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Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) is a well-characterized molecular chaperone that is ubiquitously expressed in mammalian cells. GRP78 is best known for binding to hydrophobic patches on nascent polypeptides within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and for its role in signaling the unfolded protein response. Structurally, GRP78 is highly conserved across species. The presence of GRP78 or a homologue in nearly every organism from bacteria to man, reflects the central roles it plays in cell survival. While the principal role of GRP78 as a molecular chaperone is a matter of continuing study, independent work demonstrates that like many other proteins with ancient origins, GRP78 plays more roles than originally appreciated. Studies have shown that GRP78 is expressed on the cell surface in many tissue types both in vitro and in vivo. Cell surface GRP78 is involved in transducing signals from ligands as disparate as activated alpha2-macroglobulin and antibodies. Plasmalemmar GRP78 also plays a role in viral entry of Coxsackie B, and Dengue Fever viruses. GRP78 disregulation is also implicated in atherosclerotic, thrombotic, and auto-immune disease. It is challenging to posit a hypothesis as to why an ER molecular chaperone, such as GRP78, plays such a variety of roles in cellular processes. An ancient and highly conserved protein such as GRP78, whose primary function is to bind to misfolded polypeptides, could be uniquely suited to bind a wide variety of ligands and thus, over time, could assume the wide variety of roles it now plays.  相似文献   
The gene for endo-ß-N-acetylglucosaininldase F3 wascloned into the high-expression vector pMAL c-2, and expressedin Escherichia coli as a fusion protein. A key step in the purificationemployed Poros II (HS) chromatography, which greatly facilitatedisolation of the enzyme from crude intracellular lysates. Theunfused enzyme was recovered following digestion with FactorXa, and was isolated in a homogeneous form. The enzyme is non-glycosylatedand fully active, and is a very useful analytical tool for investigatingthe structure of asparagine-linked glycans, especially thosewith core-substituted 1,6 fucosyl residues. deglycosylation Endo F3 endoglycosidase MBP-Endo F3  相似文献   
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes were found to mediate rapid lysis of target cells not normally recognized in the presence of small polystyrene beads coated with a combination of anti-T3 and antitarget cell antibodies. Lysis was not seen with beads bearing one of these antibodies alone, nor with a mixture of two types of beads each coated with a single antibody. The effector cells mediating this lysis include long term allospecific human CTL, and both human and mouse CTL clones recognizing mouse class I MHC Kb Ag. TNP-modified mouse tumor cells, a human lymphoblastoid line, and human red cells were found to be good targets for this cytotoxicity. Polystyrene beads with diameters of 3 to 15 mu caused target lysis, with a dose-response curve which typically went through a maximum and declined at high bead numbers. Maximal bead-redirected lysis by CTL was less efficient than that mediated by soluble antibody heteroconjugates of the same two antibodies. Bead-redirected target lysis was calcium dependent. These results are interpreted as a form of bystander lysis induced by the beads, since the target cell membrane is not directly crosslinked to the region of CTL activation. These observations thus favor a mechanism of lysis involving the polarized secretion of a locally acting lytic agent by CTL.  相似文献   
The function of the CD8 molecule in lympholysis mediated by cytotoxic T cells was investigated by examining possible contributions of ligands on the target cell to the inhibition of lysis observed with CD8-specific mAb. In order to evaluate a variety of target cells, including those not expressing the nominal Ag (NA) for which the CTL was specific, lysis was effected by cross-linking the CTL and the target cells with anti-CD3 mAb. Such CD3 redirected cytotoxicity was demonstrated to be inhibited by anti-CD8 mAb when low anti-CD3 mAb concentrations were used. The possibility that inhibition by anti-CD8 mAb resulted for competition for the FcR between the anti-CD3 mAb and anti-CD8 mAb was eliminated by targeting TNP-modified cells with an antibody heteroconjugate prepared from Fab fragments of anti-CD3 and anti-DNP antibodies. Inhibition of the lysis of target cells not expressing NA including those deficient in class I expression, demonstrated that neither NA nor class I expression was required for anti-CD8 mAb inhibition. Whether the anti-CD8 mAb inhibition required CD8 Ag interaction with any ligand on the target cell was further investigated by measuring exocytosis of enzyme granule from CTL activated with CD3-coated poly-styrene beads. CD8-specific mAb inhibited such CTL activation in this target cell-free system. A CD8(+), MHC class II-specific CTL clone, was used to show differential inhibition by anti-CD8 mAb, depending on the target cell, therefore providing evidence that anti-CD8 mAb binding does not generate an absolute off signal. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that anti-CD8 mAb affect the lytic process independent of the recognition of a ligand on the target cell by CD8.  相似文献   
