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Black spot is a common disease syndrome of freshwater fishes. This study provides information on the rank of density of the black spot agent and opercular bone alterations associated with at least one digenean, Uvulifer sp., infecting native and non-native catostomids and cyprinids of the Upper Colorado River Basin. We evaluated the density rank of pigmented metacercariae and associated alterations in the operculum of the bluehead sucker Catostomus discobolus, flannelmouth sucker C. latipinnis, white sucker C. commersoni, catostomid hybrids, roundtail chub Gila robusta, and creek chub Semotilus atromaculatus, sampled from Muddy Creek, Wyoming, USA in 2003 or 2004. All fish species contained individuals that exhibited gross signs of the black spot agent. Bluehead and flannelmouth suckers had 100% prevalence of infection. Although the other suckers and chubs contained encysted metacercariae in at least one individual, the presence of pigmented metacercariae was not apparent (i.e. based on gross observations) in many individuals. Catostomids had higher densities of metacercariae than cyprinids, as shown by frequency distributions of density ranks. Opercular holes (i.e. holes that completely penetrated the opercle and were in direct association with the pigment associated metacercariae) and pockets (depressions on the external surface of the opercle associated with metacercariae) were abundant among catostomids but rare among cyprinids.  相似文献   


Relaxin is the endogenous ligand of the G-protein coupled receptor RXFP1, previously known as LGR7. In humans relaxin can also activate, but with lower affinity, the closely related receptor for the insulin-like peptide from Leydig cells, RXFP2, previously known as LGR8. The lack of relaxin impairs male fertility but the precise distribution and the function of relaxin receptors in the male reproductive tract is not known. We investigated the distribution of Rxfp1 and Rxfp2 in the reproductive tract of the male rat and the function of relaxin in the vas deferens, a tissue with high expression of both receptors.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic gene rbcL has been lost or dramatically altered in some lineages of nonphotosynthetic parasitic plants, but the dynamics of these events following loss of photosynthesis and whether rbcL has sustained functionally significant changes in photosynthetic parasitic plants are unknown. To assess the changes to rbcL associated with the loss of functional constraints for photosynthesis, nucleotide sequences from nonparasitic and parasitic plants of Scrophulariales were used for phylogeny reconstruction and character analysis. Plants in this group display a broad range of parasitic abilities, from photosynthetic ("hemiparasites") to nonphotosynthetic ("holoparasites"). With the exception of Conopholis (Orobanchaceae), the rbcL locus is present in all parasitic plants of Scrophulariales examined. Several holoparasitic genera included in this study, including Boschniakia, Epifagus, Orobanche, and Hyobanche, have rbcL pseudogenes. However, the holoparasites Alectra orobanchoides, Harveya capensis, Harveya purpurea, Lathraea clandestina, Orobanche corymbosa, O. fasciculata, and Striga gesnerioides have intact open reading frames (ORFs) for the rbcL gene. Phylogenetic hypotheses based on rbcL are largely in agreement with those based on sequences of the nonphotosynthetic genes rps2 and matK and show a single origin of parasitism, and loss of photosynthesis and pseudogene formation have been independently derived several times in Scrophulariales. The mutations in rbcL in nonparasitic and hemiparasitic plants would result in largely conservative amino acid substitutions, supporting the hypothesis that functional proteins can experience only a limited range of changes, even in minimally photosynthetic plants. In contrast, ORFs in some holoparasites had many previously unobserved missense substitutions at functionally important amino acid residues, suggesting that rbcL genes in these plants have evolved under relaxed or altered functional constraints.   相似文献   
Apart from relatively well‐studied aboveground effects, invasive plant species will also impact the soil food web. So far, most research has been focusing on primary decomposers, while studies on effects at higher trophic levels are relatively scarce. Giant goldenrod Solidago gigantea, native to North America, is a widespread and common invasive species in most European countries. We investigated its impact on plant communities and on multiple trophic levels of the soil food web in two contrasting habitats: riparian zones and semi‐natural grasslands. In 30 pairs of invaded and uninvaded plots, floristic composition, pH, fungal biomass and the densities of 11 nematode taxa were determined by using a quantitative PCR‐based method. In the two habitats, the invader outcompeted both rare and dominant plant species. Belowground, S. gigantea invasion reduced pH, increased overall fungal biomass as well as the density of a single lineage of fungivorous nematodes, the