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The maize glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 4 (GapC4)promoter confers strong and specific anaerobic gene expressionin tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and potato (Solanum tuberosum).Here we show that the promoter is also anaerobically inducedin Arabidopsis thaliana. Histochemical analysis demonstratesthat the promoter is anaerobically induced in roots, leaves,stems and flower organs. Surprisingly, the strong anaerobicinduction of the promoter is dependent on light and on the substitutionof oxygen with carbon dioxide. High carbon dioxide concentrationalone does not induce the promoter in the presence of oxygenand light. If anaerobic conditions are generated under completedarkness or if plants are submerged, no induction above backgroundis observed. When transgenic tobacco harbouring a GapC4 promoter–reportergene construct is analysed for light dependent anaerobic induction,the results are indistinguishable from those with arabidopsis.The implications for using the GapC4 promoter as an anaerobicreporter for monitoring alterations in the anaerobic signaltransduction pathway are discussed.  相似文献   
The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH) posits that the hormone testosterone mediates a trade‐off between investment in reproduction and immunological condition. In this study, we tested the ICHH in the Red Bishop Euplectes orix, a polygynous weaverbird. Males of this strongly sexually dimorphic species show an elaborate courtship display to attract females and compete aggressively with other males for nesting sites in breeding colonies. We experimentally elevated testosterone levels in breeding male Red Bishops kept in an aviary with a subcutaneous implantation of testosterone‐releasing pellets. We then compared behaviour, development of territory size and immunological condition (as assessed through a white blood cell count) of the experimental group with a control group treated with placebos. In addition, we measured the primary and secondary response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) to investigate the effect of testosterone on both innate and acquired immunity. Males with elevated levels of testosterone enlarged their territories and conducted more courtship behaviour, while showing a decrease in health, expressed by an increased heterophil/lymphocyte ratio compared with the control group. Males of the control group showed an increase of the secondary response to PHA, as expected under the assumption that repeated exposure to an antigen enhanced the immune response due to acquired immunity. However, males with experimentally increased testosterone levels did not show such an enhanced immune response in the secondary PHA test (although sample size and power of the statistical tests were low), indicating that testosterone treatment might directly or indirectly suppress some component of the acquired immune response.  相似文献   
Most of the methane (CH4) emission from rice fields is derived from plant photosynthates, which are converted to CH4. Rice cluster I (RC-1) archaea colonizing the rhizosphere were found to be the methanogens responsible for this process. Hence, RC-1 methanogens seem to play a crucial role in emission of the greenhouse gas CH4. We determined the community composition and activity of methanogens colonizing the roots of eight different rice cultivars after growth on both Italian rice soil and river bank soil, which contained different communities of methanogenic archaea. The community composition was analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and cloning/sequencing of the archaeal 16S rRNA gene and the mcrA gene coding for a subunit of the methyl coenzyme M reductase. When grown on rice field soil, the methanogenic community of the different rice cultivars was always dominated by RC-1 methanogens. In contrast, roots were colonized by Methanomicrobiales when grown on river bank soil, in which RC-1 methanogens were initially not detectable. Roots colonized with Methanomicrobiales compared with RC-1 exhibited lower CH4 production and CH4 emission rates. The results show that the type of methanogens colonizing rice roots has a potentially important impact on the global CH4 cycle.  相似文献   
This paper examines long‐term eddy covariance data from 18 European and 17 North American and Asian forest, wetland, tundra, grassland, and cropland sites under non‐water‐stressed conditions with an empirical rectangular hyperbolic light response model and a single layer two light‐class carboxylase‐based model. Relationships according to ecosystem functional type are demonstrated between empirical and physiological parameters, suggesting linkages between easily estimated parameters and those with greater potential for process interpretation. Relatively sparse documentation of leaf area index dynamics at flux tower sites is found to be a major difficulty in model inversion and flux interpretation. Therefore, a simplification of the physiological model is carried out for a subset of European network sites with extensive ancillary data. The results from these selected sites are used to derive a new parameter and means for comparing empirical and physiologically based methods across all sites, regardless of ancillary data. The results from the European analysis are then compared with results from the other Northern Hemisphere sites and similar relationships for the simplified process‐based parameter were found to hold for European, North American, and Asian temperate and boreal climate zones. This parameter is useful for bridging between flux network observations and continental scale spatial simulations of vegetation/atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange.  相似文献   
The type III effectors of Xanthomonas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of type III effectors (T3 effectors) from strains of Xanthomonas reveals a growing list of candidate and known effectors based on functional assays and sequence and structural similarity searches of genomic data. We propose that the effectors and suspected effectors should be distributed into 39 so-called Xop groups reflecting sequence similarity. Some groups have structural motifs for putative enzymatic functions, and recent studies have provided considerable insight into the interaction with host factors in their function as mediators of virulence and elicitors of resistance for a few specific T3 effectors. Many groups are related to T3 effectors of plant and animal pathogenic bacteria, and several groups appear to have been exploited primarily by Xanthomonas species based on available data. At the same time, a relatively large number of candidate effectors remain to be examined in more detail with regard to their function within host cells.  相似文献   
