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Identical twins with goiter but without intellectual retardation and with slightly delayed bone age were found to have defective iodide organification as demonstrated by incomplete perchlorate discharge tests. They are grandnieces of a normal member of a sibship which included four children with severe retardation and complete thyroid iodide organification defect. The parents and grandparents are not consanguine. Possible explanations are considered for the problem of why the disorder is manifest completely in one sibship and only partially in the other.  相似文献   
Neal G.  Smith 《Ibis》1966,108(1):68-83
Various aspects of the breeding of three gulls, Larus thayeri, glaucoides and hyperboreus, which nested in colonies both on cliff ledges and on level ground in the eastern Canadian Arctic, were compared with those of the ground-nesting L. argentatus and the cliff-nesting Rissa tridactyla. As the result of adaptation to cliff ledge nesting, many aspects of the breeding biology of R. tridactyla were strikingly different from those of the ground-nesting European L. argentatus, but the behaviour of L. thayeri, glaucoides and hyperboreus clearly spanned these differences. Cliff-nesting individuals of thayeri and glaucoides were most like Rissa; ground-nesting individuals of these species were most like argentatus. L. thayeri was more like Rissa than was glaucoides. With but few exceptions, both cliff- and ground-nesting individuals of hyperboreus were most like argentatus. The factors responsible for the intra-specific differences between cliff- and ground-nesters of thayeri and glaucoides are not clear. Limited gene exchange between cliff and ground colonies occurs. Because of physical features of the nest, first-laid eggs were more liable to fall from ledges than second or third eggs. L. thayeri and glaucoides have evolved separate mechanisms to cope with this problem. Egg shape was multimodal in thayeri and glaucoides. Long pyriform eggs were less liable to fall from ledges than eggs of other shapes. L. thayeri laid more long pyriform eggs as first eggs than did glaucoides. L. thayeri lost fewer eggs than did glaucoides, but glaucoides replaced all lost eggs while thayeri did not. Delayed follicular atresia provided glaucoides with insurance of egg replacement. In thayeri, accessory follicles were reabsorbed after the first egg was laid; in argentatus, after the second egg, and in glaucoides after the third egg. At the approach of a predator, it was advantageous for cliff-dwelling chicks to remain motionless but for ground-dwelling chicks to flee their nests and to hide. Among the cliff-nesters, the “freezing in place” reaction of chicks was best developed in thayeri, to a lesser extent in glaucoides, and least in hyperboreus. Among the ground-nesters, chicks of glaucoides and hyperboreus behaved like those of argentatus and fled their nests when disturbed, but chicks of thayeri froze like their cliff-dwelling siblings. Reciprocal transfers of eggs and chicks between cliff and ground colonies indicated that in argentatus, glaucoides and hyperboreus, the factors determining a chick's reaction to disturbance came into play between hatching and the eighth day. In thayeri, the reaction appeared to be effectively innate. Chicks of glaucoides showed a greater predisposition to this behaviour than chicks of argentatus after both had received identical experience on cliff ledges. In thayeri, stereotypy of the freezing reaction has probably been a factor limiting the colonisation of areas where cliffs are scarce but predators present. In argentatus, lack of perfection of this behaviour (compared to glaucoides and thayeri) has probably been a factor preventing argentatus from attaining cliff ledges. L. hyperboreus, although nowhere abundant, is a widespread species nesting on level ground and on cliff ledges but lacking the modifications observed in glaucoides and thayeri; this is due to its size and aggressiveness, the fact that it picks nest-sites before glaucoides and thayeri arrive in the colonies, and that on cliffs it chooses the largest and most level ledges.  相似文献   
The microtubules associated with the pellicle, reservoir and locomotory flagellum of Euglena granulata were subjected to rotational analysis using the technique of Markham et al. The results indicate that the microtubules have 11-14 subunits when viewed in transverse section. Rotational analysis of the entire locomotory flagellum was also conducted to better demonstrate the nature of the arms extending from the peripheral microtubules.  相似文献   
