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ncd is a minus-end directed, kinesin-like motor, which binds to microtubules with its motor domain and its cargo domain as well. Typical of retrograde motors, the motor domain of ncd locates to the C-terminal end of the polypeptide chain, and hence, the cargo domain constitutes the N-terminal region. To date, several studies have investigated the interaction properties of the motor domain with microtubules, but very few structural data are available about the tail itself or its interaction with microtubules as cargo. Here, we applied cryo-electron microscopy and helical 3D image reconstruction to 15 protofilament microtubules decorated with an ncd tail fragment (N-terminal residues 83-187, named NT6). In our study, the ncd tail shows a behaviour resembling filamentous MAPs such as tau protein, exhibiting a highly flexible structure with no large globular domains. NT6 binds to four different sites on the outer side of microtubules within the proximity of the kinesin motor-binding site. Two of these sites locate within the groove between two neighbouring protofilaments, and appear as strong binding sites, while the other two sites, located at the outer rim, appear to play a secondary role. In addition, the ncd tail fragment induces the formation of large protofilament sheets, suggesting a tail-induced modification of lateral protofilament contacts.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the presence of vimentin and leukocyte common antigen (LCA)-negative molding cells (VLNMC) could help in identifying rare small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) cells. STUDY DESIGN: Thirty-four cell blocks of pleural effusions (PEs) from 26 patients with confirmed SCLC were stained immunohistochemically with vimentin and LCA antibodies and compared with hematoxylin and eosin-stained preparations. RESULTS: VLNMC were present in 22/22 PEs originally diagnosed as positive or atypical/suspicious for SCLC. Focal vimentin staining was seen in SCLC in 10/22 cases, and 1 case showed many vimentin-positive SCLC cells. One of 11 PEs originally interpreted as negative showed rare groups of VLNMC. This was supported by a subsequent PE obviously positive for SCLC. CONCLUSION: Immunoperoxidase stains for vimentin and LCA highlight SCLC in PEs as VLNMC; however, morphologic criteria must prevail in making the final diagnosis.  相似文献   
The diiron(II) cluster in the R2 subunit of Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) activates oxygen to generate a mu-oxodiiron(III) cluster and the stable tyrosyl radical that is critical for the conversion of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides. Like those in other diiron carboxylate proteins, such as methane monooxygenase (MMO), the R2 diiron cluster is proposed to activate oxygen by formation of a peroxodiiron(III) intermediate followed by an oxidizing high-valent cluster. Substitution of key active site residues results in perturbations of the normal oxygen activation pathway. Variants in which the active site ligand, aspartate (D) 84, is changed to glutamate (E) are capable of accumulating a mu-peroxodiiron(III) complex in the reaction pathway. Using rapid freeze-quench techniques, this intermediate in a double variant, R2-W48A/D84E, was trapped for characterization by M?ssbauer and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. These samples contained 70% peroxodiiron(III) intermediate and 30% diferrous R2. An Fe-Fe distance of 2.5 A was found to be associated with the peroxo intermediate. As has been proposed for the structures of the higher valent intermediates in both R2 and MMO, carboxylate shifts to a mu-(eta(1),eta(2)) or a mu-1,1 conformation would most likely be required to accommodate the short 2.5 A Fe-Fe distance. In addition, the diferrous form of the enzyme present in the reacted sample has a longer Fe-Fe distance (3.5 A) than does a sample of anaerobically prepared diferrous R2 (3.4 A). Possible explanations for this difference in detected Fe-Fe distance include an O(2)-induced conformational change prior to covalent chemistry or differing O(2) reactivity among multiple diiron(II) forms of the cluster.  相似文献   
The structure of the precursor form of catechol oxidase from sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) has been modeled on the basis of the 3D structural data of mature catechol oxidase [Nat. Struct. Biol. 5 (1998) 1084] and of hemocyanin from giant octopus (Octopus dofleini) [J. Mol. Biol. 278 (1998) 855]. A C-terminal extension peptide is found in the cDNA sequence but not in the purified, mature form of catechol oxidase. Superimposition of the 3D structures of the native hemocyanin and catechol oxidase reveals a close relationship except for an additional C-terminal domain only found in the hemocyanin structure. As sequence alignment shows good homology this domain of the hemocyanin structure was used as a template to model the 3D structure of the C-terminal extension peptide of catechol oxidase. As hemocyanins show no or only weak catecholase activity due to this domain this indicates an inhibitory function of this extension peptide. Beside this possible shielding function for the precursor form, evidence for a function in copper-uptake also increases due to the location of three histidine residues in the model.  相似文献   
We investigated protein motions using normal modes within a database framework, determining on a large sample the degree to which normal modes anticipate the direction of the observed motion and were useful for motions classification. As a starting point for our analysis, we identified a large number of examples of protein flexibility from a comprehensive set of structural alignments of the proteins in the PDB. Each example consisted of a pair of proteins that were considerably different in structure given their sequence similarity. On each pair, we performed geometric comparisons and adiabatic-mapping interpolations in a high-throughput pipeline, arriving at a final list of 3,814 putative motions and standardized statistics for each. We then computed the normal modes of each motion in this list, determining the linear combination of modes that best approximated the direction of the observed motion. We integrated our new motions and normal mode calculations in the Macromolecular Motions Database, through a new ranking interface at http://molmovdb.org. Based on the