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The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family consists of a large group of evolutionarily and structurally divergent glycoproteins. The murine CEACAM9 and CEACAM11-related proteins as well as the pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSG) are secreted members of the CEA family which are differentially expressed in fetal trophoblast cell populations during placental development. PSG are essential for a successful pregnancy, possibly by protecting the semiallotypic fetus from the maternal immune system. In contrast, Ceacam10 mRNA, coding for a protein identical in structure with CEACAM11-related proteins, is expressed in the maternal decidua surrounding the implantation site of the conceptus only during early stages of gestation between day 6.5 and day 10.5 postcoitum. To determine its role during murine development, we inactivated Ceacam10. Ceacam10(-/-) mice developed, like the previously established Ceacam9(-/-) mice, indistinguishably from wild-type littermates with respect to sex ratio, weight gain, and fertility. However, a small but significant reduction of the litter size by 23% was observed in Ceacam10(-/-) matings. Furthermore, combining the Ceacam9 and Ceacam10 null alleles, both located on chromosome 7, by meiotic recombination and subsequent mating of heterozygotes carrying both knockout alleles on one chromosome yielded wild-type and double knockout offspring at the expected Mendelian ratio. Taken together, both Ceacam10 and Ceacam9, alone or in combination, are not essential for either murine placental and embryonic development or for adult life.  相似文献   
Members of the neurotrophin gene family and their high-affinity Trk receptors control innervation of the cochlea during embryonic development. Lack of neurotrophin signalling in the cochlea has been well documented for early postnatal animals, resulting in a loss of cochlear sensory neurones and a region-specific reduction of target innervation along the tonotopic axis. However, how reduced neurotrophin signalling affects the innervation of the mature cochlea is currently unknown. Here, we have analysed the consequences of a lack of the TrkB receptor and its ligand, the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), in the late postnatal or adult cochlea using mouse mutants. During early postnatal development, mutant animals show a lack of afferent innervation of outer hair cells in the apical part of the cochlea, whereas nerve fibres in the basal part are maintained. Strikingly, this phenotype is reversed during subsequent maturation of the cochlea, which results in a normal pattern of outer hair cell innervation in the apex and loss of nerve fibres at the base in adult mutants. Measurements of auditory brain stem responses of these mice revealed a significant hearing loss. The observed innervation patterns correlate with opposing gradients of Bdnf and Nt3 expression in cochlear neurones along the tonotopic axis. Thus, the reshaping of innervation may be controlled by autocrine signalling between neurotrophins and their receptors in cochlear neurones. Our results indicate a substantial potential for re-innervation processes in the mature cochlea, which may also be of relevance for treatment of hearing loss in humans.  相似文献   
The liver is a major source of circulating insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), and it also synthesizes several classes of IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). Synthesis of IGF-I and IGFBPs is regulated by hormones, growth factors, and cytokines. They are nutritionally regulated and expressed in developmentally specific patterns. To gain insight into cellular regulatory mechanisms that determine hepatic synthesis of IGF-I and IGFBPs and to identify potential target cells for IGF-I within the liver, we studied the cellular sites of synthesis of IGF-I, IGF receptor, growth hormone (GH) receptor, and IGFBPs in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes, endothelial cells, and Kupffer cells. We also localized cellular sites of IGFBP synthesis by in situ hybridization histochemistry. Western ligand and immunoblot analyses were used to determine IGFBP secretion by isolated cells. Two IGF-I mRNA subtypes with different 5' ends (class 1 and class 2) were detected in all isolated liver cell preparations. Type 1 IGF receptor mRNA was detected in endothelial cells, indicating that these cells are a local target for IGF actions in liver. GH receptor was expressed in all cell preparations, consistent with GH regulation of IGF-I and IGFBP synthesis in multiple liver cell types. The IGFBPs expressed striking cell-specific expression. IGFBP-1 was synthesized only in hepatocytes, and IGFBP-3 was expressed in Kupffer and endothelial cells. IGFBP-4 was expressed at high levels in hepatocytes and at low levels in Kupffer and endothelial cells. Cell-specific expression of distinct IGFBPs in the liver provides the potential for cell-specific regulation of hepatic and endocrine actions of IGF-I.  相似文献   
