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Summary The triacylglycerol fatty acid and sterol profiles of microorganisms from three McMurdo Sound sediment sites, collected during the austral summer of 1984–1985, were determined using gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Comparison of the three sites indicated that Cape Evans contained the greatest concentration of triacylglycerol (TG) (220 nmoles/gram dry weight (gdw) of sediment), approximately six to seven times that determined for sediment microorganisms from the Cape Armitage and New Harbor sites. The relative proportion of triacylglycerolderived polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) revealed a somewhat different trend. New Harbor sediment contained the greatest relative proportion of PUFA (22% of triacylglycerol fatty acids), followed by Cape Evans (16%) and Cape Armitage (11%). The proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (poly-and monounsaturated) was relatively constant and ranged from 63% to 71% of the triacylglycerol fatty acids for the three sites. Sterol concentrations varied from 610 pmoles/gdw at Cape Evans, to 370 and 240 pmoles/gdw for Cape Armitage and New Harbor respectively, and was approximately 1% of the total determined lipid. Cholesterol was the major sterol component detected, occurring at similar relative levels (29%) for all three sites. Other sterols present in decreasing order of abundance were 22-dehydrocholesterol, brassicasterol, 24-ethylcholesterol and 24-methylcholesterol. 5-stanols were only minor components of the three sediments, indicating that in situ biohydrogenation of stenols was not a major sterol transformation process in these recent surface oxic sediments.Part 3 in the series: Microbial Ecology in Antarctic Sea-Ice and Benthic Communities  相似文献   
Eighty-one fine needle aspirations (FNAs) of pancreatic masses were performed between 1980 and 1988. Histologic or clinical follow-up was available for correlation with 78 aspirates. The FNA cytologic diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma had a sensitivity of 79% and a specificity of 91%. Fifteen of the FNA specimens were examined with the Zeiss IBAS image analysis system to determine nuclear area, form (shape), diameter, density and integrated optical density (IOD). Nuclear area and IOD correlated most highly with the final diagnoses. Negative aspirates from benign cases and "false negatives" from malignant cases had similar morphometric values. Cells from adenocarcinoma had greater nuclear area and IOD values in cases cytologically labeled positive than in cytologically suspicious cases. Diagnoses based upon IOD values had a sensitivity and a specificity of 100% and 86%, respectively, while the use of nuclear area measurements produced values of 100% and 100%, respectively. These data indicate that nuclear area and IOD measurements can be valuable adjuncts to qualitative cytology for the diagnosis of pancreatic fine needle aspirates.  相似文献   
Potassium conduction through unblocked inwardly rectifying (IRK1, Kir2.1) potassium channels was measured in inside-out-patches from Xenopus oocytes, after removal of polyamine-induced strong inward rectification. Unblocked IRK1 channel current-voltage (I-V) relations show very mild inward rectification in symmetrical solutions, are linearized in nonsymmetrical solutions that bring the K+ reversal potential to extreme negative values, and follow Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz constant field equation at extreme positive E alpha. When intracellular K+ concentration (KIN) was varied, at constant extracellular K+ concentration (KOUT) the conductance at the reversal potential (GREV) followed closely the predictions of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz constant field equation at low concentrations and saturated sharply at concentrations of > 150 mM. Similarly, when KOUT was varied, at constant KIN, GREV saturated at concentrations of > 150 mM. A square-root dependence of conductance on KOUT is a well-known property of inward rectifier potassium channels and is a property of the open channel. A nonsymmetrical two-site three-barrier model can qualitatively explain both the I-V relations and the [K+] dependence of conductance of open IRK1 (Kir2.1) channels.  相似文献   
We have developed a new approach to the measurement of phylogenetic signal in character state matrices called relative apparent synapomorphy analysis (RASA). RASA provides a deterministic, statistical measure of natural cladistic hierarchy (phylogenetic signal) in character state matrices. The method works by determining whether a measure of the rate of increase of cladistic similarity among pairs of taxa as a function of phenetic similarity is greater than a null equiprobable rate of increase. Our investigation of the utility and limitations of RASA using simulated and bacteriophage T7 data sets indicates that the method has numerous advantages over existing measures of signal. A first advantage is computational efficiency. A second advantage is that RASA employs known methods of statistical inference, providing measurable sensitivity and power. The performance of RASA is examined under various conditions of branching evolution as the number of characters, character states per character, and mutations per branch length are varied. RASA appears to provide an unbiased and reliable measure of phylogenetic signal, and the general approach promises to be useful in the development of new techniques that should increase the rigor and reliability of phylogenetic estimates.   相似文献   
