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In order to determine whether the small-scale distribution of immature Ixodes dammini Spielman et al. corresponds closely to the activity patterns of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmerman), these relationships were examined in a site on Long Island, New York, U.S.A. We first determined the extent and temporal pattern of adult ticks feeding on deer by examining twenty-three resident deer tranquilized during September-December 1985. I. dammini adults infested deer throughout this fall period, most abundantly during October and November. With radio-telemetry collars attached to deer we determined the relative frequency that they occupied 0.25 ha quadrats of the study site. During the following summer, we examined white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque), that inhabited these quadrats and removed immature ticks from each. 8975 larval and 163 nymphal I. dammini were removed from 208 mice trapped in forty-three such quadrats. The frequency of deer using these quadrats was positively correlated with both the number of larval and of nymphal ticks per mouse. These results suggest that risk of I. damminiborne zoonotic disease may be decreased by locally reducing deer density in sites that experience intense human activity.  相似文献   
Restructured beef steaks, formulated with different beef particle sizes, fat content and binder levels, were evaluated with selected marketing factors by 30 consumers. Conjoint analysis was applied to consumers’hedonic scores and statement of purchase intent for raw and cooked steaks. Product preference, packaging and brand had significant (P < 0.05) impacts on hedonic scores for raw products. Price was an additional important factor in purchase intent. Parcooked products, only product preference was important for both hedonic rating and purchase intent. When products were not present, conjoint measurement indicated that nutritional information, price and brand influenced (P < 0.05) hedonic responses.  相似文献   
86Rb uptake was examined in two species of unicellular greenalgae, Chlamydomonas nivalis isolated from snow, and a cellwall-less mutant of the temperate freshwater Chlamydomonas reinhardii.In C. reinhardii cells grown at 20°C and cooled rapidlyto 0°C, 86Rb uptake was abolished. Cells cooled rapidlyto –5°C in the absence of ice accumulated 86Rb veryrapidly but the time course of this uptake suggested non-selectiveaccumulation through a damaged plasmalemma. Cells grown at 8°Cwere viable, able to divide and motile; they showed no signsof cold-shock and 86Rb uptake, albeit slow, was measurable at–5°C in the absence of extracellular ice. Cells ofC. nivalis grown at 20°C were damaged at sub-zero temperaturesalthough they did show an enhanced 86Rb uptake at 0°C. Cellsgrown at 5°C were able to accumulate 86Rb from media undercooledto -5°C in the absence of extracellular ice, and again showedenhanced uptake at 0°C. The process of acclimation to lowtemperature appears to differ in the two species. Key words: Chlamydomonas, temperature, 86Rb uptake, membrane  相似文献   
Inorganic ions and the hatching of Heterodera spp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Of various inorganic ions tested for their ability to stimulate hatching of eggs of the cyst nematodes of cereals (Heterodera avenae Woll), carrot (H. carotae Jones), cabbage (H. cruciferae Franklin), soybean (H. glycines Ichinohe), pea (H. goettingiana Liebs.), potato (H. rostochiensis Woll.), beet (H. schachtii Schm.), tobacco (H. tabacum Lownsbery & Lownsbery) and clover (H. trifolii Goffart), some were active. Zn2+ hatched many eggs of seven species and some of H. goettingiana, but inhibited hatch of H. avenae to below that in water. Zinc salts are the first recorded very active hatching stimulants for H. glycines in vitro. Many other metal ions stimulated hatching of H. schachtii eggs to varying extents; these also hatched some but not all of the other species. Vanadate ions were particularly effective for H. rostochiensis, more so than Zn2+. No ion increased the hatch of H. avenae to above that in water. The most active ions were not those most abundant in soil. The behaviour of different ions with different species did not suggest any obvious affinities between species, but the differences between the hatching of H. tabacum and H. rostochiensis add weight to the view that, despite morphological similarities and overlapping host ranges, they are distinct species rather than pathotypes of a single species. Ions and other hatching agents may be absorbed by materials within the egg or larva and alter the structure and function of these materials. The lack of correlation between the hatching of H. schachtii by ions and the known stability sequences of various biological metal-binding systems suggests that there may be several sites of action that differ in their response.  相似文献   
  • 1 An input-output phosphorus budget is given for Windermere and its two basins based on data available for the late 1980s. The annual areal total phosphorus loading for the whole lake was 1.04 g P m-2 yr-1 and for the North and South Basins were 1.08 and 1.70 g P m-2 yr-1, respectively. For the whole lake and its South Basin the values were similar to the upper range of critical loads calculated according to the equation of Vollenweider (1976) for the transition between oligotrophy and eutrophy while that for the North Basin (1.08 g P m-2 yr-1) was within this range of critical loadings but towards its lower end.
  • 2 Changes in the quality of summer phytoplankton are described for Windermere, particularly its South Basin, between 1978 and 1989 in relation to the utilization of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) in the epilimnion, deoxygenarion of the hypolimnion and the ratio of epilimnetic volume to hypolimnetic volume, Ev/Hv The two basins of Windermere with values of Ev/Hv of 0.79 (South Basin) and 0.50 (North Basin) have contrasting conditions of summer deoxygenarion. The shallower South Basin shows marked interannual variability in the development of hypolimnetic anoxia. Years with large hypolimnetic anoxia during autumn are correlated with the production during summer of large populations of the poorly grazed blue-green alga Oscillatoria bourrellyi and exhaustion of NO3-N in the upper layers. During years when anoxia does not develop the summer phytoplankton consists of small easily grazed algae or larger ones subject to parasitic epidemics. The deeper North Basin never becomes anoxic even though it can contain similar sized populations of O. bourrellyi to the South Basin.
  • 3 A possible explanation of the between basin and, for the South Basin, between year variation of utilization of NO3-N and level of hypolimnetic deoxygenarion is that algal quality can determine lake metabolism dependent upon lake or basin morphology. Poorly grazed large forms such as O. bourrellyi act as sinks for NO3-N. On sedimentation such populations act as a ‘short circuit’ mechanism descending into deeper layers in sufficient quantities to cause anoxia. Other species subject to crustacean or microbial grazing are mineralized in the epilimnion with little sedimentation to the deeper waters. Subsequent recycling of nitrogen as NH4-N takes place in the upper layers or thermocline which is more readily taken up by subsequent production. The influence of such ‘short circuit’ mechanisms is reduced in deep lakes and exacerbated in shallow ones.
  • 4 The success of species such as O. bourrellyi is dependent upon a sufficient inoculum, an adequate supply of nutrients and the depth of intermittent mixing. The importance of these factors in regulating presence and timing of summer populations is illustrated and discussed.
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