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This study assessed selected measures of cognitive function in trained cyclists who observed daylight fasting during Ramadan. Eleven cyclists volunteered to participate (age: 21.6±4.8 years, VO2max: 57.7±5.6 ml kg−1·min−1) and were followed for 2 months. Cognitive function (Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), Reaction Time index (RTI) and Rapid Visual Information Processing (RVP) tests) and sleep architecture (ambulatory EEG) were assessed: before Ramadan (BR), in the 1st week (RA1) and 4th week of Ramadan (RA4), and 2 weeks post-Ramadan (PR). Both cognitive tests were performed twice per day: before and after Ramadan at 8-10 a.m. and 4-6 p.m., and during Ramadan at 4-6 p.m. and 0-2 a.m., respectively. Training load (TL) by the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method and wellness (Hooper index) were measured daily. If the TL increased over the study period, this variable was stable during Ramadan. The perceived fatigue and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) increased at RA4. Sleep patterns and architecture showed clear disturbances, with significant increases in the number of awakenings and light sleep durations during Ramadan (RA1 and RA4), together with decreased durations of deep and REM sleep stages at PR. RTI (simple and multiple reaction index) reaction and movement times did not vary over the study period. The RVP test showed reduced false alarms during Ramadan, suggesting reduced impulsivity. Overall accuracy significantly increased at RA1, RA4 and PR compared to baseline. At RA4, the accuracy was higher at 0-2 a.m. compared to 4-6 p.m. Despite the observed disturbances in sleep architecture, Ramadan fasting did not negatively impact the cognitive performance of trained cyclists from the Middle East.  相似文献   


Unravelling the path from genotype to phenotype, as it is influenced by an organism's environment, is one of the central goals in biology. Gene expression profiling by means of microarrays has become very prominent in this endeavour, although resources exist only for relatively few model systems. As genomics has matured into a comparative research program, expression profiling now also provides a powerful tool for non-traditional model systems to elucidate the molecular basis of complex traits.  相似文献   
In 1983 and 1984, potato seed tubers of five early and seven maincrop cultivars were inoculated with cultures of Rhizoctonia soluni during planting to simulate severe seed infection. Shoot and stolon infection was assessed in June-August and black scurf on tubers recorded after harvest in October. Almost all shoots of all cultivars had stem canker in both years and disease on shoots, stolons and tubers was more severe in 1984 than in 1983. In 1983 similar amounts of disease developed on all early cultivars and between 11% (Ulster Sceptre) and 32% (Maris Peer) shoots were pruned off. Maris Peer had a stem canker score lower than other cultivars in 1984 but more than half the shoots were pruned off. Shoot pruning on Estima, Ulster Prince and Ulster Sceptre was more common on plants from sprouted than non-sprouted seed. Between 30 and 50% of stolons were pruned off. After harvest in 1985, black scurf was least prevalent on Arran Comet and Maris Peer tubers and in 1984 on Arran Comet and Estima tubers from non-sprouted seed. Of the maincrop cultivars, King Edward plants from sprouted seed had many shoots pruned off in both years. Shoot pruning was also prevalent on Maris Piper and Pentland Squire plants from non-sprouted seed. Record had fewest pruned shoots and stolons and the lowest stem canker score. The disease was more severe on Pentland Crown and Maris Piper plants from non-sprouted than sprouted seed. Black scurf was most common on Cara and King Edward tubers in 1983 and on King Edward and Record tubers in 1984. In both years few shoots but many tubers were infected on plants from non-inoculated seed and the significance of this is discussed.  相似文献   
Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) of the ribosomal DNA were used to determine the phylogenetic relationships of species of Trichoderma sect. Pachybasium. To this end, 85 strains-including all the available ex-type strains-were analyzed. Parsimony analysis demonstrated that the section is nonmonophyletic, distributing the 85 strains among three main groups that were supported by bootstrap values. Group A comprises two clades (A1 and A2), with A1 including T. polysporum, T. piluliferum, and T. minutisporum, while A2 included T. hamatum, T. pubescens, and T. strigosum in addition to species previously included in sect. Trichoderma (i.e., T. viride, T. atroviride, and T. koningii). The ex-type strain of T. fasciculatum formed a separate branch basal to clade A. Clade B contained the sect. Pachybasium members T. harzianum, T. fertile, T. croceum, T. longipile, T. strictipile, T. tomentosum, T. oblongisporum, T. flavofuscum, T. spirale, and the anamorphs of Hypocrea semiorbis and H. cf. gelatinosa. Sequence differences among clades A1, A2, and B were in the same order of magnitude as between each of them and T. longibrachiatum, which was used as an outgroup in these analyses. Sequence differences within clades A1, A2, and B were considerably smaller: in some cases (i.e., T. virens and T. flavofuscum; T. strictipile and H. cf. gelatinosa), the ITS1-sequences were identical, suggesting conspecifity. In other cases (e.g., T. crassum and T. longipile; T. harzianum, T. inhamatum, T. croceum, T. fertile, and H. semiorbis; T. hamatum and T. pubescens; and T. viride, T. atroviride, and T. koningii) differences were in the range of 1-3 nt only, suggesting a very close phylogenetic relationship. The sequence of a previously described aggressive mushroom competitor group of T. harzianum strains (Th2) was strikingly different from that of the ex-type strain of T. harzianum and closely related species and is likely to be a separate species. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
The Structure and Function of the Ericoid Mycorrhizal Root   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
READ  D.J. 《Annals of botany》1996,77(4):365-374
The uniformity of structure of the anatomically simple ericoidmycorrhizal hair root across many plant families, includingEpacridaceae, that are diagnostic of heathland, and the characteristicrestriction of its occurrence to nutrient impoverished soils,are both emphasized. The extent to which the predominantly ascomycetousfungal endophytes of these roots are taxonomically related isdiscussed. In functional terms, the role of the mycorrhiza innutrient mobilization is evaluated on the basis of experimentswith ericaceous plants. The considerable saprotrophic potentialof endophytes such asHymenoscyphus ericae is demonstrated andthe significance of this for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)nutrition of plants growing in sclerophyllous litter of highC:N and C:P ratios is discussed. The need to carry out experimentsusing epacrid hosts is stressed. It is considered that the selectiveprovision, by ericoid mycorrhizal fungi, of access to recalcitrantorganic sources of N and P facilitates niche differentiationand so contributes to the maintenance of species diversity whichis a feature of heaths with a significant component of epacridor ericaceous plants particularly in the southern hemisphere. Ericoid mycorrhiza; hair root; nitrogen mobilization; heathland; Epacridaceae  相似文献   
Australian arid zone mammal species within the Critical Weight Range (CWR) of 35 g–5.5 kg have suffered disproportionately in the global epidemic of contemporary faunal extinctions. CWR extinctions have been attributed largely to the effects of introduced or invasive mammals; however, the impact of these threatening processes on smaller mammals and reptiles is less clear. The change in small mammal and reptile assemblages after the removal of rabbits, cats and foxes was studied over a 6‐year period in a landscape‐scale exclosure in the Australian arid zone. Rodents, particularly Notomys alexis and Pseudomys bolami, increased to 15 times higher inside the feral‐proof Arid Recovery Reserve compared with outside sites, where rabbits, cats and foxes were still present. Predation by cats was thought to exert the greatest influence on rodent numbers owing to the maintenance of the disparity in rodent responses through dry years and the differences in dietary preferences between rabbits and P. bolami. The presence of introduced Mus domesticus or medium‐sized re‐introduced mammal species did not significantly affect resident small mammal or reptile abundance. Abundance of most dasyurids and small lizards did not change significantly after the removal of feral animals although reductions in gecko populations inside the reserve may be attributable to second order trophic interactions or subtle changes in vegetation structure and cover. This study suggests that populations of rodent species in northern South Australia below the CWR may also be significantly affected by introduced cats, foxes and/or rabbits and that a taxa specific model of Australian mammal decline may be more accurate than one based on body weight.  相似文献   


