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While the influence of elevated CO2 on the production, mass and quality of plant seeds has been well studied, the effect of warming on these characters is largely unknown; and there is practically no information on possible interactions between warming and elevated CO2, despite the importance of these characters in population maintenance and recovery. Here, we present the impacts of elevated CO2 and warming, both in isolation and combination, on seed production, mass, quality, germination success and subsequent seedling growth of Austrodanthonia caespitosa , a dominant temperate C3 grass from Australia, using seeds collected from the TasFACE experiment. Mean seed production and mass were not significantly affected by either elevated CO2 or warming, but elevated CO2 more than doubled the proportion of very light, inviable seeds ( P < 0.05) and halved mean seed N concentration ( P < 0.04) and N content ( P < 0.03). The dependence of seed germination success on seed mass was affected by an elevated CO2× warming interaction ( P < 0.004), such that maternal exposure to elevated CO2 or warming reduced germination if applied in isolation, but not when applied in combination. Maternal effects were retained when seedlings were grown in a common environment for 6 weeks, with seedlings descended from warmed plants 20% smaller ( P < 0.008) with a higher root : shoot ratio ( P < 0.001) than those from unwarmed plants. Given that both elevated CO2 and warming reduced seed mass, quality, germinability or seedling growth, it is likely that global change will reduce population growth or distribution of this dominant species.  相似文献   
The impact of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on climate change may be mitigated in part by C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems as rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations stimulate primary productivity and ecosystem C storage. Carbon will be sequestered in forest soils if organic matter inputs to soil profiles increase without a matching increase in decomposition or leaching losses from the soil profile, or if the rate of decomposition decreases because of increased production of resistant humic substances or greater physical protection of organic matter in soil aggregates. To examine the response of a forest ecosystem to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, the Duke Forest Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment in North Carolina, USA, has maintained atmospheric CO2 concentrations 200 μL L?1 above ambient in an aggrading loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation over a 9‐year period (1996–2005). During the first 6 years of the experiment, forest‐floor C and N pools increased linearly under both elevated and ambient CO2 conditions, with significantly greater accumulations under the elevated CO2 treatment. Between the sixth and ninth year, forest‐floor organic matter accumulation stabilized and C and N pools appeared to reach their respective steady states. An additional C sink of ~30 g C m?2 yr?1 was sequestered in the forest floor of the elevated CO2 treatment plots relative to the control plots maintained at ambient CO2 owing to increased litterfall and root turnover during the first 9 years of the study. Because we did not detect any significant elevated CO2 effects on the rate of decomposition or on the chemical composition of forest‐floor organic matter, this additional C sink was likely related to enhanced litterfall C inputs. We also failed to detect any statistically significant treatment effects on the C and N pools of surface and deep mineral soil horizons. However, a significant widening of the C : N ratio of soil organic matter (SOM) in the upper mineral soil under both elevated and ambient CO2 suggests that N is being transferred from soil to plants in this aggrading forest. A significant treatment × time interaction indicates that N is being transferred at a higher rate under elevated CO2 (P=0.037), suggesting that enhanced rates of SOM decomposition are increasing mineralization and uptake to provide the extra N required to support the observed increase in primary productivity under elevated CO2.  相似文献   
1. Unpredictable, extreme climatic events (e.g. droughts) can potentially destabilize aquatic communities. From 1998 to 2002, southwestern Georgia, U.S.A., experienced the third worst drought of the last 100 years, leading to loss of surface flow in many small streams. We sampled macroinvertebrates, flow and water chemistry in small headwater streams from 2001 to 2007 in two adjacent coastal plain streams of contrasting headwater type (wetland and groundwater‐fed seep) following resumption of flow. 2. Decreasing water temperature, conductivity and nutrient concentrations within the first 2 years of the study indicated flushing of the streambed associated with increased discharge. Invertebrate community composition became less variable over time and during wetter years, reflecting water chemistry, hydrological and climate conditions. 