The basipterygoid articulation, an articular connection between the base of the braincase and the palatoquadrate, is widespread among gnathostome vertebrates. However, among living teleosts it is present only in the osteoglossomorphs Arapaima , Heterotis , Scleropages , Osteoglossum and Pantodon . Study of the development of the hyopalatine arch and the basipterygoid articulation in Pantodon buchholzi based on an ontogenetic series of cleared and double stained specimens yielded the following results: the symplectic process of the hyosymplectic cartilage never develops and the symplectic is absent; the pars hyomandibularis fuses with the palatoquadrate; the dermopalatine and ectopterygoid originate as separate bones, but fuse subsequently; the basal process is first visible on the pars metapterygoidea of the palatoquadrate at 7.0 mm standard length (SL); at 11.5 mm SL the basipterygoid process appears on the parasphenoid and contacts the basal process, establishing the basipterygoid articulation; the endopterygoid is initially not involved in the articulation, but during subsequent development enlarges and eventually forms an articular groove for the reception of the basipterygoid process of the parasphenoid; the distal tip of the basal process of the metapterygoid, however, still forms the caudolateral part of the articular groove in the adult. We discuss previous hypotheses about the homology of the basipterygoid articulation of osteoglossoids in light of these findings. Based on the numerous shared similarities and its occurrence in all major actinopterygian lineages, we argue that the basipterygoid articulation in osteoglossoids is homologous to that in non teleostean actinopterygians and represents a plesiomorphic character state at the level of Osteoglossomorpha.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 1−13.  相似文献   
Polypterids are unusual among ray‐finned fishes in possessing only four rather than five gill arches. We review the two current hypotheses regarding the homology of the last gill arch in polypterids: that it represents (1) the fifth or (2) the fourth arch of other actinopterygians. Arguments for the alternative hypotheses drawn from different anatomical systems are compiled and evaluated. We conclude that in polypterids the last arch represents the fourth arch of other Actinopterygii and the fifth arch is absent. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 138, 495–503.  相似文献   
Pristionchus pacificus has been established as a nematode model system in evolutionary developmental biology and evolutionary ecology. Field studies in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe indicated that nematodes of the genus Pristionchus live in association with scarab beetles. Here, we describe the first account of soil‐ and beetle‐associated nematodes on an island setting by investigating the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean. Réunion has high numbers of endemic insects and is one among several attractive islands for biodiversity studies. Being of volcanic origin, Réunion is 2–3 million years old, making it the youngest of the Mascareigne islands. We show that beetle‐ and soil‐derived nematodes on Réunion are nearly exclusively hermaphroditic, suggesting that selfing is favoured over gonochorism (outcrossing) during island colonization. Among members of four nematode genera observed on Réunion, Pristionchus pacificus was the most prevalent species. A total of 76 isolates, in association with five different scarab beetles, has been obtained for this cosmopolitan nematode. A detailed mitochondrial haplotype analysis indicates that the Réunion isolates of P. pacificus cover all four worldwide clades of the species. This extraordinary haplotype diversity suggests multiple independent invasions, most likely in association with different scarab beetles. Together, we establish Réunion as a case study for nematode island biogeography, in which the analysis of nematode population genetics and population dynamics can provide insight into evolutionary and ecological processes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 170–179.  相似文献   
1. Most European crayfish species are strongly threatened, mainly as a result of the introduced pathogen, Aphanomyces astaci, transmitted by invasive North American crayfish. Long‐term coexistence of American and European crayfish species is therefore regarded as almost impossible, even though some coexisting populations have been observed. 2. In this study, crayfish were collected from presently coexisting populations of the introduced spiny‐cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus) and the native noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) from nine standing waters in central Europe. Our aim was to resolve whether the coexistence resulted from reduced virulence in local strains of A. astaci, increased immunity in the native crayfish or an absence of the pathogen in these populations. We used highly sensitive A. astaci‐specific real‐time PCR to evaluate the crayfish latent carrier status, combined with transmission experiments to further validate the molecular results. 3. From the total of 523 crayfish tested (490 spiny‐cheek crayfish, 33 noble crayfish), none positive for A. astaci was detected. Transmission experiments confirmed these results: No abnormal mortality or behavioural changes were seen in noble crayfish kept together with American crayfish from the coexisting populations. If we assume a very low prevalence of A. astaci of 10% in a carrier population, there is a 98% probability of disease being absent in five of the nine coexisting populations tested. Hence, a consistent absence, or an extremely low prevalence, of A. astaci seems to allow the coexistence of European and American crayfish in these central European populations. 4. The results are important for native crayfish conservation and management and demonstrate that disease transmission risk may vary substantially between the different populations of spiny‐cheek crayfish in central Europe.  相似文献   
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