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1. Grazer control of phytoplankton and water transparency was responsive to interannual variations in river discharge and corresponding water retention time in Ford Lake, Michigan, U.S.A. 2. A simple mathematical model was developed to separate the effects of washout from in situ zooplankton population dynamics. The threshold reservoir flushing time for development of a large Daphnia population and corresponding clear water phase during May was about 20 days. Predation by Leptodora was insufficient to cause the subsequent decline of the Daphnia population. 3. Recruitment success by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha appeared responsive to flushing time indirectly, through hydrological effects on the magnitude of the spring diatom crop.  相似文献   
W. Montague Cobb became the first African American to receive a doctorate in physical anthropology in the United States (1932). He was also among the first U.S. physical anthropologists to demonstrate a commitment to biocultural integration and racial equality in his research. Nonetheless, very few European American physical anthropologists responded to or utilized Cobb's work. This continued after bioanthropology took on a more biocultural focus in the 1980s, some 50 years after Cobb's first studies of this kind. In this essay, I highlight Cobb's research and writing from the first decades of his career to illustrate his contribution to developing biocultural perspectives in physical anthropology. As a result, I hope to move Cobb from the margins to the center of discussions about methodological and theoretical developments in bioanthropology over the past 30 years.  相似文献   
Four fatty acids (FA, palmitic, myristic, decanoic, hexanoic) were individually conjugated to the N-terminus of the α-MSH fragment analog, H-Asp5-His6-D-Phe7-Arg8-Trp9-Lys10-NH2. This resulted in enhanced potency of the conjugates (compared to the unconjugated melanotropin analog) as determined in the lizard skin bioassay and in the mouse melanoma cell tyrosinase bioassay. The shorter conjugates of hexanoic and decanoic acid were at least equipotent to α-MSH in the lizard skin bioassay, whereas the longer myristoyl and palmitoyl analogs were 100 times less active. The myristoyl and palmitoyl conjugates exhibited a “creeping” potency in the lizard skin bioassay—that is, potency of the peptides increased with time in contact with the skins. These observations may be related to the more lipid nature of these FA-conjugates. In the tyrosinase assay, the conjugates were 10–100 times more active than α-MSH or the unconjugated analog. Each of the FA-melanotropic peptide conjugates exhibited prolonged (residual) melanotropic activity in both the lizard skin and melanoma cell bioassays. In other words, after removal of the melanotropin conjugates from contact with the skins or cells, responses were still manifested for hours or days thereafter. As little as 1 hr of contact with melanoma cells resulted in enhanced enzyme activity as measured 48 hr later. Since the conjugates, but not H-[Ast5,D-Phe7,Lys10]α-MSH5-10-NH2, exhibited prolonged activity, the conversion of reversible agonists to irreversible agonists was demonstrated.  相似文献   
Abstract: In a manipulative experiment, we tested effects of select elements of landscape structure and composition on winter survival of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) at Ames Plantation, Tennessee, USA. We hypothesized that abundance of closed canopy forested habitats (52% of the landscape) on Ames diminished usable space for bobwhite and provided usable space for a suite of important predators, thereby contributing to low winter survival. To test this hypothesis we divided a 2,217-ha portion of the property into 4 approximately equal areas. We altered landscape structure and composition by converting approximately 33% of the timber to early successional herbaceous plant communities on 2 treatment sites, which reduced percentage of landscape and edge density of closed canopy forest and increased percentage of landscape in early successional herbaceous communities, and left 2 control sites in their former composition. During one pretreatment year (1998–1999) and 3 posttreatment years (1999–2000, 2000–2001, 2001–2002), we estimated winter (15 Oct-10 Apr) survival on treatment and control sites from a radiomarked sample of 920 bobwhites. We used Cox Proportional Hazard models to test for effects of treatment (forest conversion) and covariates describing landscape structure and composition (% closed canopy forest, % early successional herbaceous, wooded edge density) on winter survival at multiple spatial scales. Winter survival on the treatment sites pooled across the 4 winter seasons was 41% compared to 32% for control sites. Additionally, for each 1 m/ha increase in closed canopy woods edge density within winter covey ranges, risk of mortality increased 0.3%. Our results suggest composition at the landscape scale and landscape structure at the local scale influence winter survival of bobwhite. Management strategies that alter composition and structure and increase usable space may be effective in mitigating winter mortality thereby altering population trajectories. Typical bobwhite management plans focus on improving quality of herbaceous vegetation structure within existing herbaceous patches, however, population processes may work at larger spatial scales influencing design and implementation of conservation programs.  相似文献   
A comparison of conventional cytology and clot histology was made on 174 serous fluids, fine needle aspirates (FNA) and other non‐gynaecological specimens. In eight cases (4.5%) this clot material contained malignant cells or cells suspicious of malignancy despite the absence of suspicious or malignant cells in conventionally prepared smears from the same specimen. In 11 cases (6.3%) the clot was negative, although conventional smears contained malignant or suspicious cells. A χ2 test showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the number of positive diagnostic scores in each group with χ2 of 0.223 (degrees of freedom=1), P=0.637. Examination of clot material from serous fluids and FNA aspirates is as effective as examination of conventional cytological preparations. Processing of clots from cytological aspirates for histological examination should be more widely adopted, and is applicable in all cytopathology laboratories.  相似文献   
