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Abstract Complete separation of the steryl and wax esters in the subarctic moss Dicranum elongatum was achieved on MgO thin-layer plates without any notable alteration of the acyl and alkyl moieties of the esters. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the hydrolyzed fraction showed that the sterols (campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, cycloartenol, 24-methylene cycloartanol and an unidentified sterol) were primarily esterified with unsaturated fatty acids 18:2 ω 6, 18:3 ω 3 and 20:4 ω 6. In contrast, the wax alcohols (l-octadecanol, phytol and geranylgeraniol) were mainly esterified with saturated fatty acids with 16:0, 18:0 and 20:0 as major components. No great differences were found in the fatty acid pattern of the steryl esters between different portions of the shoot. Slight differences, however, were found in the proportions of ω 3 and ω 6 fatty acids. In the wax esters a clear decrease was found in the proportions of 18:0 and 20:0 acids with increased shoot age accompanied by a slight increase in the proportions of 14:0, 20:4 ω 6 and phytenic acid.  相似文献   
Abstract: The complete neurocranium plus palatoquadrate of the plagiosaurid temnospondyl Gerrothorax pulcherrimus from the Middle Triassic of Germany is described for the first time, based on outer morphological observations and micro‐CT scanning. The exoccipitals are strong elements with paroccipital processes and well‐separated occipital condyles. Anterolaterally, the exoccipitals contact the otics, which are mediolaterally elongated and have massive lateral walls. The otics contact the basisphenoid, which shows well‐developed sellar processes. Anteriorly, the basisphenoid is continuous with the sphenethmoid region. In its posterior portion, the sphenethmoid gives rise to robust, laterally directed laterosphenoid walls, a unique morphology among basal tetrapods. The palatoquadrate is extensively ossified. The quadrate portion overlaps the descending lamina of squamosal and ascending lamina of pterygoid anteriorly, almost contacting the epipterygoid laterally. The epipterygoid is a complex element and may be co‐ossified with otics and laterosphenoid walls. It has a broad, sheet‐like footplate and a horizontally aligned ascending process that contacts the laterosphenoid walls. The degree of ossification of the epipterygoid, however, is subject to individual variation obviously independent from ontogenetic changes. The stapes of Gerrothorax is a large, blade‐like element that differs conspicuously from the plesiomorphic temnospondyl condition. It has a prominent anterolateral projection which has not been observed in other basal tetrapods. Morphology of neurocranium and palatoquadratum of Gerrothorax most closely resembles that of the Russian plagiosaurid Plagiosternum danilovi, although the elements are less ossified in the latter. The extensive endocranial ossification of Gerrothorax is consistent with the general high degree of ossification in the exo‐ and endoskeleton of this temnospondyl and supports the view that a strong endocranial ossification cannot be evaluated as a plesiomorphic character in basal tetrapods.  相似文献   
Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) is one of the most destructive pathogens of grapevine. In this study, we generated monoclonal antibodies binding specifically to the coat protein of GFLV. Antibody FL3, which bound most strongly to GFLV and showed cross-reactivity to Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), was used to construct the single-chain antibody fragment scFvGFLVcp-55. To evaluate the potential of this single-chain variable fragment (scFv) to confer antibody-mediated virus resistance, transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants were generated in which the scFv accumulated in the cytosol. Recombinant protein levels of up to 0.1% total soluble protein were achieved. The T1 and T2 progenies conferred partial or complete protection against GFLV on challenge with the viral pathogen. The resistance to GFLV in transgenic plants was strictly related to scFvGFLVcp-55 accumulation levels, confirming that the antibody fragment was functional in planta and responsible for the GFLV resistance. In addition, transgenic plants conferring complete protection to GFLV showed substantially enhanced tolerance to ArMV. We demonstrate the first step towards the control of grapevine fanleaf degeneration, as scFvGFLVcp-55 could be an ideal candidate for mediating nepovirus resistance.  相似文献   
Intercellular Transport and Cytoplasmic Streaming in Chara hispida   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The correlation between the velocities of cytoplasmic streamingand of translocation of 14C-photosynthate and 32P-phosphateassociated radioactivity has been investigated in whole plantsof the green freshwater alga Chara hispida L. Tracer was suppliedto the plant's rhizoid system in a split-chamber. The velocityof cytoplasmic streaming of 52±3.3 µm s–1compares with 57±10 µm s–1 found for 14C-transportand 32±20 µm s–1 found for 32P-transport.There was no indication of intercellular translocation at avelocity faster than visible streaming. Cytochalasin B inhibitedthe translocation of 32P and cytoplasmic streaming. CytochalasinB becomes fully effective in inhibiting streaming and transportafter an incubation time of at least 5 h. Key words: Chara hispida, Cytoplasmic streaming, Intercellular transport  相似文献   