A recent report suggested that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) activates nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) by phosphorylation of the protein kinase Akt [Romashkova and Makarov, Nature 401 (1999) 86-90]. The present study investigates the role of Akt in the activation of NF-kappa B by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha, 10 ng/ml) and PDGF-BB (20 ng/ml) in human vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC), skin and foreskin fibroblasts. TNF alpha stimulated serine phosphorylation and degradation of the inhibitory protein I kappa B alpha and strongly induced nuclear NF-kappa B translocation and binding activity. PDGF did not induce serine phosphorylation or degradation of I kappa B alpha and did not enhance binding activity of NF-kappa B. In contrast, stimulation with PDGF resulted in a marked phosphorylation of Akt, but no Akt phosphorylation occurred after stimulation with TNF alpha. These data suggest that Akt phosphorylation is not involved in NF-kappa B activation in human SMC and fibroblasts.  相似文献   
Epiregulin belongs to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family of polypeptides. Previous studies have underscored the important role of the EGF family of ligands and receptors in the pathology of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and chronic pancreatitis (CP). It is not known, however, whether epiregulin may also have a role in these diseases. Therefore, in the present study we investigated the expression and function of epiregulin in five pancreatic cancer cell lines and in PDAC and CP tissue samples. Epiregulin mRNA was present at high (MIA-PaCa-2 cells) or moderate levels (ASPC-1, CAPAN-1, and T3M4) in most cells, but was below detection levels in PANC-1 cells. All the cell lines exhibited a dose-dependent increase in growth in response to recombinant human epiregulin. Epiregulin mRNA levels were increased 2.1-fold in PDAC samples (P < 0.01) and 1.7-fold in CP samples (P < 0.01), when compared with the normal controls. There was no correlation between epiregulin mRNA levels and tumor stage or grade. By in situ hybridization, a moderate to intense epiregulin mRNA signal was present in most pancreatic cancer cells in PDAC. In contrast, only a weak (normal pancreas) to moderate (CP) signals were present in the ductal and acinar cells in CP. These findings suggest that epiregulin may contribute to the pathobiology of PDAC, and may also have a role in CP.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that membrane-anchored anti-viral antibodies can confer viral resistance to transgenic plants. A heterologous expression system was developed for plasma membrane targeting of anti-viral antibodies using mammalian transmembrane domains. A tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) neutralizing single-chain Fv antibody fragment (scFv24) was targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum and integrated into the plasma membrane of tobacco cells, using mammalian signal peptides and membrane receptor transmembrane domains. The human platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) transmembrane domain or the T-cell receptor -domain (TcR) transmembrane domain was fused to the C-terminus of TMV-specific scFv24 to target expression of scFv24 as an extracellularly facing plasma membrane protein. Western blot and ELISA analyses were carried out to confirm functional expression of the recombinant fusion proteins scFv24-PDGFR and scFv24-TcR in transgenic tobacco suspension cultures and transgenic plants. Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy showed that the TcR transmembrane domain targeted scFv24 to the tobacco plasma membrane. Bioassays of viral infection showed that transgenic tobacco plants expressing scFv24-TcR were resistant to TMV infection. These results demonstrated that membrane anchored anti-viral antibody fragments are functional, can be targeted to the plasma membrane in planta and are a novel approach for engineering disease-resistant crops.  相似文献   
