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A network of long-term monitoring sites on nitrogen (N) input and output of forests across Germany showed that a number of Germany's forests are subject to or are experiencing N saturation and that spruce (Picea abies) stands have high risk. Our study was aimed at (1) quantifying the changes in gross rates of microbial N cycling and retention processes in forest soils along an N enrichment gradient and (2) relating the changes in soil N dynamics to N losses. We selected spruce sites representing an N enrichment gradient (indicated by leaching : throughfall N ratios) ranging from 0.04–0.13 (low N),≤0.26 (intermediate N enrichment) to≥0.42 (highly N enriched). To our knowledge, our study is the first to report on mechanistic changes in gross rates of soil N cycling and abiotic NO3 retention under ambient N enrichment gradient. Gross N mineralization, NH4+ immobilization, gross nitrification, and NO3 immobilization rates increased up to intermediate N enrichment level and somewhat decreased at highly N-enriched condition. The turnover rates of NH4+ and microbial N pools increased while the turnover rates of the NO3 pool decreased across the N enrichment gradient. Abiotic immobilization of NH4+ did not differ across sites and was lower than that of NO3. Abiotic NO3 immobilization decreased across the N enrichment gradient. Microbial assimilation and turnover appeared to contribute largely to the retention of NH4+. The increasing NO3 deposition and decreasing turnover rates of the NO3 pool, combined with decreasing abiotic NO3 retention, possibly contributed to increasing NO3 leaching and gaseous emissions across the N enrichment gradient. The empirical relationships of changes in microbial N cycling across the N enrichment gradient may be integrated in models used to predict responses of forest ecosystems (e.g. spruce) to increasing N deposition.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The pH range over which the effects of acidification on freshwater organisms become apparent may be quite narrow, in some cases less than half a pH unit. Therefore, accurate measurement is important, particularly in dilute surface waters near the biologically critical threshold of hydrogen ion activity.
2. A hypothetical example based on data from two species of fish illustrates the potential errors in predicting mean mortality when pH is measured by probes of varying accuracies, placing our results into an ecosystem management perspective. For a given error, there will be greater uncertainty in predicting mean mortality for species sensitive to increased hydrogen ion activity than for more tolerant species.
3. We review field pH measurement errors, and present unique laboratory (measurements at 1°C and under argon) and field comparisons of current instruments used for continuous, in situ pH monitoring, including the only instrument comparison in low conductivity waters during snow melt. Four operator or sampler-caused measurement errors and three electrode-caused pH measurement errors are illustrated with data from four common types of pH probes and meters.
4. Studies providing no confidence intervals for a set of pH measurements due to the lack of rigorous quality control and assurance procedures are of limited quantitative value to future investigators attempting to analyse temporal trends of surface water acidification. Management and policy decision attempts will remain seriously hampered until more interpretable results are routinely generated.  相似文献   
Abstract Nine populations of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) were grown for 12 weeks with supplemental application of 13.3 kJ m−2 d−1 ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation under controlled environmental conditions. Drought was applied during the last four weeks of the experiment. Under well-watered conditions, UV-B decreased white clover growth on average by 20%. Cultivars bred for agricultural performance were sensitive to UV-B, while slow-growing ecotypes were UV-B-tolerant. After four weeks of water stress, there were no significant population differences in UV-B responsiveness. UV-B sensitivity decreased with increasing exposure to drought and with longer duration of UV-B irradiation, suggesting that the direction and extent of the UV-B 3× drought interaction depends on the duration of stress. The population comparisons indicate that low constitutive growth rate and adaptation to other forms of stress may be related to UV-B tolerance under well-watered conditions, but not during extended periods of drought.  相似文献   
Coelenterate Neuropeptides: Structure, Action and Biosynthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Evolutionary "old" nervous systems such as those of coelenteratesare peptidergic: Using various radioimmunoassays we have nowisolated 13 novel neuropeptides from sea anemones and severalothers from hydrozoan polyps and medusae. These peptides areall structurally related and contain the C-terminal sequenceArg-X-NH2 or Lys-X-NH2, where X is Ala, Asn, Ile, Phe, Pro orTrp. Three neuropeptides have a novel N-terminal L-3-phenyllactylresidue, which protects against degradation by nonspecific aminopeptidases.The neuropeptides from sea anemones are produced by differentsets of neurones and have excitatory or inhibitory actions onisolated muscle preparations, suggesting that they are neurotransmittersor neuromodulators. We have also cloned the precursor proteinfor the sea-anemone neuropeptide Antho-RFamide (<Glu-Gly-Arg-Phe-NH2).In Calliactis parasitica this precursor harbours 19 copies ofimmature Antho-RFamide (Gln-Gly-Arg-Phe-Gly) together with 7other, putative neuropeptide sequences. The precursor of Anthopleuraelegantissima contains 14 copies of Antho-RFamide and 19 other,putative neuropeptides. This shows that the biosynthetic machineryfor neuropeptides in coelenterates, the lowest animal grouphaving a nervous system, is already very efficient and similarto that of higher invertebrates, such as molluscs and insects,and vertebrates.