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The parasitic protozoa Leishmania major produces a peroxidase (L. major peroxidase; LmP) that exhibits activities characteristic of both yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) and plant cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX). One common feature is a key Trp residue, Trp(208) in LmP and Trp(191) in CCP, that is situated adjacent to the proximal His heme ligand in CCP, APX, and LmP. In CCP, Trp(191) forms a stable cationic radical after reaction with H(2)O(2) to form Compound I; in APX, the radical is located on the porphyrin ring. In order to clarify the role of Trp(208) in LmP and to further probe peroxidase structure-function relationships, we have determined the crystal structure of LmP and have studied the role of Trp(208) using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR), mutagenesis, and enzyme kinetics. Both CCP and LmP have an extended section of β structure near Trp(191) and Trp(208), respectively, which is absent in APX. This region provides stability to the Trp(191) radical in CCP. EPR of LmP Compound I exhibits an intense and stable signal similar to CCP Compound I. In the LmP W208F mutant, this signal disappears, indicating that Trp(208) forms a stable cationic radical. In LmP conversion of the Cys(197) to Thr significantly weakens the Compound I EPR signal and dramatically lowers enzyme activity. These results further support the view that modulation of the local electrostatic environment controls the stability of the Trp radical in peroxidases. Our results also suggest that the biological role of LmP is to function as a cytochrome c peroxidase.  相似文献   
Flocculation of yeast cells occurs during the fermentation of beer. Partway through the fermentation the cells become flocculent and start to form flocs. If the environmental conditions, such as medium composition and fluid velocities in the tank, are optimal, the flocs will grow in size large enough to settle. After settling of the main part of the yeast the green beer is left, containing only a small amount of yeast necessary for rest conversions during the next process step, the lagering. The physical process of flocculation is a dynamic equilibrium of floc formation and floc breakup resulting in a bimodal size distribution containing single cells and flocs. The floc size distribution and the single cell amount were measured under the different conditions that occur during full scale fermentation. Influences on flocculation such as floc strength, specific power input, and total number of yeast cells in suspension were studied. A flocculation model was developed, and the measured data used for validation. Yeast floc formation can be described with the collision theory assuming a constant collision efficiency. The breakup of flocs appears to occur mainly via two mechanisms, the splitting of flocs and the erosion of yeast cells from the floc surface. The splitting rate determines the average floc size and the erosion rate determines the number of single cells. Regarding the size of the flocs with respect to the scale of turbulence, only the viscous subrange needs to be considered. With the model, the floc size distribution and the number of single cells can be predicted at a certain point during the fermentation. For this, the bond strength between the cells, the fractal dimension of the yeast, the specific power input in the tank and the number of yeast cells that are in suspension in the tank have to be known. Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Delker SL  Xue F  Li H  Jamal J  Silverman RB  Poulos TL 《Biochemistry》2010,49(51):10803-10810
In previous studies [Delker, S. L., et al. (2010), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 5437-5442], we determined the crystal structures of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in complex with nNOS-selective chiral pyrrolidine inhibitors, designed to have an aminopyridine group bound over the heme where it can electrostatically interact with the conserved active site Glu residue. However, in addition to the expected binding mode with the (S,S)-cis inhibitors, an unexpected "flipped" orientation was observed for the (R,R)-cis enantiomers. In the flipped mode, the aminopyridine extends out of the active site where it interacts with one heme propionate. This prompted us to design and synthesize symmetric "double-headed" inhibitors with an aminopyridine at each end of a bridging ring structure [Xue, F., Delker, S. L., Li, H., Fang, J., Jamal, J., Marta?sek, P., Roman, L. J., Poulos, T. L., and Silverman, R. B. Symmetric double-headed aminopyridines, a novel strategy for potent and membrane-permeable inhibitors of neuronal nitric oxide synthase. J. Med. Chem. (submitted for publication)]. One aminopyridine should interact with the active site Glu and the other with the heme