Abstract: Because they do not require sacrificing animals, body condition scores (BCS), thickness of rump fat (MAXFAT), and other similar predictors of body fat have advanced estimating nutritional condition of ungulates and their use has proliferated in North America in the last decade. However, initial testing of these predictors was too limited to assess their reliability among diverse habitats, ecotypes, subspecies, and populations across the continent. With data collected from mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), elk (Cervus elaphus), and moose (Alces alces) during initial model development and data collected subsequently from free-ranging mule deer and elk herds across much of the western United States, we evaluated reliability across a broader range of conditions than were initially available. First, to more rigorously test reliability of the MAXFAT index, we evaluated its robustness across the 3 species, using an allometric scaling function to adjust for differences in animal size. We then evaluated MAXFAT, rump body condition score (rBCS), rLIVINDEX (an arithmetic combination of MAXFAT and rBCS), and our new allometrically scaled rump-fat thickness index using data from 815 free-ranging female Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain elk (C. e. roosevelti and C. e. nelsoni) from 19 populations encompassing 4 geographic regions and 250 free-ranging female mule deer from 7 populations and 2 regions. We tested for effects of subspecies, geographic region, and captive versus free-ranging existence. Rump-fat thickness, when scaled allometrically with body mass, was related to ingesta-free body fat over a 38–522-kg range of body mass (r2 = 0.87; P < 0.001), indicating the technique is remarkably robust among at least the 3 cervid species of our analysis. However, we found an underscoring bias with the rBCS for elk that had >12% body fat. This bias translated into a difference between subspecies, because Rocky Mountain elk tended to be fatter than Roosevelt elk in our sample. Effects of observer error with the rBCS also existed for mule deer with moderate to high levels of body fat, and deer body size significantly affected accuracy of the MAXFAT predictor. Our analyses confirm robustness of the rump-fat index for these 3 species but highlight the potential for bias due to differences in body size and to observer error with BCS scoring. We present alternative LIVINDEX equations where potential bias from rBCS and bias due to body size are eliminated or reduced. These modifications improve the accuracy of estimating body fat for projects intended to monitor nutritional status of herds or to evaluate nutrition's influence on population demographics.  相似文献   
A quantitative examination was carried out on the early and mature stages of dentinogenesis in the rat incisor, using a post-embedding immunogold labelling with an anti-chondroitin 4 sulphate/dermatan sulphate antibody (2B6). At a very early stage of predentine formation, before polarizing odontoblasts have established junctional complexes, immunolabelling was weak. In contrast, when polarized odontoblasts established distal junctional complexes, immunolabelling in predentine was uniform and threefold denser than in initial predentine. The same gold particle density was found in the non-mineralized mantle dentine. During circumpulpal dentine formation, a gradient was seen in predentine, a larger number of gold particles being scored in the proximal zone compared with the distal region adjacent to the mineralization front. In circumpulpal dentine, some labelling was found within the lumen of the tubules and in the bordering dentine around the tubules. A few particles were also detected in intertubular matrix after demineralization. Together, these data provide evidence for a developmentally regulated gradient during the transition between mantle and circumpulpal dentine, and also in a more mature part of the tooth, a functional gradient that probably plays a role in the process of mineralization. © 1998 Chapman & Hall  相似文献   
The effects of applied ethylene on the growth of coleoptilesand mesocotyls of etiolated monocot seedlings (oat and maize)have been compared with those on the epicotyl of a dicot seedling(the etiolated pea). Significant inhibition of elongation by ethylene (10 µll–1for 24 h) was found in intact seedlings of all three species,but lateral expansion growth was observed only in the pea internodeand oat mesocotyl tissue. The sensitivity of the growth of seedlingparts to ethylene is in the decreasing order pea internode,oat coleoptile and oat mesocotyl, with maize exhibiting theleast growth response. Although excised segments of mesocotyland coleoptile or pea internode all exhibit enhanced elongationgrowth in IAA solutions (10–6–2 ? 10–5 moll–1), no consistent effects were found in ethylene. Ethyleneproduction in segments was significantly enhanced by applicationof auxin (IAA, 10–5 mol l–6 or less) in all tissuesexcept those of the eat mesocotyl. Segments of maize show a slow rate of metabolism of applied[2-14C]IAA (30 per cent converted to other metabolites within9 h) and a high capacity for polar auxin transport. Ethylene(10 µl l–1 for 24 h) has little effect on eitherof these processes. The oat has a smaller capacity for polartransport than maize and the rate ef metabolism of auxin isas fast as in the pea (90 per cent metabolized in 6 h). Althoughethylene pretreatment does not change the rate of auxin metabolismin oat, there is a marked reduction in auxin transport. It is proposed that the insensitivity of maize seedlings toethylene is related to the supply and persistence of auxin whichcould protect the seedling against the effects of applied orendogenously produced ethylene. Although the mesocotyl of oatis sensitive to applied ethylene it may be in part protectedagainst ethylene in vivo by the absence of an auxin-enhancedethylene production system. The results are discussed in relationto a model for the auxin and ethylene control of cell growthin the pea.  相似文献   
An established disparity between hedonic scales and just-about-right (JAR) measures, important for product development procedures, was examined for sweetness in lemonade by consumer groups divided on the basis of health concern level and consumption patterns related to sweet foods, regular and diet drinks and 'healthy eating'. The disparity was demonstrated by all subgroups in that the JAR scale identified a lower sucrose concentration as nearest 'just right'compared to that identified as 'most liked'by the hedonic scale. Regression analysis predicted lower optimum sweetness for the JAR than the hedonic scale. For subjects who completed both tests the disparity was significantly different from zero. Trends of differences in response on both scales and for the disparity according to health concern and consumption patterns were demonstrated graphically. Few of these effects were statistically significant, but the differences in disparity level could justify market segmentation of drink products with different sucrose levels.  相似文献   
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