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海拔变化会引起气压、温度、降水、土壤湿度和风速等环境因子发生急剧变化, 植物功能性状-海拔的相互关系对于预测全球变化背景下山地植物的适应方式具有重要意义。该研究在青海湖流域海拔3 400-4 200 m范围内布设了5个样地(海拔间隔约200 m), 通过植物群落调查, 测定植物功能性状和土壤理化性质, 结合气象数据, 探讨了海拔对青海湖流域群落水平植物功能性状的影响。结果如下: (1)群落加权平均植株高度(H)、叶片干物质含量(LDMC)、叶片碳氮比(C:N)和叶片氮磷比(N:P)随海拔升高显著降低, 比根表面积(SRA)随海拔升高波动下降, 比叶面积(SLA)、叶片氮含量(LNC)和叶片磷含量(LPC)随海拔升高显著升高, 叶片碳含量(LCC)比根长(SRL)和根组织密度(RTD)随海拔未发生显著变化。(2)所有性状的变异来源以物种组成变化为主, N:P和LPC的种内性状变异与物种组成变化呈现正的协变效应, 其余性状为负的协变效应。(3)降水和0- 10 cm土层土壤养分含量对SLA变化的解释率较高, 温度和10-20 cm土层土壤养分含量对其余性状随海拔变化的解释率较高。以上结果表明青海湖流域植物群落主要通过物种更替来适应随海拔升高而剧烈变化的环境, 且各群落中的非优势种倾向于占据与优势种相反的性状空间来提高资源利用率, 随海拔变化的热量和深层土壤养分含量是群落水平植物功能性状变化的主要影响因子。  相似文献   
树木叶片的水力效率和安全性会对水分条件的改变做出一定的响应, 进而影响树木的生长和分布, 然而叶导水率(Kleaf)和叶水力脆弱性(P50)对不同水分条件的响应模式及其影响因素尚不清楚。该研究选取了晋西北关帝山和黑茶山两种水分条件下的8种树种, 测量其水力性状、叶片导管和形态性状, 比较两地不同树种的KleafP50的变化, 分析叶片水力效率和安全性之间的权衡关系, 并探讨叶片水力性状在不同树种及水分条件下的响应模式及其驱动因素。结果表明: 对同一树种而言, 湿润的关帝山叶最大导水率(Kmax)和P50均高于干旱的黑茶山; 对同一地区而言, 从在高水分条件下生长的树种到在易干旱环境生长的树种, KmaxP50均逐渐下降。KmaxP50、膨压丧失点水势(TLP)之间均存在显著相关关系。两地叶片P50与导管密度、导管塌陷预测值((t/b)3)、叶片厚度、比叶质量显著正相关, 与导管直径、叶面积显著负相关, 不同树种的KleafP50与叶导管性状的关系大于叶形态性状。同一树种的关帝山到黑茶山P50变化量(δP50)与比叶质量和叶干物质含量在两地的变化量显著正相关, 同一树种δP50与叶形态性状变化量的关系大于与叶导管性状的。以上结果表明: 随着水分条件变差, 叶片水力效率降低, 水力安全性提高, 不同树种叶片水力效率与安全性之间存在一定的权衡关系, 不同树种叶水力性状的差别受叶导管性状影响的程度大于受叶形态性状的影响, 同一树种叶水力安全性对水分条件变化的响应主要依靠叶形态性状的驱动, 树木在提高自身叶水力安全的同时增加了叶构建的碳投资。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨片突菱纹叶蝉Hishimonus lamellatus Cai et Kuo不同种群中枣疯植原体与沃尔巴克氏体Wolbachia的感染情况和Wolbachia在不同器官组织分布,明确枣园菱纹叶蝉中Wolbachia的感染类型和分类地位,为研究Wolbachia感染对枣疯植原体潜在介体叶蝉生物学及生态学影响奠定基础.[方法]通过枣疯植原体和Wolbachia的基因特异性引物对片突菱纹叶蝉田间自然种群和实验室种群进行分子检测和鉴定.[结果]田间采集的片突菱纹叶蝉成虫植原体感染率在55%-61%之间,而Wolbachia感染率为3%-4%.田间采集的片突菱纹叶蝉自然种群经室内饲养,在1-4龄若虫中检测到Wolbachia,2-5龄若虫中检测到了植原体.片突菱纹叶蝉实验室饲养无植原体种群在其卵巢、卵和若虫中发现感染Wolbachia,在其唾液腺和消化道也检测到了Wolbachia,感染率在58%-100%之间.基于Wolbachia的wsp基因构建系统发育树,发现片突菱纹叶蝉体内的2个Wolbachia株系同属于B大组,但不同于B大组其他株系,属于新株系wLam1和wLam2.[结论]片突菱纹叶蝉成虫采自田间种群可以感染枣疯植原体和Wolbachia,无植原体叶蝉实验室饲养种群成虫感染Wolbachia显著高于田间种群,片突菱纹叶蝉体内2个Wolbachia株系属于B大组.这一研究结果为Wolbachia作为介体叶蝉生物防治剂进一步利用提供了基础信息.  相似文献   
西瓜DUS测试标准品种SSR指纹图谱构建及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究采用代表最大限度西瓜遗传多样性的SSR核心引物组合,分析了西瓜DUS测试指南中的24份标准品种遗传多样性与核酸指纹。以基于重测序获得的SNP标记构建的17份西瓜材料的系统发育树为参照,对24份标准品种进行了遗传多样性分析,在遗传相似系数0.80处将24份标准品种分为3大类群,分析表明:核酸指纹分类比传统形态学分类更为准确。采用二维(QR)编码构建了西瓜24份标准品种的SSR指纹图谱,并利用本技术以保护品种“京欣2号”与对照品种“京欣1号”为例,进行了DUS分子鉴定测试,共扩增32个SSR位点,“京欣1号”和“京欣2号”之间存在4个位点的差异,品种间遗传相似系数为0.89,比形态学鉴定的差异位点更多且更准。本研究建立的西瓜DUS标准品种SSR指纹图谱与分子检测技术,可以应用到西瓜品种DUS分子检测实践,同时也为西瓜品种纯度与真实性鉴定及遗传背景分析提供了技术方案。  相似文献   
目的:分析经额底纵裂入路治疗鞍上第三脑室底垂体瘤的疗效,探讨其临床适用性。方法:选择从2011年1月~2013年1月与我院行额底纵裂入路手术治疗的30例鞍上第三脑室底垂体瘤的患者,术中行单侧额或双侧额弧形切口,根据术中所见肿瘤位置,由终板、视神经一颈内动脉等存在的生理间隙处切除肿瘤,观察所有患者的手术疗效。结果:所有患者术中可见肿瘤位于鞍内鞍上,部分或全部突入第三脑室底,其中有6例患者伴有脑积水。术中肿瘤全切23例,次全切5例,大部切除2例,无手术死亡病例。术前25例患者视力减退,术后23例患者视力均获得不同程度改善,仅1例暂无明显变化。术后19例出现电解质紊乱,患者经治疗后均已纠正;12例出现不同程度的尿崩症,给予患者药物治疗后,病情得到缓解。术后随访6个月,23例肿瘤全切患者病灶无复发,另外4例次全切者病灶也无明显变化,仅1例次全切和2例大部切除患者于术后行伽马刀再次治疗。结论:经额底纵裂入路治疗鞍上第三脑室底垂体瘤可以达到视野清晰,直观下进行肿瘤切除,手术效果好,并发症较少,适合临床长期推广应用。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to describe the epidemiology of cervical spine injury in the patients with cervical trauma and analyze its associated risk factors during the special heating season in North China.


