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在哺乳类细胞中,细胞克隆培养已获得了广泛的应用,而在鱼类细胞中,尚未见到有关克隆化培养的报道。建立适合鱼类细胞的克隆培养技术,对于鱼类的细胞生物学、生物化学、病毒学、体细胞遗传学和细胞工程的研究,具有广泛的实甩价值。我们成功地进行了鱼类细胞克隆的培养。现将主要试验结果作一简要报道。  相似文献   
The yield from glucose of ammonia-grown carbon-limited continuous cultures of Penicillium stipitatum was ca. 20% higher than that of nitrate-grown cultures at all growth rates examined. However, the yield from oxygen was similar during growth on both nitrogen sources. Under phosphate limitation the specific rate of gluconic acid and stipitatic acid production increased with growth rate, but the former product accounted for virtually 100% of the excreted carbon. Stipitatic acid was not produced under nitrogen limitation, and glucose supplied to the culture in excess of that required for growth was virtually quantatively converted into gluconic acid. Productivities of 11.4 g gluconic acid/L/h were stably maintained in continuous culture. Under conditions of glucose excess the enzyme glucose oxidase was excreted into the culture. The specific activity of this extracellular enzyme increased when the input glucose concentration to the culture was progressively increased. The excretion of a protein under nitrogen limitation suggests that this enzyme plays an important role under these conditions. Indeed, it was demonstrated that nitrogen-limited cultures did not overmetabolize gluconate at either pH 6.5 or 3.5, although up to 29 g/L gluconate was present in the culture. The Y(gluconate) and YO(2) of C- and N-limited gluconate-grown cultures were similar indicating that the rapid conversion of glucose to gluconate probably affords a means of regulating carbon flow in this organism. Nitrogen-limited cultures of P. stipitatum overmetabolized glucose to a much greater extent than acetate, fructose, or gluconate.  相似文献   
The proposition is examined that measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence in vivo can be used to monitor cellular injury caused by environmental stresses rapidly and nondestructively and to determine the relative stress tolerances of different species. Stress responses of leaf tissue were measured by FR, the maximal rate of the induced rise in chlorophyll fluorescence. The time taken for FR to decrease by 50% in leaves at 0°C was used as a measure of chilling tolerance. This value was 4.3 hours for chilling-sensitive cucumber. In contrast, FR decreased very slowly in cucumber leaves at 10°C or in chilling-tolerant cabbage leaves at 0°C. Long-term changes in FR of barley, wheat, and rye leaves kept at 0°C were different in frost-hardened and unhardened material and in the latter appeared to be correlated to plant frost tolerance. To simulate damage caused by a thick ice cover, wheat leaves were placed at 0°C under N2. Kharkov wheat, a variety tolerant of ice encapsulation, showed a slower decrease in FR than Gatcher, a spring wheat. Relative heat tolerance was also indicated by the decrease in FR in heated leaves while changes in vivo resulting from photoinhibition, ultraviolet radiation, and photobleaching can also be measured.  相似文献   
The carbon and nitrogen economies of a single cultivar of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.cv Caloona) nodulated with either a high H2-evolving strain (176A27) or a low H2-evolving strain (CB756) of Rhizobium were compared. The two symbioses did not differ in total dry matter production, seed yield, nitrogen fixed, the spectrum of nitrogenous solutes produced by nodules for export, or the partitioning of net photosynthate within the plant throughout the growth cycle. Detailed examination of the carbon and nitrogen economy of the nodules, however, showed a significant difference between the symbioses. Nodules formed with CB756 lost less CO2 in respiration compared to the higher H2-evolving symbioses and this could have been largely responsible for a 36% better economy of carbon use in CB756 nodules during the period of maximum H2 evolution (48-76 days) and over the whole growth period (20-90 days), a 16% economy. In terms of overall net photosynthate generated by the plant, these economies were equivalent to 5% and 2% of the carbon utilized in the two periods, respectively. From the differences in H2 evolution and CO2 production by nodules of the two symbioses, the cost of H2 evolution was found to be 3.83±0.6 millimoles CO2/millimoles H2 for plants grown in sand culture and 1.69 ± 0.48 millimoles CO2/millimoles H2 for those in water culture. In both symbioses, the ratio of H2 evolution to N2 fixed varied markedly during ontogeny, indicating a significant variation in the relative efficiency and thus metabolic cost of N2 fixation at different stages during development.  相似文献   
