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The alpha-like globin gene cluster in rabbits contains embryonic zeta- globin genes, an adult alpha-globin gene, and theta-globin genes of undetermined function. The basic arrangement of genes, deduced from analysis of cloned DNA fragments, is 5'-zeta 0-zeta 1-alpha 1-theta 1- zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3'. However, the pattern of restriction fragments containing zeta- and theta-globin genes varies among individual rabbits. Analysis of BamHI fragments of genomic DNA from 24 New Zealand white rabbits revealed eight different patterns of fragments containing zeta-globin genes. The large BamHI fragments containing genes zeta 0 and zeta 1 are polymorphic in length, whereas a 1.9-kb fragment containing the zeta 2 gene and the 3.5-kb fragment containing the zeta 3 gene do not vary in size. In contrast to this constancy in the size of the restriction fragments, the copy number of the zeta 2 and zeta 3 genes does vary among different rabbits. No length polymorphism was detected in the BamHI fragments containing the theta-globin genes, but again the copy number varies for restriction fragments containing the theta 2 gene. The alpha 1- and theta 1-globin genes are located in a nonpolymorphic 7.2-kb BamHI fragment. The combined data from hybridization with both zeta and theta probes shows that the BamHI cleavage pattern does not vary within the region 5'-alpha 1-theta 1- zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3', but the pattern genomic blot-hybridization patterns for the progeny of parental rabbits with different zeta-globin gene patterns shows that the polymorphic patterns are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. Two different haplotypes have been mapped based on the genomic blot-hybridization data. The variation in the alpha-like globin gene cluster in the rabbit population results both from differences in the copy number of the duplication block containing the zeta-zeta-theta gene set and from the presence or absence of polymorphic BamHI sites.   相似文献   
The discovery that 7-dehydrocholesterol (7DHC) is an excellent substrate for cytochrome P450scc (CYP11A1) opens up new possibilities in biochemistry. To elucidate its biological significance we tested ex vivo P450scc-dependent metabolism of 7DHC by tissues expressing high and low levels of P450scc activity, placenta and epidermal keratinocytes, respectively. Incubation of human placenta fragments with 7DHC led to its conversion to 7-dehydropregnenolone (7DHP), which was inhibited by dl-aminoglutethimide, and stimulated by forskolin. Final proof for P450scc involvement was provided in isolated placental mitochondria where production of 7DHP was almost completely inhibited by 22R-hydroxycholesterol. 7DHC was metabolized by placental mitochondria at a faster rate than exogenous cholesterol, under both limiting and saturating conditions of substrate transport, consistent with higher catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) with 7DHC as substrate than with cholesterol. Ex vivo experiments showed five 5,7-dienal intermediates with MS spectra of dihydroxy and mono-hydroxy-7DHC and retention time corresponding to 20,22(OH)(2)7DHC and 22(OH)7DHC. The chemical structure of 20,22(OH)(2)7DHC was defined by NMR. 7DHP was further metabolized by either placental fragments or placental microsomes to 7-dehydroprogesterone as defined by UV, MS and NMR, and to an additional product with a 5,7-dienal structure and MS corresponding to hydroxy-7DHP. Furthermore, epidermal keratinocytes transformed either exogenous or endogenous 7DHC to 7DHP. 7DHP inhibited keratinocytes proliferation, while the product of its pholytic transformation, pregcalciferol, lost this capability. In conclusion, tissues expressing P450scc can metabolize 7DHC to biologically active 7DHP with 22(OH)7DHC and 20,22(OH)(2)7DHC serving as intermediates, and with further metabolism to 7-dehydroprogesterone and (OH)7DHP.  相似文献   
In order to define the substrate binding site of human cytochrome P-450scc in the vicinity of the 3β-hydroxyl group of cholesterol, we have tested the ability of the cytochrome to cleave the side chain of a range of cholesterol esters and cholesterol methyl ether. Using a Tween-20 detergent reconstituted system we found that cholesterol sulphate could undergo side-chain cleavage with the same turnover number (kcat) as that for cholesterol, but with a higher Km. Cholesterol methyl ether underwent side-chain cleavage to pregnenolone methyl ether with kcat and Km values 30% of those for cholesterol. Cholesterol fatty acid esters with acyl chain lengths of up to four carbons were able to undergo side-chain cleavage with Km values similar to those for cholesterol, but kcat values only 12–23% of those for cholesterol. Turnover numbers decreased as the acyl group length increased beyond four carbons, although some activity was still detected with cholesterol palmitate as substrate. Analysis of bovine cytochrome P-450scc revealed that it could also cleave the side chain of acyl and sulphate esters of cholesterol. This study indicates that the substrate binding site of cytochrome P-450scc in the vicinity of the 3β-hydroxyl group is larger than previously believed.  相似文献   
