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The objective of this research was to compare the responses to increasing density of different natural populations of Danthonia caespitosa, a perennial grass of southern Australia, under different temperature regimes. Seeds were collected from four populations along a 167-km N–S transect beginning north of Deniliquin, N.S.W., and ending near Heathcote, Victoria. Seedlings from each population were planted in loamy sand at three densities and grown under day/night temperature regimes of 15/10, 24/19, and 33/28 C in the Canberra Ceres Phytotron. Results indicate that one natural population (or one temperature regime) can not be used to characterize this species' responses to increasing density. The effects of density and temperature on tillering, plant height, leaf length, and leaf width varied significantly among populations, so that populations achieved comparable shoot weights by different relative responses to density. Variability in biomass among individuals (as indicated by coefficients of variation) increased from low to intermediate density; however, size variability at the highest density was either greater, lesser, or approximately the same as that of plants at the intermediate density, depending upon the population and the temperature regime. The combinations of density and temperature which produced the maximum shoot growth per pot varied markedly among populations; at 24/19 C, populations from frequently disturbed areas of low perennial plant cover had greater shoot weights per pot at the intermediate density, while those populations from more stable grassland sites had their greatest shoot weights at the highest density. Flowering occurred in all populations at the low density in 15/10 C; however, only for the population from the ungrazed grassland was there any flowering in the other temperature regimes or at higher densities. It is concluded that a “response to density stress” could be differentially described for each population at each temperature regime, even though the four study populations represented only 1/10 of the latitudinal range of D. caespitosa.  相似文献   
Two prevailing paradigms explain the diversity of sex-determining modes in reptiles. Many researchers, particularly those who study reptiles, consider genetic and environmental sex-determining mechanisms to be fundamentally different, and that one can be demonstrated experimentally to the exclusion of the other. Other researchers, principally those who take a broader taxonomic perspective, argue that no clear boundaries exist between them. Indeed, we argue that genetic and environmental sex determination in reptiles should be seen as a continuum of states represented by species whose sex is determined primarily by genotype, species where genetic and environmental mechanisms coexist and interact in lesser or greater measure to bring about sex phenotypes, and species where sex is determined primarily by environment. To do otherwise limits the scope of investigations into the transition between the two and reduces opportunities to use studies of reptiles to advance understanding of vertebrate sex determination generally.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P450 17alpha-hydroxylase (CYP17) gene expression and androgen biosynthesis are persistently elevated in theca cells isolated from ovaries of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). We previously reported that -235 to -109 bp of the CYP17 promoter confers increased CYP17 promoter function in PCOS theca cells. In this report, additional deletion and mutational analyses of the CYP17 promoter were performed to identify the sequences that contribute to increased CYP17 promoter function in PCOS theca cells. Results of these analyses established that augmented promoter function in PCOS theca cells results from preferentially increased basal regulation conferred by sequences between -188 and -147 bp of the CYP17 promoter. Scanning mutant analysis demonstrated that mutations within a 16-bp sequence, spanning -174 to -158 bp of the promoter, ablated increased basal CYP17 promoter function in PCOS theca cells. EMSA analysis demonstrated that the NF-1 family member, NF-1C, bound this sequence. Cotransfection of several NF-1C isoforms expressed in normal and PCOS cells repressed CYP17 promoter function. NF-1C protein and DNA binding were reduced in PCOS theca cell nuclear extracts, as compared with normal. Another NF-1C site between -102 and -90 bp of the promoter was also identified. However, mutation of this site had no effect on differential promoter function in PCOS theca cells. These studies demonstrate that 1) augmented CYP17 promoter function in PCOS theca cells results from increased basal regulation, and 2) diminished NF-1C-dependent repression may be one mechanism underlying increased basal CYP17 promoter activity and altered gene expression in PCOS theca cells.  相似文献   
Novel DNA minor-groove binding ligands with a promising antibacterial profile are described. Apart from excellent in vitro potency against multiple Gram-positive bacterial strains such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE), and penicillin-intermediate Streptococcus pneumoniae (PISP), a small subset of compounds was active against Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli).  相似文献   
