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SYNOPSIS. This report deals with observations which suggestnew insights and speculations with regard to the unique developmentalcycle of lymphoreticular neoplasia in adult Xenopus laevis andthe systemic controls which may be imposed upon it. Evidenceis presented which suggests that: (1) Organismally imposed necrosisof visceral tumor foci was effectively suppressed by subsequentimplantation of allo-tumor foci but not by normal tissue allo-grafts;(2) Recovery of the healthy state of neoplastic foci followingnecrosis appears to depend on the acquisition of new tumor cellsrather than on cloning by survivors of necrosis in primary foci;(3) Diseased organisms eventually develop controls which suppressthe growth of implanted allotumor foci (tumor growth suppressionwas also demonstrated with splenic but not liver fragments fromatoad which survived a prior challenge with a homogenate of neoplastictissue); (4) Animals with this lympho-proliferative disorderappear to have an immunologic deficiency for cell-mediated responses;(5) Normal young adult Xenopus hosts generate a chronic ratherthan acute allograft response. This information may be of interestin considering the phylogeny of both the cell-mediated responseand the type of surveillance mechanism utilized as a defenseagainst neoplasia  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. A new species of Acanthamoeba was isolated from a culture of an established line of human choriocarcinoma cells. The identification of this strain, originally called the Oak Ridge strain, and the establishment of a new species for it were based on morphologic, serologic, and immunochemical studies. In general, the structure of the trophozoite did not differ significantly from that of other species of Acanthamoeba, except that a body which more closely resembled a centriole than material described previously as centriolar satellites was observed in trophozoites examined with the electron microscope. The dimensions of the trophozoite were the smallest among the species of Acanthamoeba. The cyst was typical of the genus, but differed from those of other species by its smaller size and the presence of numerous ostioles. Studies of the Oak Ridge strain by immunofluorescence using antisera developed against the isolate and Acanthamoeba culbertsoni, A. castellanii, A. polyphaga, A. rhysodes, A. astronyxis, and A. palestinensis revealed the antigenic uniqueness of the Oak Ridge strain. It was demonstrated by immunoelectrophoretic analyses of the soluble proteins of the Oak Ridge strain that it shared ~ 1/2 of its antigenic structure with A. castellanii and A. culbertsoni. The antigenic differences of the isolate from other species of Acanthamoeba were deduced from comparison of the antigenic constitution of these species and the Oak Ridge strain with A. culbertsoni and A. castellanii. Although the strain was initially recognized by its cytopathogenicity for cultures, it did not produce acute infections in mice after intranasal inoculation of 1 × 104 amebae/mouse. The foregoing results constituted the basis for the establishment of the Oak Ridge strain as a new species, A. royreba sp. n., in the genus Acanthamoeba.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We evaluated hypotheses concerning temporal, landscape, and habitat effects on nest survival of golden-cheeked warblers (Dendroica chrysoparia) in an urban and a rural landscape during the breeding seasons of 2005 and 2006 in central Texas, USA. We found support for temporal effects of year and cubic effect of date and included them in candidate models that evaluated habitat and landscape effects. Nest survival was lower in 2006 than in 2005 and decreased nonlinearly as the breeding season progressed. We found support for edge effects with decreased nest survival nearer edges and in areas with increased open edge density (wooded habitat abutting open habitat) or decreased trail density. However, confidence intervals for the model-averaged odds ratios overlapped 1.0 for all edge variables. Overall daily survival rate was 0.964 (95% CI = 0.949-0.975), resulting in a 25-day period survival of 0.398 (95% CI = 0.269-0.524). Period survival in Austin's urban landscape (0.399, 95% CI = 0.270-0.526) was similar to survival in Fort Hood's rural landscape (0.396, 95% CI = 0.261-0.528). Both landscapes likely support self-sustaining populations based on reasonable assumptions for adult survival and number of nesting attempts. We suggest that some large urban preserves can provide breeding habitat of comparable quality to rural locations and recommend protecting large parcels (>100 ha) of breeding habitat with limited fragmentation and reducing the amount of wooded edge abutting open habitat to ensure nest survival regardless of their landscape context.  相似文献   
