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Induction of spheroplasts in Capnocytophaga ochracea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A gentle technique for preparing spheroplasts of Capnocytophaga ochracea strain 25 is described. Cells in the exponential phase were washed with 1.0 M-NaCl, agitated in 1.0 M-NaCl for 2 h at 30 degrees C and exposed to lysozyme in a Tris/salts buffer, pH 7.0. This procedure resulted in 98% spheroplast formation with complete removal of the peptidoglycan layer as detected by both phase-contrast and electron microscopy in combination with chemical analysis.  相似文献   
Membrane type (MT) matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are recently recognized members of the family of Zn(2+)- and Ca(2+)-dependent MMPs. To investigate the proteolytic capabilities of human MT4-MMP (i.e. MMP-17), we have cloned DNA encoding its catalytic domain (CD) from a breast carcinoma cDNA library. Human membrane type 4 MMP CD (MT4-MMPCD) protein, expressed as inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli, was purified to homogeneity and refolded in the presence of Zn(2+) and Ca(2+). While MT4-MMPCD cleaved synthetic MMP substrates Ac-PLG-[2-mercapto-4-methylpentanoyl]-LG-OEt and Mca-PLGL-Dpa-AR-NH(2) with modest efficiency, it catalyzed with much higher efficiency the hydrolysis of a pro-tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme synthetic substrate, Mca-PLAQAV-Dpa-RSSSR-NH(2). Catalytic efficiency with the pro-tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme substrate was maximal at pH 7.4 and was modulated by three ionizable enzyme groups (pK(a3) = 6.2, pK(a2) = 8.3, and pK(a1) = 10.6). MT4-MMPCD cleaved gelatin but was inactive toward type I collagen, type IV collagen, fibronectin, and laminin. Like all known MT-MMPs, MT4-MMPCD was also able to activate 72-kDa progelatinase A to its 68-kDa form. EDTA, 1,10-phenanthroline, reference hydroxamic acid MMP inhibitors, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 all potently blocked MT4-MMPCD enzymatic activity. MT4-MMP is, therefore, a competent Zn(2+)-dependent MMP with unique specificity among synthetic substrates and the capability to both degrade gelatin and activate progelatinase A.  相似文献   
Proposals for the use of live attenuated human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 (HIV-1) as a vaccine candidate in humans have been based on the protection afforded by attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus in the macaque model. Although it is not yet known if this strategy could succeed in humans, a study of the Sydney Blood Bank Cohort (SBBC), infected with an attenuated HIV-1 quasispecies with natural nef and nef/long terminal repeat deletions for up to 17 years, could provide insights into the long-term immunological consequences of living with an attenuated HIV-1 infection. In this study, HIV-specific cytoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses in an SBBC donor and six recipients were examined over a 3-year period with enzyme-linked immunospot, tetrameric complex binding, direct CTL lysis, and CTL precursor level techniques. Strong HIV-specific CTL responses were detected in four of seven patients, including one patient with an undetectable viral load. Two of seven patients had weak CTL responses, and in one recipient, no HIV-specific CTLs were detected. High levels of circulating effector and memory HIV-specific CTLs can be maintained for prolonged periods in these patients despite very low viral loads.  相似文献   
A bifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of formyltetrahydrofolate to methylene-tetrahydrofolate (5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase and 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenease), has been subcloned from a cDNA library, purified to homogeneity, and crystallized. The crystals belong to space group I222, with unit cell dimensions of a= 64.5 Å b= 84.9 Å c= 146.1 Å. The crystal unit cell and diffraction is consistent with an asymmetric unit consisting of the enzyme monomer, and a specific volume of the unit cell of 3.2 Å3/Da. The crystals diffract to at least 2.8 Å resolution after flash-cooling, when using a rotating anode x-ray source and an RAXIS image plate detector. A 2.56 Å resolution native data set has been collected at beamline X12-C at the NSLS. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Climate change will have numerous impacts on crop production worldwide necessitating a broadening of the germplasm base required to source and incorporate novel traits. Major variation exists in crop progenitor species for seasonal adaptation, photosynthetic characteristics, and root system architecture. Wheat is crucial for securing future food and nutrition security and its evolutionary history and progenitor diversity offer opportunities to mine favourable functional variation in the primary gene pool. Here we provide a review of the status of characterisation of wheat progenitor variation and the potential to use this knowledge to inform the use of variation in other cereal crops. Although significant knowledge of progenitor variation has been generated, we make recommendations for further work required to systematically characterise underlying genetics and physiological mechanisms and propose steps for effective use in breeding. This will enable targeted exploitation of useful variation, supported by the growing portfolio of genomics and accelerated breeding approaches. The knowledge and approaches generated are also likely to be useful across wider crop improvement.Subject terms: Natural variation in plants, Plant hybridization  相似文献   
