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Modifications occurring on autoantigens during cell death have been proposed to have a role in the initiation of autoimmune diseases. Patients suffering from mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) produce autoantibodies directed to U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP), and antibodies against a 70 kDa protein component, the U1-70K (70K) protein, are the most prominent. During apoptosis, 70K is cleaved by caspase-3 to a 40 kDa product, which remains associated with the complex. Autoantibodies preferentially recognizing the apoptotic form of 70K have been described previously, and an apoptosis-specific epitope on 70K has been identified. This study shows that 29 of 53 (54%) MCTD sera preferentially recognize the apoptotic form of 70K over intact 70K. Moreover, we show that antibodies directed to an apoptosis-specific epitope on 70K are more specifically associated with MCTD than other anti-70K antibodies, suggesting that apoptotic 70K is a better antigen for the detection of these antibodies in MCTD patients. Longitudinal analysis of 12 MCTD patients showed in several patients that early sera are relatively enriched with antibodies recognizing an apoptosis-specific epitope, and that the levels of these apoptosis-specific antibodies decrease in time. These findings indicate that the early detection of apoptotic 70K is of considerable interest for anti-U1 snRNP-positive patients.  相似文献   
For herbaceous species, elevated CO2 often increases seed production but usually leads to decreased seed quality. However, the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on tree fecundity remain uncertain, despite the importance of reproduction to the composition of future forests. We determined how seed quantity and quality differed for pine trees grown for 12 years in ambient and elevated (ambient+200 μL L?1) CO2, at the Duke Forest free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) site. We also compared annual reproductive effort with yearly measurements of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), precipitation (P), potential evapotranspiration (PET) and water availability [precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration (P?PET)] to investigate factors that may drive interannual variation in seed production. The number of mature, viable seeds doubled per unit basal area in high‐CO2 plots from 1997 to 2008 (P<0.001), but there was no CO2 effect on mean seed mass, viability, or nutrient content. Interannual variation in seed production was positively related to ANPP, with a similar percentage of ANPP diverted to reproduction across years. Seed production was negatively related to PET (P<0.005) and positively correlated with water availability (P<0.05), but showed no relationship with precipitation (P=0.88). This study adds to the few findings that, unlike herbaceous crops, woody plants may benefit from future atmospheric CO2 by producing larger numbers of seeds without suffering degraded seed quality. Differential reproductive responses between functional groups and species could facilitate woody invasions or lead to changes in forest community composition as CO2 rises.  相似文献   
Based on known data sets and maximum entropy distribution data of fern and lycopod species registered in the Yucatán Peninsula, track and parsimony analyses were undertaken to evaluate the contribution of these groups to the establishment of biogeographical relationships of the peninsula with other areas. The resulting generalized tracks clearly agree with the geological origin of the peninsula and the previously recognized relationship with the Greater Antilles is not supported for ferns and lycopods. Instead, a Central American generalized track connects the Yucatán Peninsula with south‐eastern México and Central America. Floristically, the peninsula harbours 66 species of ferns and lycopods. Seven are registered for the first time in the Yucatán Peninsula and one is a new species for México. These species do not follow the latitudinal pattern expected if ecological factors, such as humidity and rainfall, were the most important in determining their distributions. Groups of areas recognized with parsimony analysis of endemicity could not be defined as provinces as a result of the lack of endemic species. Nevertheless, a regionalization scheme based on maximum entropy distribution data and supported by track analyses is proposed. Two separate districts are recognized within the Yucatán Peninsula: arid/dry Yucatán in the north and El Petén (humid) in the south. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 775–786.  相似文献   