We have determined the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of mouse alpha 2(IV) collagen which is 1707 amino acids long. The primary structure includes a putative 28-residue signal peptide and contains three distinct domains: 1) the 7 S domain (residues 29-171), which contains 5 cysteine and 8 lysine residues, is involved in the cross-linking and assembly of four collagen IV molecules; 2) the triple-helical domain (residues 172-1480), which has 24 sequence interruptions in the Gly-X-Y repeat up to 24 residues in length; and 3) the NC1 domain (residues 1481-1707), which is involved in the end-to-end assembly of collagen IV and is the most highly conserved domain of the protein. Alignment of the primary structure of the alpha 2(IV) chain with that of the alpha 1(IV) chain reported in the accompanying paper (Muthukumaran, G., Blumberg, B., and Kurkinen, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 6310-6317) suggests that a heterotrimeric collagen IV molecule contains 26 imperfections in the triple-helical domain. The proposed alignment is consistent with the physical data on the length and flexibility of collagen IV.  相似文献   
The nature and function of the TCR on PBL of a patient with a chronic CD3+ large granular (LGL) proliferation was studied. Fresh peripheral blood from this individual was comprised of 80% lymphocytes, 65 to 75% of which were CD3+, CD8+, Leu-7+ LGL. Of these LGL, 72% initially expressed the TCR-alpha beta heterodimer, whereas 21% did not. Cytotoxicity directed against MHC-unrestricted targets was minimal. After several days of exposure to rIL-2, cytotoxic activity was greatly enhanced, correlating with a disappearance of CD3+ cells expressing the alpha beta heterodimer. Twelve days after rIL-2 exposure, the LGL expressed only TCR-gamma delta heterodimer in association with CD3 and alpha beta heterodimer expression could no longer be detected. The TCR/CD3 complex on these cells was demonstrated to be functional as anti-CD3 elicited an increase in cytoplasmic free calcium concentration, stimulated cytolytic activity, and stimulated granule enzyme secretion from the LGL.  相似文献   
Recombinant retroviruses (RV) have been widely used as vectors for clinical gene therapy of malignant brain tumors. Because of the very limited stability of these vectors in vivo, RV producing cells (VPC) are routinely used for intratumoral RV release. The host immune system, however, recognizes the intratumorally grafted allogeneic or xenogeneic VPC, and mounts an immune response against them. Humoral and cellular immune responses eventually result in reduction of VPC numbers and in limited success of RV mediated gene therapy approaches. This study presents a non-pharmacological and spatially limited approach for protection of VPC grafted in the CNS against destruction by host immune responses. Murine fibroblast-derived VPC expressing herpes-simplex-virus type I thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) were genetically modified to co-express a human Fas ligand (CD95L) deletion mutant (DeltaFasL) resistant to enzymatic cleavage and shedding. Direct interactions between Fas (CD95) on lymphocytes and DeltaFasL on VPC upon cell-cell contact rapidly caused apoptosis in lymphocytes. In addition, cultured malignant brain tumor cells (U87, LN18, LN229) transduced with DeltaFasL-RV were rendered apoptotic by Fas/DeltaFasL interaction. DeltaFasL-expressing VPC grafted in a 9L rat brain tumor model survived in significantly higher numbers compared with control VPC, and did not cause an increase in neutrophil infiltration of tumors. Gene therapy of tumor bearing animals grafted with the modified DeltaFasL-VPC and given the prodrug Ganciclovir resulted in significantly increased survival rates compared to treatment with control VPC and Ganciclovir. In conclusion, prolonged intratumoral presence of DeltaFasL-VPC seems to be a direct consequence of the expression of the membrane-bound mutant FasL, and may result in increased total RV output and improved tumor transduction with RV.  相似文献   
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