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A wide range of host cellular signal transduction pathways can be stimulated by influenza virus infection. Some of these signal transduction pathways induce the host cell’s innate immune response against influenza virus, while others are essential for efficient influenza virus replication. This review examines the cellular signaling induced by influenza virus infection in host cells, including host pattern recognition receptor (PRR)-related signaling, protein kinase C (PKC), Raf/MEK/ERK and phosphatidylinositol- 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling, and the corresponding effects on the host cell and/or virus, such as recognition of virus by the host cell, viral absorption and entry, viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) export, translation control of cellular and viral proteins, and virus-induced cell apoptosis. Research into influenza virus-induced cell signaling promotes a clearer understanding of influenza virus-host interactions and assists in the identification of novel antiviral targets and antiviral strategies.  相似文献   
Tunicamycin, a potent reversible translocase I inhibitor, is produced by several Actinomycetes species. The tunicamycin structure is highly unusual, and contains an 11-carbon dialdose sugar and an α, β-1″,11′-glycosidic linkage. Here we report the identification of a gene cluster essential for tunicamycin biosynthesis by high-throughput heterologous expression (HHE) strategy combined with a bioassay. Introduction of the genes into heterologous non-producing Streptomyces hosts results in production of tunicamycin by these strains, demonstrating the role of the genes for the biosynthesis of tunicamycins. Gene disruption experiments coupled with bioinformatic analysis revealed that the tunicamycin gene cluster is minimally composed of 12 genes (tunA– tunL). Amongst these is a putative radical SAM enzyme (Tun B) with a potentially unique role in biosynthetic carbon-carbon bond formation. Hence, a seven-step novel pathway is proposed for tunicamycin biosynthesis. Moreover, two gene clusters for the potential biosynthesis of tunicamycin-like antibiotics were also identified in Streptomyces clavuligerus ATCC 27064 and Actinosynnema mirums DSM 43827. These data provide clarification of the novel mechanisms for tunicamycin biosynthesis, and for the generation of new-designer tunicamycin analogs with selective/enhanced bioactivity via combinatorial biosynthesis strategies.  相似文献   
湛江棕囊藻对南美白对虾虾苗和多种鱼苗的毒性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了湛江棕囊藻赤潮海水和棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)对南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei Boone)虾苗、青石斑鱼(Epinephelus awoara)、鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus)和尖吻鲈鱼(Latescal carifer)鱼苗的毒性。结果表明,棕囊藻对虾苗有一定的毒性,24 h LC50为1.0×109 cells L-1,去除囊泡液后的棕囊藻碎片对虾苗毒性较弱,细胞密度为1.0×109 cells L-1时,24 h虾苗的死亡率仅为10%,赤潮海水对虾苗无毒性;棕囊藻囊泡液对青石斑鱼有一定毒性,24 h LC50为囊泡液占海水总体积的10.9%,赤潮海水对青石斑鱼苗无毒性;棕囊藻对尖吻鲈鱼和鲻鱼鱼苗无毒性。  相似文献   

在青藏高原逐渐形成的过程中, 本地区的现代生物多样性塑造受到其巨大的影响, 与此同时, 许多起源于高原的物种甚至现代广布类群祖先的洲际扩散也由其驱动。在中生代时期, 青藏高原今天所处的地区覆盖着广阔的海洋, 喜马拉雅山脉的三叠纪海相沉积中产有鱼龙和旋齿鲨等脊椎动物化石。至侏罗—白垩纪, 西藏东南部的部分地区逐渐脱离海洋环境, 在昌都盆地形成了与当时四川盆地相似的淡水湖泊, 恐龙等爬行动物则在湖边活动。新生代早期印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞使青藏高原逐渐隆起, 一些热带、亚热带鱼类的发现, 表明当时青藏地区内部与东南亚的热带地区之间可能有水系连通。随着这一地区地势隆起幅度显著升高, 环境变干、变凉, 致使喜暖鱼类终于在此绝迹, 并转换为青藏高原特有的裂腹鱼类。青藏高原的快速上升导致季风气候加强, 中亚内陆地区的气候持续走向干旱, 中国西部的中新世动物群主要由耐旱的草原型哺乳动物组成, 还有耐旱的鸟类和爬行动物共生。青藏高原在上新世最终达到现代的高度, 其气候环境已具有冰冻圈的特点, 成为冰期动物群最初的演化中心。2.6 Ma全球气温第一次下降到低于今天的水平, 已经适应了冰冻环境的动物迅速扩散到青藏高原周边以及更遥远的地区, 成为现代动物多样性的基础。青藏高原在地质历史时期经历了复杂而大规模的环境变化, 这一系列的地质运动和地貌演化引发并形成了青藏高原及周边地区气候格局, 促进了本地区生物多样性的发展。  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-13, a key mediator of Th2-mediated immunity, contributes to the pathogenesis of asthma and other pulmonary diseases via its ability to generate fibrosis, mucus metaplasia, eosinophilic inflammation, and airway hyperresponsiveness. In these studies, we compared surfactant accumulation in wild-type mice and mice in which IL-13 was overexpressed in the lung. When compared with littermate controls, transgenic animals showed alveolar type II cell hypertrophy under light and electron microscopy. Over time, their alveoli also filled with surfactant in a pulmonary alveolar proteinosis pattern. At the same time, prominent interstitial fibrosis occurs. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from these mice had a three- to sixfold increase in surfactant phospholipids. Surfactant proteins (SP)-A, -B, and -C showed two- to threefold increases, whereas SP-D increased 70-fold. These results indicate that IL-13 is a potent stimulator of surfactant phospholipid and surfactant accumulation in the lung. IL-13 may therefore play a central role in the broad range of chronic pulmonary conditions in which fibrosis, type II cell hypertrophy, and surfactant accumulation occur.  相似文献   
