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The 5-HT2A receptor (5-HT2AR) is implicated in psychotropic changes within the central nervous system (CNS). A number of polymorphisms have been reported in the 5-HT2AR gene; one of these results in a non-synonymous change, H452Y, in the carboxy-terminal tail of the receptor protein. The minor allele (9% occurrence) has been statistically associated with CNS dysfunction such as impaired memory processing and resistance to neuroleptic treatment in schizophrenic patients. We investigated the impact of H452Y mutation of the 5-HT2AR expressed in COS7 cells on distinctly coupled intracellular signalling pathways from the receptor, focusing on the heterotrimeric G protein-independent phospholipase D (PLD) pathway, compared to the conventional Gq/11-linked phospholipase C (PLC) pathway. The H452Y mutation selectively attenuated PLD signalling, which as in the wild-type receptor, was mediated by a molecular complex involving PLD1 docked to the receptor's carboxy-terminal tail domain. Co-immunoprecipitation and GST-fusion protein experiments revealed that the H452Y mutation selectively reduced PLD1 binding to the receptor. Experiments with blocking peptides to mimic short sections of the 5-HT2AR tail sequence revealed that the peptide spanning residue 452 strongly reduced PLD but not PLC responses of the receptor. Similar observations were made when assessing both PLD responses and PLD-dependent cellular proliferation elicited by activation of 5-HT2ARs natively expressed in MCF-7 cells. Overall these findings indicate that the H452Y polymorphic variant of the 5-HT2AR displays selective disruption of its PLD signalling pathway. This may potentially play a role in the CNS dysfunction associated with the H452Y allele of the 5-HT2AR.  相似文献   
Declines in species richness due to fertilization are typically rapid and associated with increases in aboveground production. However, in a long-term experiment examining the impacts of fertilization in an early successional community, we found it took 14 years for plant species richness to significantly decline in fertilized plots, despite fertilization causing a rapid increase in aboveground production. To determine what accounted for this lag in the species richness response, we examined several potential mechanisms. We found evidence suggesting the abundance of one functional group—tall species with long-distance (runner) clonality—drove changes in species richness, and we found little support for other mechanisms. Tall runner species initially increased in abundance due to fertilization, then declined dramatically and were not abundant again until later in the experiment, when species richness and the combined biomass of all other functional groups (non-tall runner) declined. Over 86 % of the species found throughout the course of our study are non-tall runner, and there is a strong negative relationship between non-tall runner and tall runner biomass. We therefore suggest that declines in species richness in the fertilized treatment are due to high tall runner abundance that decreases the abundance and richness of non-tall runner species. By identifying the functional group that drives declines in richness due to fertilization, our results help to elucidate how fertilization decreases plant richness and also suggest that declines in richness due to fertilization can be lessened by controlling the abundance of species with a tall runner growth form.  相似文献   
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the second leading cause of dementia in individuals under age 65. In many patients, the predominant pathology includes neuronal cytoplasmic or intranuclear inclusions of ubiquitinated TAR DNA binding protein 43 (FTLD‐TDP). Recently, a genome‐wide association study identified the first FTLD‐TDP genetic risk factor, in which variants in and around the TMEM106B gene (top SNP rs1990622) were significantly associated with FTLD‐TDP risk. Intriguingly, the most significant association was in FTLD‐TDP patients carrying progranulin (GRN) mutations. Here, we investigated to what extent the coding variant, rs3173615 (p.T185S) in linkage disequilibrium with rs1990622, affects progranulin protein (PGRN) biology and transmembrane protein 106 B (TMEM106B) regulation. First, we confirmed the association of TMEM106B variants with FTLD‐TDP in a new cohort of GRN mutation carriers. We next generated and characterized a TMEM106B‐specific antibody for investigation of this protein. Enzyme‐linked immunoassay analysis of progranulin protein levels showed similar effects upon T185 and S185 TMEM106B over‐expression. However, over‐expression of T185 consistently led to higher TMEM106B protein levels than S185. Cycloheximide treatment experiments revealed that S185 degrades faster than T185 TMEM106B, potentially due to differences in N‐glycosylation at residue N183. Together, our results provide a potential mechanism by which TMEM106B variants lead to differences in FTLD‐TDP risk.