The reproductive biology of Hydrobryopsis sessilis (Podostemaceae, subfamily Podostemoideae), a reduced, threatened, aquatic angiosperm endemic to the Western Ghats of India, was examined. This is the first report on the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase in this plant, describing floral ontogeny, pollination and the breeding system. The cytohistological zonation of the apical meristem of the reproductive thallus is identical to that of the apical meristem of the vegetative thallus. The floral shoots do not replace vegetative shoots (i.e. the vegetative shoots never bear flowers), but form at new sites at the tip of the flattened plant body. Each floral shoot meristem is tiny, deep‐seated and concave and arises endogenously following lysigeny. The floral shoot meristem gives rise to four to six bracts in a distichous manner. The development of spathe, stamens and carpels is described. The ab initio dorsiventrality of the carpels and the occurrence of endothelium in the ovules are reported. The mature stigmas and anthers lie close to each other. The pollen germinates within undehisced anthers and the pollen tubes enter the stigmas in the unopened floral bud, leading to pre‐anthesis, complete, constitutional cleistogamy under water. The seed set is 63.2%. A significant finding is the penetration of several pollen tubes into the filaments of stamens in 16% of the flower buds, indicating a trend towards cryptic self‐fertilization. The Indian Podostemoideae appear to show a shift from xenogamy or geitonogamy or autogamy in a chasmogamous flower to complete autogamy in a cleistogamous flower. The floral modifications leading to cleistogamy in H. sessilis have been identified. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 222–236.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the stay‐green trait, originally introduced into perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) for amenity purposes, in field swards of stay‐green forage perennial ryegrass managed in different ways for agricultural use. The experimental treatments comprised all 18 combinations of two grass selections (stay‐green and non‐stay‐green), three intervals between cuts and three N treatments. The conclusions were that the introduction of the stay‐green trait (1) may not always confer greater greenness in the early life of a sward; (2) may confer greater greenness during leaf senescence more because carotenoids are unmasked to a lesser extent than because of a reduction in the length of leaf visibly senescing; (3) may reduce herbage yield, particularly when a long interval is allowed between defoliations; (4) may reduce the decline in the concentration of N in herbage during the latter part of a long period of regrowth; (5) may reduce the concentration of Na in herbage.  相似文献   
Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2e) increases soil respiration rates in forest, grassland, agricultural and wetland systems as a result of increased growth, root biomass and enhanced biological activity of soil microorganisms. Less is known about how forest floor fluxes respond to the combined effects of elevated CO2 and nutrient amendments; until now no experiments have been in place with large forest trees to allow even preliminary investigations. We investigated changes in forest floor respiration (Sff) in a Pinus taeda L. plantation fumigated with CO2 by using free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology and given nutrient amendments. The prototype FACE apparatus (FACEp; 707 m2) was constructed in 1993, 10 years after planting, on a moderate fertility site in Duke Forest, North Carolina, USA, enriching the stand to 55 Pa (CO2e). A nearby ambient CO2 (CO2a) plot (117 m2) was designated at the inception of the study as a reference (Ref). Both FACEp and Ref plot were divided in half and urea fertilizer was applied to one half at an annual rate of 11.2 g N m?2 in the spring of 1998, 1999 and 2000. Forest floor respiration was monitored continuously for 220 days – March through November 2000 – by using two Automated Carbon Efflux Systems. Thirty locations (491 cm2 each) were sampled in both FACEp and Ref, about half in each fertility treatment. Forest floor respiration was strongly correlated with soil temperature at 5 cm. Rates of Sff were greater in CO2e relative to CO2a (an enhancement of ~178 g C m?2) during the measurement period. Application of fertilizer resulted in a statistically significant depression of respiration rates in both the CO2a and CO2e plots (a reduction of ~186 g C m?2). The results suggest that closed canopy forests on moderate fertility sites cycle back to the atmosphere more assimilated carbon (C) than similar forests on sites of high fertility. We recognize the limitations of this non‐replicated study, but its clear results offer strong testable hypotheses for future research in this important area.  相似文献   
Structural and cytochemical details of the pistil and the interactionof pollen and pistil were studied in a non-pseudogamous apomict,Commiphorawightii.The anthers in the male and bisexual flowers producefunctional pollen grains. The stigma is of the wet and papillatetype. The style is typically solid with two strands of transmittingtissue that traverse the entire length of the style. There isa marked reduction in the area occupied by the transmittingtissue from the stigma to the base of the style. The cells ofthe transmitting tissue are isodiametric in transverse as wellas longitudinal section and do not form longitudinal files ofelongated cells as reported for other taxa. Proteins could notbe localized in the intercellular matrix. Although pollen grainsgerminate on the stigma, pollen tubes do not grow beyond theproximal one third of the style. Changed orientation of thecells of the transmitting tissue and absence of proteins inthe intercellular matrix could account for the failure of thepistil to support pollen growth.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Guggul, pollen-pistil interaction, non-pseudogamous apomict,Commiphora wightii, transmitting tissue  相似文献   
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