normal mode calculations and the interpolations, we identified a new statistic, mode concentration, related to the mathematical concept of information content, which describes the degree to which the direction of the observed motion can be summarized by a few modes. Using this statistic, we were able to determine the fraction of the 3,814 motions where one could anticipate the direction of the actual motion from only a few modes. We also investigated mode concentration in comparison to related statistics on combinations of normal modes and correlated it with quantities characterizing protein flexibility (e.g., maximum backbone displacement or number of mobile atoms). Finally, we evaluated the ability of mode concentration to automatically classify motions into a variety of simple categories (e.g., whether or not they are "fragment-like"), in comparison to motion statistics. This involved the application of decision trees and feature selection (particular machine-learning techniques) to training and testing sets derived from merging the "list" of motions with manually classified ones.  相似文献   
Elevated plasma free fatty acids (FFA) induce skeletal muscle insulin resistance and impair endothelial function. The aim of this study was to characterize the acute hemodynamic effects of FFA in the eye and skin. A triglyceride (Intralipid 20%, 1.5 ml/min)/heparin (bolus: 200 IU; constant infusion rate: 0.2 IU. kg(-1). min(-1)) emulsion or placebo was administered to 10 healthy subjects. Measurements of pulsatile choroidal blood flow with laser interferometry, retinal blood flow with the blue field entoptic technique, peak systolic and end diastolic blood velocity (PSV, EDV) in the ophthalmic artery with Doppler sonography, and subcutaneous blood flow with laser Doppler flowmetry were performed during an euglycemic somatostatin-insulin clamp over 405 min. Plasma FFA/triglyceride elevation induced a rise in pulsatile choroidal blood flow by 25 +/- 3% (P < 0.001) and in retinal blood flow by 60 +/- 23% (P = 0.0125). PSV increased by 27 +/- 8% (P = 0.001), whereas EDV was not affected. Skin blood flow increased by 149 +/- 38% (P = 0.001). Mean blood pressure and pulse rate remained unchanged, whereas pulse pressure amplitude increased by 17 +/- 5% (P = 0.019). Infusion of heparin alone had no hemodynamic effect in the eye or skin. In conclusion, FFA/triglyceride elevation increases subcutaneous and ocular blood flow with a more pronounced effect in the retina than in the choroid, which may play a role for early changes of ocular perfusion in the insulin resistance syndrome.  相似文献   
Intrinsic membrane proteins represent a large fraction of the proteins produced by living organisms and perform many crucial functions. Structural and functional characterization of membrane proteins generally requires that they be extracted from the native lipid bilayer and solubilized with a small synthetic amphiphile, for example, a detergent. We describe the development of a small molecule with a distinctive amphiphilic architecture, a "tripod amphiphile," that solubilizes both bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and bovine rhodopsin (Rho). The polar portion of this amphiphile contains an amide and an amine-oxide; small variations in this polar segment are found to have profound effects on protein solubilization properties. The optimal tripod amphiphile extracts both BR and Rho from the native membrane environments and maintains each protein in a monomeric native-like form for several weeks after delipidation. Tripod amphiphiles are designed to display greater conformational rigidity than conventional detergents, with the long-range goal of promoting membrane protein crystallization. The results reported here represent an important step toward that ultimate goal.  相似文献   
The purple membrane is a two-dimensional crystalline lattice formed by bacteriorhodopsin and lipid molecules in the cytoplasmic membrane of Halobacterium salinarum. High-resolution structural studies, in conjunction with detailed knowledge of the lipid composition, make the purple membrane one of the best models for elucidating the forces that are responsible for the assembly and stability of integral membrane protein complexes. In this review, recent mutational efforts to identify the structural features of bacteriorhodopsin that determine its assembly in the purple membrane are discussed in the context of structural, calorimetric and reconstitution studies. Quantitative evidence is presented that interactions between transmembrane helices of neighboring bacteriorhodopsin molecules contribute to purple membrane assembly. However, other specific interactions, particularly between bacteriorhodopsin and lipid molecules, may provide the major driving force for assembly. Elucidating the molecular basis of protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions in the purple membrane may provide insights into the formation of integral membrane protein complexes in other systems.  相似文献   
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) and other molecular chaperones perform diverse cellular roles (e.g., inducible thermotolerance) whose functional consequences are concentration dependent. We manipulated Hsp70 concentration quantitatively in intact larvae of Drosophila melanogaster to examine its effect on survival, developmental time and tissue damage after heat shock. Larvae of an extra-copy strain, which has 22 hsp70 copies, produced Hsp70 more rapidly and to higher concentrations than larvae of a control strain, which has the wild-type 10 copies of the gene. Increasing the magnitude and duration of pretreatment increased Hsp70 concentrations, improved tolerance of more severe stress, and reduced delays in development. Pretreatment, however, did not protect against acute tissue damage. For larvae provided a brief or mild intensity pretreatment, faster expression of Hsp70 in the extra-copy strain improved survival to adult and reduced tissue damage 21h after heat shock. Negative effects on survival ensued in extra-copy larvae pretreated most intensely, but their overexpression of Hsp70 did not increase tissue damage. Because rapid expression to yield a low Hsp70 concentration benefits larvae but overexpression harms them, natural selection may balance benefits and costs of high and low expression levels in natural populations.  相似文献   
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