Isolated human granulocyte plasma membranes contain progelatinase B. The binding of progelatinase B to the membrane, however, is relatively weak, and a considerable part of progelatinase B can be removed by simply washing the membrane with buffer. This detachment does not depend on the ionic strength of the buffer, indicating that electrostatic forces do not play an important role in the binding of progelatinase B to the membrane. A complete removal of progelatinase B is achieved by chromatography of neutrophil membranes on gelatin-agarose. The plasma membrane of human granulocytes activates added progelatinase B. This activation is inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor and is thus performed by membrane bound serine proteinases. In contrast to other reports that claimed an important role of elastase in activating progelatinase B, we found that this activation is mostly inhibited by chymostatin and not by elastatinal and is thus primarily due to cathepsin G. Proteinase 3 was shown to activate progelatinase B as efficient as neutrophil elastase, i. e. much weaker than cathepsin G. Binding of cathepsin G and elastase to the neutrophil membrane does not change their ability to activate progelatinase B. However, cathepsin G, the most potent activator of the three neutrophil serine proteinases, is only a weak activator, when compared to stromelysin-1. This, as well as only a weak binding of progelatinase B, make it doubtful that activation of membrane-bound progelatinase B by membrane-bound serine proteinases is of significant physiological importance.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Februar 1992 wurde an der in Bau befindlichen Autobahn BAB 66 zwischen Steinau und Schlüchtern (5021'N, 0931'E) ein Nistkastenkontrollgebiet mit 310 Nistkästen eingerichtet, um die Auswirkungen der Autobahn vor und nach Inbetriebnahme auf die Brutbiologie von Meisen zu untersuchen. Als Vergleichsgebiete dienen ein direkt benachbartes sowie ein ca. 5 km entferntes Untersuchungsgebiet. Zum Vergleich der Gewichtsentwicklung der Nestlinge wurde ein drittes autobahnfernes Gebiet herangezogen.In einzelnen Jahren finden sich zwischen den Gebieten Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der Brutpopulation, der Besetzungsrate der Nistkästen, dem Legebeginn, der Gelegegröße, der Schlüpfrate oder im Bruterfolg. Diese Unterschiede treten in verschiedenen Jahren und in unterschiedlichen Gebieten auf, so daß sich keine generelle Abweichung des Gebietes an der Autobahn von den straßenfernen Gebieten feststellen läßt. Die Eröffnung der Autobahn hatte keinen Effekt auf die untersuchten Parameter.Die Gewichte der Nestlinge im Gebiet an der Autobahn waren im Jahr 1996 nur am 12. und 13. Nestlingstag signifikant geringer als die Gewichte der Nestlinge in einem autobahnfernen gleichartig strukturierten Biotop. Die Ausflugsgewichte der Jungvögel an der A66 liegen jedoch ca. 2 g höher als in städtischen Biotopen.Störungen durch den Straßenverkehr, wie sie von anderen Autoren berichtet werden, ließen sich in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet nicht feststellen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die geringe Störungsempfindlichkeit der Kohl- und Blaumeisen sowie der bisher geringe Verkehr auf der Autobahn diskutiert.
The impact of a motorway in construction and after opening to traffic on the breeding biology of Great Tit (Parus major) and Blue Tit (P. caeruleus)
Summary In February 1992, a study area (A 66) with 310 nestboxes was installed along the construction line of a four laned motorway between Steinau and Schlüchtern (5021'N, 0931'E). One area in the immediate neighbourhood (VG1) and one 5 km distant (VG2) from the study area at the motorway (see Fig. 1) served as controls for comparison. In all three areas, the nestboxes were checked weekly during the breeding season from the beginning of May until July. Species composition of the birds using nestboxes, rate of occupation of nestboxes, and, for Great Tits (Parus major) and Blue Tits (P. caeruleus), date of the first egg, clutch size, hatching rate and number of birds fledged were recorded. The study included 5 breeding seasons from 1992 to 1996, 3 years during the period of construction and 2 years after the opening of the motorway to traffic in December 1994. In 1996, the nestling weight of 20 broods of Great Tits at the A66 was recorded daily and compared with that of all nestlings in another study area (VG3, see Fig. 1).The data were analyzed separately for each year. Distributions of frequencies were analyzed with the x2 test, the other data with the Kruskal-Wallis-Test (H-Test). In case of significant differences between the study areas, the Mann Whitney U-test was used to determine which study area differed from the others. Nestlings bodymass was compared using the t-test.The species composition was similar in all three areas (Fig. 2), and it did not change after the opening