Previous studies of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp26 gene promoter have demonstrated the importance of a homopurine·homopyrimidine segment [primarily (CT)n·(GA)n] for chromatin structure formation and gene activation. (CT)n regions are known to bind GAGA factor, a dominant enhancer of PEV thought to play a role in generating an accessible chromatin structure. The (CT)n region can also form an H-DNA structure in vitro under acidic pH and negative supercoiling; a detailed map of that structure is reported here. To test whether the (CT)n sequence can function through H-DNA in vivo, we have analyzed a series of hsp26-lacZ transgenes with altered sequences in this region. The results indicate that a 25 bp mirror repeat within the homopurine·homopyrimidine region, while adequate for H-DNA formation, is neither necessary nor sufficient for positive regulation of hsp26 when GAGA factor-binding sites have been eliminated. The ability to form H-DNA cannot substitute for GAGA factor binding to the (CT)n sequence.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) appear to play an important role in regulating growth and survival of prostate cancer. However, the sources for ROS production in prostate cancer cells have not been determined. We report that ROS are generated by intact American Type Culture Collection DU 145 cells and by their membranes through a mechanism blocked by NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitors. ROS are critical for growth in these cells, because NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitors and antioxidants blocked proliferation. Components of the human phagocyte NAD(P)H oxidase, p22phox and gp91phox, as well as the Ca2+ concentration-responsive gp91phox homolog NOX5 were demonstrated in DU 145 cells by RT-PCR and sequencing. Although the protein product for p22phox was not detectable, both gp91phox and NOX5 were identified throughout the cell by immunostaining and confocal microscopy and NOX5 immunostaining was enhanced in a perinuclear location, corresponding to enhanced ROS production adjacent to the nuclear membrane imaged by 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate oxidation. The calcium ionophore ionomycin dramatically stimulated ferricytochrome c reduction in cell media, further supporting the importance of NOX5 for ROS production. Antisense oligonucleotides for NOX5 inhibited ROS production and cell proliferation in DU 145 cells. In contrast, antisense oligonucleotides to p22phox or gp91phox did not impair cell growth. Inhibition of ROS generation with antioxidants or NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitors increased apoptosis in cells. These results indicate that ROS generated by the newly described NOX5 oxidase are essential for prostate cancer growth, possibly by providing trophic intracellular oxidant tone that retards programmed cell death. superoxide anion; diphenylene iodonium; p22phox; gp91phox; adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate response element; caspases  相似文献   
The degree to which foraging and vigilance are mutually exclusive is crucial to understanding the management of the predation and starvation risk trade-off in animals. We tested whether wild-caught captive chaffinches that feed at a higher rate do so at the expense of their speed in responding to a model sparrowhawk flying nearby, and whether consistently good foragers will therefore tend to respond more slowly on average. First, we confirmed that the time taken to respond to the approaching predator depended on the rate of scanning: as head-up rate increased so chaffinches responded more quickly. However, against predictions, as peck rate increased so head-up rate increased and mean length of head-up and head-down periods decreased. Head-up rate was probably dependent on peck rate because almost every time a seed was found, a bird raised its head to handle it. Therefore chaffinches with higher peck rates responded more quickly. Individual chaffinches showed consistent durations of both their head-down and head-up periods and, therefore, individuals that were good foragers were also good detectors of predators. In relation to the broad range of species that have a similar foraging mode to chaffinches, our results have two major implications for predation/starvation risk trade-offs: (i) feeding rate can determine vigilance scanning patterns; and (ii) the best foragers can also be the best at detecting predators. We discuss how our results can be explained in mechanistic terms relating to fundamental differences in how the probabilities of detecting food rather than a predator are affected by time. In addition, our results offer a plausible explanation for the widely observed effect that vigilance continues to decline with group size even when there is no further benefit to reducing vigilance.  相似文献   
Energetically demanding migrations may impact the resources available for reproductive trait development and activity, and hence favour evolution of new investment strategies for remaining resources. We conducted a large-scale experiment to evaluate the proximate cost of migration on male reproductive investment in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and contemporary evolution of reproductive allocation. Experimentally induced differences in migratory costs (17 km inland and 17 m elevation vs. 100 km and 430 m) influenced dorsal hump size and upper jaw length, two traits influencing male mating success that are developed during migration. Longer migration also reduced tissue energy reserves available for competition and length of breeding life. Corresponding shifts in the balance between natural and sexual selection appear to have been responsible for heritable population divergence in secondary sexual trait investment, in approximately 26 generations, following colonization of spawning sites with different migratory demands.  相似文献   
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