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Despite the importance of nitrogen (N) limitation of forest carbon (C) sequestration at rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, the mechanisms responsible are not well understood. To elucidate the interactive effects of elevated CO2 (eCO2) and soil N availability on forest productivity and C allocation, we hypothesized that (1) trees maximize fitness by allocating N and C to maximize their net growth and (2) that N uptake is controlled by soil N availability and root exploration for soil N. We tested this model using data collected in Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment sites dominated by evergreen (Pinus taeda; Duke Forest) and deciduous [Liquidambar styraciflua; Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)] trees. The model explained 80–95% of variation in productivity and N‐uptake data among eCO2, N fertilization and control treatments over 6 years. The model explains why fine‐root production increased, and why N uptake increased despite reduced soil N availability under eCO2 at ORNL and Duke. In agreement with observations at other sites, the model predicts that soil N availability reduced below a critical level diminishes all eCO2 responses. At Duke, a negative feedback between reduced soil N availability and N uptake prevented progressive reduction in soil N availability at eCO2. At ORNL, soil N availability progressively decreased because it did not trigger reductions in N uptake; N uptake was maintained at ORNL through a large increase in the production of fast turnover fine roots. This implies that species with fast root turnover could be more prone to progressive N limitation of carbon sequestration in woody biomass than species with slow root turnover, such as evergreens. However, longer term data are necessary for a thorough evaluation of this hypothesis. The success of the model suggests that the principle of maximization of net growth to control growth and allocation could serve as a basis for simplification and generalization of larger scale forest and ecosystem models, for example by removing the need to specify parameters for relative foliage/stem/root allocation.  相似文献   
利用毕赤酵母表达系统表达芥菜几丁质酶基因BjCHI1及其两个衍生基因BjCHI2和BjCHI3,获得相应的蛋白质。经FPLC纯化后,测定了3种蛋白质的几丁质酶活性,发现它们均能降解CM-chitin-RBV和胶状几丁质。以CM-chitin-RBV为底物时的Km值分别为0.799mg/mL、0.544mg/mL和0.793mg/mL,差别甚微。而以胶状几丁质为底物时的Km值分别为0.281mg/mL、0.388mg/mL和1.643mg/mL,表现一定的差别,说明几丁质结合域影响了酶对不溶性底物的亲和力。3种蛋白中,只有BjCHI1在33μg/mL以上浓度具有凝集素活性,而BjCHI2和BjCHI3的浓度即使高达800μg/mL也无凝集素活性,表明2个几丁质结合域是BjCHI1具有凝集素活性的必需条件,这是植物中发现的第一个兼有几丁质酶和凝集素活性的蛋白质。   相似文献   
The genetic diversity of Agave plants is threatened by clonal commercial reproduction and climatic change. Sexual reproduction is uncommon and research on seed germination is scarce. The present study evaluated the seed germination of Agave lechuguilla, Agave striata, Agave americana var. marginata, Agave asperrima, Agave cupreata, Agave duranguesis, Agave angustifolia ssp. tequilana and Agave salmiana at constant temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C). Initial imbibition (after the first 12 h) was significantly variable among species, positively correlated with seed weight (r = 0.6560, P < 0.001) and increased with temperature (from 35% at 10°C to 66% at 40°C). Temperature affected maximum imbibition (83–150%) for A. asperrima, A. lechuguilla, A. salmiana and A. striata; other species averaged 110%. Most germination kinetics best fitted a logistic model, whereas only a few treatments fit a Weibull model. The time to germination onset diminished (P < 0.05) from 125–173 h at 15°C to 68–84 h at 25°C, and then ascended to 84–196 h at 35°C. The mean germination rate and seed germination percentage after 312 h peaked at 25°C (0.50–0.95% seeds/h and 85–99%, respectively) and fell (P < 0.05) to near zero at 10 and 40°C. Temperatures of 10, 35 and 40°C were partially lethal to A. asperrima, A. duranguensis and A. salmiana seeds. The time to germination onset, seed germination percentage after 312 h and mean germination rate are best described by a Gaussian distribution, with its optimum at approximately 25°C. Thus, optimum temperatures are related to the ecological characteristics of each species area.  相似文献   
De Torres, T., Ortiz, J.E., Arribas, I., Delgado, A., Julià, R. & Martín‐Rubí, J.A. 2009: Geochemistry of Persististrombus latus Gmelin from the Pleistocene Iberian Mediterranean realm. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 149–163. In this paper the organic and inorganic geochemistry of fossil and extant Persististrombus latus are compared, together with other strombid species (Lentigo lentiginosus, Lobatus gigas, Strombus alatus, Lobatus raninus, Laevistrombus canarium and Tricornis latissimus). Using a large sample of well‐preserved fossil P. latus shells from the Mediterranean realm, we examined the warming period of sea water in the Middle Pleistocene. A mineralogical study of the shells demonstrates the continuous presence of calcite and a complex organic matter distribution, which was well preserved in many cases, thereby making the U/Th dating of strombid shells unreliable. U/Th analysis of coral samples and amino acid racemization dating of pelecypod shells confirmed that P. latus entered the Mediterranean realm in MIS 7 and 5. The oscillations of the δ18O values reflect annual growth periods and provide a mixing of the first signal record (primary growth) and successive overgrowths. □Amino acid racemization, Mediterranean Sea, Persististrombus latus, shell mineralogy, U/Th, δ18O.  相似文献   
