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Thulborn, Richard A. 1978 07 15: Aestivation among ornithopod dinosaurs of the African Trias. Lethaia . Vol. 11, pp. 185–198. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Dental and circumstantial evidence supports the theory that ornithopod dinosaurs of the African Red Beds responded to seasonal changes in their environment by resorting to aestivation (dry season dormancy). One group of ornithopods. the heterodontosaurids. apparently suppressed tooth replacement to permit efficient grinding of their plant food and probably replaced their entire cheek dentitions while aestivating. The sympatric fabrosaurid ornithopods had a simple open-and-shut jaw action and replaced their teeth continuously in standard reptilian fashion. Seasonal dormancy must have imposed major constraints on the lives of fabrosaurids and heterodontosaurids. and these constraints are summarized in the model of a circannual life cycle.  相似文献   
The genetic control of morphological variation (expressed as heritability) was examined by means of laboratory culture in Pileolaria pseudomilitaris. Fourteen of 22 traits examined were shown to have an appreciable genetic component, after an analysis of variance among groups of full siblings. The range of variability for several traits is as large within a single sibling group as the difference between described species in the family.
Comparisons among samples of P. pseudomilitaris from two habitats revealed no consistent morphological dillerences. A similar comparison between P. pseudomilitaris and its nearest congener, I', potswaldi , indicated significant differences for 15 of 22 traits, although ranges overlapped for all bin two of these.  相似文献   
Arenonemertes arenicolus sp.n. is described from the Gullmar Fjord, Sweden. It differs from A. microps Friedrich, 1933 in: (1) lacking cephalic glands, (2) having an undivided caecum on the midgut, whereas the caecum is divided into three lobes in A. microps , and (3) the position of the nephridial ducts in relation to the lateral nerves (dorsal instead of ventral). Arenonemertes microps is still considered a valid species, but it is poorly described and the type material has been lost.  相似文献   
Boreal forest ecosystems are sensitive to global warming, caused by increasing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Assessment of the biological response to future climate change is based mainly on large-scale models. Whole-ecosystem experiments provide one of the few available tools by which ecosystem response can be measured and with which global models can be evaluated. Boreal ecosystem response to global change may be manifest by alterations in nitrogen (N) dynamics, as N is often the growth limiting nutrient. The CLIMEX (Climate Change Experiment) project entails catchment-scale manipulations of CO2 (to 560 ppmv) and temperature (by + 3 to + 5 °C) to whole forest ecosystems in southern Norway. Soil temperature is increased at 400-m2 EGIL catchment by means of electric cables placed on the soil surface. Soil warming at EGIL catchment caused an increase in nitrate and ammonium concentrations in runoff in the first year of treatment. We hypothesize that higher temperature increased N release by mineralization. Whether these responses are only transient will be shown by additional years' treatment.  相似文献   
Abstract Vespitinea gurkharum gen. et sp.n. is described from specimens reared from a bracket-fungus ( Ganoderma - Polyporaceae) from lowland rain-forest in Brunei. This striking wasp-like moth is suggested to be a Batesian mimic of species of Vespidae and Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) and the first example of this mimicry type recorded from the Tineoidea. Abdominal, eye and wing-coupling modifications suggest that it is diurnal and a behavioural mimic. The systematic position of Vespitinea is discussed with reference to biology and adult and larval morphology.  相似文献   
Immature stages of Lutzomyia anduzei (Rozeboom), L.antunesi (Coutinho), L. flaviscutellata (Mangabeira), Psychodopygus davisi (Root), Ps.paraensis (Costa Lima) and Ps.lainsoni Fraiha & Ward are described from specimens reared in the laboratory. The Lutzomyia species are members of the intermedia group, though L. flaviscutellata larvae more closely resemble those of Psychodopygus species. The larvae of L.anduzei and L. antunesi are separable on minor setal differences and are similar to previously described members of the intermedia group. Ps. paraensis is distinguishable from the other two Psychodopygus species described, by the absence of prothoracic seta 2. Head seta 5 of Ps.davisi is about twice the length of that in Ps. paraensis and larvae of Ps.lainsoni are pale and characterized by colourless body setae 4 and 10. A key to the fourth instar larvae is given which includes all the known larvae of the intermedia group and of the genus Psychodopygus. Morphological differences in the Psychodopygus larvae do not appear to reflect the separation of the adults into series.  相似文献   
THE formation of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline from 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine) is catalysed by the enzyme dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH)1. This enzyme is associated both with the catecholamine-containing chromaffin granules in the adrenal medulla2,3 and with the vesicular structures in sympathetic nerve terminals which contain catecholamines4. Furthermore, DBH activity is released with catecholamines into the perfusate after stimulation of either the isolated perfused adrenal gland5 or the isolated perfused spleen6–8. DBH activity has been reported in the serum of both man and the rat9,10. This activity is similar to adrenal and sympathetic nerve DBH activity with regard to cofactor requirements, oxygen requirement and kinetic characteristics9,10. It has been suggested that serum DBH activity might be present as a result of release of enzyme with catecholamines from the adrenal glands and sympathetic nerves. If this is the case, serum DBH activity might be a useful and convenient index of sympathetic-adrenal activity. The work described here was undertaken to investigate both the source of the serum DBH and the effect on this activity of forced immobilization, a procedure which has been used as a model of stress and which has been shown to release catecholamines from the adrenal gland and increase catecholamine excretion11.  相似文献   
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