family Aphelenchoididae. The densities of two other, phylogenetically distinct lineages of fungivorous nematodes, Aphelenchidae and Diphtherophoridae, were unaffected by the local increase in fungal biomass. Apparently this plant species induces a local asymmetric boost of the fungal community, and only Aphelenchoididae were able to benefit from this invader‐induced change. The alternative explanation – the results are explained by a subtle, S. gigantea‐induced 0.1–0.2 units decrease of pH – seems unlikely, as pH optima for nematode taxa are relatively broad. Thus, apart from readily observable aboveground effects, the invasive plant species S. gigantea affects fungal biomass as well as a specific part of the fungivorous nematode community in a soil type‐independent manner.  相似文献   
Paratuberculosis was diagnosed in an endangered Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) in November 1996. Between 10 April 1997 and 28 September 2000, the Key deer population was monitored for infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis by necropsy of available carcasses (n = 170), fecal cultures, and serology. One additional clinically affected Key deer was discovered in July 1998, and M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was cultured from the feces of one live, asymptomatic deer. The results of this study provided sufficient evidence to consider the Key deer herd infected with M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis at very low prevalence.  相似文献   
Bowfin Amia calva are a common species throughout the Mississippi River basin. Although they are generally regarded as a 'rough' fish by management agencies and anglers, commercial harvest for their roe has increased in the upper Mississippi River (UMR) basin. Unfortunately, bowfin population dynamics have not received extensive study, resulting in a lack of information that can be used to guide management efforts, particularly in the UMR. The purpose of this study was to investigate the age structure, growth, and reproductive ecology (e.g. age at maturity, fecundity) of bowfin in Pools 11 and 13 of the UMR during the spring of 2007. 118 bowfin from Pool 11 and 138 bowfin from Pool 13 were sampled using modified fyke nets and electrofishing. Size structure, age structure, and growth were similar and sex ratios were near 1:1 in both pools. Female bowfin matured at age 3 and had gonadosomatic index (GSI) values around 9; male bowfin matured at age 2 and had GSI values near 1. Total annual mortality of age-4 and older fish was around 35% for both populations. In both pools, rates of total annual mortality of males were approximately 10% higher than those of females. Growth overfishing occurred in a simulated population with a 500-mm minimum length limit. Recruitment overfishing occurred with 500-mm, 559-mm, and 584-mm limits at moderate to high levels of exploitation; a 635-mm minimum prevented recruitment overfishing at all levels of exploitation.  相似文献   
Attempts were made to reproduce avian vacuolar myelinopathy (AVM) in a number of test animals in order to determine the source of the causative agent for birds and to find a suitable animal model for future studies. Submerged vegetation, plankton, invertebrates, forage fish, and sediments were collected from three lakes with ongoing outbreaks of AVM and fed to American coots (Fulica americana), mallard ducks and ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos), quail (Coturnix japonica), and laboratory mice either via gavage or ad libitum. Tissues from AVM-affected coots with brain lesions were fed to ducklings, kestrels (Falco sparverius), and American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos). Two mallards that ingested one sample of Hydrilla verticillata along with any biotic or abiotic material associated with its external surface developed brain lesions consistent with AVM, although neither of the ducks had clinical signs of disease. Ingestion of numerous other samples of Hydrilla from the AVM affected lakes and a lake with no prior history of AVM, other materials (sediments, algae, fish, invertebrates, and water from affected lakes), or tissues from AVM-affected birds did not produce either clinical signs or brain lesions in any of the other test animals in our studies. These results suggest that waterbirds are most likely exposed to the causative agent of AVM while feeding on aquatic vegetation, but we do not believe the vegetation itself is the agent. We hypothesize that the causative agent of AVM might either be accumulated by aquatic vegetation, such as Hydrilla, or associated with biotic or abiotic material on its external surfaces. In support of that hypothesis, two coots that ingested Hydrilla sampled from a lake with an ongoing AVM outbreak in wild birds developed neurologic signs within 9 days (ataxia, limb weakness, and incoordination), and one of two coots that ingested Hydrilla collected from the same site 13 days later became sick and died within 38 days. None of these three sick coots had definitive brain lesions consistent with AVM by light microscopy, but they had no gross or histologic lesions in other tissues. It is unclear if these birds died of AVM. Perhaps they did not ingest a dose sufficient to produce brain lesions or the lesions were ultrastructural. Alternatively, it is possible that a separate neurotoxic agent is responsible for the morbidity and mortality observed in these coots.  相似文献   