Although both smoking and respiratory complaints are very common, tools to improve diagnostic accuracy are scarce in primary care. This study aimed to reveal what inflammatory patterns prevail in clinically established diagnosis groups, and what factors are associated with eosinophilia.


Induced sputum and blood plasma of 59 primary care patients with COPD (n = 17), asthma (n = 11), chronic bronchitis (CB, n = 14) and smokers with no respiratory complaints ('healthy smokers', n = 17) were collected, as well as lung function, smoking history and clinical work-up. Patterns of inflammatory markers per clinical diagnosis and factors associated with eosinophilia were analyzed by multiple regression analyses, the differences expressed in odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals.


Multivariately, COPD was significantly associated with raised plasma-LBP (OR 1.2 [1.04–1.37]) and sTNF-R55 in sputum (OR 1.01 [1.001–1.01]), while HS expressed significantly lowered plasma-LBP (OR 0.8 [0.72–0.95]). Asthma was characterized by higher sputum eosinophilic counts (OR 1.3 [1.05–1.54]), while CB showed a significantly higher proportion of sputum lymphocytic counts (OR 1.5 [1.12–1.9]). Sputum eosinophilia was significantly associated with reversibility after adjusting for smoking, lung function, age, gender and allergy.


Patterns of inflammatory markers in a panel of blood plasma and sputum cells and mediators were discernable in clinical diagnosis groups of respiratory disease. COPD and so-called healthy smokers showed consistent opposite associations with plasma LBP, while chronic bronchitics showed relatively predominant lymphocytic inflammation compared to other diagnosis groups. Only sputum eosinophilia remained significantly associated with reversibility across the spectrum of respiratory disease in smokers with airway complaints.  相似文献   
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