3. A core set of species appeared immediately following breaking of the drought in both streams, reflecting a shared species pool. These species exhibited resilience traits, including short life cycles and resistance to desiccation, which allowed for rapid recovery from disturbance. Such species, which were small‐bodied, sclerotized and abundant in the drift, were then replaced as flows increased by those that were larger, soft‐bodied and rare in drift, suggesting a more stable and less ephemeral habitat. 4. Hydrologic regime and long‐term precipitation indices were strongly correlated with invertebrate community and trait structure. Long‐term data allowed for better interpretation of the effects of infrequent disturbances on aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, long‐term precipitation indices (i.e. 48‐month standardized precipitation index) can indicate the likelihood of a return to drought, allowing for the collection of pre‐disturbance data.  相似文献   
Agri-environment schemes could play a key role in the reversal of farmland bird declines. The effectiveness of the Arable Stewardship Pilot Scheme for delivering farmland birds was tested in a replicated, farm-scale field trial, in two lowland farmland regions of England. Changes in numbers of birds over five years were compared between control and scheme farms. In East Anglia, productivity of Grey Partridges Perdix perdix was significantly higher on scheme than on control farms, although such an effect was not seen in the West Midlands where the species was rarer. At the field scale, wintering granivorous passerines and Skylarks Alauda arvensis responded to stewardship habitats (options) such as stubble and wild bird cover designed specifically to benefit them. However, at the farm scale, winter bird counts were higher on scheme than control farms only in the West Midlands, and not in East Anglia where the availability of set-aside and features managed for game in the wider landscape was higher. In the absence of other high-quality habitat, arable options are effective at providing good quality habitat, but the amount needed to exert an influence at the bird population level remains uncertain.  相似文献   
Poisoned protein baits comprise a recognized method for controlling tephritid fruit flies in the form of a ‘lure‐and‐kill’ technique. However, little is known about how a fly's internal protein and carbohydrate levels (i.e. nutritional status) might influence the efficacy of this control. In the present study, the relationships between the internal levels of protein (as measured by total body nitrogen) and carbohydrate (as measured by total body carbon) of the fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) are investigated, as well as its foraging behaviours in response to protein, fruit and cue‐lure (a male‐specific attractant) baits. Small cage behavioural experiments are conducted using flies from cultures of different nutritional status and wild flies sampled from the field during the fruiting cycle of a guava crop. For female flies, increasing total body nitrogen is correlated with decreased protein foraging and increased oviposition activity; increasing total body carbon levels generate the same behavioural changes except that the oviposition response is not significant. For males, there are no significant correlations between changes in total body nitrogen and total body carbon and protein or cue‐lure foraging. For wild flies from the guava orchard, almost all of them are sexually mature when entering the crop and, over the entire season, total body nitrogen and total body carbon levels are such that protein hunger is unlikely for most flies. The results infer strongly that the requirements of wild, sexually mature flies for protein are minimal and that flies can readily gain sufficient nutrients from wild sources for their physiological needs. The results offer a mechanistic explanation for the poor response of male and mature female fruit flies to protein bait spray.  相似文献   
1. Shallow lakes and their ectothermic inhabitants are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climatic warming. These impacts are likely to depend on nutrient loading, especially if the combination of warming and eutrophication leads to severe hypoxia. 2. To investigate effects of realistic warming and nutrient loading on a fish species with high tolerance of warming and hypoxia, we observed population changes and timing of reproduction of three‐spined sticklebacks in 24 outdoor shallow freshwater ecosystems with combinations of temperature (ambient and ambient +4 °C) and three nutrient treatments over 16 months. 3. Warming reduced stickleback population biomass by 60% (population size by 76%) and nutrient‐addition reduced biomass by about 80% (population size 95%). Nutrients and warming together resulted in extinction of the stickleback populations. These losses were mainly attributed to the increased likelihood of severe hypoxia in heated and nutrient‐addition mesocosms. 4. Warming of nutrient‐rich waters can thus have dire consequences for freshwater ectotherm populations. The loss even of a hardy fish suggests a precarious future for many less tolerant species in such eutrophic systems under current climate change predictions.  相似文献   