Maud E. Quist 《Plant and Soil》1995,176(2):297-305
Herbs and grasses may episodically be exposed to elevated concentrations of potentially toxic elements as H+ and Al3+ due to considerable temporal variability in the chemical composition of soil solutions in the uppermost layer of the soil profile. Greenhouse experiments were performed to test the effect of episodes of different length (1 and 2 weeks) and concentrations of H+ and Al3+ (pH 3.8, 4.0, 4.2 and 4.5; 0, 20 and 70 M Al) on root and shoot growth, designed to elucidiate the reversibility of growth inhibition. Three forest floor species were studied-Galium odoratum and Lamium galeobdolon, having similar pH distribution ranges in the field and Poa nemoralis which also occurs at slightly lower pH. The plants were grown for 5 weeks (episode and recovering time) in a synthetic soil solution in a flowing solution system without recirculation. The species reacted in three different ways. Galium odoratum was the most sensitive species and seemed to be irreversibly damaged (ceased growth) by 2 week episodes of pH4.0 and Al20 M at pH4.2. Lamium galeobdolon was about equally sensitive during the episodes but it had a much greater ability to recover. Poa nemoralis was rather insensitive to the episode treatments tested. It is concluded that episodes of elevated H+ and Al3+ concentrations may be decisive for plant performance. It is therefore important to consider the extreme environmental conditions which plants may be exposed to in the field, in addition to long-term averages of e.g. soil solution concentration of potentially toxic elements, when studying species distribution and performance in relation to soil chemical properties.  相似文献   
Understanding the trophic ecology of closely‐related species is important for providing insight on inter‐specific competition and resource partitioning. Although catostomids often dominate fish assemblages in lotic systems, little research has been conducted on their ecology. This study was developed to provide information on the trophic ecology of catostomids in several Iowa rivers. Food habits, diet overlap, and gill raker morphology were examined for highfin carpsucker Carpiodes velifer, quillback C. cyprinus, river carpsucker C. carpio, golden redhorse Moxostoma erythrurum, shorthead redhorse M. macrolepidotum, silver redhorse M. anisurum, and northern hogsucker Hypentelium nigricans sampled from four Iowa rivers (2009). Diet overlap among all species was calculated with Morista’s index (C). Food habit niche width was quantified with Levin’s index (B) and similarity in gill raker morphology was compared with analysis of covariance. Values from Morista’s index suggested significant overlap in the diets of highfin carpsucker and river carpsucker (C = 0.81), quillback and river carpsucker (C = 0.66), and shorthead redhorse and silver redhorse (C = 0.67). Levin’s index indicated that golden redhorse (B = 0.32), quillback (B = 0.53), and river carpsucker (B = 0.41) had the most generalized feeding strategies as their food niche widths were substantially wider than the other species. Gill raker length and spacing were positively correlated with the standard length of the fish for all species (gill raker length: r2 = 0.67–0.88, P 0.01; gill raker spacing: r2 = 0.63–0.73, P 0.01). Slopes of regression of gill raker length and spacing to standard lengths were significantly (P 0.05) different among species, indicating that rates of change in gill raker morphology with body length varied among species. Differences in gill raker morphology likely allow catostomids to partition resources and reduce competitive interactions.  相似文献   
GUOLIHE  LIHUAZHU 《Cell research》1995,5(1):93-100
A cDNA molecule encoding a major part of the human Norepinephrine transporter(hNET) was synthesized by means of Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) technique and used as a probe for selecting the human genomic NET gene.A positive clone harbouring the whole gene was obtained from a human lymphocyte genomic library through utilizing the “genomic walking” technique.The clone,designated as phNET,harbours a DNA fragment of about 59 kd in length inserted into BamH I site in cosmid pWE15.The genomic clone contains 14 exons encoding all amino acid residues in the protein.A single exon encodes a distinct transmembrane domain,except for transmembrane domain 10 and 11,which are encoded by part of two exons respectively,and exon 12,which encodes part of domain 11 and all of domain 12.These results imply that there is a close relationship between exon splicing of a gene and structureal domains of the protein,as is the case for the human γ-aminobutyric acid transporter(hGAT) and a number of other membrane proteins.  相似文献   
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