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Ozone (O3) is damaging to plants, inducing signalling pathways involving antagonism between jasmonates and ethylene. These pathways mediate O3 responses, particularly to acute exposure, and their manipulation protected several species against acute and chronic O3. We use chronic daily exposure of up to 163 ppb O3, and twice weekly application of up to 320 µg plant?1 methyl jasmonate (MeJA) to test two hypothesizes: 1) a low rate of MeJA does not affect growth but increases O3 sensitivity; 2) a high rate inhibits growth but reduces O3 sensitivity. Both hypotheses were rejected. Growth declined with increases in both MeJA and O3. MeJA at 40 µg plant?1 caused no direct effect, and at 160 µg plant?1 reduced growth similarly at all O3. Neither rate altered O3 sensitivity. These additive responses are not consistent with protection by MeJA in this system. They may reflect inter‐specific differences in signalling, since O3 concentrations used here exceeded some reported acute exposures. Alternatively, parallel responses to O3 and MeJA may suggest that O3‐induced jasmonates play a developmental role in chronic response but no protective role in the absence of lesions characteristic of acute exposure. MeJA appears useful as a probe of these mechanisms.  相似文献   
Ethnoarchaeology is a field of study that aims to provide the information needed to draw reliable behavioral inferences from archaeological data. In this study, data from four settlement types (permanent villages, forest hamlets, seasonal hamlets, and foraging camps) of a forager–farmer population in southwestern Madagascar are examined from an archaeological perspective. Doing so shows that house size, house post diameter variability, outdoor workspace, trash disposal, and feature diversity jointly sort out settlements of different lengths of occupation. However, the relationship between mobility and material culture is not simply a product of the length of stay; it is also affected by differences in the social environments of settlements of different occupational lengths. Using the behavioral ecology of food sharing, we show that certain architectural changes that ensure privacy are expected to occur as settlements become larger and more permanent. These observations from Madagascar should be applicable to other areas.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships among members of the family Gyrinidae (Coleoptera: Adephaga) were inferred from analysis of 42 morphological characters and DNA sequence data from the genes 12S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase I and II, elongation factor 1 alpha (2 different copies) and histone III. Eighty‐nine species of Gyrinidae were included representing all known subfamilies, tribes and genera. Outgroups include species from Noteridae, Paelobiidae and Dytiscidae. Analyses include parsimony analysis, and partitioned time‐free and relaxed‐clock Bayesian analyses of the combined data using reversible‐jump MCMC to simultaneously integrate over all possible 4 × 4 nucleotide substitution models. Analyses resulted in conflicting topologies between the combined parsimony and Bayesian analyses on the one hand, and the relaxed‐clock analysis on the other. The marginal likelihoods of competing models were calculated with stepping‐stone sampling and used in a Bayes factor test, which, along with arguments from morphology, supported the topology generated by the relaxed‐clock analysis. This phylogenetic hypothesis is adopted to revise the higher classification of Gyrinidae. Major taxonomic conclusions include: (i) monophyletic Gyrinidae, (ii) the Nearctic Spanglerogyrinae Folkerts (with one species, Spanglerogyrus albiventris Folkerts) sister to all other Gyrinidae, (iii) the Madagascar endemic Heterogyrinae Brinck stat. n. (with one species, Heterogyrus milloti Legros) sister to all Gyrinidae except Spanglerogyrinae, (iv) monophyletic Gyrininae Latreille including three monophyletic tribes with the following relationship: Orectochilini Régimbart + (Gyrinini Latreille + Enhydrini Régimbart), (v) monophyletic Orectochilini comprising four monophyletic genera with the following relationships: (Gyretes Brullé + Patrus Aubé stat. n. ) + (Orectogyrus Régimbart + Orectochilus Dejean), (vi) monophyletic Gyrinini comprising three genera with the following relationships: Gyrinus Geoffroy + (Metagyrinus Brinck + Aulonogyrus Motschulsky), each monophyletic except Metagyrinus with only one included species and not tested for monophyly, and (vii) monophyletic Enhydrini comprising five genera with the following relationships: (Porrorhynchus Laporte + Dineutus MacLeay) + (Enhydrus Laporte + (Andogyrus Ochs + Macrogyrus Régimbart)), each monophyletic except Porrorhynchus, Enhydrus and Andogyrus each with one included species and untested for monophyly. Each subfamily, tribe and genus is diagnosed and discussed. The female reproductive tract of each group is presented, illustrated and discussed with respect to the phylogenetic conclusions.  相似文献   
Abstract. To study the impact of residual pyrethroid insecticide on the abundance and distribution of peridomestic Lutzomyia longipalpis , the sandfly vector of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil, lambda-cyhalothrin was applied at 20 mg a.i.m-2 in the following interventions: (i) spraying of all animal pens in a village (blanket coverage); (ii) treatment of a subset of animal pens, either by spraying, or by installation of insecticide-impregnated 1 m2 cotton sheets as 'targets' (focal coverage).
By sampling with CDC light traps, and using a novel analytical approach, we detected a 90% reduction in Lu. longipalpis abundance in sprayed sheds of the focal intervention. However, there was no discernible effect on the abundance of other phlebotomines trapped in sheds, or on the abundance of Lu. longipalpis in untreated dining-huts and houses. This differential impact on Ludongipalpis abundance is explained in terms of the disruption of male pheromone production. Treated targets were approximately half as effective as residual spraying in reducing the abundance of Lu.longipalpis in sheds.
