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SUMMARY: Dyes which have been used to detect lipolysis (Nile Blue, Aniline Blue and Neutral Red) and others (Methylene Blue, Toluidine Blue and Thionin) were critically examined for their inhibitory effects in both liquid and solid media. It was confirmed that Nile Blue would inhibit the Gram-positive bacteria tested, even at 2 × 10−5. Gram-negative bacteria were not inhibited at 1 × 10−4 and the colour change in fat media was good. Aniline Blue and Neutral Red did not inhibit Gram-positive organisms at 1 × 10−4 and the colour change was moderately good. The other three dyes were not toxic at 2·5 × 10−5, but there was no colour change. When butter fat saturated with the precipitated bases of Nile Blue, Basic Fuchsin, Crystal Violet or Malachite Green was incorporated in peptone-Yeastrel agar, the resulting media were toxic to Gram-positive bacteria. Fat saturated with the bases of Aniline Blue or Neutral Red permitted growth, but the colour change with lipolytic species was not striking, being one of intensity only. Satisfactory growth and colour changes were obtained using butter fat stained with the inert dye Waxolene Green in medium containing Neutral Red in the aqueous phase, and with butter fat stained with the oxazine base of Nile Blue in agar containing Aniline Blue.  相似文献   
Studies in Garcinia, dioecious tropical forest trees: agamospermy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RICHARDS, A. J., 1990. Studies in Garcinia , dioecious tropical forest trees: agamospermy . In Garcinia , agamospermy is known or suspected for ten species. Most are facultative agamosperms, with males occurring, but males are probably lacking in G. mangostana . In G. mangostana and G. hombroniana , adventitious embryony occurs autonomously, and haploid parthenogenesis may also occur rarely. In G. parvifolia , it is reported previously that gametophytic agamospermy occurs, and adventitious embryos are suppressed. Autonomous endospermy is found in G. mangostana and G. parvifolia . In G. hombroniana , endosperm probably only develops after PEN fertilization. In G. hombroniana , some proembryos are formed precociously, and further proembryo formation is inhibited by sexual embryos. Asexual proembryos tend to occur in large ovules in small ovaries, and sexual embryos tend to occur in small ovules in large ovaries. It is considered that facultative agamospermy renders the genus Garcinia particularly suitable for the development of new types of fruit. Agamospermy in a dioecious genus, adventitious embryony in the absence of fertilization and/or pseudogamy, and the co-occurrence of gametophytic and sporophytic agamospermies in the same genus are unusual phenomena, which are discussed in the context of the lifestyle of a tropical forest tree. For G. hombroniana, n = 24, and for G. cowa, n = 26 are reported.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A short-term cell culture is used to propagate and purify rat-derived Pneumocystis carinii (Pc). An aliquot of pelleted material washed out of the lungs of rats with moderate to severe Pc pneumonia is cultured for 7 to 10 days on the adherent mink lung cell line Mv I Lu, and the rest of the material is frozen down in medium with 10% glycerol. Although it has not been established that substantial multiplication of Pc occurs in culture, the Pc organisms harvested from the supernatant at the end of the culture period are relatively free of both host and feeder cells. This is in marked contrast with the lung wash inoculum in which the Pc organisms are heavily contaminated with rat cells and enmeshed in a highly sticky material. Lung wash preparations frozen down in glycerol and stored at −70° C for as long as 6 months or more can be successfully cultured upon thawing with no apparent loss of viability of the Pc organisms.  相似文献   
Pneumocystis carinii is an opportunistic pathogen of man, carried as a commensal in healthy subjects. It frequently causes a fatal pneumonia in the immunosupprcssed host. It is a major complication of HIV-1 infection in man (AIDS). Using surface radioiodination of rat-denved P. carinii trophozoites obtained from in vitro culture, a major surface glycoprotein (gp120) has been identified. The glycoprotein exhibits adherent behavior similar to that of the intact organism. Purification of gp120 by conventional methods was unsuccessful as the glycoprotein irreversibly bound lo numerous column matrices. A combination of gel chromatography and hydroxyapatile chromatography in sodium dodecylsulfaie v. as utilized to purify the glycoprotein. Some preliminary characterization of the glycoprotein is presented.  相似文献   
