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Bacterial cell division predominantly occurs by a highly conserved process, termed binary fission, that requires the bacterial homologue of tubulin, FtsZ. Other mechanisms of bacterial cell division that are independent of FtsZ are rare. Although the obligate intracellular human pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis, the leading bacterial cause of sexually transmitted infections and trachoma, lacks FtsZ, it has been assumed to divide by binary fission. We show here that Chlamydia divides by a polarized cell division process similar to the budding process of a subset of the Planctomycetes that also lack FtsZ. Prior to cell division, the major outer-membrane protein of Chlamydia is restricted to one pole of the cell, and the nascent daughter cell emerges from this pole by an asymmetric expansion of the membrane. Components of the chlamydial cell division machinery accumulate at the site of polar growth prior to the initiation of asymmetric membrane expansion and inhibitors that disrupt the polarity of C. trachomatis prevent cell division. The polarized cell division of C. trachomatis is the result of the unipolar growth and FtsZ-independent fission of this coccoid organism. This mechanism of cell division has not been documented in other human bacterial pathogens suggesting the potential for developing Chlamydia-specific therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   
Type II procollagen messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was isolated from chick sternum and rat chondrosarcoma cells and translated in a reticulocyte lysate cell-free system. A high molecular weight band was identified as type II procollagen by gel electrophoresis, collagenase digestion, and specific immunoprecipitation. The translation of type II mRNA was specifically inhibited by addition of type I procollagen amino-terminal extension peptide. When this peptide was added to the media of cultured fetal calf chondrocytes, chick sternal chondrocytes, or chick tendon fibroblasts, no inhibition of collagen synthesis was evident. These data suggest a general regulation of collagen biosynthesis by these peptides in the cell-free translation system. However, as indicated by the cell culture experiments, cellular characteristics and evolutionary divergence of animal species seem to restrict the effect of the peptides.  相似文献   
Functional and structural similarities among a wide variety of endomembrane H+-ATPases suggest that they form a distinct class with a common origin. Immunological studies (Manolson, M. F., Percy, J. M., Apps, D. K., Xie, X. S., Stone, D. K., and Poole, R. J. (1987) in Proceedings of the Membrane Protein Symposium (Goheen, S. C., ed) pp. 427-434, Bio-Rad, Richmond, CA, and M. F. Manolson, J. M. Percy, D. K. Apps, X. S. Xie, D. K. Stone, M. Harrison, D. J. Clarke, R. J. Poole, unpublished data) support this idea and suggest an evolutionary relationship between the endomembrane and F0F1 ATPases. Further examination of relationships necessitates comparison of protein/nucleic acid sequence data. To this end, we have cloned and sequenced the cDNA encoding the 57-kDa polypeptide of the Arabidopsis vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the sequence of a "57-kDa" subunit for plant or animal endomembrane H+-ATPase. This cDNA encodes a hydrophilic polypeptide containing a putative ATP binding site. Lack of a secretion signal sequence suggests it is not processed through the endoplasmic reticulum but translated on cytosolic ribosomes. Comparison of protein sequences shows the 57-kDa subunit from Arabidopsis to be nearly identical with the corresponding subunit in Neurospora vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase, very similar to the beta subunit of the archaebacterium Sulfolobus, and slightly, but nevertheless significantly, homologous to the alpha and beta subunits of the F0F1-ATPases. These results suggest that these different classes of ATPases have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
ABC proteins were first characterized in the protozoan parasite Leishmania while studying mechanisms of drug resistance. PGPA is involved in resistance to arsenite and antimonite and it most likely confers resistance by sequestering metal–thiol conjugates into an intracellular vesicle. PGPA is part of gene family with at least four more members which are in search of a function. Leishmania also contains a P-glycoprotein, homologous to the mammalian MDR1, that is involved in multidrug resistance. The ongoing genome project of Leishmania has pinpointed several novel ABC transporters and experiments are carried out to study the function of the ABC proteins in drug resistance and in host–pathogen interactions.  相似文献   
Genetic constitution in the intertidal gastropod Nucella lapillus (L.) influences shell shape, growth rate and physiology. Clinal variation in these traits along a 5 km stretch of coastline in south Devon can be related to environmental variation in temperature and desiccation stress. We have examined mtDNA variation along this shore to investigate whether the cline represents primary or secondary contact. Two distinct mtDNA haplotypes were found which exhibit coincident step clines with karyotypic, allozymic and phenotypic variation and covary with the environmental pressures of temperature and desiccation. These results are interpreted in the context of the wider scale distribution of genetic and phenotypic variation in N. lapillus. It is suggested that the shore studied may represent one of a number of regions of secondary contact within a mosaic hybrid zone in N. lapillus , where coadapted phenotypic variation correlates with habitat and the position of the clines represents an environmental transition.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that glial cells synthesize proteins which are transferred to adjacent neurons was evaluated in the giant fiber of the squid (Loligo pealei). When giant fibers are separated from their neuron cell bodies and incubated in the presence of radioactive amino acids, labeled proteins appear in the glial cells and axoplasm. Labeled axonal proteins were detected by three methods: extrusion of the axoplasm from the giant fiber, autoradiography, and perfusion of the giant fiber. This protein synthesis is completely inhibited by puromycin but is not affected by chloramphenicol. The following evidence indicates that the labeled axonal proteins are not synthesized within the axon itself. (a) The axon does not contain a significant amount of ribosomes or ribosomal RNA. (b) Isolated axoplasm did not incorporate [(3)H]leucine into proteins. (c) Injection of Rnase into the giant axon did not reduce the appearance of newly synthesized proteins in the axoplasm of the giant fiber. These findings, coupled with other evidence, have led us to conclude that the adaxonal glial cells synthesize a class of proteins which are transferred to the giant axon. Analysis of the kinetics of this phenomenon indicates that some proteins are transferred to the axon within minutes of their synthesis in the glial cells. One or more of the steps in the transfer process appear to involve Ca++, since replacement of extracellular Ca++ by either Mg++ or Co++ significantly reduces the appearance of labeled proteins in the axon. A substantial fraction of newly synthesized glial proteins, possibly as much as 40 percent, are transferred to the giant axon. These proteins are heterogeneous and range in size from 12,000 to greater than 200,000 daltons. Comparisons of the amount of amino acid incorporation in glia cells and neuron cell bodies raise the possibility that the adaxonal glial cells may provide an important source of axonal proteins which is supplemental to that provided by axonal transport from the cell body. These findings are discussed with reference to a possible trophic effect of glia on neurons and metabolic cooperation between adaxonal glia and the axon.  相似文献   
gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) was applied to the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of CFY rats in vitro and in vivo, with or without implantation of a hypoglossal nerve, to evaluate the effects of these experimental interventions on the acetylcholine (ACh) system, which mainly serves the synaptic transmission of the preganglionic input. Long-lasting GABA microinfusion into the SCG in vivo apparently resulted in a "functional denervation." This treatment reduced the acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC activity by 30% (p less than 0.01) and transiently increased the number of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, but had no significant effect on the choline acetyltransferase (acetyl-coenzyme A:choline-O-acetyltransferase; EC activity, the ACh level, or the number of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. The relative amounts of the different molecular forms of AChE did not change under these conditions. In vivo GABA application to the SCG with a hypoglossal nerve implanted in the presence of intact preganglionic afferent synapses exerted a significant modulatory effect on the AChE activity and its molecular forms. The "hyperinnervation" of the ganglia led to increases in the AChE activity (to 142.5%, p less than 0.01) and the 16S molecular form (to 200%, p less than 0.01). It is concluded that in vivo GABA microinfusion and GABA treatment in the presence of additional cholinergic synapses has a modulatory effect on the elements of the ACh system in the SCG of CFY rats.  相似文献   