Analysis of the heat-shock proteins (hsps) of six closely related species of Poeciliopsis demonstrated the existence of biochemical diversity in the hsp100, hsp70, hsp60, and hsp30 protein families among species. Each species expressed five to seven hsp70-related isoforms. Constitutive 70-kD isoforms were identical among species, but four different patterns of heat-inducible isoforms were seen in these six species. Members of the hsp70 family of molecular chaperones are included among the most highly conserved proteins known, and the possibility of variation in hsp70 among closely related species has rarely been addressed. The hsp30 family is known to be less conserved than the hsp70 family, and, as expected, the Poeciliopsis hsp30 patterns showed more variation. Most of the hsp30 isoforms characteristic of a particular species were unique to that species. Hsp100 and hsp60 were identical in five of the species, but alternate isoforms were found in P. monacha. The small size and limited geographical distribution of the P. monacha population have probably contributed to the uniqueness of the monacha pattern. Two of the species were shown to acquire thermotolerance, the ability to withstand normally lethal temperatures when subjected to a gradual temperature increase. Rapid-heating protocols commonly used to establish critical thermal maxima of organisms do not include this inducible component of thermoresistance and therefore do not adequately assess an organism's capacity to withstand thermal stress.   相似文献   
A study of spider (Araneae) communities was conducted in rehabilitated bauxite mines at the Jarrahdale mine site of Alcoa of Australia Ltd. and in the nearby native jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest in southwest Western Australia. The study was conducted from March to August 1993 in five rehabilitated sites of different age and method of rehabilitation and in two forest sites. A variety of collection methods was used, including pitfall trapping, litter sampling, sweep netting, tree beating, and visual searching. These methods were the same as those carried out in a previous study of some of these areas in 1983. We collected 151 spider species belonging to 102 genera and 34 families. We examined the relationship between various habitat features, including the age and method of rehabilitation, of the spider communities present. It was found that leaf litter depth and cover and vegetation density had a significant positive influence on recolonization by the various spider guilds. The age and method of rehabilitation were found to influence different vegetational and habitat features; these, in turn, influenced the spider communities. Thus, the older a rehabilitated site the greater the species richness of both plants and spiders. We compared these results with those of the 1983 study to determine the spider succession of the aging rehabilitation. The spider communities and guild composition were found to change as the vegetation matured, from a dominance of pioneer species to a community of species requiring less harsh conditions. By comparison with the pre-1983 rehabilitation, the latest method of rehabilitation increased the rate of recolonization by both plants and spiders.  相似文献   
Summary Enterocytes of the small intestine in 1-day-old suckling piglets contain numerous vesicles in the apical cytoplasm and a large granule located beneath the nucleus. Within the next 3 days, these granules transform into electron-dense crystalloid inclusions. These membrane-bound inclusions are up to 10 m in length and 1–2 m in diameter, and they are composed of electron-dense lamellae 3.9 nm apart. Postembedding immunocytochemistry, using rabbit anti-porcine IgG and goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to 10 nm colloidal gold, revealed that both the granules and the crystalloid inclusions contained a high concentration of maternal IgG. Although the IgG content of the crystalloid inclusions was detected on epoxy-embedded sections, the use of LR White resin resulted in a much higher density of labelling. Quantification of the labelling density showed that the concentration of IgG in the crystalloid inclusions was approximately ten times higher than that in the lumenal colostrum and approximately three times higher than that in the granules. These observations showed that there are at least three compartments involved in the accretion of IgG in the small intestine of neonatal piglets: smaller apical endocytotic vesicles, large subnuclear granules and crystalloid inclusions. The role of these compartments in maternal immunoglobulin absorption and in the acquisition of passive immunity has yet to be explored.  相似文献   
The city of Perth contains a number of sites that have been contaminated with hydrocarbons due to leakage from petroleum underground storage tanks. Microbial biomass in groundwater and sediment cores from above and below the water table, and from within and outside a plume of hydrocarbon contamination, was examined using phospholipid fatty acid methyl ester analysis. Microbial numbers, calculated from the phospholipid content, ranged from 0·9 × 106 to 7·8 × 106' Escherichia coli equivalent cells' g−1 dry wt of sediment. Over 96% of the microbial biomass was attached to the sediment and the proportion of attached cells did not decrease within the plume of contaminants. The amount of biomass within aquifer samples seemed to be related more to the proximity of the rhizosphere to the shallow aquifer, and other unknown urban inputs, rather than to the effects of the plume of contaminants. Fatty acids common to many bacterial groups dominated within the plume, and as such the analyses gave limited insight into microbial community structure. For site assessment of intrinsic remediation of shallow aquifers in urban areas, estimates of microbial biomass may not provide information that is readily applicable to plume management.  相似文献   
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