The requirement for complex therapeutic proteins has resulted in mammalian cells, especially CHO cells, being the dominant host for recombinant protein manufacturing. In creating recombinant CHO cell lines, the expression vectors integrate into various parts of the genome leading to variable levels of expression and stability of protein production. This makes mammalian cell line development a long and laborious process. Therefore, with the intention to accelerate process development of recombinant protein production in CHO systems, UCOEs are utilized to diminish instability of production by maintaining an open chromatin surrounding in combination with MTX amplification. Chromosome painting and FISH analysis were performed to provide detailed molecular evaluation on the location of amplified genes and its relationship to the productivity and stability of the amplified cell lines. In summary, cell lines generated with vectors containing UCOEs retained stable GFP expression with MTX present (but instability was observed in the absence of MTX). UCOE cell lines displayed a higher frequency of integration into >1 chromosome than non‐UCOE group. Cell populations were more homogenous in terms of transgene location at the end of Long‐term culture (LTC). Overall our findings suggest variation in eGFP fluorescence may be attributed to changes in transgene integration profile over LTC.  相似文献   
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by intracellular and extracellular protein aggregates, including microtubule-associated protein tau and cleavage product of amyloid precursor protein, β-amyloid (Aβ). Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) is a calcium-dependent enzyme that cross-links proteins forming a γ-glutamyl-ε-lysine isopeptide bond. Highly resistant to proteolysis, this bond can induce protein aggregation and deposition. We set out to determine if tTG may play a role in pathogenesis of AD. Previous studies have shown that tTG and isopeptide are increased in advanced AD, but they have not addressed if this is an early or late feature of AD. In the present study, we measured tTG expression levels and enzyme activity in the brains of individuals with no cognitive impairment (NCI), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and AD, as well as a transgenic mouse model of AD. We found that both enzyme expression and activity were increased in MCI as well as AD compared to NCI. In the transgenic model of AD, tTG expression and enzyme activity increased sharply with age and were relatively specific for the hippocampus. We also assessed overlap of isopeptide immunoreactivity with neurodegeneration-related proteins with Western blots and found neurofilament, tau, and Aβ showed co-localization with isopeptide in both AD and transgenic mice. These results suggest that tTG might be a key factor in pathogenesis of abnormal protein aggregation in AD.  相似文献   
Extensive dieback in dominant plant species in response to climate change is increasingly common. Climatic conditions and related variables, such as evapotranspiration, vary in response to topographical complexity. This complexity plays an important role in the provision of climate refugia. In 2008/2009, an island‐wide dieback event of the keystone cushion plant Azorella macquariensis Orchard (Apiaceae) occurred on sub‐Antarctic Macquarie Island. This signalled the start of a potential regime shift, suggested to be driven by increasing vapour pressure deficit. Eight years later, we quantified cover and dieback across the range of putative microclimates to which the species is exposed, with the aim of explaining dieback patterns. We test for the influence of evapotranspiration using a suite of topographic proxies and other variables as proposed drivers of change. We found higher cover and lower dieback towards the south of the island. The high spatial variation in A. macquariensis populations was best explained by latitude, likely a proxy for macroscale climate gradients and geology. Dieback was best explained by A. macquariensis cover and latitude, increasing with cover and towards the north of the island. The effect sizes of terrain variables that influence evapotranspiration rates were small. Island‐wide dieback remains conspicuous. Comparison between a subset of sites and historical data revealed a reduction of cover in the north and central regions of the island, and a shift south in the most active areas of dieback. Dieback remained comparatively low in the south. The presence of seedlings was independent of dieback. This study provides an empirical baseline for spatial variation in the cover and condition of A. macquariensis, both key variables for monitoring condition and ‘cover‐debt’ in this critically endangered endemic plant species. These findings have broader implications for understanding the responses of fellfield ecosystems and other Azorella species across the sub‐Antarctic under future climates.  相似文献   