Experiments with five caespitose grass species from temperateand tropical environments showed that the number of lateralshoots (tillers) which emerged following defoliation was notincreased by leaving a greater residual leaf area. Increasedavailability of photosynthate (and perhaps other resources)was effective, however, in increasing the rate of growth anddegree of flowering of new lateral shoots in one tropical species,Panicum maximum. In two temperate Agropyron tussock grasses, decapitation (apicalbud removal) did not stimulate lateral shoot growth. This indicatedthat apical dominance was not a factor preventing growth oflateral buds just prior to inflorescence emergence on the parenttillers. However, defoliation, where both terminal buds andfoliage were removed from the parent tillers stimulated lateralbud growth. Hormones other than those produced by the apicalbud or light quality or intensity may control lateral bud growthin these species. In contrast to the temperate species, lateralbud growth was stimulated by both decapitation and defoliationin the three tropical species. This response is consistent withthe model of correlative inhibition by apical dominance. Agropyron desertorum, Agropyron spicatum, Heteropogon contortus, Panicum maximum, Themeda triandra, crested wheatgrass, bluebunch wheatgrass, black speargrass, green panic grass kangaroo grass, apical dominance, tillering, regrowth, grazing, tussock grasses  相似文献   
Because of the important role that oxidative stress is thought to play in the aging process, antioxidants could be candidates for preventing its related pathologies. We investigated the ameliorative effects of two antioxidant supplements, ginger and alpha lipoic acid (ALA), on hepatic ultrastructural alterations in old rats. Livers of young (4 months) and old (24 months) Wistar rats were studied using transmission electron microscopy. Livers of old rats showed sinusoidal collapse and congestion, endothelial thickening and defenestration, and inconsistent perisinusoidal extracellular matrix deposition. Aged hepatocytes were characterized by hypertrophy, cytoplasmic vacuolization and a significant increase in the volume densities of the nuclei, mitochondria and dense bodies. Lipofuscin accumulation and decreased microvilli in bile canaliculi and space of Disse also were observed. The adverse alterations were ameliorated significantly by both ginger and ALA supplementation; ALA was more effective than ginger. Ginger and ALA appear to be promising anti-aging agents based on their amelioration of ultrastructural alterations in livers of old rats.  相似文献   
The effect of temperature on short-term leaf extension rates was studied for two cool-season tussok grasses, Agropyron desertorum and Pseudoroegneria spicata, growing in the field under a variety of water stress and defoliation conditions. Leaf extension rates and air temperatures were monitored every half hour during numerous 12- to 65-h periods in three growing seasons using auxanometers constructed of precision resistors. For both species, a three-phase relationship between leaf extension rate and temperature was observed during diurnal cycles. Leaf extension rate increased linearly with temperature from dawn until midday (phase 1). Leaf extension then increased rapidly, reaching maximum rates in the early evening (approximately 1900h), despite decreasing temperatures during this period (phase 2). Finally, leaf extension rate declined with temperature from evening until dawn (phase 3). This diurnal cycle was described by linear (phase 1) and quadratic (phases 2 and 3 combined) regression models. Although the rate of leaf extension and daily integrals were affected by the water stress and defoliation treatments, the diurnal pattern was consistently observed. Temperature was probably a major factor governing leaf extension rates at night (phase 3), but it appeared unimportant in controlling leaf extension between dawn and midday. The relative importance of physiological and environmental factors controlling leaf extension rate appears to shift during the day in these species under field conditions.  相似文献   


The species is a fundamental unit of biological pattern and process, but its delimitation has proven a ready source of argument and disagreement. Here, we discuss four key steps that utilize statistical thresholds to describe the morphological variability within a sample and hence assess whether there is evidence for one or multiple species. Once the initial set of biologically relevant traits on comparable individuals has been identified, there is no need for the investigator to hypothesise how specimens might be divided among groups, nor the traits on which groups might be separated.  相似文献   
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