A half century ago the State of Hawaii began a remarkable, if unintentional, experiment on the population genetics of introduced species, by releasing 2431 Bluestriped Snappers (Lutjanus kasmira) from the Marquesas Islands in 1958 and 728 conspecifics from the Society Islands in 1961. By 1992 L. kasmira had spread across the entire archipelago, including locations 2000 km from the release site. Genetic surveys of the source populations reveal diagnostic differences in the mtDNA control region (d = 3.8%; φST = 0.734, P < 0.001) and significant allele frequency differences at nuclear DNA loci (FST = 0.49; P < 0.001). These findings, which indicate that source populations have been isolated for approximately half a million years, set the stage for a survey of the Hawaiian Archipelago (N = 385) to determine the success of these introductions in terms of genetic diversity and breeding behaviour. Both Marquesas and Society mtDNA lineages were detected at each survey site across the Hawaiian Archipelago, at about the same proportion or slightly less than the original 3.4:1 introduction ratio. Nuclear allele frequencies and parentage tests demonstrate that the two source populations are freely interbreeding. The introduction of 2431 Marquesan founders produced only a slight reduction in mtDNA diversity (17%), while the 728 Society founders produced a greater reduction in haplotype diversity (41%). We find no evidence of genetic bottlenecks between islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago, as expected under a stepping‐stone model of colonization, from the initial introduction site. This species rapidly colonized across 2000 km without loss of genetic diversity, illustrating the consequences of introducing highly dispersive marine species.  相似文献   
Ecological developments during Holocene age and high atmospheric depositions since industrialization have changed the N dynamics of temperate forest ecosystems. A number of different parameters are used to indicate whether the forests are N‐saturated or not, most common among them is the occurrence of nitrates in the seepage water below the rooting zone. The use of different definitions to describe N saturation implies that the N status of ecosystems is not always appropriately assessed. Data on N dynamics from 53 different German forests were used to classify various development states of forest ecosystems according to the forest ecosystem theory proposed by Ulrich for which N balances of input – (output plus plant N increment) were used. Those systems where N output equals N input minus plant N increment are described as (quasi‐) Steady State Type. Those forests where N output does not equal N input minus plant N increment as in a ‘transient state.’ Forests of the transient state may lose nitrogen from the soil (Degradation Type) or gain nitrogen [e.g., from atmospheric depositions (Accumulation Type)]. Forest ecosystems may occur in four different N states: (a) (quasi‐) Steady State Type with mull type humus, (b) Degradation Type with mull type humus, (c) Accumulation Type with moder type humus, and (d) (quasi‐) Steady State Type with moder type humus. Forests with the (quasi‐) steady state with mull type humus in the forest floor (n= 8) have high‐soil pH values, high N retention by plant increment, high N contents in the mineral soils, and have not undergone large changes in the N status. Forests of the Degradation Type lose nitrogen from the mineral soil (currently degradation is occurring on one site). Most forests that have moder or mor type humus and low‐soil pH values, and low N contents in the mineral soil have gone through the transient state of organic matter loss in the mineral soils. They accumulate organic matter in the forest floor (accumulation phase, currently 21 sites are accumulating 6–21 kg N ha?1 yr?1) or have reached a new (quasi‐) steady state with moder/mor type humus (n= 15). N retention in the accumulation phase has significantly increased in soil with N deposition (r2= 0.38), soil acidity (considering thickness of the forest floor as indices of soil acidity, r2= 0.43) and acid deposition (sulfate deposition, r2= 0.39). Retention of N (4–20 kg N ha?1 yr?1) by trees decreased and of soils increased with a decrease in the availability of base cations indicating the important role of trees for N retention in less acid soils and those of soils in more acid soils. Ecosystem theory could be successfully applied on the current data to understand the dynamics of N in temperate forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
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