This cross-sectional study investigated predictors for cervical spine injury in cervical trauma patients using retrospectively collected data of Hebei Provincial Orthopaedic Hospital from 11/2011 to 02/2012, and 11/2012 to 02/2013. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine risk factors for cervical fractures/dislocations or cord injury.


A total of 106 patients were admitted into this study. Of all, 34 patients (32.1%) were treated from 11/2011 to 02/2012 and 72 patients (67.9%) from 11/2012 to 02/2013. The mean age was 41.9±13.3 years old; 85 patients (80.2%) were male and 82 (77.4%) from rural areas. Eighty patients (75.5%) were caused by fall including 45 (42.5%) by severe fall (>2 m). Sixty-five patients (61.3%) of all suffered injuries to other body regions and 32 (30.2%) got head injury. Thirty-one patients (29.2%) sustained cervical cord injury with cervical fractures/dislocations. Twenty-six (83.9%) of cervical cord injury patients were from rural areas and 24 (77.4%) of those resulted from fall including 15 (48.4%) from severe fall (>2 m). Logistic regression displayed that age (OR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.05–2.07), head injury (OR, 5.63; 95% CI, 2.23–14.26), were risk factors for cervical cord injury and snowing (OR, 8.25; 95% CI, 2.26–30.15) was a risk factor for cervical spine injury due to severe fall (>2 m).


The elder male patients and patients with head trauma are high-risk population for cervical cord injury. As a seasonal factor, snowing during heating season is of note a risk factor for cervical spine injury resulting from severe fall (>2 m) in the patients with cervical trauma in North China.  相似文献   
miR-222 participates in many cardiovascular diseases, but its effect on cardiac remodeling induced by diabetes is unclear. This study evaluated the functional role of miR-222 in cardiac fibrosis in diabetic mice. Streptozotocin (STZ) was used to establish a type 1 diabetic mouse model. After 10 weeks of STZ injection, mice were intravenously injected with Ad-miR-222 to induce the overexpression of miR-222. miR-222 overexpression reduced cardiac fibrosis and improved cardiac function in diabetic mice. Mechanistically, miR-222 inhibited the endothelium to mesenchymal transition (EndMT) in diabetic mouse hearts. Mouse heart fibroblasts and endothelial cells were isolated and cultured with high glucose (HG). An miR-222 mimic did not affect HG-induced fibroblast activation and function but did suppress the HG-induced EndMT process. The antagonism of miR-222 by antagomir inhibited HG-induced EndMT. miR-222 regulated the promoter region of β-catenin, thus negatively regulating the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, which was confirmed by β-catenin siRNA. Taken together, our results indicated that miR-222 inhibited cardiac fibrosis in diabetic mice via negatively regulating Wnt/β-catenin-mediated EndMT.  相似文献   
The ‘choice’ of whether to enter diapause or to develop directly has profound effects on the life histories of insects, and may thus have cascading consequences such as seasonal morphs and other less obvious forms of seasonal plasticity. Present knowledge of the control of diapause and seasonal morphs at the physiological and molecular levels is briefly reviewed. Examples, mainly derived from personal research (primarily on butterflies), are given as a starting point with the aim of outlining areas of research that are still poorly understood. These include: the role of the direction of change in photoperiod; the role of factors such as temperature and diet in modifying the photoperiodic responses; and the role of sex, parental effects and sex linkage on photoperiodic control. More generally, there is still a limited understanding of how external cues and physiological pathways regulating various traits are interconnected via gene action to form a co‐adapted complete phenotype that is adaptive in the wild despite environmental fluctuation and change.  相似文献   
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