The metabolism of 2-deoxy-D-galactose has been studied in AS-30D rat ascites hepatoma cells in suspension. Using 2-deoxy-D-(1-14C)galactose and an alkaline ethanol deproteinization procedure, the quantitatively identified metabolites included 2-deoxy-D-galactose 1-phosphate comprising 99.3%, and UDP-2-deoxy-D-galactose and UDP-2-deoxy-D-glucose, together amounting to 0.4% of the total metabolites. After incubation for 5 h in the presence of 2-deoxy-D-galactose (1 mmo1/1), the content of 2-deoxy-D-galactose 1-phosphate reached 35 mmo1x(kg cells)-1. The rate of phosphorylation of 2-deoxy-D-galactose was rapid during the first 30 min and decreased to approximately 20% of this rate during the subsequent hours. The rapid trapping of Pi in the form of 2-deoxy-D-galactose 1-phosphate resulted in a depression of free intracellular Pi in spite of a concomitant increase in net 32Pi uptake from the medium and a decrease of ATP and other 5'-nucleotides. The rates of glucose utilization and lactate production were depressed by more than 80% in the presence of 2-deoxy-D-galactose (1 mmo1/1). Interruption of Pi trapping by removal of 2-deoxy-D-galactose from the medium reversed the depressions of Pi and ATP and resulted in a rapid but incomplete relief of glycolysis inhibition. Crossover analysis of glycolytic intermediates indicated an inhibition at the 6-phosphofructokinase step. The depression of glucose utilization may be mediated by the increased level of glucose 6-phosphate, a potent inhibitor of hexokinase. An additional inhibitory effect of a metabolite of 2-deoxy-D-galactose at the 6-phosphofructokinase step was indicated by crossover analysis after reversal of Pi and ATP depressions in the presence of a high intracellular content of 2-deoxy-D-glactose 1-phosphate. The quantitative analysis of the metabolites of 2-deoxy-D-galactose demonstrated the predominance of the monophosphate and the negligible formation of UPD derivatives of this sugar analog in AS-30D hepatoma cells. This provides a system for the investigation of a galactose analog as a phosphate-trapping agent in the virtual absence of uridylate trapping.  相似文献   
Recent data have demonstrated that differences in sIg density on B lymphocytes distinguish functionally distinct subpopulations of these cells. Other reports suggest that cyropreservation may change the frequency of sIg-bearing lymphocytes. To determine if cryopreservation alters either the frequency of sIg cells or the distribution of sIg density, PBM from normals and patients with CLL and LCL were analyzed using the FACS. Aliquots of Ficoll-Hypaque-separated PBM were controlled-rate frozen (1 °C/min) in 7.5% Me2SO in RPMI 1640 and thawed in a 37 °C water bath on the same day. Fresh and frozen-thawed PBM aliquots were labeled with fluorescein conjugates of F(ab′) fragments of affinity chromatography-purified anti-Fab or class-specific anti-μ, anti-δ, anti-γ, or anti-α. Histograms of relative cell fluorescence, reflecting sIg density, were prepared for each aliquot with the FACS. The frequency of sIg-bearing PBM labeled with each reagent was not significantly altered by freezing. Likewise, FACS profiles demonstrated that the distribution of sIg density on normal and CLL PBM was unchanged after freezing. However, the fluorescence peak produced by frozen-thawed unlabeled cells was occasionally slightly broader than that of fresh cells, suggesting increased autofluorescence induced by freezing. These data indicate that frozen cell preparations may be utilized for the study of B-lymphocyte subsets as determined by sIg density.  相似文献   
Breathing and the Hering-Breuer (HB) reflex may be stimulated by congestion and by acute lung injury, but there is disagreement about the effects of both stimuli. This study evaluated these effects using greater stimulus isolation and control of secondary interactions than have previously been employed. Pressurization of lung vessels and left heart and oleic acid injury were individually imposed on anesthetized open-chest dogs perfused with an external pump and gas exchanger. Lungs were inflated in steps before and during those stimuli. The HB reflex was evaluated from graphs of breathing frequency (fr) vs. airway pressure. Congestion itself had no significant sustained effect on fr, but it slightly depressed the HB reflex. Oleic acid tachypnea that was depressed to pretreatment fr by inflation, implying enhancement of the HB response. Capsaicin and oleic acid had similar effects. Vagal cooling to 8 degrees C slightly depressed the effects of oleic acid and capsaicin, had no effect on the sustained fr response to congestion, and reversed the inhibitory effect of inflation. A stimulation of breathing or an enhancement of the HB reflex by congestion was not confirmed, but oleic acid increased fr and the HB reflex.  相似文献   
In the past, it has been difficult to grow human diploid fibroblast cells at clonal densities. Newly devised cell culture media and rigorously controlled environmental conditions have greatly increased the ease with which such cells can be cloned. The present work was undertaken to determine whether, under appropriate conditions, diploid fibroblast cells from human embryonic lung, grow as well at clonal densities as in mass culture. The parameters studied were: (1) population doubling time, (2) in vitro proliferative capacity, (3) attachment, (4) percentage of non-dividing cells. In all cases essentially the same results were obtained for cultures at clonal densities and mass cultures. These results indicate that the behavior of these types of cells in clonal culture can be used to infer the behavior of individual cells and clones within a mass culture.  相似文献   
Spherical, membrane-bound inclusions occur in the proplastids and vacuoles of cells of Bryophyllum and Kalanchoë shoot apices. Evidence is presented indicating that the inclusions arise by the accumulation of material within the cisternae of certain tubular proplastid membranes and are then transferred to vacuoles. The results obtained from electron microscopy and from histochemical studies indicate that the contents of the inclusions are predominantly lipid.  相似文献   
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