The growth of corn (Zea mays) roots and barley (Hordeum vulgare) coleoptiles is sensitive to the presence of external d-glucosamine and d-galactose. In order to investigate this effect, tissues were fed the radioactive monosaccharides at concentrations that ranged from those that were strongly inhibitory to those that had little influence on growth. At low concentrations, d-glucosamine is converted to uridine diphosphate-N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, phosphate esters of N-acetylglucosamine, and free N-acetylglucosamine. As the external concentrations were increased, the pool levels of each of these metabolites rose several fold; and, in corn roots, two unidentified compounds, which had not been detected previously, began to accumulate in the tissues. The major products of d-galactose metabolism were uridine diphosphate-d-galactose and d-galactose 1-phosphate at all the concentrations tested. Both these compounds showed a marked increase as the external galactose concentrations were raised to inhibitory levels. The experiments indicate that efficient pathways exist in plants for the metabolism of d-glucosamine and d-galactose. These pathways, however, do not appear to be under strict control, so that metabolites accumulate in unusually high amounts and presumably interfere competitively with normal carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   
The metabolism of myo-inositol-2-14C, d-glucuronate-1-14C, d-glucuronate-6-14C, and l-methionine-methyl-14C to cell wall polysaccharides was investigated in excised root-tips of 3 day old Zea mays seedlings. From myo-inositol, about one-half of incorporated label was recovered in ethanol insoluble residues. Of this label, about 90% was solubilized by treatment, first with a preparation of pectinase-EDTA, then with dilute hydrochloric acid. The only labeled constituents in these hydrolyzates were d-galacturonic acid, d-glucuronic acid, 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid, d-xylose, and l-arabinose, or larger oligosaccharide fragments containing these units. Medium external to excised root-tips grown under sterile conditions in myo-inositol-2-14C contained labeled polysaccharide.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of apiose was investigated in cell wall polysaccharide of Lemna gibba G3 (duckweed) and in detached leaves of Petroselinum crispum (parsley). Lemna grown either in short days or in continuous light incorporated 14C from a medium containing myo-inositol-2-14C into d-apiosyl and d-xylosyl units of cell wall polysaccharides. Labeled d-apiose was characterized by paper chromatography, by formation of labeled crystalline di-O-isopropylidene d-apiose, and by gas chromatography of trimethylsilyl derivatives of apiose and of its sodium borohydride reduction product, apiitol. Periodate oxidation of labeled apiose revealed 86 to 94% of the 14C was located in formaldehyde fragments corresponding to C3′ and C4. Comparison of this result with work reported by Grisebach and Doebereiner and by Beck and Kandler supports the conclusion that myo-inositol-2-14C was converted to d-apiose labeled specifically at C4.  相似文献   
1. Free glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glutamic acid from glutamine and, in some instances, the glutamic acid from glutathione and the aspartic acid from N-acetyl-aspartic acid were isolated from the brains of sheep and assayed for radioactivity after intravenous injection of [2-14C]glucose, [1-14C]acetate, [1-14C]butyrate or [2-14C]propionate. These brain components were also isolated and analysed from rats that had been given [2-14C]propionate. The results indicate that, as in rat brain, glucose is by far the best precursor of the free amino acids of sheep brain. 2. Degradation of the glutamate of brain yielded labelling patterns consistent with the proposal that the major route of pyruvate metabolism in brain is via acetyl-CoA, and that the short-chain fatty acids enter the brain without prior metabolism by other tissue and are metabolized in brain via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. 3. When labelled glucose was used as a precursor, glutamate always had a higher specific activity than glutamine; when labelled fatty acids were used, the reverse was true. These findings add support and complexity to the concept of the metabolic `compartmentation' of the free amino acids of brain. 4. The results from experiments with labelled propionate strongly suggest that brain metabolizes propionate via succinate and that this metabolic route may be a limited but important source of dicarboxylic acids in the brain.  相似文献   
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