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Sandfly feeding behaviour and destination of coloured sugar meals in the gut of Lutzomyia longipalpis were investigated with particular attention to the role of the crop. Sandflies were able to ingest sugar from liquid drops, microcapillaries, a slice of pear and even sugar powder. In most cases the flies adopted a 'sugar feeding mode' with raised palps. As the fruit dried, flies of both sexes fed by piercing the tissue with the proboscis. All sugar-fed flies had a full crop plus a small amount of sugary fluid in the thoracic mid-gut, i.e. past the stomodaeal valve. Dissections of flies interrupted during feeding showed that the very first trace of sugar passed through the stomodaeal valve, but that the rest of the meal was diverted into the crop. This suggests that closure of the stomodaeal valve is initiated only after a small volume of sugar solution has passed through it.  相似文献   
Serial correlation in unequally spaced longitudinal data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relative growth rate of plants from 7-month-old potato seed-tuberswas significantly greater (37%) than that from 19-month-oldseed-tubers. To determine if loss in seed-tuber phospholipidcontent, and thus membrane integrity, is associated with age-reducedvigour, changes in fatty acyl composition of free fatty acid(FA) and phospholipid fractions were characterized in both seed-tuberages over a 19-d interval of plant establishment. The concentration(nmol g d. wt–1) of saturated and unsaturated FA withinthe phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)pools decreased an average of 27-fold over the initial 7 d ofestablishment. This decline was followed by a 19-fold (on average)increase to day 19. The change with time in saturated and unsaturatedFA concentration within the free FA pool was quadratic, butwas opposite to that displayed by the two phospholipid pools.The close correlation in fatty acyl content between the phospholipidand free FA fractions suggested high phospholipase activityduring early plant establishment. The double-bond index (DBI)of all three lipid fractions decreased from day 0 to 7 and thenincreased to day 19. More importantly, in older seed-tubers,the minima in phospholipid DBI and content occurred significantlyearlier (on a plant developmental scale) than in younger seed-tubers.A premature decrease in DBI is indicative of loss of membraneintegrity in potato, and undoubtedly has implications for efficiencyof substrate mobilization and energy metabolism during plantestablishment. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.), seed-tuber age, lipids, plant growth potential  相似文献   
Hybridization is an important cause of abrupt speciation. Hybrid speciation without a change in ploidy (homoploid hybrid speciation) is well-established in plants but has also been reported in animals and fungi. A notable example of recent homoploid hybrid speciation is Senecio squalidus (Oxford ragwort), which originated in the UK in the 18th Century following introduction of hybrid material from a hybrid zone between S. chrysanthemifolius and S. aethnensis on Mount Etna, Sicily. To investigate genetic divergence between these taxa, we used complementary DNA microarrays to compare patterns of floral gene expression. These analyses revealed major differences in gene expression between the parent species and wild and resynthesized S. squalidus . Comparisons of gene expression between S. aethnensis , S. chrysanthemifolius and natural S. squalidus identified genes potentially involved in local environmental adaptation. The analysis also revealed non-additive patterns of gene expression in the hybrid relative to its progenitors. These expression changes were more dramatic and widespread in resynthesized hybrids than in natural S. squalidus , suggesting that a unique expression pattern may have been fixed during the allopatric divergence of British S. squalidus . We speculate that hybridization-induced gene-expression change may provide an immediate source of novel phenotypic variation upon which selection can act to facilitate homoploid hybrid speciation in plants.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The status of recolonizing elk (Cervus elaphus) populations in Ontario, Canada, is unclear and there is a need for effective population survey methods that can be applied locally. We sought to develop a sightability model that could account for both low densities of elk and dense forest cover in elk-release areas in Ontario. We corrected winter aerial survey counts for sightability based on radiocollared animals known to be within observable distance of the aircraft. The multivariate model with the highest Akaike's Information Criterion corrected for sample size weight (wi = 0.427) revealed that elk group size, elk activity, dominant tree type, percent canopy cover, and percent conifer cover were significant predictors of elk sightability. The group-size effect indicated that odds of sighting an elk increased by 1.353 (95% CI = 0.874-3.689) for every additional elk. Standing elk were 5.033 (95% CI = 0.936-15.541) times more likely to be observed than were resting elk, and those located in conifer cover were 0.013 (95% CI = 0.001-0.278) times less likely to be sighted than elk in deciduous cover. Furthermore, elk located in >50% canopy cover and >50% conifer cover were 0.041 (95% CI = 0.003-0.619) times and 0.484 (95% CI = 0.024-9.721) times less likely to be sighted than elk in more open habitat, respectively. During model validation, observers detected 79% (113/143) of known elk in any given area, and population and sightability model predictions (±90% CI) overlapped with the population estimate, implying that our predictive model was robust. Unsurprisingly, large groups of elk in open habitat increased model precision, which highlights difficulties of counting Ontario elk in their northern range. We conclude that our model provided increased reliability for estimating elk numbers in Ontario compared to existing methods, and that the estimator may be useful in other areas where elk density is low and sightability is poor due to dense forest cover.  相似文献   
Data on patterns of variation within hybrid zones, combined with studies of life history, mate choice, and hybrid performance, allow estimates of the contribution of different pre-zygotic and post-zygotic barriers to reproductive isolation. We examine the role of behavioural barriers to gene exchange in the maintenance of a hybrid zone between North American field crickets Gryllus firmus and Gryllus pennsylvanicus . We consider these barriers in the context of previous studies that documented temporal and ecological isolation and a one-way post-mating incompatibility (i.e. G. firmus females do not produce offspring when they mate only with heterospecific males). Based on no-choice mating experiments in the laboratory, we demonstrate strong behavioural pre-mating barriers between the two species, but no apparent fecundity or fertility costs for G. firmus females when they mate with both conspecific and heterospecific males. Furthermore, we show that G. firmus females do not discriminate between hybrids and conspecifics, whereas G. pennsylvanicus females do. This observation could explain the asymmetric allele introgression observed in the hybrid zone. We also document a failure of heterospecific males to induce normal oviposition in G. firmus females, which may be due to rapid evolution of accessory gland proteins and may serve as an additional barrier to gene exchange.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 390–402.  相似文献   
Recent population declines of seed-eating farmland birds have been associated with reduced overwinter survival due to reductions in food supply. An important component of predicting how food shortages will affect animal populations is to measure the functional response, i.e. the relationship between food density and feeding rate, over the range of environmental conditions experienced by foraging animals. Crop stubble fields are an important foraging habitat for many species of seed-eating farmland bird. However, some important questions remain regarding farmland bird foraging behaviour in this habitat, and in particular the effect of stubble on farmland bird functional responses is unknown. We measured the functional responses of a seed-eating passerine, the Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs , consuming seeds placed on the substrate surface in three different treatments: bare soil, low density stubble and high density stubble. Stubble presence significantly reduced feeding rates, but there was no significant difference between the two stubble treatments. Stubble reduced feeding rates by reducing the maximum attack distance, i.e. the distance over which an individual food item is targeted and consumed. The searching speed, handling time per seed, proportion of time spent vigilant, duration of vigilance bouts and duration of head-down search periods were unaffected by the presence of stubble. The frequency of vigilance bouts was higher in the bare soil treatment, but this is likely to be a consequence of the increased feeding rate. We show the influence of a key habitat type on the functional response of a seed-eating passerine, and discuss the consequences of this for farmland bird conservation.  相似文献   
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