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Summary Non-histone chromatin protein (NHCP) fractions were extracted from purified beef thyroid nuclear preparations and tested for the presence of protein kinase activities using several known mediators of thyroid regulation, as well as potential phosphotransferase substrates using purified or partially purified protein kinase activities. The addition of cAMP/3-isobutyl-l-methylxanthine had no effect on NHCP historic kinase activity; the addition of 10 g of the heat-stable cAMP-dependent protein kinase A inhibitor, however, resulted in a 47% reduction in histone H2 kinase activity. Nuclear casein kinase II activity was present in the NHCP fractions as evidenced by the capacity of spermine to stimulate (ED50 = 0.19 mM) and heparin to inhibit (ID50 = 0.09 g/ml) the phosphorylation of casein; further, the phosphotransferase activity could be purified by sequential casein-agarose and spermine-agarose affinity chromatography. Neither calcium-calmodulin nor calcium/phosphatidylserine/diolein had an effect on NHCP casein kinase or histone kinase activities, respectively. The addition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A catalytic subunit, nuclear casein kinase II, calcium-activated calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and diacylglycerol-activated calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C activities exhibited distinct phosphorylation patterns when NHCP were used as substrates and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. We conclude that NHCP fraction from beef thyroid: 1) contains both cAMP-dependent protein kinase A catalytic subunit and nuclear casein kinase II and 2) substrates for cAMP-dependent protein kinase A, calcium-activited calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase C, and nuclear casein kinase II.Abbreviations NHCP Non-Histone Chromatin Proteins - PK-A cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase - CAMPK Calcium-Activated Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase - PK-C Diacylglycerol-Activated Calcium/phospholipid-dependent Protein Kinase - NK-11 Nuclear Casein Kinase 11 - CK-G Cytosolic Casein Kinase G or 11 - PMSF Phenylmethyl Sulfonyl Fluoride - PKI the Heat Stable PK-A Inhibitor (Walsh inhibitor) - SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecylsulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - EDTA Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid - EGTA Ethyleneglycol bis- (B-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N,-Tetraacetic Acid - PS Phosphatidylserine - DO 1,2-Diolein  相似文献   
Bromus tectorum L. is an invasive winter annual grass naturalized across the United States. Numerous studies have investigated B. tectorum population structure and genetics in the context of B. tectorum as an ecological invader of natural areas and rangeland. Despite the wealth of information regarding B. tectorum, previous studies have not focused on, or made comparisons to, B. tectorum as it persists in individual agroecosystems. The objectives of this study were to assess the genetic diversity and structure, the occurrence of generalist and specialist genotypes, and the influence of climate on distribution of B. tectorum sourced exclusively from within small grain production regions of the Pacific Northwest. Genetic diversity of B. tectorum sourced from agronomic fields was found to be similar to what has been observed from other land use histories. Six distinct genetic clusters of B. tectorum were identified, with no evidence to indicate that any of the genetic clusters were better adapted to a particular geographical area or climate within the region. Given the apparent random spatial distribution of B. tectorum genetic clusters at the spatial scale of this analysis, unique genotypes may be well mixed within region, similar to what was reported for other inbreeding weedy grass species.  相似文献   
The bchA locus of Rhodobacter capsulatus codes for the chlorin reductase enzyme in the bacteriochlorophyll synthesis pathway. Previous work has suggested that this locus might encompass a single gene. We have sequenced the bchA locus and found it to contain three coding segments, which we designate bchX, bchY, and bchZ. Each coding segment contains its own translational initiation sequence and follows codon utilization patterns consistent with those of previously published R. capsulatus genes. When various regions of the bchA locus and flanking sequences were subcloned into an expression vector and expressed in Escherichia coli, the three coding segments were all expressed as separate peptides. Finally, conservation of amino acid sequences between bchX and a subunit of the protochlorophyllide reductase (bchL, 34% identity) and the nitrogenase Fe protein (nifH, 30 to 37% identity) suggests structural and mechanistic commonalities among all three proteins.  相似文献   