Abstract.  New World screwworm populations in North and Central America have been the targets of virtually continuous eradication attempts by sterile insect technique (SIT) since the 1950s. Nevertheless, in some areas, such as Jamaica, SIT control programmes have failed. Reasons for the failure of SIT-based control programmes in some locations are unknown, but it has been hypothesized that failure may be related to mating incompatibility between sterile and wild fly populations or to the existence of sexually incompatible cryptic species. This paper outlines the development of a suite of four new microsatellite loci which can be used to study intra-specific relationships between populations of Cochliomyia hominivorax from the Caribbean and South America, which represent those populations involved in, or earmarked for, forthcoming SIT control. Cross-amplification with the secondary screwworm, Cochliomyia macellaria , was also successful with three of the new loci. We present results which suggest that populations from Trinidad and Jamaica form distinct groupings of flies and that C. hominivorax from Trinidad appears particularly distinct.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Sensory ecology deals with how animals capture in formation from their environment, and the sensory sys tems involved in doing so (Hailman, 1977; Lythgoe, 1979; Dusenbery, 1992; Mappes and Stevens 2010). Although the term sensory ecology itself is compara tively recent, its basis has a long history, in part due to numerous links with subjects such as neurobiology, physiology, ethology, and evolutionary behavioral ecology.  相似文献   
Comprehensive, accurate paternity assignment is critical to answering numerous questions in evolutionary ecology. Yet, most studies of species with extra‐pair paternity (EPP) fail to assign sires to all offspring. Common limitations include incomplete and biased sampling of offspring and males, particularly with respect to male location and social status, potentially biasing estimated patterns of paternity. Studies that achieve comprehensive sampling and paternity assignment are therefore required. Accordingly, we genotyped virtually all males and >99% of 6‐day‐old offspring over 16 years in a song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) population and used three complementary statistical methodologies to attempt complete paternity assignment for all 2207 offspring. Assignments were highly consistent across maximum likelihood methods that used solely genotype data, and heuristic and integrated Bayesian analyses that included data describing individual locations. Sires were assigned to >99% of all genotyped offspring with ≥95% confidence, revealing an EPP rate of c. 28%. Extra‐pair sires primarily occupied territories neighbouring their extra‐pair offspring; spatial location was therefore highly informative for paternity assignment. EPP was biased towards paired territorial males, although unpaired territorial and floater males sired c. 13% of extra‐pair offspring. Failing to sample and include unpaired males as candidate sires would therefore substantially reduce assignment rates. These analyses demonstrate the integration of genetic and ecological information to achieve comprehensive paternity assignment and direct biological insight, illustrate the potential biases that common forms of incomplete sampling could have on estimated patterns of EPP, and provide an essential basis for understanding the evolutionary causes and consequences of EPP.  相似文献   
The Grey Fantail Rhipidura albiscapa is a socially monogamous passerine endemic to Australia. Behavioural and morphological clues point to opposing conclusions as to its breeding system; sexual monomorphism and monochrome colorations suggest monogamy, whereas relatively large testes and a prominent cloacal protruberance are more indicative of multiple mating and sperm competition. We used five highly variable microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic breeding system of this species. Paternity was assigned to 49 of 69 (71%) offspring tested and the overall rate of partner infidelity was high, with 55% of offspring being sired by an extra‐pair male and 64% of all clutches containing extra‐pair young. This puts the Grey Fantail amongst the most promiscuous socially monogamous species yet studied. Where extra‐pair fathers were identified, these were invariably in neighbouring territories, and although larger males did not gain more paternities overall, extra‐pair offspring tended to be fathered by larger males than expected by chance. We interpret our findings in light of some of the potential costs and benefits associated with extra‐pair paternity.  相似文献   
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