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A porcine 2-kb partial dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP4, EC cDNA clone and a porcine 16-kb genomic fragment containing parts of the DPP4 gene were isolated, characterized, and used as probes to map the DPP4 gene to pig Chr (Chr) 15q21 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. A two-allele RFLP was revealed for the DPP4 gene. This polymorphism was utilized in a linkage test against the erythrocyte antigen G (EAG), previously assigned to Chr 15, and the microsatellite S0088, which is linked to EAG. The linkage analyses revealed significant evidence for linkage confirming the assignment of DPP4 to Chr 15.  相似文献   
Intravascular bubble formation and symptoms of decompression sickness have been reported during repetitive deep breath-hold diving. Therefore we examined the pattern of blood N2 kinetics during and after repetitive breath-hold diving. To study muscle N2 uptake and release, we measured brachial venous N2 partial pressure (PN2) in nine professional Korean breath-hold divers (ama) during a 3-h diving shift at approximately 4 m seawater depth and up to 4 h after diving. PN2 was determined with the manometric Van Slyke method. Diving time and depth were recorded using a backpack computer-assisted dive longer that allowed calculating the surface-to-depth time ratio to derive the effective depth. With the assumption that forearm muscle N2 kinetics follow the general Haldanian principles of compression and decompression, i.e., forearm muscle is a single compartment with a uniform tissue PN2 equal to venous PN2, PN2 data were fitted to monoexponential functions of time. In the early phase of the diving shift, PN2 rapidly increased to 640 Torr (half time = 6 min) and then slowly declined to baseline levels (half time = 36 min) after the work shift. Peak PN2 levels approximated the alveolar PN2 derived from the effective depth. We conclude that forearm muscle N2 kinetics are well described by a Haldanian single-compartment model. Decompression sickness is theoretically possible in the ama; it did not occur because the absolute PN2 remained low due to the shallow working depth of the ama we studied.  相似文献   
Through a right thoracotomy in seven sheep we chronically implanted sonomicrometry crystals and electromyographic electrodes in the costal and crural diaphragmatic regions. Awake sheep were studied during recovery for 4-6 wk, both during quiet breathing (QB) and during CO2 rebreathing. Tidal volume, respiratory frequency, and esophageal and gastric pressures were studied before and after surgery. Normalized resting length (LFRC) was significantly decreased for the costal segment on postoperative day 1 compared with postoperative day 28. Fractional costal shortening both during QB and at 10% end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) increased significantly from postoperative days 1 to 28, whereas crural shortening did not change during QB but progressively increased at 10% ETCO2. Maximal costal shortening during electrophrenic stimulation was constant at 40% LFRC during recovery, although maximal crural shortening increased from 23 to 32% LFRC. Minute ventilation, tidal volume, and transdiaphragmatic pressure at 10% ETCO2 increased progressively after thoracotomy until postoperative day 28. Our results suggest there is profound diaphragmatic inhibition after thoracotomy and crystal implantation in sheep that requires at least 3-4 wk for stable recovery.  相似文献   
We assessed the hypothesis that the epinephrine surge present during sepsis accelerates aerobic glycolysis and lactate production by increasing activity of skeletal muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Healthy volunteers received an intravenous bolus of endotoxin or placebo in a randomized order on two different days. Endotoxemia induced a response resembling sepsis. Endotoxemia increased plasma epinephrine to a maximum at t = 2 h of 0.7 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.1 nmol/l (P < 0.05, n = 6-7). Endotoxemia reduced plasma K(+) reaching a nadir at t = 5 h of 3.3 +/- 0.1 vs. 3.8 +/- 0.1 mmol/l (P < 0.01, n = 6-7), followed by an increase to placebo level at t = 7-8 h. During the declining plasma K(+), a relative accumulation of K(+) was seen reaching a maximum at t = 6 h of 8.7 +/- 3.8 mmol/leg (P < 0.05). Plasma lactate increased to a maximum at t = 1 h of 2.5 +/- 0.5 vs. 0.9 +/- 0.1 mmol/l (P < 0.05, n = 8) in association with increased release of lactate from the legs. These changes were not associated with hypoperfusion or hypoxia. During the first 24 h after endotoxin infusion, renal K(+) excretion was 27 +/- 7 mmol, i.e., 58% higher than after placebo. Combination of the well-known stimulatory effect of catecholamines on skeletal muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, with the present confirmation of an expected Na(+)-K(+)- ATPase-induced decline in plasma K(+), suggests that the increased lactate release was due to increased Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, supporting our hypothesis. Thus increased lactate levels in acutely and severely ill patients should not be managed only from the point of view that it reflects hypoxia.