The changes in the contractile properties induced by a 30-Hz phasic stimulation paradigm were measured and compared with the changes induced by a 10-Hz continuous stimulation paradigm. The study was performed on the tibialis anterior muscles of cats with one paradigm applied to one hindlimb muscle and the other to the contralateral limb. Both hindlimb muscles received the same number of stimuli in a day, making the average stimulation frequency 10 Hz. Two periods of daily stimulation were studied, 8 and 24 h/day. Muscles stimulated at 30 Hz produced greater overall tetanic tension and, during a prolonged stimulation test, exerted a greater mean tension than muscles stimulated at 10 Hz (50 and 32% increase for animals stimulated for 8 and 24 h/day, respectively). Muscle mass was least reduced and fewer pathological abnormalities were observed in the muscles stimulated at 30 Hz. There were no apparent differences in the histochemistry or biochemistry between muscles stimulated at 10 and 30 Hz, which could account for these differences in muscle properties. These results indicate the 30-Hz paradigm may be better suited than 10 Hz continuous stimulation for applications requiring sustained muscle tension such as correction of scoliosis or muscle conditioning for motor prostheses.  相似文献   
Neurotensin (NT) injected intracerebroventricularly in rat increases dopamine (DA) turnover in the corpus striatum and nucleus accumbens. Significant increases in 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) levels occurred within 15 minutes after injection with peak levels at 60 minutes. The effect on NT on DOPAC and homovanillic acid (HVA) accumulation was dose-dependent at 3–100 μg. NT, like haloperidol, stimulated 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) accumulation in striatal neurons, in the presence of DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor, after injection of gamma-butyrolactone (GBL). NT had a similar stimulatory effect on DOPA levels in the accumbens while haloperidol (0.25 mg·kg?1) had no significant effect in this brain region. NT did not block the inhibitory effect of apomorphine on DOPA accumulation in both the striatum and accumbens, while haloperidol inhibited apomorphine effect in both regions. NT also failed to displace 3H-spiperone from DA receptors and the presence of NT in the binding assay did not alter the ability of DA to displace 3H-spiperone in either brain region. These experiments demonstrate that NT increases DA turnover in both the nigrostriatal and mesolimbic pathways.  相似文献   
Summary Development of the esophageal muscles in embryonic sea urchins is described using light- and electron microscopy. The muscles develop from processes of about 14 cells of the coelomic epithelium that become immunore-active to anti-actin at about 60 h (12–14° C). Initially, eachmyoblast extends a single process with numerous fine filopodia around the esophagus. By 72 h the processes have reached the midline and fused with those from cells of the contralateral coelomic sac. Myoblasts begin to migrate out of the coelomic epithelium between 72 and 84 h. By 72 h the processes stain with the F-actin specific probe NBD-phallacidin. The contractile apparatus is not evident in transmission electron-microscopic preparations of embryos at 70 h, but by 84 h the contractile apparatus is present and the muscle cells are capable of contraction. Because the myoblasts migrate free of the coelomic epithelium and are situated on the blastocoelar side of the basal lamina, it is suggested that that they should be considered as a class of mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   
Burke  Antje 《Plant Ecology》2002,158(1):41-48
To answer the question whether some inselbergs are better sources thanothers, thus potentially affecting processes in inselberg landscapes,inselberg-matrix affinities and the influence of regional physicalenvironmental parameters (latitude, longitude, distance from coast andmainland)and parameters operating on landscape level (elevation and geology) wereinvestigated. All investigated environmental parameters affected the observedpatternsto some extend. Distance from mainland and geographic position were importantona regional level, while elevation only influenced the observed trends wheninvestigated at a local level. Parameters determining bettersources within the selected study areas and sites, here simply definedasshowing higher floristic affinities with the surrounding, appeared to beinselbergs: (a) in southern Namibia and thus in an inland position; (b) at adistancefrom other mountainous habitats; and (c) of low elevation. Although theimportanceof inselbergs for conservation and maintenanceof biodiversity is evident, this study points towards a complex situation,ruling out the sole effect of any one of the parameters investigated atregionaland landscape level. Further observations and analysis at a local level maygivesome pointers and assist in identifying critical aspects important forconservation and range management.  相似文献   
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