of the motorway to traffic. The rate of occupation of the nestboxes, dates of laying of the first egg, clutch size, hatching rate and breeding success vary between years and between study areas (Table 1 to 5); data that differ significantly from those of two other areas are indicated by bold print. Such differences were observed in various years and involved all three areas. In study area A66, clutch size of Great Tits was higher in 1993; hatching success of Great Tits was lower in 1994 and that of Blue Tits was lower in 1993. However, there was no general trend that area A66 at the motorway was different from the other areas, either before or after being opened to the traffic. The weight of nestlings in study area A66 at the motorway was similar to that in comparable area nearby; only on day 12 and 13 after hatching was it slightly lower (Tab. 6). The last measurement on day 15 indicates a nestling weight of 16.2 g for the area at the motorway, which is in normal for deciduous forest habitats and approximately 2 g higher than that recorded in urban habitats.In brief, the motorway did not affect the species composition, rate of occupied nestboxes or the various breeding parameters; in particular, the moving traffic after opening did not seem to have any effect. The breeding parameters from the study area at the motorway were typical for the Schlüchtern region. Density reductions in breeding populations, as discussed by several authors, or disturbances caused by moving traffic, as previously reported, were not observed in our study. However, our key species, Great Tits and Blue Tits, are not generally very sensitive to interferences. Also, the level of traffic on the motorway was still rather low. This must be considered when our findings are generalized.
Electrical breakdown of erythrocytes induces hemoglobin release which increases markedly with decreasing conductivity of the pulse medium. This effect presumably results from the transient, conductivity-dependent deformation forces (elongation or compression) on the cell caused by Maxwell stress. The deformation force is exerted on the plasma membrane of the cell, which can be viewed as a transient dipole induced by an applied DC electric field pulse. The induced dipole arises from the free charges that accumulate at the cell interfaces via the Maxwell-Wagner polarization mechanism. The polarization response of erythrocytes to a DC field pulse was estimated from the experimental data obtained by using two complementary frequency-domain techniques. The response is very rapid, due to the highly conductive cytosol. Measurements of the electrorotation and electrodeformation spectra over a wide conductivity range yielded the information and data required for the calculation of the deformation force as a function of frequency and external conductivity and for the calculation of the transient development of the deformation forces during the application of a DC-field pulse. These calculations showed that (i) electric force precedes and accompanies membrane charging (up to the breakdown voltage) and (ii) that under low-conductivity conditions, the electric stretching force contributes significantly to the enlargement of ``electroleaks' in the plasma membrane generated by electric breakdown. Received: 12 December 1997/Revised: 13 March 1998  相似文献   
Arginine decarboxylase (ADC) is an important enzyme in the production of putrescine and polyamines in plants. It is encoded by a single or low-copy nuclear gene that lacks introns in sequences studied to date. The rate of Adc amino acid sequence evolution is similar to that of ndhF for the angiosperm family studied. Highly conserved regions provide several target sites for PCR priming and sequencing and aid in nucleotide and amino acid sequence alignment across a range of taxonomic levels, while a variable region provides an increased number of potentially informative characters relative to ndhF for the taxa surveyed. The utility of the Adc gene in plant molecular systematic studies is demonstrated by analysis of its partial nucleotide sequences obtained from 13 representatives of Brassicaceae and 3 outgroup taxa, 2 from the mustard oil clade (order Capparales) and 1 from the related order Malvales. Two copies of the Adc gene, Adc1 and Adc2, are found in all members of the Brassicaceae studied to data except the basal genus Aethionema. The resulting Adc gene tree provides robust phylogenetic data regarding relationships within the complex mustard family, as well as independent support for proposed tribal realignments based on other molecular data sets such as those from chloroplast DNA.   相似文献   
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