Following blanket intervention, the abundance of Lu.longipalpis in traps fell by only 45% (not significant): catches at untreated dining-huts actually increased, possibly because the blanket coverage diverted Lu. longipalpis away from major aggregation sites at animal pens. It is recommended that care be taken during vector control programmes to ensure that all potential aggregation sites are treated. The possible consequences of leaving some sites untreated include poor control of peridomestic sandfly abundance and an increase in the biting rate on dogs and humans.  相似文献   
Sixteen populations and 89 individuals of Lactoris fernandeziana were examined for variation in intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) banding patterns. The species is a rare endemic of Masatierra Island in the Juan Fernández Archipelago, and is the only member of the endemic family Lactoridaceae. Five populations showed a single genotype whereas the other 11 populations had from two to 16 multilocus genotypes. Over 73% of the ISSR diversity occurred across populations, with only about 27% within populations. Diversity among populations results from the presence of different subsets of loci within each population rather than unique loci within populations; only two populations displayed novel loci, with one and three in each. Levels of differentiation at ISSR loci among populations are not correlated with geographic distance on Masatierra; rather, the pattern of variation is mosaic. The presence of differentiated local populations is concordant with the geitonogamous breeding system of the species and suggests low levels of long distance pollen or seed dispersal. The mosaic pattern of ISSR variation on Masatierra may result, in part, from drift and inbreeding in small populations following fragmentation of a once more continuous distribution of Lactoris with the formation of canyons by erosion. Also, the generation of new ISSR loci by mutation could occur with rare, sporadic gene flow among populations accounting for the mosaic pattern of variation and the paucity of unique alleles within populations. The ISSR results for Lactoris suggest that studies of morphological, ecological and physiological features may elucidate differentiation among populations of L. fernandeziana . Field studies have demonstrated that plants occur both in the dense forest understory and in the full sunlight in forest openings.  相似文献   
1. In a series of laboratory experiments, we assessed the predatory nature of the native Irish amphipod, Gammarus duebeni celticus , and the introduced G. pulex , towards the mayfly nymph Baetis rhodani . We also investigated alterations in microhabitat use and drift behaviour of B . rhodani in the presence of Gammarus , and indirect predatory interactions with juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar .
2. In trials with single predators and prey, B. rhodani survival was significantly lower when Gammarus were free to interact with nymphs as than when Gammarus were isolated from them. The invader G. pulex reduced the survival of B. rhodani more rapidly than did the native G. d. celticus . Both Gammarus spp. were active predators.
3. In `patch' experiments, B. rhodani survival was significantly lower both when G. pulex and G. d. celticus were present, although the effect of the two Gammarus species did not differ. Again, active predation of nymphs by Gammarus was observed. Significantly more nymphs occurred on the top and sides of a tile, and per capita drifts were significantly higher, when Gammarus were present. Baetis rhodani per capita drift was also significantly higher in the presence of the introduced G. pulex than with the native G. d. celticus .
4.  Gammarus facilitated predation by salmon parr of B. rhodani by significantly increasing fish–nymph encounters on exposed gravel and in the drift. There were no differential effects of the two Gammarus spp. on fish – B . rhodani encounters or consumption.
5. We conclude that Gammarus as a predator can have lethal, nonlethal, direct and indirect effects in freshwaters. We stress the need for recognition of this predatory role when assigning Gammarus spp. to a `Functional Feeding Group'.  相似文献   
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) presents a group of genes with highly polymorphic loci involved in specific immune responses. The factors maintaining extensive MHC polymorphism have been questioned, considering three possible hypotheses of parasite‐mediated selection driving an extensive MHC diversity (i.e. heterozygote advantage, rare‐allele advantage, and favouring optimal MHC diversity). The patterns of MHC diversity of class IIB genes were investigated following two noncontradicting hypotheses, parasite‐driven selection and MHC‐based mating preferences, using males of common bream collected in the spawning period. Two allelic groups DAB1 and DAB3 were recognized from the phylogenetic analyses. Individuals expressed one or two alleles of the same or different allelic groups. Several individuals shared identical alleles; however, the presence of parasite species was not associated with the occurrence of a particular allele. The presence of different allelic groups (only DAB1, only DAB3, or both DAB1 and DAB3) in individuals was not associated with parasite presence or diversity. The expression of two DAB1 alleles was associated with higher endoparasite abundance. Moreover, nucleotide diversity in individuals expressing a single type of alleles (DAB1 or DAB3) increased with the abundance of ectoparasitic Dactylogyrus spp. (Monogenea) and Ergasilus sp. (Crustacea). This suggests that the expression of two alleles of a single allelic type is related to high metazoan parasite infection whereas no significant influence of parasitism on the combined allelic form (the presence of both DAB1 and DAB3 alleles) was found. Moreover, the expression of two alleles of a single allelic type was related to decreased immunocompetence measured by spleen size. The condition factor was higher in fish expressing the combined allelic type. Thus, the presence of alleles of different lineages in individuals appears to be advantageous for individual male fitness. The expression of a single allelic type was related to higher sexual ornamentation, which could support the role of MHC in the hypothesis of the sexual selection of ‘good genes’. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 90 , 525–538.  相似文献   
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