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Abstract. The ratio of the concentration of honeydew total amino acids to total sugars in the honeydew of eight species of aphids, all feeding on tansy, Tanacetum vulgare (L.), was determined and correlated with honeydew production and ant‐attendance. The honeydew of the five ant‐attended aphid species [Metopeurum fuscoviride (Stroyan), Trama troglodytes (v. Hayd), Aphis vandergooti (Börner), Brachycardus cardui (L.), Aphis fabae (Scopoli)] was rich in total amino acids, ranging from 12.9 to 20.8 nmol µL?1 compared with the unattended aphid Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kalt.) with only 3 nmol µL?1. Asparagine, glutamine, glutamic acid and serine (all nonessential amino acids) were the predominant amino acids in the honeydew of all species. The total concentration of amino acids in the phloem sap of tansy was much higher (78.7 nmol µL?1) then in the honeydew samples, and the predominant amino acids were glutamate (34.3%) and threonine (17.7%). A somewhat unexpected result was the finding that those aphid species with the highest total amino acid concentration in the honeydew always had the highest concentration of sugars. The lowest amino acid–sugar combined value was 104–28.8 nmol µL?1 in the non ant‐attended species M. tanacetaria, and the highest value was an average of 270–89.9 nmol µL?1 for the three most intensely attended aphid species M. fuscoviride, A. vandergooti and T. troglodytes. There is no evidence that any single amino acid or group of amino acids in the honeydew acted as an attractant for ant‐attendance in these eight aphid species. The richness of the honeydew (rate of secretion × total concentration of sugars), along with the presence of the attractant sugar melezitose, comprised the critical factors determining the extent of ant‐attendance of the aphids feeding on T. vulgare. The high total amino acid concentration in sugar‐rich honeydews can be explained by the high flow‐through of nutrients in aphids that are particularly well attended by ants.  相似文献   
The serum amyloid A (SAA) superfamily comprises a number of differentially expressed genes with a high degree of homology in mammalian species. SAA4, an apolipoprotein constitutively expressed only in humans and mice, is associated almost entirely with lipoproteins of the high-density range. The presence of SAA4 mRNA and protein in macrophage-derived foam cells of coronary and carotid arteries suggested a specific role of human SAA4 during inflammation including atherosclerosis. Here we underline the importance of ribosome binding site (rbs)-like sequences (also known as Shine-Dalgarno sequences) in the SAA4 cDNA for expression of recombinant SAA4 protein in Escherichia coli. In contrast to rbs sequences coded by the expression vectors, rbs-like sequences in the cDNA of target protein(s) are known to interfere with protein translation via binding to the small 16S ribosome subunit, yielding low or even no expression. Here we show that PCR mutations of two rbs-like sequences in the human SAA4 cDNA promote expression of considerable amounts of recombinant SAA4 in E.coli.  相似文献   
The members of the family Syngnathidae stand out among the bony fish for their specific parental care: the male bear embryos in a particular brood chamber or pouch. The physiological role of the latter is discussed in the literature in detail. The pouch is rather multifunctional; its osmoregulatory function is the most well studied. The unusual parental care supposes that some specific features should exist in the reproduction biology and development in these fish. This idea is supported by detailed studies of the ovaries and oogenesis in pipefish. On the other hand, the structure of the testes and specific features of spermatogenesis in the representatives of the family Syngnathidae remain poorly studied. The interest in the reproduction and development of pipefish is also determined, to a certain degree, by the fact that in the countries of Southeast Asia seahorses are objects of fishing and are used as a source of pharmacological materials comprising active compounds. Attempts to cultivate these fish have also been undertaken in these countries [13].  相似文献   
A hemagglutinin was isolated and purified from the leaves of Chenopodium (Chenopodium amaranticolor) using ion-exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography on fetuin-agarose matrix. It agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes. The hemagglutinin had a native molecular mass of 58 kDa, as estimated by gel filtration and showed a single band of molecular mass of 33 kDa on SDS-PAGE. It showed hemagglutination activity over the pH range 3-12 and was found to be stable up to 70 degrees C. On isoelectrofocussing, the pI of this hemagglutinin was estimated to be 5.25. However, it was found to contain seven charge variants when isoelectrofocussing was performed in presence of 6M urea.  相似文献   
Two molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for 2 ns, at room temperature, on fully hydrated wild type and Cys3Ala/Cys26Ala double-mutant azurin, to investigate the role of the unique disulfide bridge on the structure and dynamics of the protein. The results show that the removal of the [bond]SS[bond] bond does not affect the structural features of the protein, whereas alterations of the dynamical properties are observed. The root mean square fluctuations of the atomic positions are, on average, considerably reduced in the azurin mutant with respect to the wild type form. The number of intramolecular hydrogen bonds between protein backbone atoms that are lost during the simulation, with respect to the starting configuration, are reduced in the absence of the disulfide bond. The analysis of the dynamical cross-correlation map, characterising the protein co-ordinated internal motions, demonstrates in the mutated azurin a significant decrease in anti-correlated displacements between protein residues, with the only exception occurring in the region of the mutation sites. The overall findings show a relevant reduction in flexibility as a consequence of the disulfide bridge depletion in azurin, suggesting that the [bond]SS[bond] bond is a structural element which significantly contributes to the dynamic properties of the native protein.  相似文献   
For quality assurance purposes, the results of the 1990's obtained by the National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme (NCCSP) launched in 1962 were reviewed. The positive cytodiagnosis, the histologically verified in situ and invasive cervical cancers and the mortality rates were reported.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Clip cages have been used widely by experimental ecologists to contain insects on plants.
2. Under controlled conditions, the effect of applying clip cages alone and clip cages and the chrysomelid beetle Gastrophysa viridula on systemic leaf expansion of Rumex obtusifolius was investigated. Treatments were applied to the fully expanded fourth leaf and expansion of leaf 8 was measured over a period of 22 days.
3. The application of clip cages reduced the rate at which leaf area increased and led to reductions in final leaf areas.
4. Clip cages have systemic effects on plant development and these effects are sustained even after the clip cage is removed. Investigators should take this into account in designing experiments.  相似文献   
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