Powdery mildew disease caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) is an economically important disease in wheat worldwide. The identification of germplasms resistant to the disease can not only facilitate the breeding of resistant cultivars, but can also broaden the diversity of resistance genes. The Mexican M53 is a synthetic hexaploid wheat line developed at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) from the cross between Triticum durum and Aegilops tauschii249. Infection of M53 with 15 different pathogen races revealed that the resistance in M53 was race-dependent and effective against the majority of the tested Bgt races, including the race 15 predominant in the Beijing wheat growing area. Inoculation of the parents of M53 with the race 15 demonstrated that M53 and Ae. tauschii249 were resistant, whereas T. durum was susceptible. The inoculation of three segregating F2 populations developed from the crosses between M53 and three susceptible Chinese wheat cultivars with the race 15 showed that the resistant gene in M53 segregated in a single dominant manner. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to map the gene in a segregating F2 population consisting of 213 lines developed from the cross Wan7107 × M53. Two closely linked AFLP markers, Apm109 and Apm161, were identified to flank the gene with genetic distances of 1.0 cM and 3.0 cM, respectively. The recognized gene was assigned to the long arm of chromosome 5D as determined by three linked SSR markers, Xwmc289b, Xgwm583, and Xgwm292, and by the physical mapping of Apm109 using Chinese Spring nullisomic–tetrasomic and ditelosomic stocks. The resistance gene identified in M53, temporarily designated as Pm-M53, could be used in local wheat-breeding programs to improve powdery mildew resistance.  相似文献   
The PROMOTION OF CELL SURVIVAL 1 (PCS1) gene, encoding an aspartic protease, has an important role in determining the fate of cells in embryonic development and reproduction processes in Arabidopsis. To explore the potential function of the PCS1 gene in generating reproductive sterility, we placed the PCS1 gene under the control of an 1,869-bp nucleotide sequence from the 3′ end of the second intron (AG-I) of Arabidopsis AGAMOUS and CaMV 35S (–60) minimal promoter [AG-I-35S (60)::PCS1], and introduced it into tobacco. RT–PCR results demonstrated that the PCS1 gene driven by AG-I-35S (60) chimeric promoter was expressed only in anthers and carpels in the reproductive tissues of transgenic tobacco. Compared to wild-type plants, all AG-I-35S (60) and AG-I-35S (60)::PCS1 transgenic lines showed a normal phenotype throughout the vegetative growth phase. However, during the reproductive stage, most AG-I-35S (60)::PCS1 transgenic plant anthers displayed delayed dehiscence, failed dehiscence, petalody and hypoplasia, and the pollen grains had different shapes and sizes with a distorted, shrunken, or collapsed morphology. Moreover, three transgenic lines, PCS1-1, PCS1-3 and PCS1-4, showed higher sterility than wild-type and AG-I-35S (60) transgenic plants, respectively. These results showed that the construct of AG-I-35S (60)::PCS1 was partially effective at preventing seed set and provided a novel sterility strategy.  相似文献   
Bemisia tabaci has caused significant crop losses in China during the last decade. Recent research has shown that two potentially invasive variants, biotypes B and Q, have been found in several regions of China. Our objective was to determine the biotype status and the distribution of B. tabaci in Shandong province, an important agricultural region of China. Based on mitochondrial DNA markers, both biotypes B and Q were detected, with B being the predominant biotype. The results indicate that the more recently introduced biotype Q has not only been located in China but also has established and spread in some regions.  相似文献   
Choosing appropriate approaches is a key to successfully using biological control measures to accelerate the recovery of eutrophic waterbodies. In this study, we used three biomanipulation approaches—including introducing filter-feeding bivalves, stocking planktivorous fish, replanting submerged macrophytes—as well as an approach that combined all three of these methods in order to investigate their effects on water quality and plankton communities within simulation experiment systems. The experimental results showed that only stocking filter-feeding bivalves or fish could not significantly control the total algal biomass and water nutrient concentrations compared to those of the controls. The cladoceran biomasses were reduced under the treatments of stocking filter-feeding bivalves or fish. However, replanting macrophytes and a combined biological restoration approach could significantly reduce the algal biomass and the nutrient content, and both of these methods increased cladoceran biomass. The results of factor analysis of ten environmental parameters suggested that a combined biological restoration treatment was the most effective at controlling the algal biomass and reducing the nutrient content. In conclusion, combination of biological restoration measures was the best treatment out of the three treatments that were tested, and we suggest that more whole-lake scale experiments are needed. Additionally, designing a combined approach should not be a simple superposition of individual measures, but the measures should be complementary to each other.  相似文献   
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