Mitochondria isolated from porcine corpora lutea and from the luteinized ovaries of gonadotropin-treated immature rats were found to efficiently cleave the side-chain of cholesterol sulfate to produce 3 beta-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one sulfate (pregnenolone sulfate). When mitochondria were preincubated with cholesterol sulfate, the time-course for the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol sulfate was biphasic. With 200 microM cholesterol sulphate, the initial rate of the reaction was the same as that observed for 25-hydroxycholesterol. This rate was not increased when both cholesterol sulfate and 25-hydroxycholesterol were incubated together. The rate of side-chain cleavage by isolated mitochondria supplied with 75 microM cholesterol sulfate as substrate was inhibited by 97% by aminoglutethimide, a specific inhibitor of cytochrome P-450scc. The slow phase of side-chain cleavage of cholesterol sulfate appeared to be limited by the rate of substrate movement to the mitochondrial site of the reaction. Cholesterol sulfate translocation rates were however up to 8 times greater than those observed for cholesterol when equivalent concentrations of the two substrates were added to the mitochondria. We conclude that cholesterol sulfate is a better substrate than cholesterol for side-chain cleavage by isolated mitochondria and that both reactions are catalysed by the same cytochrome P-450scc enzyme.  相似文献   
Substrate turnover rates by cytochrome P-450scc were measured in mitochondria isolated from corpora lutea and granulosa cells of follicles. Hydroxycholesterol substrates were added to the mitochondria to test the degree of saturation of the cytochrome with endogenous cholesterol during pregnenolone synthesis. 25-Hydroxycholesterol proved unsuitable for this since it was converted into pregnenolone with a maximum velocity of only 25% of that for cholesterol. 20 alpha-Hydroxycholesterol was found to be suitable providing correction was made for the one less hydroxylation required to convert this substrate into pregnenolone, compared to cholesterol. Mitochondria isolated from large follicles and corpora lutea displayed biphasic time courses for pregnenolone synthesis from endogenous cholesterol with a rapid phase lasting for 2-4 min and a slow phase which was linear for at least 30 min. Only a single rapid phase was observed for these mitochondria in the presence of 20 alpha-hydroxycholesterol. From the degree of stimulation of the substrate turnover rate by this steroid, it was concluded that the endogenous cholesterol concentration was saturating during the fast phase for large follicles but subsaturating in luteal mitochondria. Time courses for pregnenolone synthesis by mitochondria isolated from granulosa cells of small and medium follicles were linear for 30 min and gave a substrate turnover rate of 16-18 mol of steroid/min/mol of cytochrome P-450scc, similar to the turnover rates under saturating substrate conditions determined for large follicles and corpora lutea. The substrate turnover rate for cytochrome P-450scc in medium follicles was not increased by the addition of 20 alpha-hydroxycholesterol, indicating that the cholesterol concentration in the steroidogenic pool of these mitochondria was saturating and remained so over the 30-min duration of the incubation. It is therefore unlikely that gonadotropin stimulation of granulosa cells of small to medium follicles could acutely regulate pregnenolone synthesis by increasing the rate of transfer of cholesterol into a steroidogenic pool. This study shows that as the cytochrome P-450scc concentration in porcine ovarian mitochondria increases during follicular growth and luteinization there is a decrease in the fractional saturation of the cytochrome with cholesterol.