Although both smoking and respiratory complaints are very common, tools to improve diagnostic accuracy are scarce in primary care. This study aimed to reveal what inflammatory patterns prevail in clinically established diagnosis groups, and what factors are associated with eosinophilia.


Induced sputum and blood plasma of 59 primary care patients with COPD (n = 17), asthma (n = 11), chronic bronchitis (CB, n = 14) and smokers with no respiratory complaints ('healthy smokers', n = 17) were collected, as well as lung function, smoking history and clinical work-up. Patterns of inflammatory markers per clinical diagnosis and factors associated with eosinophilia were analyzed by multiple regression analyses, the differences expressed in odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals.


Multivariately, COPD was significantly associated with raised plasma-LBP (OR 1.2 [1.04–1.37]) and sTNF-R55 in sputum (OR 1.01 [1.001–1.01]), while HS expressed significantly lowered plasma-LBP (OR 0.8 [0.72–0.95]). Asthma was characterized by higher sputum eosinophilic counts (OR 1.3 [1.05–1.54]), while CB showed a significantly higher proportion of sputum lymphocytic counts (OR 1.5 [1.12–1.9]). Sputum eosinophilia was significantly associated with reversibility after adjusting for smoking, lung function, age, gender and allergy.


Patterns of inflammatory markers in a panel of blood plasma and sputum cells and mediators were discernable in clinical diagnosis groups of respiratory disease. COPD and so-called healthy smokers showed consistent opposite associations with plasma LBP, while chronic bronchitics showed relatively predominant lymphocytic inflammation compared to other diagnosis groups. Only sputum eosinophilia remained significantly associated with reversibility across the spectrum of respiratory disease in smokers with airway complaints.  相似文献   
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