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The inhibition of aromatase, the enzyme responsible for converting androgens to estrogens, is therapeutically useful for the endocrine treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer. Research by our laboratory has focused on developing competitive and irreversible steroidal aromatase inhibitors, with an emphasis on synthesis and biochemistry of 7α-substituted androstenediones. Numerous 7α-thiosubstituted androst-4-ene-3,17-diones are potent competitive inhibitors, and several 1,4-diene analogs, such as 7α-(4′-aminophenylthio)-androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione (7α-APTADD), have demonstrated effective enzyme-activated irreversible inhibition of aromatase in microsomal enzyme assays. One focus of current research is to examine the effectiveness and biochemical pharmacology of 7α-APTADD in vivo. In the hormone-dependent 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced rat mammary carcinoma model system, 7α-APTADD at a 50 mg/kg/day dose caused an initial decrease in mean tumor volume during the first week, and tumor volume remained unchanged throughout the remaining 5-week treatment period. This agent lowers serum estradiol levels and inhibits ovarian aromatase activity. A second research area has focused on the synthesis of more metabolically stable inhibitors by replacing the thioether linkage at the 7α position with a carbon-carbon linkage. Several 7α-arylaliphatic androst-4-ene-3,17-diones were synthesized by 1,6-conjugate additions of appropriate organocuprates to a protected androst-4,6-diene or by 1,4-conjugate additions to a seco-A-ring steroid intermediate. These compounds were all potent inhibitors of aromatase with apparent Kis ranging between 13 and 19 nM. Extension of the research on these 7α-arylaliphatic androgens includes the introduction of a C1---C2 double bond in the A-ring to provide enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitors. The desired 7α-arylaliphatic androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-diones were obtained from their corresponding 7α-arylaliphatic androst-4-ene-3,17-diones by oxidation with 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ). These inhibitors demonstrated enzyme-mediated inactivation of aromatase with apparent kinacts ranging from 4.4 × 10−4 to 1.90 x 10−3 s−1. The best inactivator of the series was 7α-phenpropylandrosta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione, which exhibited a T1/2 of 6.08 min. Aromatase inhibition was also observed in MCF-7 human mammary carcinoma cell cultures and in JAr human choriocarcinoma cell cultures, exhibiting IC50 values of 64-328 nM. The 7α-arylaliphatic androgens thus demonstrate potent inhibition of aromatase in both microsomal incubations and in choriocarcinoma cell lines expressing aromatase enzymatic activity. Additionally, the results from these studies provide further evidence for the presence of a hydrophobic binding pocket existing near the 7α-position of the steroid in the active site of aromatase. The size of the 7α-substituent influences optimal binding of steroidal inhibitors to the active site and affects the extent of enzyme-mediated inactivation observed with androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione analogs.  相似文献   
Synopsis Two groups of coho salmon,Oncorhynchus kisutch, were raised under identical regimes to test the hypothesis that the group from a stream with lower and less variable temperatures would have a lower and less variable preferred temperature than would the group from a stream with warmer and more variable temperatures. The preferred (modal) temperatures in an electronic shuttlebox of coho salmon young from a relatively cool, groundwater-fed stream were slightly lower and less variable than those of young from a warmer and more heterothermal stream (mean = 9.6° C, range: 6–16° C vs. mean = 11.6° C, range: 7–21° C). However, there was a great deal of variation within and among individual fish. While some genetic variation in thermal preference may exist, the species seems best characterized as tolerant of relatively large temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   
A wide variety of drugs is available for treating Parkinson''s disease, including anticholinergics, amantadine levodopa, dopamine agonists, and selegiline. In younger patients (less than 50) levodopa is usually delayed provided that adequate relief of symptoms can be achieved with other drugs. In older patients (greater than 70) levodopa should be started as soon as symptom relief is required. Between these ages there is no consensus, but at present most such patients should probably be given controlled release levodopa before a dopamine agonist is added. Fluctuations can often be alleviated by giving controlled release preparations of levodopa, by giving small doses at frequent intervals, by adding selegiline or a long acting oral agonist, or by subcutaneous apomorphine. Dyskinesia can be peak dose, diphasic, or "off period." The diphasic form is hardest to alleviate. Psychiatric side effects should initially be managed by changing the antiparkinsonian treatment before resorting to antipsychotic drugs.  相似文献   
An anaerobic liquid enrichment method followed by plating on a selective medium revealed that the soft rot coliform bacterium Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora was generally present in water from drains, ditches, streams, rivers and lakes (including reservoirs) in southern Scotland and in Colorado, United States, in mountainous, upland and arable areas through the year. Many sites were remote from susceptible or diseased crops. Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica was isolated much less frequently and no Erwinia bacteria were isolated from underground waters. Erwinia bacteria were also found in rain-water in Scotland, in winter snow from mountain passes in Colorado, and in sea water from the west and east coasts of Scotland and from the coasts of Oregon, California, Texas, Louisiana and Florida. The significance of the occurrence of these bacteria in water is discussed in relation to the control of blackleg and soft rot diseases of potato by production of Erwinia -free stocks.  相似文献   
