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Inhibition of macrophage spreading by antagonists of cellular calcium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Traditionally, immunology has considered a meaningful antibody response to be marked by large amounts of high-affinity antibodies reactive with the specific inciting antigen; the detection of small amounts of low-affinity antibodies binding to seemingly unrelated antigens has been considered to be beneath the threshold of immunological meaning. A systems-biology approach to immunology, however, suggests that large-scale patterns in the antibody repertoire might also reflect the functional state of the immune system. To investigate such global patterns of antibodies, we have used an antigen-microarray device combined with informatic analysis. Here we asked whether antibody-repertoire patterns might reflect the state of an implanted tumor. We studied the serum antibodies of inbred C57BL/6 mice before and after implantation of syngeneic 3LL tumor cells of either metastatic or non-metastatic clones. We analyzed patterns of IgG and IgM autoantibodies binding to over 300 self-antigens arrayed on slides using support vector machines and genetic algorithm techniques. We now report that antibody patterns, but not single antibodies, were informative: 1) mice, even before tumor implantation, manifest both individual and common patterns of low-titer natural autoantibodies; 2) the patterns of these autoantibodies respond to the growth of the tumor cells, and can distinguish between metastatic and non-metastatic tumor clones; and 3) curative tumor resection induces dynamic changes in these low-titer autoantibody patterns. The informative patterns included autoantibodies binding to self-molecules not known to be tumor-associated antigens (including insulin, DNA, myosin, fibrinogen) as well as to known tumor-associated antigens (including p53, cytokeratin, carbonic anhydrases, tyrosinase). Thus, low-titer autoantibodies that are not the direct products of tumor-specific immunization can still generate an immune biomarker of the body-tumor interaction. System-wide profiling of autoantibody repertoires can be informative.  相似文献   
A phosphatase, hydrolyzing pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P), a physiologically active component of the vitamin B6 complex and an essential co-enzyme in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, has been localized cytochemically in the perikarya of neurons in the peripheral, autonomic and central nervous systems of the rat. Neurons in dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and ventral horn of spinal cord were studied by light and electron microscopy, while Purkinje cells, neurons in the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, thalamus, and hypothalamus were studied by light microscopy only. Optimal conditions for demonstrating this activity in aldehyde-fixed tissue were determined with dorsal root ganglia. At the optimal pH of 5.0, neurons in these ganglia and in all other neurons studied show pyridoxal-5-phosphatase (P5Pase) activity in GERL. Small neurons in dorsal root ganglia also display enzyme activity in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER); activities in GERL and ER are also appreciably high at neutral pH. Small and large neurons in these ganglia, and neurons of sympathetic ganglia, show variable P5Pase activity in the Golgi apparatus. These localizations differ from the usual sites of both acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activities. The P5Pase activity, demonstrated cytochemically, is a new acid hydrolase activity in GERL.  相似文献   


To estimate the prevalence of one month psychotropic drug use in São Paulo, Brazil, and to assess the gap treatment between the presence of mental disorders and psychotropic drug users.


A probabilistic sample of non-institutionalized individuals from the general population of São Paulo (n = 2336; turnout: 84.5%) who were 15 years or older were interviewed by a trained research staff, applying the Composite International Diagnostic Interview 2.1 (CIDI WHO) (depression, anxiety-phobia, OCD\PTSD, alcoholism sections), and an inventory investigating psychotropic drug use during the 12-month and one-month periods immediately preceding the interview. Logistic models were fitted to investigate associations between psychotropic drug use as well as socio-demographic and clinical variables.


The one month prevalence of psychotropic drug use in São Paulo was 5.89%, the most commonly used drugs were antidepressants (3.15%) and tranquilizers (2.67%). A higher consumption of psychotropic drugs (overall, antidepressants and tranquilizers) was observed among women (OR:2.42), older individuals (OR:1.04), individuals with higher levels of formal education (1.06), and individuals with a family (OR:2.29) or personal history of mental illness (OR:3.27). The main psychotropic drug prescribers were psychiatrists (41%), followed by general practitioners (30%); 60% of psychotropic drugs were obtained through a government-run dispensing program. Most individuals who obtained a positive diagnosis on the CIDI 2.1 during the previous month were not using psychotropic medication (85%). Among individuals with a diagnosis of moderate to severe depression, 67.5% were not on any pharmacological treatment.