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The mechanisms of the antinociceptive activity of () epicatechin (EPI), a compound isolated from the hydroalcoholic fraction of Combreum leprosum Mart & Eicher. METHODS: were assessed in the model of chemical nociception induced by glutamate (20 mumol/paw). To evaluate the mechanisms involved, the animals , male Swiss mice (25-30 g), received EPI (50 mg/kg p.o.) after pretreatment with naloxone (2 mg/kg s.c. opioid antagonist), glibenclamide (2 mg/kg s.c. antagonist K + channels sensitive to ATP), ketanserin (0.3 mg/kg s.c. antagonist of receptor 5-HT2A), yoimbine (0.15 mg/kg s.c. alpha2 adrenergic receptor antagonist), pindolol (1 mg/kg s.c. 5-HT1a/1b receptor antagonist), atropine (0.1 mg/kg s.c. muscarinic antagonist) and caffeine (3 mg/kg s.c. adenosine receptor antagonist), ondansetron (0.5 mg/kg s.c. for 5-HT3 receptor) and L-arginine (600 mg/kg i.p.). RESULTS: The antinociceptive effect of EPI was reversed by pretreatment with naloxone and glibenclamide, ketanserin, yoimbine, atropine and pindolol, which demonstrates the involvement of opioid receptors and potassium channels sensitive to ATP, the serotoninergic (receptor 5HT1A and 5HT2A), adrenergic (receptor alpha 2) and cholinergic (muscarinic receptor) systems in the activities that were observed. The effects of EPI, however, were not reversed by pretreatment with caffeine, L-arginine or ondansetron, which shows that there is no involvement of 5HT3 receptors or the purinergic and nitrergic systems in the antinociceptive effect of EPI. In the Open Field and Rotarod test, EPI had no significant effect, which shows that there was no central nervous system depressant or muscle relaxant effect on the results. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that the antinociceptive activity of EPI in the glutamate model involves the participation of the opioid system, serotonin, adrenergic and cholinergic.  相似文献   
20S-hydroxyvitamin D3 (20S-(OH)D3), an in vitro product of vitamin D3 metabolism by the cytochrome P450scc, was recently isolated, identified and shown to possess antiproliferative activity without inducing hypercalcemia. The enzymatic production of 20S-(OH)D3 is tedious, expensive, and cannot meet the requirements for extensive chemical and biological studies. Here we report for the first time the chemical synthesis of 20S-(OH)D3 which exhibited biological properties characteristic of the P450scc-generated compound. Specifically, it was hydroxylated to 20,23-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and 17,20-dihydroxyvitamin D3 by P450scc and was converted to 1α,20-dihydroxyvitamin D3 by CYP27B1. It inhibited proliferation of human epidermal keratinocytes with lower potency than 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) in normal epidermal human keratinocytes, but with equal potency in immortalized HaCaT keratinocytes. It also stimulated VDR gene expression with similar potency to 1,25(OH)2D3, and stimulated involucrin (a marker of differentiation) and CYP24 gene expression, showing a lower potency for the latter gene than 1,25(OH)2D3. Testing performed with hamster melanoma cells demonstrated a dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation and colony forming capabilities similar or more pronounced than those of 1,25(OH)2D3. Thus, we have developed a chemical method for the synthesis of 20S-(OH)D3, which will allow the preparation of a series of 20S-(OH)D3 analogs to study structure-activity relationships to further optimize this class of compound for therapeutic use.  相似文献   
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common, progressive manifestation of atherothrombotic vascular disease, which should be managed no different to cardiac disease. Indeed, there is growing evidence that PAD patients are a high risk group, although still relatively under-detected and under treated. This is despite the fact that PAD patients are an increased mortality rate comparable to those with pre-existing or established cardiovascular disease [myocardial infarction, stroke]. With a holistic approach to atherothrombotic vascular disease, our management of PAD can only get better.  相似文献   
The concentrations of cytochrome P-450scc and ferredoxin, two of the three proteins which comprise the mitochondrial steroidogenic electron transport chain, were measured in granulosa and luteal cells from porcine ovaries by an immunoblot procedure. During the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle the concentration of cytochrome P-450scc increased 5-fold and ferredoxin increased 3-fold. When the large follicles developed into corpora lutea the cytochrome P-450scc concentration increased a further 7-fold while ferredoxin increased only 3-fold. These changes were coincident with an overall 4-fold increase in the concentration of ferredoxin reductase during follicular cell development and luteinization. Analysis of the data revealed that the concentration of ferredoxin, which shuttles electrons from ferredoxin reductase to cytochrome P-450scc, was always adequate to saturate both the reductase and cytochrome P-450scc. This came about from a co-ordinate increase in the concentration of cytochrome P-450scc and the concentration of ferredoxin minus ferredoxin reductase.  相似文献   
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