The dramatic cell shape changes during cytokinesis require the interplay between microtubules and the actomyosin contractile ring, and addition of membrane to the plasma membrane. Numerous membrane-trafficking components localize to the central spindle during cytokinesis, but it is still unclear how this machinery is targeted there and how membrane trafficking is coordinated with cleavage furrow ingression. Here we use an arf6 null mutant to show that the endosomal GTPase ARF6 is required for cytokinesis in Drosophila spermatocytes. ARF6 is enriched on recycling endosomes at the central spindle, but it is required neither for central spindle nor actomyosin contractile ring assembly, nor for targeting of recycling endosomes to the central spindle. However, in arf6 mutants the cleavage furrow regresses because of a failure in rapid membrane addition to the plasma membrane. We propose that ARF6 promotes rapid recycling of endosomal membrane stores during cytokinesis, which is critical for rapid cleavage furrow ingression.  相似文献   
Using inbreeding theory as applied to neutral alleles inherited maternally, we generate expected probability distributions of times to identity by descent for random pairs of mitochondrial genotypes within a population or within an entire species characterized by high gene flow. For comparisons with these expectations, empirical distributions of times to most recent common ancestry were calculated (by conventional mtDNA clock calibrations) from mtDNA haplotype distances observed within each of three vertebrate species--American eels, hardhead catfish, and redwinged blackbirds. These species were chosen for analysis because census population size in each is currently large and because both genetic and life-history data are consistent with the postulate that historical gene flow within these species has been high. The observed molecular distances among mtDNA lineages were two to three orders of magnitude lower than predicted from census sizes of breeding females, suggesting that rate of mtDNA evolution is decelerated in these species and/or that long-term effective population size is vastly smaller than present-day population size. Several considerations point to the latter possibility as most likely. The genetic structure of any species is greatly influenced by historical demography; even for species that are currently abundant, mtDNA gene lineages appear to have been channeled through fairly small numbers of ancestors.   相似文献   
FTIR difference spectroscopy is used to reveal changes in the internal structure and amino acid protonation states of bovine cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) that occur upon photolysis of the CO adduct of the two-electron reduced (mixed valence, MV) and four-electron reduced (fully reduced, FR) forms of the enzyme. FTIR difference spectra were obtained in D(2)O (pH 6-9.3) between the MV-CO adduct (heme a(3) and Cu(B) reduced; heme a and Cu(A) oxidized) and a photostationary state in which the MV-CO enzyme is photodissociated under constant illumination. In the photostationary state, part of the enzyme population has heme a(3) oxidized and heme a reduced. In MV-CO, the frequency of the stretch mode of CO bound to ferrous heme a(3) decreases from 1965.3 cm(-1) at pH* 相似文献   
The follicle-deplete mouse ovary produces androgen   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The follicle-depleted postmenopausal ovary is enriched in interstitial cells that produce androgens. This study was designed to cause follicle depletion in mice using the industrial chemical, 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide (VCD), and characterize the steroidogenic capacity of cells in the residual ovarian tissue. From a dose-finding study, the optimal daily concentration of VCD was determined to be 160 mg/kg. Female B6C3F(1) immature mice were treated daily with vehicle control or VCD (160 mg kg(-1) day(-1), 15 days, i.p.). Ovaries were removed and processed for histological evaluation. On Day 15 following onset of treatment, primordial follicles were depleted and primary follicles were reduced to about 10% of controls. On Day 46, primary follicles were depleted and secondary and antral follicles were reduced to 0.7% and 2.6% of control, respectively. Seventy-five percent of treated mice displayed disruptions in estrous cyclicity. All treated mice were in persistent diestrus (acyclic) by Day 58. Plasma FSH levels were increased (P < 0.05) relative to controls on Day 37 and had plateaued by Day 100. Relative to age-matched cyclic controls, by Day 127, the significant differences in VCD-treated mice included reduced ovarian and uterine weights, elevated plasma LH and FSH, and reduced plasma progesterone and androstenedione. Furthermore, plasma 17beta-estradiol levels were nondetectable. Unlike controls, immunostaining for LH receptor, and the high density lipoprotein receptor (SR-BI), was diffuse in ovarian sections from VCD-treated animals. Ovaries from Day 120 control and VCD-treated animals were dissociated and dispersed cells were placed in culture. Cultured cells from ovaries of VCD-treated animals produced less LH-stimulated progesterone than control cells. Androstenedione production was nondetectable in cells from cyclic control animals. Conversely, cells from VCD-treated animals produced androstenedione that was doubled in the presence of insulin and LH (1 and 3 ng/ml). Collectively, these data demonstrate that VCD-mediated follicle depletion results in residual ovarian tissue that may be analogous to the follicle-deplete postmenopausal ovary. This may serve as a useful animal model to examine the dynamics of follicle loss in women as ovarian senescence ensues.  相似文献   
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