The separate effects of the aphid‐transmitted poleroviruses; Beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV) and Beet chlorosis virus (BChV), on the yield of field‐grown sugar beet were studied following different inoculation dates from May to July in 1997,1999 and 2000. Each sugar beet plant within the appropriate plots was infected with virus using at least 10 wingless viruliferous Myzus persicae per plant. In all 3 years, overall yield losses caused by BMYV were negatively correlated with time of infection with early season (May) inoculations causing 18–27% losses in sugar yield but late season losses only 4–15%. BChV decreased the sugar yield and sugar content of beet following early season inoculations, although the effects on sugar yield were more variable (range 8–24%) and the virus appeared to be less damaging compared to BMYV. However, inoculations with BChV in July of each year caused greater root and sugar losses than inoculations with BMYV at that time. Both poleroviruses increased the sodium content of the roots early in the season, although neither virus had an effect on potassium levels at any stage.  相似文献   
Many guidelines for international research require that studies be responsive to host community health needs or health priorities. Although responsiveness possesses great intuitive and rhetorical appeal, existing conceptions are confusing and difficult to apply. Not only are there few examples of what research the responsiveness requirement permits and what it rejects, but its application can lead to contradictory results. Because of the practical difficulties in applying responsiveness and the danger that misapplying responsiveness could harm the interests of developing countries, we argue that responsiveness should be refocused in three ways: in terms of (1) who enforces it, (2) under what standard, and (3) in what cases. We conclude that responsiveness should be applied by host country officials at the policy level with the exercise of judgment when externally funded research threatens to displace scarce local resources.  相似文献   
The South-east Asian pheasant genus Polyplectron is comprised of six or seven species which are characterized by ocelli (ornamental eye-spots) in all but one species, though the sizes and distribution of ocelli vary among species. All Polyplectron species have lateral displays, but species with ocelli also display frontally to females, with feathers held erect and spread to clearly display the ocelli. The two least ornamented Polyplectron species, one of which completely lacks ocelli, have been considered the primitive members of the genus, implying that ocelli are derived. We examined this hypothesis phylogenetically using complete mitochondrial cytochrome b and control region sequences, as well as sequences from intron G in the nuclear ovomucoid gene, and found that the two least ornamented species are in fact the most recently evolved. Thus, the absence and reduction of ocelli and other ornamental traits in Polyplectronare recent losses. The only variable that may correlate with the reduction in ornamentation is habitat, as the two less-ornamented species inhabit montane regions, while the ornamented species inhabit lowland regions. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of models of sexual selection. The phylogeny is not congruent with current geographical distributions, and there is little evidence that Pleistocene sea level changes promoted speciation in this genus. Maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses of cytochrome b sequences suggest that the closest relatives of Polyplectron are probably the peafowl and the argus pheasants.  相似文献   
The relationship between chemical composition and feeding deterrent activity of seven essential oils is explored, including those from Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry (Myrtaceae), Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (Lauraceae), Lavendula latifolia (L.) Medicus, Lavendula angustifolia L., Mentha crispa L., Mentha arvensis L. and Mentha piperita L. (Lamiaceae) against an important agricultural pest, the cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni Hübner, Noctuidae), using a leaf‐disc choice bioassay. Comparison of the deterrent activity of ‘full mixtures' with respective artificial blends missing individual constituents demonstrates that, for most oils, minor constituents in a mixture can be as important as major constituents with respect to the overall feeding deterrent effect. There is a lack of correlation between the feeding deterrent effect of an individual constituent of an essential oil and its contribution to the overall activity of the ‘full mixture’ in some cases. The effect of removing an individual constituent from the mixture of an essential oil depends on the unique properties of the mixture, which in turn may reflect the interaction of its constituents. Understanding the role and contribution of each constituent to the overall activity of the oil can facilitate the creation of artificial blends that optimize their efficacy against different pests.  相似文献   
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