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken in order to examine whether any connection existed between the amounts of iron in forage and the sporadic occurrence of scrapie observed in certain parts of Iceland. As iron and manganese are considered antagonistic in plants, calculation of the Fe/Mn ratios was also included by using results from Mn determination earlier performed in the same samples. Forage samples (n = 170) from the summer harvests of 2001–2003, were collected from 47 farms for iron and manganese analysis. The farms were divided into four categories: 1. Scrapie-free farms in scrapie-free areas (n = 9); 2. Scrapie-free farms in scrapie-afflicted areas (n = 17); 3. Scrapie-prone farms (earlier scrapie-afflicted, restocked farms) (n = 12); 4. Scrapie-afflicted farms (n = 9). Farms in categories 1 and 2 are collectively referred to as scrapie-free farms. The mean iron concentration in forage samples from scrapie-afflicted farms was significantly higher than in forage samples from farms in the other scrapie categories (P = 0.001). The mean Fe/Mn ratio in forage from scrapie-afflicted farms was significantly higher than in forage from scrapie-free and scrapie-prone farms (P < 0.001). The results indicated relative dominance of iron over manganese in forage from scrapie-afflicted farms as compared to farms in the other categories. Thus thorough knowledge of iron, along with manganese, in soil and vegetation on sheep farms could be a pivot in studies on sporadic scrapie.  相似文献   
We extended our development of the means to measure point mutations at the DNA level to the problem of detecting TP53 gene variants in the area around tumors where mutant fractions are expected to be as low as one mutant per 1000 wild-type (WT) sequences. We met this criterion by using the following methods. The TP53 exon 8 sequence was amplified from genomic DNA samples under conditions of high polymerase fidelity using a fluorescein-labeled primer. This mixture of WT and mutant sequences was converted to heteroduplexes of mutant and WT sequences by melting and re-annealing. The mixture was resolved by capillary gel electrophoresis under appropriate constant denaturing conditions. Using laser-induced fluorescence, we found that fractions as low as 1/1000 could be detected without any prior enrichment for mutant sequences, and that the melting properties of the amplified DNA will leave "fingerprints" in the electropherogram that can be used to identify the specific mutation. This method is fast and robust and should be applicable to clinical analyses in which rapid scanning for any mutation in an exonic sequence is important.  相似文献   
Vomeronasal organs from female rats were dissociated and isolated microvillous receptor neurons were studied. The isolated receptor neurons kept the typical bipolar shape which they have in situ as observed by scanning electron microscopy. We applied the perforated patch-clamp technique using the cation-selective ionophore gramicidin on freshly isolated and well differentiated receptor neurons. The mean resting potential was -58+/-14 mV (n=39). The contribution of the sodium pump current to the resting potential was demonstrated by lowering the K+ concentration in the bath or by application of 100 microM dihydro-ouabain. The input resistance was in the range of 1-6 GOmega and depolarizing current pulses of a few pA were sufficient to trigger overshooting action potentials. In voltage clamp conditions a fast transient sodium inward current and a sustained outward potassium current were activated by membrane depolarization. These observations indicate that freshly isolated vomeronasal receptor neurons of rats can be recorded, using gramicidin, with little modification of the intracellular content. Their electrophysiological properties are very similar to those observed in situ. Four out of eight female vomeronasal receptor cells were depolarized by diluted rat male urine.   相似文献   
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