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The activities of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl(-) channel and the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) are acutely coordinated in the sweat duct. However, the mechanisms responsible for cross-talk between these ion channels are unknown. Previous studies indicated that luminal pH of sweat ducts varies over 3 pH units and that the cytoplasmic pH affects both CFTR and ENaC. Therefore, using basolaterally alpha-toxin-permeabilized apical membrane preparations of sweat ducts as an experimental system, we tested the hypothesis that the cytosolic pH may mediate the cross-talk between CFTR and ENaC. We showed that while luminal pH had no effect, cytosolic pH acutely affected ENaC activity. That is, acidic pH inhibited, while basic pH activated, ENaC. pH regulation of ENaC appears to be independent of CFTR or endogenous kinase activities because basic pH independently stimulated ENaC (1) in normal ducts even when CFTR was deactivated, (2) in CF ducts that lack CFTR in the plasma membranes and (3) after blocking endogenous kinase activity with staurosporine. Considering the evidence of Na(+)/H(+) exchange (NHE) activity as shown by the expression of mRNA and function of NHE in the basolateral membrane of the sweat duct, we postulate that changes in cytosolic Na(+) ([Na(+)]( i )) may alter cytosolic pH (pH( i )) as salt loads into the cell during electrolyte absorption. These changes may play a role in coordinating the activities of ENaC and CFTR during transepithelial salt transport.  相似文献   
Silver Carp Hypophthalmicthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844) are an invasive species in the Mississippi River Basin and their current role in this novel ecosystem is not fully understood. Juvenile Silver Carp can and do occur in great numbers after a successful spawn. These massive schools of small Silver Carp seem to be an obvious prey source for the common predators of the Mississippi River system. The level to which native piscivores are consuming this novel prey item is unclear. Therefore, the goal of this research was to assess the diets of native piscivores collected in Pool 26 and the Open River reach of the Mississippi River. Using diet contents and catch rates of small fishes, selection or avoidance could be determined for predator prey interactions. Then a controlled laboratory experiment was conducted to determine if common predators [White Bass Morone chrysops and Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede, 1802)] would select for or against this novel prey in the presence of two native prey fish [Gizzard Shad Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur, 1818) and Emerald Shiner Notropis atherinoides]. Understanding how predator-prey interactions occur in a controlled laboratory experiment may provide insight to trends observed in the field. The majority of native piscivores appeared to be avoiding Silver Carp in both reaches and selecting native prey fishes. The order in which prey fish were consumed by both predators showed significant avoidance of Silver Carp. It appears that the trends observed in the field were supported by our controlled laboratory experiment. The effectiveness of different native piscivores to consume Silver Carp may have impacts on future management decisions.  相似文献   
The human leptin (obese) receptor gene contains a number of single nucleotide polymorphisms, including GLN223ARG, which changes an amino acid on the extracellular region common to all isoforms of the receptor. Here, we demonstrate that, in postmenopausal Caucasian women, genotypes at that locus are associated with differences in body mass index (BMI), fat mass and serum leptin levels. Measurement of serum leptin-binding activity indicates that this may reflect changed receptor function associated with genotype. These observations indicate that functional variations in the leptin receptor gene are important factors in the regulation of adiposity and BMI.  相似文献   
Studies have demonstrated the importance of the synergistic relationship between large rivers and adjacent floodplain connectivity. The majority of large rivers and their associated floodplain have been isolated through a series of expansive levee systems. Thus, evaluations of the relative importance of floodplain connectivity are limited due to the aforementioned anthropogenic perturbations. However, persistent elevated river levels during spring 2011 at the confluence of the Mississippi River and Ohio River prompted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to create large gaps in the levee system producing an expansive floodplain (i.e. the New Madrid Floodway). Specifically, the New Madrid Floodway (approximately 475 km2) in southeast Missouri was created to divert part of the Mississippi River flow during catastrophic floods and thus alleviate flood risk on nearby population centers. Given the historic flooding of 2011, the floodway was opened and provided an unprecedented opportunity to evaluate the influence of floodplain inundation on fish species diversity, relative abundance, and growth. We sampled the floodplain and the adjacent river at three stratified random locations with replication biweekly from the commencement of inundation (late May) through early October. Overall, we found that species diversity, relative abundance, and growth were higher in the floodplain than the main river. Our data support previous examinations, including those outside North America, that suggest floodplain inundation may be important for riverine fishes. Given these apparent advantages of floodplain inundation, restoration efforts should balance benefits of floodplain inundation while safeguarding priority needs of humans.  相似文献   