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation is currently the most pervasive anthropogenic disturbance in tropical forests and some species of leaf‐cutting ants of the genus Atta (dominant herbivores in the neotropics) have become hyper‐abundant in forest edges where their nests directly impact up to 6% of the forest area. Yet, their impacts on the regeneration dynamics of fragmented forests remain poorly investigated. Here we examine the potential of Atta cephalotes nests to function as ecological filters impacting tree recruitment. Growth, survival and biomass partitioning of experimentally planted seedlings (six tree species) were examined at eight spatially independent A. cephalotes colonies in a large Atlantic Forest fragment. Seedling performance and fate (leaf numbers and damage) were monitored up to 27 months across three habitats (nest centre, nest edge and forest understorey). Plants at illuminated nest centres showed twice the gross leaf gain as understorey individuals. Simultaneously, seedlings of all species lost many more leaves at nests than in the forest understorey, causing a negative net leaf gain. Net leaf gain in the shaded understorey ranged from zero (Licania and Thyrsodium species) to substantial growth for Copaifera and Virola, and intermediate levels little above zero for Protium and Pouteria. Also seedling survival differed across habitats and species, being typically low in the centre and at the edge of nests where seedlings were often completely defoliated by the ants. Lastly, seedling survival increased strongly with seed size at nest edges while there was no such correlation in the forest. Our results suggest that Atta nests operate as ecological filters by creating a specific disturbance regime that differs from other disturbances in tropical forests. Apparently, Atta nests favour large‐seeded tree species with resprouting abilities and the potential to profit from a moderate, nest‐mediated increase in light availability.  相似文献   
The role played by abandoned nests of leaf‐cutting ants (Atta spp.) as a small‐scale disturbance regime that affects plant recruitment, species coexistence and forest regeneration remains poorly investigated. Here we examine whether abandoned nests of Atta cephalotes serve as regeneration niches and operate as particular plant recruitment habitats, favouring forest regeneration after ant activities cease and leading to the establishment of taxonomically/ecologically distinct plant assemblages. Soil properties, canopy openness, light availability and regenerating plant assemblages were evaluated across 18 nests and adjacent control plots in a large remnant of Atlantic Forest in north‐east Brazil from December 2004 to December 2005. Surprisingly, nests and control plots exhibited very similar light environments irrespective of nest age, but nest soils exhibited substantial reductions in carbon content (1.45 ± 0.24 vs. 1.79 ± 0.13%) and organic matter (2.50 ± 0.41 vs. 3.08 ± 0.23%), and proved to be much more resistant to penetration (30.57 ± 6.08 vs. 39.48 ± 7.53 mm). Functional signature of regenerating plant assemblages exhibited little variation across both habitat types, as they were dominated by pioneer, small‐seeded and vertebrate‐dispersed species. However, abandoned nests exhibited less dense, impoverished and more homogeneous regenerating plant assemblages at local and landscape scale; they clearly lacked nest‐dependent plant species and represented floristic subsets of the flora inhabiting the undisturbed forest. This recruitment bottleneck was transient in the long term because nest‐related effects ameliorated in older nests. Our results suggest that, unlike treefall gaps, abandoned nests represent temporary (relatively long‐lasting) islands of unsuitable substrate that reduce plant recruitment, retard forest regeneration, and fail in providing a special regeneration niche able to promote species coexistence and plant diversity.  相似文献   
1. We report on a long-term study (1975–94) of water temperatures and plankton in a eutrophic lake (Heiligensee, Berlin, Germany). Using a phenomenological approach, we use historical data to infer how an increase in air temperature has influenced a natural zooplankton community.
2. Air temperatures in Berlin showed a significantly rising trend between 1975 and 1994. Mean winter air temperatures in the last 8 years always exceeded the long-term mean.
3. A rising trend was also found for April water temperature, which increased significantly beginning in 1988–89. An increase of 2.58°C in the last 21 years was recorded using a linear model. A significantly decreasing trend was found in June but no trend was noted for the other summer months.
4. Phytoplankton composition shifted from a dominance of diatoms and cryptophytes during winter and spring in the 1980s towards a dominance of cyanobacteria in 1990–94.
5. The dominant zooplankton species in spring shifted in recent years from the large-bodied Daphnia galeata to the smaller D. cucullata . Cyclops kolensis , previously the only invertebrate predator during winter, decreased in abundance while C. vicinus , usually present during spring and autumn, increased in abundance and was numerous during winter, a season passed in diapause in the earlier years.
6. Because direct and indirect temperature effects are species specific, we put forward the hypothesis that zooplankton species, rather than functional groups, are the nexus between environmental stress, such as rising air temperatures, and ecosystem changes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The microsporidium, Enterocytozoon bieneusi , causes a severe, debilitating, chronic diarrhea in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Specific diagnosis of intestinal microsporidiosis, especially due to Enterocytozoon , is difficult and there is no known therapy that can completely eradicate this parasite. Preliminary studies indicate that a short term (about 6 months) in vitro culture of this parasite yielding low numbers of spores, may be established by inoculating human lung fibroblasts and/or monkey kidney cell cultures with duodenal aspirates and or biopsy from infected patients. The cultures may subsequently be used for the isolation and molecular analysis of parasite DNA.  相似文献   
The patterns of phylogenetic differentiation in the closelyrelated sea turtle families Toxochelyidae and Cheloniidae followedstrikingly different courses. In the Toxochelyidae there isa gradual increase in specialization toward a pelagic mode oflife with time. The phyletic picture is thus that of a shrub.In the Cheloniidae, by contrast, the geologically oldest representativesof the family are the most advanced, pelagic species, and theRecent species, except for Eretmochelys imbricata, are amongthe least specialized members of the family. There is good evidencethat the living species are the only cheloniids that have theirhind limbs modified as rudders, and the very close similaritybetween the limb skeletons of these species suggests that theyare more closely related to each other than any of them areto any earlier form. A similar case can be made for the earlyCaenozoic cheloniids. The phylogenetic pattern, therefore, suggestsrepeated episodes of pelagic specialization from a central,unspecialized stock, a pattern referred to as iterative evolution.  相似文献   
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