propionate. Crystal structures of these double-headed aminopyridine inhibitors in complexes with nNOS show unexpected and significant protein and heme conformational changes induced by inhibitor binding that result in removal of the tetrahydrobiopterin (H(4)B) cofactor and creation of a new Zn(2+) site. These changes are due to binding of a second inhibitor molecule that results in the displacement of H(4)B and the placement of the inhibitor pyridine group in position to serve as a Zn(2+) ligand together with Asp, His, and a chloride ion. Binding of the second inhibitor molecule and generation of the Zn(2+) site do not occur in eNOS. Structural requirements for creation of the new Zn(2+) site in nNOS were analyzed in detail. These observations open the way for the potential design of novel inhibitors selective for nNOS.  相似文献   
Meat animals are unique as experimental models for both lipid metabolism and adipocyte studies because of their direct economic value for animal production. This paper discusses the principles that regulate adipogenesis in major meat animals (beef cattle, dairy cattle, and pigs), the definition of adipose depot-specific regulation of lipid metabolism or adipogenesis, and introduces the potential value of these animals as models for metabolic research including mammary biology and the ontogeny of fatty livers.  相似文献   
Human skin fibroblasts in suspension are able to degrade [1-14C]-labeled alpha- and gamma-methyl branched chain fatty acids such as pristanic and homophytanic acid. Pristanic acid was converted to propionyl-CoA, whereas homophytanic acid was beta-oxidized to acetyl-CoA. Incubation of skin fibroblasts with [1-14C]-labeled fatty acids for longer periods produced radiolabeled carbon dioxide, presumably by further degradation of acetyl-CoA or propionyl-CoA generated by beta-oxidation. Under the same conditions similar products were produced from very long chain fatty acids, such as lignoceric acid. Inclusion of digitonin (> 10 micrograms/ml) in the incubations strongly inhibited carbon dioxide production but stimulated acetyl-CoA or propionyl-CoA production from fatty acids. ATP, Mg2+, coenzyme A, NAD+ and L-carnitine stimulated acetyl-CoA or propionyl-CoA production from [1-14C]-labeled fatty acids in skin fibroblast suspensions. Branched chain fatty acid beta-oxidation was reduced in peroxisome-deficient cells (Zellweger syndrome and infantile Refsum's disease) but they were beta-oxidized normally in cells from patients with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). Under the same conditions, lignoceric acid beta-oxidation was impaired in the above three peroxisomal disease states. These results provide evidence that branched chain fatty acid, as well as very long chain fatty acid, beta-oxidation occurs only in peroxisomes. As the defect in X-linked ALD is in a peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA synthetase, which is believed to be specific for very long chain fatty acids, we postulate that different synthetases are involved in the activation of branched chain and very long chain fatty acids in peroxisomes.  相似文献   
Crystal structures of the complexes formed between cytochrome c peroxidase and cyanide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, and fluoride have been determined and refined to 1.85 A. In all four complexes significant changes occur in the distal heme pocket due to movement of Arg-48, His-52, and a rearrangement of active site water molecules. In the cyanide, nitric oxide, and carbon monoxide complexes, Arg-48 moves away from the ligand while in the fluoride complex Arg-48 moves in toward the ligand to form a hydrogen bond or ion pair with the fluoride. More subtle changes occur on the proximal side of the heme. In an earlier study at lower resolution (Edwards, S. L., Kraut, J., and Poulos, T. L. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 8074-8081), we found that nitric oxide binding causes perturbations in the proximal domain involving Trp-191 which has been confirmed by the present study. Trp-191 is stacked parallel to and in contact with the proximal ligand, His-175. Nitric oxide binding results in a slight movement of Trp-191 away from His-175 and a large increase in crystallographic temperature factors indicating increased mobility of these residues on the proximal side of the heme. These proximal-side changes are unique to nitric oxide and are not related strictly to spin-state or oxidation state of the iron atom since similar changes were not observed in the cyanide (low-spin ferric), carbon monoxide (low-spin ferrous), or fluoride (high-spin ferric) complexes.  相似文献   