IFNs have pleiotropic antitumor mechanisms of action. The purpose of this study was to further investigate the effects of IFN-beta on the vasculature of human xenografts in immunodeficient mice. We found that continuous, systemic IFN-beta delivery, established with liver-targeted adeno-associated virus vectors, led to sustained morphologic and functional changes of the tumor vasculature that were consistent with vessel maturation. These changes included increased smooth muscle cell coverage of tumor vessels, improved intratumoral blood flow, and decreased vessel permeability, tumor interstitial pressure, and intratumoral hypoxia. Although these changes in the tumor vasculature resulted in more efficient tumor perfusion, further tumor growth was restricted, as the mature vasculature seemed to be unable to expand to support further tumor growth. In addition, maturation of the intratumoral vasculature resulted in increased intratumoral penetration of systemically administered chemotherapy. Finally, molecular analysis revealed increased expression by treated tumors of angiopoietin-1, a cytokine known to promote vessel stabilization. Induction of angiopoietin-1 expression in response to IFN-beta was broadly observed in different tumor lines but not in those with defects in IFN signaling. In addition, IFN-beta-mediated vascular changes were prevented when angiopoietin signaling was blocked with a decoy receptor. Thus, we have identified an alternative approach for achieving sustained vascular remodeling-continuous delivery of IFN-beta. In addition to restricting tumor growth by inhibiting further angiogenesis, maturation of the tumor vasculature also improved the efficiency of delivery of adjuvant therapy. These results have significant implications for the planning of combination anticancer therapy.  相似文献   
Myotomal slow-oxidative muscle (SM) powers continuous swimming and generates heat needed to maintain elevated locomotor muscle temperatures (regional endothermy) in tunas. This study describes how the amount and distribution of myotomal SM increases with fish size and age in juvenile yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in relationship to the development of regional endothermy. In T. albacares juveniles 40–74 mm fork length (LF; n = 23) raised from fertilised eggs at the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Achotines Laboratory in Panama and larger juveniles (118–344 mm LF; n = 5) collected by hook and line off of Oahu, Hawaii, USA, SM was identified by histochemical staining for the mitochondrial enzyme succinic dehydrogenase or by colour (in the two largest individuals). The cross-sectional area of myotomal SM at 60% LF, a position with maximal percentage of SM in larger T. albacares, increased exponentially with LF. The percentage of total cross-sectional area composed of SM at 60% LF increased significantly with both LF and age, suggesting that SM growth occurs throughout the size range of T. albacares juveniles studied. In addition, the percentage of SM at 60% LF that is medial increased asymptotically with LF. The increases in amount of SM and medial SM, along with the development of the counter-current heat-exchanger blood vessels that retain heat, allow larger tuna juveniles to maintain elevated and relatively stable SM temperatures, facilitating range expansion into cooler waters.  相似文献   
The exogenous small interfering RNA (exo-siRNA) pathway is a key antiviral mechanism in the Aedes aegypti mosquito, a widely distributed vector of human-pathogenic arboviruses. This pathway is induced by virus-derived double-stranded RNAs (dsRNA) that are cleaved by the ribonuclease Dicer 2 (Dcr2) into predominantly 21 nucleotide (nt) virus-derived small interfering RNAs (vsiRNAs). These vsiRNAs are used by the effector protein Argonaute 2 within the RNA-induced silencing complex to cleave target viral RNA. Dcr2 contains several domains crucial for its activities, including helicase and RNase III domains. In Drosophila melanogaster Dcr2, the helicase domain has been associated with binding to dsRNA with blunt-ended termini and a processive siRNA production mechanism, while the platform-PAZ domains bind dsRNA with 3’ overhangs and subsequent distributive siRNA production. Here we analyzed the contributions of the helicase and RNase III domains in Ae. aegypti Dcr2 to antiviral activity and to the exo-siRNA pathway. Conserved amino acids in the helicase and RNase III domains were identified to investigate Dcr2 antiviral activity in an Ae. aegypti-derived Dcr2 knockout cell line by reporter assays and infection with mosquito-borne Semliki Forest virus (Togaviridae, Alphavirus). Functionally relevant amino acids were found to be conserved in haplotype Dcr2 sequences from field-derived Ae. aegypti across different continents. The helicase and RNase III domains were critical for silencing activity and 21 nt vsiRNA production, with RNase III domain activity alone determined to be insufficient for antiviral activity. Analysis of 21 nt vsiRNA sequences (produced by functional Dcr2) to assess the distribution and phasing along the viral genome revealed diverse yet highly consistent vsiRNA pools, with predominantly short or long sequence overlaps including 19 nt overlaps (the latter representing most likely true Dcr2 cleavage products). Combined with the importance of the Dcr2 helicase domain, this suggests that the majority of 21 nt vsiRNAs originate by processive cleavage. This study sheds new light on Ae. aegypti Dcr2 functions and properties in this important arbovirus vector species.  相似文献   
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