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The Andean mountain range has played an important role in the evolution of South American biota. However, there is little understanding of the patterns of species diversity across latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. In this paper, we examine the diversity of small mammals along the South Central Dry Andes (SCDA) within the framework of two contrasting hypotheses: (a) species richness decreases with increasing elevation and latitude; and (b) species richness peaks at altitudinal midpoints (mid‐domain). We explore the composition of the species pool, the impact of species–area relationships and the Rapoport effect (i.e. size of geographic ranges) along latitudinal and elevational gradients. First, we constructed a database of SCDA small mammals. Then, species richness patterns were analysed through generalized models, and species–area relationships were assessed by log–log regressions; the curvilinear method (c = S/Az) was use to compute richness corrected by area size. Lastly, the Rapoport effect was evaluated using the midpoint method. Our results show: (1) a richness of 67 small mammals along the SCDA, of which 36 are endemic; (2) a hump‐shaped pattern in species richness along elevation and latitudinal gradients; (3) a species–area relationship for both gradients; (4) endemic species corrected by area present a strong and positive relationship with elevation; (5) a Rapoport effect for the latitudinal ranges, but no effect across the elevational gradient; and (6) a major species turnover between 28° and 30° south latitude. This is the first study quantifying the diversity of small mammals encompassing the central Andean region. Overall, our macrogeographic analysis supports the previously postulated role of the Andes in the diversification of small mammals (i.e. in situ cladogenesis) and highlights some basic attributes (i.e. anatomy of geographic ranges; species–area relationships) when considering the consequences of climate change on biodiversity conservation of mountain ecosystems.  相似文献   
1. Similar constraints in distant, but climatically comparable, regions may be expected to yield biotic assemblages with similar attributes. Environmental factors that constrain communities at smaller scales, however, may be different between climatically similar regions. Thus, patterns observed at large scales may differ from those detected at small scales, and international comparisons should be focussed at multiple scales. 2. Mediterranean‐climate regions (MCRs) are characterized by remarkable seasonal variability in precipitation and temperature. Accordingly, rivers in these regions have seasonal and predictable floods and droughts, and temporary reaches are frequent. Present in six geographical regions of the world, MCRs have similar environmental constraints and are ideal for testing intercontinental similarities between macroinvertebrate communities. 3. We examined aquatic macroinvertebrate taxon richness and composition in MCRs at three scales: regional, reach and macrohabitat. At the regional scale, the Mediterranean Basin had the highest taxon richness at family level, and southwestern Australia the lowest. Taxonomic composition showed c. 85% similarity between the northern hemisphere MCRs of California and the Mediterranean Basin, which were followed in similarity by South Africa. The two Australian MCRs (South west and South) showed a similarity to each other of about 70% whereas the Chilean fauna was the most distinct. 4. At the reach scale, taxon richness was not significantly different between permanent and temporary reaches in any MCR, whereas taxonomic composition was significantly different among northern hemisphere MCRs. At the macrohabitat scale, taxon richness was not significantly different between lotic and lentic macrohabitats within any of the MCRs, but differences in macroinvertebrate communities were found between macrohabitats when considering regions. 5. Our results show that the strength of similarity between distant but climatically similar regions is scale‐dependent, being highest at the macrohabitat scale. Although the similarities in richness and composition at the macrohabitat scale are presumed to be universal, the seasonal predictability of drought in MCRs is expected to result in characteristic macroinvertebrate responses at the reach scale. We suggest, however, that regional evolutionary history and environmental characteristics may override this general pattern of a similar response of MCRs at different scales. The Mediterranean Basin and California, having similar historical and environmental condition, thus appeared as the most similar MCRs at all scales.  相似文献   
1. The relationships between biological traits of macroinvertebrates and environmental characteristics were investigated in streams with contrasting physical, chemical or landscape level attributes. We used an ordination technique, RLQ analysis, which links an environmental table (R) with traits table (Q) through an abundance table (L) to investigate the relationship between habitat characteristics and biological traits.
2. A major environmental axis explaining the distribution of species and their distinctive biological features was obtained. This axis included variables of anthropogenic pressure (agricultural and urban uses) and natural variability (climatic and geologic) that are strongly intercorrelated in the study area, with a clear spatial component.
3. The attributes of species from frequently disturbed systems (small size, multivoltinism, diapause, ovoviviparity, etc.) were associated with semi-arid areas whereas traits common in more stable and favourable environments (large body size, semi-voltinism, isolated eggs, etc.) were found in upland forested areas.
4. The natural climatic variation was proposed as a disturbance axis of a theoretical habitat templet (driven by the intense hydrological disturbances typical of semi-arid streams), while anthropogenic pressure (mainly intensive agriculture) and high salinity, a natural consequence of geology, was proposed as an adversity axis. Different life-histories associated with contrasting environmental features were superimposed in this habitat templet.
5. The ecological–evolutionary scenario in which stream macroinvertebrates have evolved and by which their communities are organized, is closely linked to disturbance, environmental harshness and human pressure.  相似文献   
Analyses of ammonite shell forms of two Barremian stratigraphic sections from Southwest Mexico consist of two well-defined morphotypes: (1) Small uncoiled, mostly leptoceratoid ancyloconic shells of the families Ancyloceratidae and Hamulinidae, and (2) middle-sized involute to moderately evolute oxycone to discocone shells of the family Pulchelliidae. Index taxa allow the recognition of standard ammonite biozones for the Barremian, which permit the relative dating of different processes that occurred through the water column in the environment of deposition. The vertical distribution of ammonite morphotypes and facies suggests changes of the palaeoceanographic and sedimentological conditions that prevailed in the area during Barremian time. Petrologic data, analyses of the organic carbon and carbonate contents of the rocks support the idea that oxygen-deficient bottom waters existed within a shallow marine, tectonically active area with little carbonate deposition during the early early Barremian (upper part of the Taveraidiscus hugii Zone through the base of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone). These conditions in the basin caused a proliferation of middle-water depth ammonites of Morphotype 1 but prevented the abundance of nektobenthic forms of Morphotype 2. Oxic conditions on a more calcareous and open normal marine environment seem to have been reestablished progressively during a transgressive episode from late early-early late Barremian (upper part of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone through the Gerhardtia sartousiana Zone). This environmental setting supported more facies dependent nektobenthic ammonites of Morphotype 2 to flourish within the basin.  相似文献   
Fifteen microsatellite loci were isolated from the Peruvian tropical plant‐ant Allomerus octoarticulatus cf. demerarae (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae) and their polymorphism was characterized. High levels of within‐population variation were observed at most loci, with number of alleles ranging from one to 21, and heterozygosity from 0 to 1 per population sample. Cross‐species amplification of these loci was also tested in one other species of the ant genus Allomerus (Allomerus decemarticulatus), displaying similar life history.  相似文献   
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