The metabolism of [1-14C]lignoceric acid (C24:0) and [1-14C]tetracosatetraenoic acid (C24:4, n-6) was studied in normal skin fibroblast cultures and in cultures from patients with defects in peroxisomal beta-oxidation (but normal peroxisomal numbers). Cells from X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) patients with a presumed defect in a peroxisomal acyl-CoA synthetase, specific for fatty acids of carbon chain lengths greater than 22 (very-long-chain fatty acids; VLCFA), showed a relatively normal production of radiolabelled CO2 and water-soluble metabolites from [1-14C]C24:0. However, the products of synthesis from acetate de novo (released by beta-oxidation), i.e. C16 and C18 fatty acids, were decreased, and carbon chain elongation of the fatty acid was increased. In contrast, cell lines from two patients with an unidentified lesion in peroxisomal beta-oxidation (peroxisomal disease, PD) showed a marked deficiency in CO2 and water-soluble metabolite production, a decreased synthesis of C16 and C18 fatty acids and an increase in carbon chain elongation. The relatively normal beta-oxidation activity of ALD cells appears to be related to low uptake of substrate, as a defect in beta-oxidation is apparent when measurements are performed on cell suspensions under high uptake conditions. Oxidation of [1-14C]C24:4 was relatively normal in ALD cells and in the cells from one PD patient but abnormal in those from the other. Our data suggest that, despite the deficiency in VLCFA CoA synthetase, ALD cells retain a near normal ability to oxidize both saturated and polyunsaturated VLCFA under some culture conditions. However, acetate released by beta-oxidation of the saturated VLCFA and, to a much lesser degree, the polyunsaturated VLCFA, appears to be used preferentially for the production of CO2 and water-soluble products, and acetate availability for fatty acid synthesis in other subcellular compartments is markedly decreased. It is likely that the increased carbon chain elongation of the saturated VLCFA which is also observed reflects the increased availability of substrate (C24:0) and/or an increase in microsomal elongation activity in ALD cells.  相似文献   
The frequent occurrence of parallel phenotypic divergence in similar habitats is often evoked when emphasizing the role of ecology in adaptive radiation and speciation. However, because phenotypic plasticity can contribute to the observed pattern of divergence, confirmation of divergence at loci underlying phenotypic traits is important for confirming adaptive divergence. In the present study, we examine parallel morphological, neutral, and potentially adaptive genetic divergence of threespine stickleback inhabiting different habitats within a lake. Three genetic clusters best explained the neutral genetic structure within the lake; however, morphological differences were only weakly connected to genetic clusters and there was considerable phenotypic variation within clusters. Among the factors that could contribute to the observed pattern of morphological and genetic divergence are phenotypic plasticity, selective mortality of hybrids, and habitat choice based on morphology. Several loci are identified as outliers indicating divergent selection between the morphs and some parallels in morphological and adaptive genetic divergence are found in stickleback spawning at two lava sites. However, neutral genetic structure indicates considerable genetic connectivity among the two lava sites, and the parallels in morphology may therefore represent selective distribution of phenotypes rather than parallel divergence. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 803–813.  相似文献   
To investigate the relationship between the altitudinal distribution of Quercus laceyi and Q. sideroxyla and their physiological responses to drought, we measured relative water content (RWC), water potentials (Ψ(predawn) and Ψ(midday)), photosynthesis (A(max)), stomatal conductance (g), chlorophyll fluorescence (F(v)/F(m)), and spectral reflectance (400-1100 nm) five times during a 7 wk acute drought. Quercus laceyi was drought tolerant, while Q. sideroxyla was a drought avoider; Q. laceyi tolerated lower RWC (Q. sideroxyla = 54%, Q. laceyi = 44%), Ψ(pd) (Q. sideroxyla = -2.6 MPa, Q. laceyi = -3.3 MPa), and Ψ(md) (Q. sideroxyla = -4.5 MPa, Q. laceyi = -6.6 MPa). The F(v)/F(m) also declined first in Q. sideroxyla in wk 6, whereas F(v)/F(m) did not decline in Q. laceyi until wk 7. A(max) and g fell in wk 4, 6, and 7 in drought seedlings of both species, suggesting a decline in CO(2) assimilation during the drought. Leaf spectral reflectance increased with time in response to decreases in leaf photosynthetic pigment concentrations in latter weeks of the drought. The results suggest a close association between the altitudinal distributions of these species and their adaptation to water stress.  相似文献   
Metagenomics generates and tests hypotheses about dynamics and mechanistic drivers in wild populations, yet commonly suffers from insufficient (相似文献   
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