Individual myogenic cells were isolated from the pectoralis muscles of chick embryos from days 8-14 of embryogenesis. When separately cloned, these cells produced three types of colonies in culture: (1) Positive: all cells in the clone were terminally differentiated muscle cells; (2) negative: no cells in the clone were terminally differentiated muscle; (3) mixed: some cells in the clone were terminally differentiated muscle. Positive clones from all ages tended to contain 2n cells (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4). Negative clones were found in all sizes and did not cluster around powers of 2 in cell number. Mixed clones were, by far, the most common type among those clones larger than 24 in cell number. Estimates of cell numbers in embryonic muscle tissue revealed that, while the numbers of cells in all myogenic compartments increased steadily with embryonic age, the number and percentage of precursor cells that produced large mixed clones increased dramatically. Subclones, prepared from populations of cells equivalent to large mixed clones, yielded both small positive and large mixed colonies. This indicated that the precursors to the large mixed clones were also precursors to the smaller positive clones. These observations suggest a model for the myogenic lineage in which there exists a stem cell that can generate, by a series of asymmetric divisions, cohorts of terminally differentiated muscle cells. The model can explain the asynchrony of production of terminally differentiated muscle cells both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
BB creatine kinase and myogenic differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Antisera specific for the B monomer of creatine kinase (B-CK), the M monomer of creatine kinase (M-CK), and muscle-specific myosin heavy chain (MHC) were used to investigate the biochemical characteristics of individual cells in primary myogenic cultures. Through the use of immunocytochemical techniques, in conjunction with 3H-thy-midine autoradiography, it was determined that (1) all of the terminally differentiated myoblasts contained B-CK in addition to M-CK and MHC, (2) none of the cycling cells contained M-CK or MHC, (3) a fraction (7.5%) of the cycling cells contained B-CK, and (4) the cycling, B-CK positive cells divided once, and only once, and produced two terminally differentiated myoblasts. These results indicate that myogenic precursors in vitro are a phenotypically heterogeneous cell population and that the appearance of B-CK in cycling myogenic cells is a biochemical manifestation of a distinct precursor compartment in the chicken skeletal myogenic lineage.  相似文献   
A viscous suspension of prostaglandin E2 was introduced endocervically to induce labor in patients with favourable induction features. The method was found to be effective and compared favourably with the conventional practices of amniotomy and intravenous oxytocin infusion or oral prostaglandin therapy. Several advantages were found including a high degree of patient acceptability.  相似文献   
Blastocysts which developed from two-cell mouse embryos in culture tubes containing an atmosphere with 20% oxygen had approximately 20% fewer blastomeres than blastocysts which developed under an oxygen concentration of 5%. When these smaller blastocysts were transferred to the uteri of pseudopregnant foster mothers, the foetuses developing were as viable as those developing from blastocysts cultured under 5% oxygen, indicating their ability to regulate for a lower blastomere number by at least day 17 of development. The transfer operation itself had no adverse effect on foetal or placental growth. However, culture of blastocysts in vitro did depress foetal though not placental growth, suggesting that the inner cell mass is more susceptible than the trophectoderm to culture in vitro. Foetal but not placental growth was lower following the transfer of blastocysts to a day-3 rather than a day-4 uterus. Four cases of placental fusion were found. In one case, the foetuses were contained within the same embryonic sac and may have been twins.  相似文献   
When incubated for 8 to 26 hours with zona-free mouse or rat ova, human spermatozoa failed to attach to or penetrate any of the ova. The ova were capable of being fertilized since both intra- and inter-species penetration of spermatozoa and formation of pronuclei occurred between rat and mouse gametes. When mouse spermatozoa were incubated for three to eight hours with rat ova, a high proportion of the ova were penetrated, formation of pronuclei occurred and in 9 out of 36 ova incubated for 40 hours after insemination, regular cleavage and formation of morphologically normal 2-cell embryos occurred. Human spermatozoa retained their morphological integrity and motility only when the culture medium contained purified bovine serum albumin (3 mg/ml) or human serum (5% v/v) and not when unpurified BSA from several different commercial sources was used as a protein source. In this latter medium, the ova of both rats and mice degenerated after 8-hour incubation in the presence of human spermatozoa but not when human spermatozoa were absent or in the presence of either rat or mouse spermatozoa. Electron microscopy indicated that the human spermatozoa incubated for eight hours in medium containing purified BSA had undergone an acrosome reaction. These spermatozoa also attached to and penetrated human oocytes which had been matured in vitro.  相似文献   
Temperature-sensitive radio transmitters were employed to study the patterns of behavioural thermoregulation, habitat preference and movement of 19 adult spring chinook salmon, Oncurhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), in the Yakima River. During the 4 months prior to spawning, fish maintained an average internal temperature 2.5°C below ambient river temperature. This represented a 12 to 20% decrease in basal metabolic demand or a saving of 17.3 to 29.9 calkg−1 h−1. Fish were most commonly associated with islands, pools, and rock out-croppings along stream banks. Homing behaviour appeared to be modified to optimize temperature regimes and energy conservation. As the time of spawning approached, fish left thermal refuges and migrated to spawning grounds upstream and downstream of refuge areas. Although spring chinook salmon residing within cool-water refuges may be capable of mitigating sub-lethal temperature effects, cool-water areas need to be abundant and available to the fish. The availability of suitable thermal refuges and appropriate holding habitat within mainstem rivers may affect long-term population survival.  相似文献   
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