There is a change in the type of psychotropic more often used in São Paulo, from benzodiazepines to antidepressants, this event is observed in different cultures. The prevalence of use is similar to other developing countries. Most of the patients presenting a psychiatric illness in the month prior to testing were not receiving any sort of psychiatric medication. This may be explained by a failure to identify cases in primary care, which could be improved (and access to treatment could be facilitated) if professionals received more specialized training in managing cases with mental health problems.  相似文献   
Lipophilic and stable derivatives of ferulic acid are required to improve its efficacy in fatty foods and to optimize its use in cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations. We report an improved synthesis of ferulic acid monoesters (ethyl ferulate and lauryl ferulate) using immobilized lipase from Candida antarctica B (CALB) in diisopropyl ether (DIPE). Maximum yields were 89% and 85% in 200 h for ethyl and lauryl ferulate, respectively. Ethyl ferulate was further acylated with vinyl esters to form ferulate diesters. 4-Acetoxy-ethyl ferulate was obtained with the immobilized lipase from Alcaligenes sp. (QLG) with 59% yield in 72 h, whereas 4-dodecanoyloxy-ethyl ferulate (a new compound) was synthesized with 52% yield in 72 h using CALB. DIPE was the best solvent for the transesterifications. Finally, the anti-inflammatory activity of the synthesized derivatives was evaluated in vitro; the compounds bearing a dodecyl chain showed improved anti-inflammatory activity compared with short-chain esters.  相似文献   
Question: Does management intensity affect the association between non‐native and native species and between non‐native species and soil nutrients in wetlands? Location: MacArthur Agro‐Ecology Research Center, Florida, USA. Methods: We evaluated native and non‐native plant richness and relative frequency in 15 1‐m2 plots in 40 wetlands across two types of pastures, highly managed (fertilized, ditched, planted, heavily grazed by cattle) and semi‐natural (unfertilized, lightly seasonally grazed). Plant biomass was collected in five 0.25‐m2 plots per wetland and sorted to species. Soil cores were collected to analyse soil total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). An information‐theoretic approach was used to compare mixed effects models considering the association of non‐native richness, relative frequency, and biomass with native richness, relative frequency, biomass, C3 grass relative frequency (a dominant native group), N, P and wetland‐type. Results: Non‐native richness was negatively correlated with native richness in semi‐natural wetlands, but there was no evidence of an association between these variables in highly managed wetlands. Non‐native richness increased with increasing soil N in semi‐natural wetlands, but not in the highly managed wetlands. Soil P was positively related to non‐native frequency in semi‐natural wetlands but negatively related in highly managed wetlands. Non‐native frequency and biomass were negatively related to relative frequency of C3 grasses in both management types. Conclusions: Our results indicate that management intensity influences relationships between native and non‐native richness. Management intensity interacts with abiotic or biotic factors, such as soil nutrients and composition, in predicting where non‐native species will most likely need control.  相似文献   
Two new compounds, the sesquiterpene (1E,5E)-8β-acetoxy-4α-hydroxy-7βH-germacra-1(10),5-dien-14-oic acid (2), and a nor-sesquiterpene, (5E)-8β-acetoxy-4α-hydroxy-7βH-germacr-5-en-10-one (3), were isolated from Pulicaria canariensis ssp. lanata, along with ten known compounds, including the flavonoid 5,3'-dihydroxy-3,7,4'-trimethoxyflavone (4). From Pulicaria burchardii, we isolated seven known compounds; the physical and spectroscopic data of the triterpenoid 3β-hydroxytaraxaster-20-en-30-al (1) are reported. The structures of compounds 1-3 were determined on the basis of HR-MS, and 1D- and 2D-NMR studies. The structure of 2 was corroborated by X-ray crystal diffraction. Cell viability experiments revealed that the semisynthetic flavonoid 4b was the most cytotoxic compound against human leukemia cells, and the cytotoxicity was caused by induction of apoptosis, as determined by microscopy of nuclear changes.  相似文献   
The striatum is composed predominantly of medium spiny neurons (MSNs) that integrate excitatory, glutamatergic inputs from the cortex and thalamus, and modulatory dopaminergic inputs from the ventral midbrain to influence behavior. Glutamatergic activation of AMPA, NMDA, and metabotropic receptors on MSNs is important for striatal development and function, but the roles of each of these receptor classes remain incompletely understood. Signaling through NMDA-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) in the striatum has been implicated in various motor and appetitive learning paradigms. In addition, signaling through NMDARs influences neuronal morphology, which could underlie their role in mediating learned behaviors. To study the role of NMDARs on MSNs in learning and in morphological development, we generated mice lacking the essential NR1 subunit, encoded by the Grin1 gene, selectively in MSNs. Although these knockout mice appear normal and display normal 24-hour locomotion, they have severe deficits in motor learning, operant conditioning and active avoidance. In addition, the MSNs from these knockout mice have smaller cell bodies and decreased dendritic length compared to littermate controls. We conclude that NMDAR signaling in MSNs is critical for normal MSN morphology and many forms of learning.  相似文献   
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