囊性纤维化:太多NaCl,太少HCO3-   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Quinton PM 《生理学报》2007,59(4):397-415
胰腺囊性纤维化(cystic fibrosis,CF)是一种单基因缺陷导致的致死性遗传疾病,在高加索人种中广泛分布。这种疾病在其它人种的发生率非常低,但据报道大部分人种中发现有该基因的突变。本文对CF发生的分子和病理生理学基本概念进行阐述。首先,阐述了CF的病理学和遗传特征,其基因产物囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节体(cystic fibrosis transmembranecon-ductance regulator,CFTR)的分子结构、特征、功能和调控。其次,由于突变的主要表现是电解质转运失调,其病理学效应和机制在两个典型受累器官中得到了很好的阐明,一个是汗腺,其病理发生是由于分泌过多NaCl,另一个是胰腺,其病理发生是由于分泌太少HCO3^-。然而,CF的发病率和死亡率主要来自难治性呼吸道感染,其发生机制存在争议,我们推断可能的机制为阴离子转运失调导致CF肺部慢性感染。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyse the infection dynamics ofAngiostrongylus cantonensis in its possible intermediate hosts over two years in an urban area in the state of Rio de Janeiro where the presence ofA. cantonensis had been previously recorded in molluscs. Four of the seven mollusc species found in the study were exotic.Bradybaena similaris was the most abundant, followed byAchatina fulica, Streptaxis sp., Subulina octona, Bulimulus tenuissimus, Sarasinula linguaeformis and Leptinaria unilamellata. Only A. fulica and B. similaris were parasitised by A. cantonensis and both presented co-infection with other helminths. The prevalence of A. cantonensisin A. fulica was more than 50% throughout the study. There was an inverse correlation between the population size ofA. fulica and the prevalence of A. cantonensis and abundance of the latter was negatively related to rainfall. The overall prevalence of A. cantonensis in B. similariswas 24.6%. A. fulica was the most important intermediary host of A. cantonensis in the studied area andB. similaris was secondary in importance for A. cantonensis transmission dynamics.  相似文献   
As a fitness trait, survival is assumed to exhibit low heritability due to strong selection eroding genetic variation and/or spatio-temporal variation in mortality agents reducing genetic and increasing residual variation. The latter phenomenon in particular may contribute to low heritability in multigeneration data, even if certain cohorts exhibit significant genetic variation. Analysis of survival data from 10 year classes of rainbow trout reared at three test stations showed that treating survival as a single trait across all generations resulted in low heritability (h(2) = 0.08-0.17). However, when heritabilities were estimated from homogeneous generation and test station-specific cohorts, a wide range of heritability values was revealed (h(2) = 0.04-0.71). Of 64 genetic correlations between different cohorts, 20 were positive, but 16 were significantly negative, confirming that genetic architecture of survival is not stable across generations and environments. These results reveal the existence of hidden genetic variation for survival and demonstrate that treating survival as one trait over several generations may not reveal its true genetic architecture. Negative genetic correlations between cohorts indicate that overall survival has limited potential to predict general resistance, and care should be taken when using it as selection criterion.  相似文献   
One of the challenges of manipulating genes in primary cells is that the cells have a finite proliferation capacity. This, combined with the lower gene targeting efficiency of somatic cells, makes identification of targeted clones very difficult. The objective of this study was to establish a system that allows porcine foetal fibroblasts to reach their maximal proliferation capacity in vitro. The influence of fibroblast origin, stage of foetal development, cell seeding densities and concentration of foetal bovine serum (FBS) on the population doublings, the percentage of beta-galactosidase-activity-positive cells and the genome stability of foetal fibroblasts during in vitro culture was investigated. It was found that porcine foetal fibroblasts could be cultured for over 80 population doublings in the appropriate culture system. Fibroblasts from earlier stages of foetal development were better candidate cells than those from the later stages. Cells from the heart were more actively proliferative and more resistant to replicative senescence than those from the liver. Compared to 10% FBS content, 15% FBS provided better homeostatic support, not only to proliferative performance, but also in maintaining a normal karyotype. In addition, the proliferative life span of porcine foetal fibroblasts is also dependent on seeding density of the culture.  相似文献   
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