Abstract: In the semiarid Mulga Lands of southern Queensland soil nitrogen (N) levels have declined after clearance of the native mulga (Acacia aneura F. Muell. ex Benth.) and conversion to grazed buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) pasture. At three mulga sites, declines in soil total N ranged from 14% to 28% in the surface 10 cm of soil. In situ net N mineralization from December 2003 until November 2004 in the surface 10 cm was 49.5 kg N ha?1 year?1 in the mulga woodland, 48.2 kg N ha?1 year?1 in the young (<5 years old) buffel pasture (previously sown to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 34.6 kg N ha?1 year?1 in the old buffel pasture (>20 years). Ammonium‐N was the dominant N pool under mulga in the top 30 cm, while nitrate‐N was dominant under the buffel pastures. Although ammonium‐N under mulga was significantly different to that for 21‐year‐old buffel pasture at all depths, nitrification and net N mineralization were not different between the three land uses at any depth or in the entire 90 cm profile. The Soil Nitrogen Availability Predictor model was used to predict field N mineralization rates for the mulga woodland and 21‐year‐old buffel pasture by using a medium‐term (6‐week) laboratory incubation to establish basal rates of N mineralization. The Soil Nitrogen Availability Predictor overestimated annual net N mineralization in the 0–30 cm depth of mulga by 9% and underestimated it by 28% for the old buffel pasture. The Soil Nitrogen Availability Predictor could be modified further to accurately predict net N mineralization for the mulga woodlands.  相似文献   
Positive aboveground biomass trends have been reported from old-growth forests across the Amazon basin and hypothesized to reflect a large-scale response to exterior forcing. The result could, however, be an artefact due to a sampling bias induced by the nature of forest growth dynamics. Here, we characterize statistically the disturbance process in Amazon old-growth forests as recorded in 135 forest plots of the RAINFOR network up to 2006, and other independent research programmes, and explore the consequences of sampling artefacts using a data-based stochastic simulator. Over the observed range of annual aboveground biomass losses, standard statistical tests show that the distribution of biomass losses through mortality follow an exponential or near-identical Weibull probability distribution and not a power law as assumed by others. The simulator was parameterized using both an exponential disturbance probability distribution as well as a mixed exponential–power law distribution to account for potential large-scale blowdown events. In both cases, sampling biases turn out to be too small to explain the gains detected by the extended RAINFOR plot network. This result lends further support to the notion that currently observed biomass gains for intact forests across the Amazon are actually occurring over large scales at the current time, presumably as a response to climate change.  相似文献   
Eco-hydrological controls on summertime convective rainfall triggers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Triggers of summertime convective rainfall depend on numerous interactions and feedbacks, often compounded by spatial variability in soil moisture and its impacts on vegetation function, vegetation composition, terrain, and all the complex turbulent entrainment processes near the capping inversion. To progress even within the most restricted and idealized framework, many of the governing processes must be simplified and parameterized. In this work, a zeroth‐order representation of the dynamical processes that control convective rainfall triggers – namely land surface fluxes of heat and moisture – is proposed and used to develop a semianalytical model to explore how differential sensitivities of various ecosystems to soil moisture states modify convective rainfall triggers. The model is then applied to 4 years (2001–2004) of half‐hourly precipitation, soil moisture, environmental, and eddy‐covariance surface heat flux data collected at a mixed hardwood forest (HW), a maturing planted loblolly pine forest (PP), and an abandoned old field (OF) experiencing the same climatic and edaphic conditions. We found that the sensitivity of PP to soil moisture deficit enhances the trigger of convective rainfall relative to HW and OF, with enhancements of about 25% and 30% for dry moisture states, and 5% and 15% for moist soil moisture states, respectively. We discuss the broader implications of these findings on potential modulations of convective rainfall triggers induced by projected large‐scale changes in timberland composition within the Southeastern United States.  相似文献   

The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, is a freshwater biofouling bivalve unintentionally introduced in the 1980s into North America from Europe. Oocyte maturation (germinal vesicle breakdown, GVBD) and spawning of the zebra mussel can be triggered with serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). In pharmacological experiments to characterize the receptor mediating spawning, the serotonin receptor agonists 8-OH-DPAT, TFMPP, and 1-(1-naphthyl)piperazine were effective at stimulating spawning; whereas, 2-methylserotonin and alpha-methylserotonin had no effect. In experiments with antagonists of serotonin receptors ketanserin and propranolol had no effect; mianserin, NAN-190, and cyproheptadine had partial inhibitory effects; and methiothepin was a very effective antagonist. Metergoline had mixed agonist/antagonist properties. Ergotamine was the most effective activator of spawning in females. Compared to serotonergic receptors in other organisms, the receptors that activate spawning in zebra mussels resemble 5HTlym, 5HTdro2 and human 5HT1Dβ, which are receptors that may act both by inhibiting adenylyl cyclase and by activating phospholipase C. In zebra mussels, 5-HT and 8-OH-DPAT activate GVBD in gonad fragments, a process also initiated by manual dissection of gonad fragments. GVBD can be inhibited by pre-treatment of ovaries with forskolin and theophylline, suggesting an inhibitory role for cyclic AMP. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 can trigger GVBD and polar body formation. Thus, oocyte maturation in zebra mussels may be initiated via serotonergic receptors simultaneously inhibiting adenylyl cyclase and activating Ca2+ mechanisms.  相似文献   
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