and regulation-related variables suggest that H. siltalai was significantly negatively affected by the occurrence of zero flow and that negative effects on Arctopsyche ladogensis were associated with flow reduction and high flow variability.  相似文献   
A Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus population in Northern Sweden (66°N, 17°E) was monitored from 1996 to 2002 in relation to its predator–prey interactions with its main and alternative prey species. Ptarmigan species Lagopus spp., and especially Rock Ptarmigan L. mutus , were the Gyr Falcons' most important prey and constituted more than 90% of the prey biomass. A 21-fold difference in ptarmigan abundance was found across Falcon breeding territories. However, this great variation in prey availability corresponded to only about a 10% shift in Gyr Falcon diet across territories, suggesting that the Falcons were reluctant or unable to compensate for declining ptarmigan availability by using alternative prey categories. Gyr Falcons did not respond functionally to microtine rodent abundance. Their diets were unaffected by a peak in the microtine rodent population cycle when Norwegian Lemmings Lemmus lemmus occurred in high numbers in the study area. Gyr Falcons responded numerically to their prey in two ways. First, there was a reproductive response with a significant relationship between the number of chicks fledged and the number of ptarmigan in the breeding territories. Secondly, although the Gyr Falcons did not utilize microtines as prey, there was a relationship between the microtine rodent abundance and the number of pairs that attempted to breed each year. This could be a result of an indirect community interaction, assuming that other predators switched from ptarmigan to microtines as prey, which could have had a positive effect on the breeding performance of the Gyr Falcons. The Gyr Falcons acted as true specialist predators, and their narrow food niche probably reflected a general lack of suitable alternative prey in the study area.  相似文献   
1. This paper introduces key messages from a number of papers emanating from the Second International Symposium on Riverine Landscapes held in August 2004 in Sweden, focusing on river restoration. Together these papers provide an overview of the science of river restoration, and point out future research needs. 2. Restoration tests the feasibility of recreating complex ecosystems from more simple and degraded states, thereby presenting a major challenge to ecological science. Therefore, close cooperation between practitioners and scientists would be beneficial, but most river restoration projects are currently performed with little or no scientific involvement. 3. Key messages emanating from this series of papers are: The scope, i.e. the maximum and minimum spatial extent and temporal duration of habitat use, of species targeted for restoration should be acknowledged, so that all relevant stages in their life cycles are considered. Species that have been lost from a stream cannot be assumed to recolonise spontaneously, calling for strategies to ensure the return of target species to be integrated into projects. Possible effects of invasive exotic species also need to be incorporated into project plans, either to minimise the impact of exotics, or to modify the expected outcome of restoration in cases where extirpation of exotics is impractical. 4. Restoration of important ecological processes often implies improving connectivity of the stream. For example, longitudinal and lateral connectivity can be enhanced by restoring fluvial dynamics on flood‐suppressed rivers and by increasing water availability in rivers subject to water diversion or withdrawal, thereby increasing habitat and species diversity. Restoring links between surface and ground water flow enhances vertical connectivity and communities associated with the hyporheic zone. 5. Future restoration schemes should consider where in the catchment to locate projects to make restoration most effective, consider the cumulative effects of many small projects, and evaluate the potential to restore ecosystem processes under highly constrained conditions such as in urban areas. Moreover, restoration projects should be properly monitored to assess whether restoration has been successful, thus enabling adaptive management and learning for the future from both successful and unsuccessful restorations.  相似文献   
Crustacean microcoprolites are preserved along with crustacean megafossils in an Eocene limestone within the Humptulips Formation in Grays Harbor County, Washington. The limestone formed at a methane seep, as revealed by early diagenetic carbonate phases resembling those of other seep limestones, δ13Ccarbonate values as low as −27‰, and lipid biomarkers of prokaryotes involved in anaerobic oxidation of methane with δ13C values as low as −110‰. Recognizable crustacean megafossils are chiefly isolated chelipeds, akin to those of callianassid shrimp. The microcoprolites are pierced by ten longitudinal canals with crescent-shaped outlines in cross-section, arranged in two symmetrical groups. The symmetry plan and number of canals of the microcoprolites identify the Humptulips ichnospecies as Palaxius habanensis Brönnimann & Norton. The occurrence of decapod fossils along with microcoprolites suggests that callianassid shrimp were the producers of the Palaxius , supporting earlier work that attributed this ichnogenus to callianassids.  相似文献   
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that as many as 80% of the world's more than six billion people rely primarily on animal and plant-based medicines. The healing of human ailments by using therapeutics based on medicines obtained from animals or ultimately derived from them is known as zootherapy. The phenomenon of zootherapy is marked both by a broad geographical distribution and very deep historical origins. Despite their importance, studies on the therapeutic use of animals and animal parts have been neglected, when compared to plants. This paper discusses some related aspects of the use of animals or parts thereof as medicines, and their implications for ecology, culture (the traditional knowledge), economy, and public health.  相似文献   
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